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1970-09-01 122 A G E N D A REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 1, 1970 I Public Hearing - ZA-70-1 - Wesley Ballmann Request for L District and A-10 District Zoning II. Public Hearing - ZA-70-5 - Morris W. Farmer Request for A-S District Zoning III. Fire Department Report - Chief R. P. Steele IV. Police Department Report - Chief Doyle Ince V. Planning & Zoning Commission Recommendations and Discussion VI. City Matters: a. Resolution 70-4 pertaining to acquisition of land for Water Development Program b. Renewal of Tax Assessor's 1 year contract (same terms) co Texas Highway Department Speed Zone Ordinance proposal d. Approval of Bills A"k 123 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL September 1, 1970 The City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, met in regular session in the Council Chamber of City Hall on Tuesday, September 1, 1970, with the following members present: J. L. Clow, Mayor Wade Booker, Mayor Pro Tem Thurman Hearn, Councilman Buddy Brown, Councilman Ralph Polson, Councilman Billy Joe Knox, Councilman Also present: William D. Campbell, City Attorney. Mayor Clow called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. ' Councilman Polson gave the invocation. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as read. ZA-70-1: Mayor Clow invited Mr. Wesley Ballmann to speak first at this public hearing as to why he was requesting a ' change in zoning from Ag District to L and A-10 Districts on his property along FM 1709, west of Carroll Road, next to the North Texas Horseshoe Institute. Harold Knight, a member of the Planning & Zoning Commission, then spoke as to the Commission's reasons for recommending denial of the request. Citizen Ed Kinchen voiced his objection to this ' zoning. Discussion followed regarding sewage disposal. Harold Knight, speaking as a citizen, voiced his objection to the zoning request as submitted. Councilman Polson moved that this request be tabled at this time in order to , permit Mr. Ballmann to resubmit his application based on A-10 District zoning and in more detail; seconded by Council- man Booker. Motion carried unanimously. ' ZA- 0- : No one appeared at this public hearing either for or against the request of M. W. Farmer for A-3 District zon- ing. Councilman Brown moved that the zoning be changed from Ag District to A-3 District creating Ordinance No. 161- • 22, an amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 71; seconded by Councilman Polson. Motion carried unanimously. , ZA-70-6: Set for Public Hearing October 6, 1970., Mayor Clow read the Planning & Zoning Commission's recommendation ' for denial. (Copy attached.) 124 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS August 25, 1970 TO THE CITY COUNCIL SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Gentlemen: Re: ZA-70-6 The Planning & Zoning Commission of the City of Southlake at their regular meeting Tuesday, Aug- ust 25, 1970, recommended denial of the request for a change in zoning to H District in the above matter for the following reasons: 1. It does not conform with the Master Plan. 2. Large areas nearby are already set aside for the same type commercial zoning. 3. Spot zoning should be avoided. 4- Proposal of land usage was incomplete. 5. Zoning requests not conforming to the Master Plan should be granted only when there are concrete proposals beneficial to the community as a whole. Submitted by : i eth Stickley Se c e tary I 125 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS August 25, 1970 TO THE CITY COUNCIL SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Gentlemen: The Planning & Zoning Commission of the City of South- lake at their regular meeting Tuesday, August 25, 1970, approved the Final Plat submitted on the Dove Estates Addition by Real-Tex Enterprises, Inc., ZA-70-3, sub- ject to action of the City Council with reference to such utility contracts, street construction, drainage and other matters to be consicered by the Council. The following suggestions are offered: 1. That the plat be stamped with the words ® "No building permits shall be issued until streets and water lines are in- stalled." 