1969-01-21 5 COUNCIL MEETING CITY OF SODTHLAKE January_.21,1969 The regular meetin of the South k g la a City Council was called to order by Mayor Pro-Ten, Thurman Hearn, at 7:30 p.m. Councilmen present. J. D. Cate, Buddy Brown and Mike O'Brien. Absent: J. J. Carlile. City Attorney Glenn Goodnight, Fire Chief Howard Moffat, and Police Chief Doyle Ince were also present. The minutes of the regular meeting of 'January 7 were read by the secretary. They were corrected and approved as corrected. First item of business - Fire Department Management School. Mike O'Brien made the motion to send Howard Moffat to this management school provided that no money be spent on the Fire Department until the audit of-Fire Department books has been completed. Seconded by J. D. Cate. Carried un- animously. A letter is to be written to the Dallas Fire Department. Second item of business - Assistant Fire Chief The Volunteer Fire Department submitted Bob Steele, Jimmy Clifton and Chock McPherson as cm*Udates for Assistant Fire Chief. Buddy Brown made the motion that Bob Steele be appointed as Assistant Fire Chief and Jimmy Clifton and Chock McPherson appointed as captains. Seconded by J. D. Cate. Carried unasisously. Third item of business - Trailer Permit for Hershel Strickland After discussion, the City Attorney ad*tsed the Council that Mr. Strickland did not require a trailer permit if he was not going to occupy sane. The Council agreed that Mr. Strick- land should be granted sufficient time, not to exceed three menthe, to repair trailer and remove from premises. Publishing of Ordinance No. 160 and No. 161 and new annex- ation boundaries were discussed. No action was taken. Fourthitem of business - Additional help in the adsinistra- tion department. This matter was tabled until the neat Council meeting. x 6 Financing of Police Car - !like O'Brien made the motion that the police car be financed as follows: one-third down to come from the Corporation Court Account and the remaining two-thirds be made in install- ments to come from the Water System Fund. Seconded by Buddy Brown. Carried unanimously. Typewriter for City Secretary - Buddy Brown made the motion to purchase a typewriter for the City Secretary. Seconded by Mike O'Brien. Carried unanimously. A billpresented to the City by Corporation Court Judge Baird was discussed. City Attorney advised the Council to talk with Mr. Baird. Uniforms for Police Dispatchers - i J. D. Cate made the motion that the City pay the amount of $126.00 for police dispatchers' uniforms. Seconded by Buddy Brown. Carried unanimously. Mike O'Brien stated that he had been in contact with the ' • Trinity Water Association. He asked the Council if they could meet with a representative the forthcoming Tuesday, ' January 28th. This was agreeable with the Council. Buddy Brown made the motion to adjourn. Seconded by J. D. ' Cate. Carried unanimously. J.. L. ow, Mayor Approved by: ' Louise Morrison, City Secretary Minutes ' 1/21/69 2 of 2 pgs.