A G E N D A ,
I. Approval of Fire Department By-Laws
II. City Insurance Proposals ,
III. Fort Worth Water Proposal '
IV. Planning & Zoning Commission Recommendations
V. Consideration of Expansion of Police Depart-
ment Facilities ,
VI. Approval of Bills ,
JANUARY 20, 1970
The City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, met
in regular session in the Council Chamber of City Hall
' on Tuesday, January 20, 1970, with the following mem-
bers present:
Thurman Hearn, Mayor Pro Tem.
' J. D. Cate, Jr., Councilman
M. J. O'Brien, Councilman
W. B. Brown, Councilman
' Wade Booker, Councilman
Absent : J. L. Clow, Mayor
Also present: William D. Campbell, City Attorney.
Mayor Pro Tem Hearn called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.
The minutes of the last meeting were approved as read.
' Fire Department By-Laws: Councilman Brown made a motion
to approve the by-laws of the Fire Department as presented;
seconded by'Councilman Booker. Motion carried unanimously.
City Insurance: Council action on this matter tabled until
such time as a total of three bids are received.
' Fort Worth Water Proposal: Cod:iViBmarL Bvdvin=.advised that
the bond market is bleak at best and the City should again
turn to Farmers Home Administration or HUD for funding the
expanded water facilities program. The City Secretary was
directed to write to Mr. Bart Bradford of Carter & Burgess
for his thoughts on the Fort Worth proposal to sell us
treated water.
' Expansion of Police Department Facilities: Chief Ince ad-
vised that a metal building X 20 will be donated to the
' City for storage so that the room on the back of the present
building could be better utilized and that the only cost to
the City would be. to move the telephone and for plumbing.
Councilman Brown made a motion that such expansion be approved;
seconded by Councilman Booker. Motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business, the meeting was
urman e , Mayor Pro Tem
Aliceanne Wallace, City Secretary
Page 2 -.1/20/7
PHONE 289-2123
ARTICLE I Name and Object
I This department shall be known as the Southlake Fire Dept. -
the preservation of the lives and property of our fallow citizens. shall be
ARTICIIE Membership
Section 1--
No person shall be eligible to become a member in this department who is
under 18 years of age. All members shall live within the immediate fire limits,
shall have good character and habits, and shall be from such infirmities as
may prevent him from performing the duties of an active fireman.
Section 2L---
Exempt members at large. Honorary members exempt from active duties shall
be of the following classes, respectively:
1. Those who by accident or otherwise may be incapacitated while engaged
in the services of the department.
2. All those who have served continously as active members for a period
of 25 years.
3. (Note: Exempt members are those exempt from attendance of duties and
The honorary members may be elected by unanimous vote of those present at
the regular` meeting. An honorary member shall be entitled to the floor at all
occasions, but will not be entitled to vote.
the department shall have the following officers, the same to be filled by
the members of the department who shall be elected to the regular meeting in
December of each year: secretary, treasurer, two captains, two lieutenants,
one sergeant-at-arms, and one maintenance engineer. Chief and Assistant Chief
will be appointed by the City Council.
Page 2
® ARTICLE IV Duties of Officers
Section I I
It shall be the duty of the Chief to preside at all the meetings of the
Department; he shall sign all minutes, resolutions, orders and summons of the
Department, as well as these by-laws and amendments thereto. He shall appoint
all committees..and officers, not otherwise provided for. He shall hold, trustee
officers, not otherwise provided for. He shall hold, as trustee for the City of
Southlake, Texas, title to all property belongings to used by, or in possession
of the Department, and shall execute all correspondence of such as trustee.
He shall have the authority to fine any member in an amount not to exceed on
dollar for misbehavior, or misconduct during any meeting of the Department. No
member shall be appointed Chief who has dot,served at least,two years as an
active member. (Two year clause beginning January 1970.)
Section 2
The First Assistance Chief shall preside at all meetings of the Department
in the absence of the Chief, shall preserve order and decorum and shall rule, on
all questions of order, his rulings; to be final, subject to an approval by the
Chief. As a member of the Executive Committee, he shall attend all meetings of
such body. No member shall be appointed First Assistant Chief who has not served
at least one year as an active member beginning January 1970.
