1969-02-18 COUNCIL MEETING 10 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE February 18, 1969 The regular meeting of the Southlake City Council was.called to order by Mayor Uja,L.Clow at 7:30 p.m. Councilmen present: J. D. Cate, Mike OrBrien, Buddy Brown and Thurman Hearn. Absent: J. J. Carlile. City Attorney Glenn Goodnight, Police Chief Doyle Ince and Manuel Gonzales of the Planning & Zoning Commission were also present. Minutes of February 4, 1969, were read and approved. The first order of business was the adoppion of a resolution concerning theestablishment of a planned agenda for council meetings to be prepared by the City Secretary in advance of the regular meetings. Thurman Hearn made a motion to adopt said resolution in its entirety, as read by Mayor Clow. The motion was seconded by Buddy Brown. Carried unanimously. This resolution was assigned No. 69-2. (Copy attached.) I Mayor Clow read a resolution concerning the election of a mayor and city councilmen for Place 1 and 2 to serve until April of 1971. Buddy Brown made a motion to adopt said re- solution as read, seconded by J. D. Cate. Motion carried • unanimously. The resolution was assigned No. 69-3. (Copy attached.) Police Chief Ince presented a written recommendation (attached hereto) for salary increases for Dispatchers Nancy Burch and June Copeland. Buddy Brown made a motion to accept said re- commendation and Thurman Hearn seconded it. Motion carried unanimously. ' New business: Mssrs. Ed Adair and Charlie Rickett presented a brief program regarding garbage collection, asking the City for an exclusive permit for the operation of same, offering ' 10% of their fee back to the City. It was established that they would use a covered sanitation truck, dump outside the Euless city limits and pick up once a week. They are not currently in the business. The number of people served was not known. Mayor Clow suggested they put their entire pro- posal in writing and submit it to the City for consideration ' when they have all their facts and figures ascertained. Manuel Gonzales informed the Council of two major problems, ' the first and foremost being additional water sources and the second that of sewage. Mr. Gonzales suggested the Council investigate the possibility of securing additional water from Tarrant County and even Dallas. Thurman Hearn advised that he and Mayor Clow learned at a meeting with the North Texas Council of Government that funds are available to assist cities ' such as ours. Mr. Hearn advised further that it was suggested WL at this meeting that the problem of sewerage be worked out with an over all plan in conjunction with other area towns, i.e., Colleyville, etc., inasmuch as it is too big a problem ® for Southlake to tackle alone. Discussion ended at this point. Buddy Brown made a motion the meeting adjourn. Seconded by J. D. Cate. Motion carried unanimously. Approved by: Submitted by: Mayor City Se etary • 2. (2/18/69) 12 .M R ES0LUTI0N ~c?" WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, holds its regular council meetings in the City Council Chamber of the k Southlake City Hall, on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each and every month, and, WHEREAS, frequently in the past, items have been brought up and placed on the agenda with no notice to the Councilman, to the Mayor, or to any other city officials, and, WHEREAS, many of the subjects brought to the Council for discussion require consideration and some investigation by the Council, and, WHEREAS, it is usually necessary on each occasions to postpone any action on such subjects until a later meeting, and, WHEREAS, the Council believes it to be the best interest of the City of Southlake to establish a planned agenda for each Council Meeting. NOW THEREFOR, BE IT RESOLVED, that hereafter an agenda will be f prepared by the City Secretary, and any person wishing to be placed upon the agenda for any legitimate reason may contact the City Secretary and make such request no i later than Friday noon, immediately prior to the regular Council Meeting on the following Tuesday. After Friday noon, and before the close of the business day on Friday, the City Secretary shall prepare an agenda of the items requested to be placed upon the agenda, and shall mail one copy of the agenda to the Mayor, each City Councilman, the City Attorney, and whenever effected, to the Chief of Police and the Fire Chief, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in an emergency an item may be add ' to the agenda at the regular council meeting by a unanimous vote of the council members present. -SIGNED this day of February, 1969. ATTEST: ` MAYOR ® CITY SECRETARY , APPROVED: CITY ATTORNEY 3 RESOLUTION NO. _C BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH LAKE, TEXAS, THAT: 1. . An election is hereby called to elect a mayor and city councilmen to Places 1 and 2, to serve until April of 1971, and until their successors are duly elected and qualified. Such election shall be held at the City Hall of the City of Southlake, Texas, on the 5th day of April, 1969, from 7:00 A.M. until 7:00 o'clock P.M. 2. Any qualified person may file as a candidate by filing his application' ,i in the office of the City Secretary on or before March 5, 1969. 3. 1 Absentee voting shall commence in the office of the City Secretary at eight o'clock A. M. on March 1,7, 1969, and shall close at five o'clock P.M. on April 1, 1969. 4. . The following persons shall~be the officers who shall conduct the el ection: y Eleanor'-Kasper Elsie McAlister Katherine Tate and such other eligible persons as clerks that the election judge shallappoint. 5. The election shall be conducted according to the election laws of the State of Texas. PASSED AND APPROVED this 18thlay of February, 1969. ATTEST: APPROVED: 1-- 1417 /,Wlz (2 R CITY SECRETARY MAY 14 CITY of SOUTHLAKE INCORPORATED 1956 PHONE 289-2200 P. O. BOX 868 ' SOUTHLAKE. TEXAS 76051 Feb,18.1969 Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen, I would like to recommend a pay increase for Nancy Burch and June Copeland Thier performance of Duties and dedication to the City far exceedes thier expecations. I rec, ind that Nancy receive a increase of $15.00 per meth and June receive $25.00 per month. This will increase Nancy to $ 265.00 a math and dune to $ 150.00 j t vely Police ace F mildlimmigi