1967-01-19 •.~~-~~M rrrrrr~ w. ~n CITY OF SOUTHLAKE INCORPORATED 1946 TARRANT COUNTY P. O. BOX 868 SOUTHLAKE. TEXAS 76051 January 19, 1967 SPECIAL MEETING CITY COUNCIL OF SOUTHLAKE The meeting was called to order by Mayor , Paul Schell. Present were, council men: J. J. Carlile Earl Williams J. D. Cate W. H. Crumbaker, Police Chief, Keller Austin & Lloyd Brown Mr. Roger Baird asked that his property on the corner of Highway 114 and Carroll Road be zoned for commercial use. The plat of said property having already been sent to the Zoning board and received their reccomendation for approval. J. J. Carlile made a motion to zone Mr. Baird's property commercial. The motion was seconded by J. D. Cate. The motion carried unanimously. J. D. Cate expressed his view that the city should buy a Police car to comply with the request of the State Highway Patrol that the City help patrol Highway 111 while it is under construction. Mayor Schell agreed. Mr. Williams made a motion that the City buy a Ford Police car for $2008.00. J. D. Cate seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned to attend the special meeting open to the public for discussion of the proposed City Gas System. .w Al 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE INCORPORATED 1956 TARRANT COUNTY P. O. BOX 868 SOUTHLAKE. TEXAS 76051 January 19, 1967 • SPECIAL MEETING ON GAS SYSTEM Present: Mayor Paul Schell Councilmen: J. J. Carlile Earl Williams J. D. Cate W. H. Crumbaker and Citizens of Southlake The Mayor called the meeting to order and explained the reason for the meeting. He thanked the many persons who were present for coming. He said, quote,"We want to get the facts to the public about the Proposed Municipal Gas System." He then gave a history of what has happened thus far with the Gas System. He explained to the visitors that Lone Star Gas had given the City of Southlake an inadequate proposal for a gas system. The Council made plans for a municipally owned gas system because Lone Star would serve only a small portion of the population if they were given a franchise. r The Mayor also reported on the hearing in Austin which he attended on behalf of the City. There was a question and answer session. Mr. Art Clifton had some questions and Mayor Schell had some answers. The question and answer session grew into a long discussion." Before the meeting was over, the Mayor and the Council were able to get across to the visitors present why the Council had found it nec- essary to go into the gas business. The meeting was adjourned. 1p 6 w