2. That all utility lines be placed under- ground. 3. That the recommendations of Carter & Burgess pertaining to street construc- tion be followed, i.e., concrete curb and gutter, lime stabilized 6" base, or crushed rock to 611, covered with 4" asphalt. It was moved and seconded that the Council require completion of the Utility contracts throughout the entire subdivision before any building permits are issued. (Five members voted "For"; one "Opposed".) Submitted by: Elizabeth Stickley, Secretary 126 Fire De artment Report was given by Chief Bob Steele (copy attached). He stated the Department is pleased with the newly acquired pumper, Unit No. 3002. Mayor Clow thanked him for the report. Police Department Report was given by Chief Doyle Ince. The Mayor informed the Council that the Texas Highway Patrol is adding an extra man September 1st which will be of assistance to the City in patroling SH 114. He also informed the Council the Highway Patrol had been given permission to place their agove-ground gasoline storage tank on City property near the City's pump, and this does nod jeoparize the City's insurance coverage. Resolution No. 70-4 was read to the Council by the Clow which pertains to the purchase of ten acres of land to be used for locating the overhead water stor,^ge tank as part of the Water Development Program. Councilman Booker moved to adopt the resolution as read; seconded by Councilman Polson. Motion carried unanimously. (Copy attached and made a part hereof.) Tax Assessor's Annual Contract from September 1 to August 1 at the same monthly fee of 1 3 y 5.00 was renewed for M. E. Whiteside on motion by Councilman Brown; seconded by Council- man Knox. Motion carried unanimously. Speed Zone Ordinance submitted to the City by the Texas High- way Department was discussed wherein speed zones in certain areas along SH 114 and FM 1709 remain the same as before, the City's request for changes not being granted at this time. Councilman Booker moved that the Texas Highway Department Speed Zone Ordinance be adopted as submitted; seconded by Councilman Brown. Motion carried unanimously. (Copy attached and made a part hereof.) Councilman Hearn moved that the bills presented be approvedfor payment; seconded by Councilman Booker. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion followed with members of the Planning & Zoning Commission present at this meeting, Mssrs. Mussina, Knight, Gordon, Gonzales and Williams. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Mayor ATTEST; City Secretary Council mtg. 9/1/74-Pg. 2 127 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMNT it PHONE - 289-2123 R. P. STEELE op Fl R'+ CFlI.&F FIRE DEPAKTMIM- T SUMMARY 30UTHLAKE FIR.W D&?AR'1'j4E -.V MON Th OF tea 1940--- 1. TOTAL CALLS ---------------r-__ Zs 2. 12 3 STRUCTURE FIRSS i 4. AUTO FIRE3 1 5• AUTO ACCID&T STAidD-$Y 6. MUTUAL AID ALARMS 7. FALSE ALARM3 ----------w--------------------------------- O 8. CALLS Taft,02 N" Ago abak 9. 190LOW M100 - 10. TOTAL NUmBaR OF IAN HOURS F.XPrWDED 11. TOTAL NUMBER OF 14AN HOURS t XpajD.&D ON CIVIC PRoiscTS nTRWT? TRAWT f'IRZ DhPAjMjj TT OP.E;RATIONJ 12. APPROXIMATELY TOTAL MAN HOUR.3 CHECKING AND MAINTINANCE OF FIRE; DEPARTM&JT "IPK&T--------------------------- is low- NUMBER OF DRILLS DURING MONTH l NUMBER OF MAN HOURS ON DRILLS NUVj3ER OF MkZ ATTkZDIIia XMIgGS FOR MONTH- - - _ _ _ - - - - - _ - *DO-S NOT INCLUDE ANYTHING OBUT ACAJIL n&AfTMb3T DRILLS XPECIAL REPORT: 2A s~ rospsadiar M for = nth plus sir of tics s'ospos~dift R.ttaots-14 L.lsx~ostt-6 L.isoyMZ J.c1 i-16 J.Jopw•1Z I.Dri4pwtsr-3 f.Dmr~ris-IO ~'•Zirsoe-6 ~t.S~smos-l J. ianwd•) W.6 w,ssoianc•il D,co~r•4 x 128 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT PHONE 289-3408 P. O. BOX 868 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76051 G. D. INCE DAVE AUSTIN CHIEF OF POLICE MUNICIPAL COURT JUDGE September 1, 1970 Honorable Mayor and City Council Police Department report of the month of August, 1970. ' Tickets issued in July O(Eighty One Hundred and Thirt Seven Tickets issued in Au ust y ) g Seven) Fines