Section 3 The Chief shall have such power as the city ordinances, and other consitutions
that the Department may authorize. He shall have full-charge of the Department
at all fires, parades, funerals; drills, etc. He shall have the power to assign or
transfer any member to any company he may see fit, and he may expel from the
Department any member guilty of subordination, riotous conduct while on duty, or
any other infraction of the by-laws and rules governing this Department. He may
call drills and inspections at hes discretion, and shall from time to time inspect
the apparatus, trucks, and stations of the Department. It shall be his duty to
recommend to the City Council any additions, changes, or improvements to the
same that he may deem necessary and Council will adhere to.
Section 4 The First Assistant Chief shall assist the Chief at all fires, drills, parades,
funerals, etc, He shall be second officer in command on such occasions, and in
the absence of the Chief shall assume full charge of the Department, having all
the powers delegated to the Chief for the good work and efficiency of the Department
while in his charge. As a member of the Executive Committee he shall attend all
meetings of the same.
Section 5 It shall be the duty of the Secretary to attend all meetings of the Department,
keep accurate minutes of all transactions therein. He shall preserve the minute
books so that the same may be available when called for or needed. He shall keep
on file all sommunications addressed to or laid before the Department and shall
keep the roll book in good order.
Page 3
ARTICLE IV (Continued)
Section 6 It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive and keep in charge The Firemen
sand of the a monthly report He shall upon assuming his
Department and to make
office deposit whatever funds received by him from his predecessor, as well as
funds received by him for the Department from time to time during his term of
office in a local bank. He shall keep his bank books or deposit slips always
available to the end that a clear and concise statement can be had upon request
of the Executive Committee or any member in good standing at a regular meeting.
He shall keep the books and vouchers of his office and bills paid or uppaid and
shall when in funds, honor all bills approved by vote of the Department. He
shall upon leaving his office, transfer all books, vouchers, funds, etc., to
his successor in office within 10 days from the date of retiremrsnt.
ARTICLE V Committees
Section I
The Executive Committee shall be a standing committee and shall be composed
of tfib Chief, First Assistant Chief, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 2 It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to audit the books and
® accounts of the Department and as often as twice a year and report the condition
of same to the Department at the regular meeting following such action. To act
for and in the name of the Department in all cases of emergency and to report
same to the Department at the next meeting.
ARTICLE VI Fire Marshall
The Fire Marshall shall keep a correct record of.all fires and alarms during
the year. He shall keep a correct record of all fires and alarms during the
year. He shall keep as nearly as possible a correct estimate of all fire
losses during the year and the amount of time spent at each fire and shall report
same to the Department at the end.~of his year's service. A copy of this report
shall be sent to the City Secretary, for forwarding to the State Fire Commissioner
in Austin.
Section I
Immediately after the specified time of meeting, the Chief shall call the
meeting to order. In the absence of both the Chief and First Assistant Chief,
the first Captain shall take charge.
Page 4
ARTICLE I (Continued)
• Section 2-- ,
The following order of business shall be observed during the proceedings of
the meeting on the first Monday of each month.
1. Roll Call
2. Reading of minutes of previous meeting.
3. Communications, bills receipts, etc. '
4. Report of,committees, standing and special
5. Report of Officers
6. Unfinished business ,
7. New business.
8. Election and installation of officers.
9. Adjournment. '
Section 3
Meetings shall be conducted in an orderly manner under parliamentary procedure. '
Section I '
.It is the duty of each member to obey the Department officers in the faithful
discharge of duties connected with the Department. Each member shall promptly '
• respond to the alarm of fire and upon reaching the fire shall report to the
officer in charge, take the station assigned him and there remain until relieved.
Section 2
Any member guilty of insubordination shall be subject to expulsion, and any ,
member leaving his station at a fire without permission of his directing officer
shall be subject to a reprimand.
Section 3-- '
Any member guilty of using vulgar or insulting language at a fire, meeting, or
parade, or any other Department assemblies shall be subject to a reprimand.
Section 4 All members present shall vote ,
yea or nay on all motions, applications,
resolutions, or questions placed before the Department or state his reason for not
doing so when called upon by the Chief. A quorum shall consist of;at least
five members. '
Section 5 Any member found under the influawe of inacication beverages during fire '
drilld, fires, parades, or any other duties of the Department shall be suspedded
from the Department indefinitely at the discretion of the Executive Committee. '
Page 5
ARTICLE II (Continued)
Section 6 No person shall ride any Southlake Fire Department emergency equipment who is
not a member of the same Department or Rescue Squad unless authorized by
the officer in charge.
