1967-05-16 r rrwrrwrr.
May 16, 1967
Regular City Council Meeting
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul Schell.
Present were: Earl Williams
J. J. Carlile
J. D. Cate
Les Clow
The minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.
The Mayor reported that FHA had not reported as to t he amount that must
be held in the water fund before the city can use any of the profit.
The need for a regular policeman was discussed. So far no one has
applied who is qualified.
Mr. Earl Williams made a motion that the Southlake Water System deposit
$1500400 in the American Bank of Commerce from the water fund checking
account now on deposit in the First National Bank of Grapevine. The
motion was seconded by J. J. Carlile and carried unanimously.
The Council discussed changing the policy of the water department after
the first year of operation. The City Secretary was instructed to draft
some changes for the Council's consideration.
I" The meeting was adjourned.