paid in July =2 . Fines paid in August Traffic accidents in July 5 (Five) Traffic accidenst in August 8 (Eight) Number of calls in July 106 (One Hundred and Six) Number of calls in August 127 (One Hundred and Twenty Seven) Number of persons in jail in July 17 (Seventeen) Number of persons in jail in August 10 (Ten) • Bonds refunded in July $ 35.00 Bonds refunded in August 0 Miles driven in July 9,187 miles ' Miles driven in August 9,856 miles Speedometer reading on Unit 3052 19972 (1970 Ply.) Speedometer reading on Unit 3051 120628 (1967 Ford) Respectfull submitted, G. D. Ince, Chief GDI.nb lie .7 W 12 RESOLUTION NO. 70-4 WHEREAS, the City of Southlake is in the process of planning for future water needs for the growth of the City; And WHEREAS, certain funds have been set aside to be used for the expansion of the present water system; And WHEREAS, a certain ten acre tract of land has been selected and approved by the Water Engineer, Mr. James Alewine, for the placement of a well and over- head dnrage tank; Now THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLARE, TEXAS, THAT: 1. The certain tract of land out of the L. B. G. Hall Survey consisting of ten acres be acquired by the City of Southlake for its purposes. 22' Funds from the Water System be used toward the purchase of said land. 3. Development of the expansion of the water system continue as rapidly as possible. PASSED AND APPROVED this 1st day of September, 1970. APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary 132 ~a SPEED ZONE ORDINANCE No. 163-A1 AN ORDINANCE ALTERING THE PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS ESTABLISHED FOR VEHICLES UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF' SECTION 167 AND 169 OF ARTICLE XIX,_R.C.S. 6701d, UNIFORM ACT REGULATING TRAFFIC ON HIGHWAYS, UPON THE BASIS OF AN ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC INVESTIGATION ' UPON CERTAIN STREETS AND HIGHWAYS, OR PARTS THEREOF, WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE AS SET OUT IN THE ORDINANCE: AND PROVIDING A PENALTY OF A FINE NOT TO EXCEED $200.00 FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. 1 WHEREAS, Section 167 and 169 of Article XIX, R.C.S. 6701d, Uniform Act Regulating Traffic on Highways, provides that whenever the ' governing body of the City shall determine upon the basis of an engineering and traffic.investigation that any prima facie speed there- in set forth is greater-or less than is reasonable or safe under the conditions found to exist at any intersection or other place or upon any part of a street or highway, with the City taking into considera- tion the width and condition of the pavement and other circumstances ® on such portion of said street or highway, as well as the usual traffic ' thereon, said govern body may determine and declare a reasonable and safe prima facie speed limit thereat or thereon by the passage of an ordinance, which shall be effective when appropriate signs giving notice thereof are erected at such intersection or other place or part of the street or highway, now therefore, - BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Southlake Texas: ' Section 1. Upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation heretofore madeas authorized by the provisions of Section 167 and 169 of Article XIX, R.C.S. 6701d, Uniform Act Regulating Traffic on Highways, the following prima facie speed limits hereafter indicated for vehicles are hereby determined and declared to be reasonable and safe; and such 1 speed limits are hereby fixed at the rate of speed indicated for vehicles traveling upon the named streets and highways,..•or parts thereof, described as follows: w -2- 13 Farmrto Marrkett3Road 1709 (a) From Station 125+46 (West City Limits of Southlake) easterly 5.979 miles to Station 441+13 (Intersection with State Highway 114) at 60 miles per hour. - • Section 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guiltylof amisdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in, any sum not more. than two hundred ($200) dollars. PA%SED AND APPROVED THIS--J DAY OF 19 . ATTEST; APPROVED City Secretary Ma Yor ' f