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1967-06-06 June 6, 1967 'rr Regular Meeting Southlake City Council i *R The meeting was called to order by the Mayor, Paul Schell. Present were: Councilmen, W. H. Crumbaker J. J. Carlile J. D. Cate City Attorney, Ben MdClure Dick O'Malley Mayor Schell asked the visitors present that had business with the council to state their requests. Mr. ~ Doug Moore suggested that the City have an ordinance for the owners of swimming pools that would offer protection to small child- ren. It was decided that this was a good idea but to first check to see if there is already an ordinance to this effect. Mr. Schell read a letter from the U of T at Arlington announcing that another course on water utilities was to be held on June 13, 14, and 15. It is agreed that Mr. Carlile will attend. A motion was made by J. D. Cate to this effect and wAs seconded by Mr. Crumbaker. The motion passed. The City water will pay the costs. '4 A m_gtioa was made by Mr. Clow that the contract with Lavon Baird for the billing and collecting for the City Water System be renewed for log 1 year. The motion was seconded by J. D. Cate. The motion carried. Mr. Schell requested that his gun shop be zoned commercial. He then read the letter he had sent to the zoning committee and the reply from Mr. Hargadine (zoning commissioner) approving the request. Motion was made to accept by J. J. Carlile, seconded by Les Clow. The motion passed. Mr. Dick O'Malley read cha ges in the Gas contract between the City of Southlake and Southern i 'line Company. A motipn was made by 40 J. D. Cate that the Mayor andkthp City Secretary sign the contract f to pruchase gas from Southernzp peline Co. 'It was reported that the cost of wiring the new City Hall thus far ai @f $1,079.55. Mr. Clow made a motion to pay this bill. It was seconded by Mr. Carlile and the motion carried. 4d A pgt n was made to transfer $4,000 from the Water System account to the building fund. Motion was made by J. D. Cate and seconded Mr. Crumbaker. Three councilmen for and 1 against. Mr. Burl Richardson applied for the job of Chief of Police for the City of Southlake. There was a discussion about a trial period of 90 days and to the salary and other expenses. Mr. Cook,'also inter- 4 V4WJ ested in the job gave a resume of his experience. At the suggestion of the secretary both men were to submit a written resume to the j next council meeting. The meeting was adjourned