ARTICLE III Duty of Committees
Any member appointed to serve on a committee shall attend to the duties of
the appointlpent and report the amount of progress attained at the next regular
I meeting or give reasons why such report could not be made at the time.
ARTICLE IV Candidates for Membership
Section I
Upon the presentation of a written application of a candidate for membership
' by the Chief or some member of the Department, the Chief shall appoint a
committee to investigate the candidate's possibilities of making a good fireman.
The committee shall make its report as soon as it.is feasible. If the report is
favorable, the candidate shall be voted on; and if is received 2/3 vote of the
quorum, he will be accepted on a three months probation. If at the end of
three months he has proved himself a willing worker and a good fireman, he shall
become a full-fledged member of this Department and shall have all rights and
privileges pertaining thereto. The Secretary or Chief shall notify each-newly
• elected member through the member proposing him or by other means of his
Section 2
After becoming a full-fledged member of said department the member will be i
issued a badge, membership card and windshield decal by the chief of the
' Section 3
Members wishing to install red lights or siren on his personal car or
pickup will be issued a permit signed by the Mayor of the City of Southlake.
Section 4
A member hereby understands that this emergency equipment is not to be used
in any way except emergency operations performed by the city of Southlake.
it shall be too duty of a member of this department upon learning of the illness
' of another member, to report same to the Executive Committee, whose duty is, shall
be to wait on such member and leorn of his needs, if any, and to administer the
same. In such cases the Chief may notify the Treasurer for Department at the next
10 regular meeting of the department.
Page 6
Limitations: Gp Funerals $10.00 for flowers to member, wife, children,
mother or father.
® Illness Expenditures: Up to $5.00 on member, wife, children, mother or father.
ARTICLE VI Leave of Absence
Any member in good standing desiring to leave the city temporarily and
desiring to retain his membership, may secure a leave of absence not exceeding
three months, by applying to the Chief. Upon returning, he must report without
delay to the Chief.
If a member on a leave of absence remains away for more than three months,
he shall automatically be cropped from the rolls, unless he is granted an
extension of time by the Chief.
ARTICLE VII Election of Officers
All Department officers shall be nominated at the regular meeting in
December each year.
All Department officers shall be elected on the first Monday in December
and installed at thh regular meeting in January of each year.
All members shall be allowed to vote by proxy. (pending)- t
ARTICLE IX Amendments
The constitution and by-laws may be amended by unanimous vote at a regular
meeting or by a two-thirds vote at three consecutive meetings.
Excuses for non-attendance of duties, fire alarms, drills and meetings must
be personal sickness that would unlit him for duty, absence from the city or '
such sickness in his family as would require his attendance and attention.
Upon positive statement of a member that it was impossible to leave his business
to attend to said duties, the department may excuse him by a majority vote.
Any member wishing to leave the scene of fire shall ge the consent of the
Chief officer in charge to do so providing his excuse is legitimate.
ARTICLE XI The Southlake Fire Department shall consist of one class of personnel
Volunteer Firemen.
Volunteer Firemen are those who according to the by-laws have met the
requirements thereof and are duly elected or appointed by the Chief in accordance
with this report. They receive no direct monetary consideration for their services '
for fighting fire from the city of Southlake.
Three unexcused absences shall automatically drop a
member from the rolls of
this department. Each member must attend at least two (2) meetings a month to
• keep in good standing, and remain at said meeting until adjourned.
Page 7
ARTICLE XIII The limit for volunteer membership in this shall be 33 members.
ARTICIE XIV All firemen shall be expected to make all fire calls possible.
The fireman or person taking the alarm call shall get the following
1 information:
1. Type of fire--Building, grass, automobile, etc.
2. Location of fire or emergency.
3. Route to take to fire or emergency (These rules to be attached to the
e Voting on officers of the Department shall be secret ballot
It shall be required that the meets s be made each three consecutive meetings without Legitimate excuses shhall~automaticallyof
suspend the member from the department without privileges and discounts.
Equipment other than trucks and rescue unit shall be removed from fire
station only upon permission of the Chief or the Assistant Chief. Location
of such equipment shall be placed in writing upon bulletin board in the office.
of the Fire Chief.
ARTICLE XIX At no time shall the rescue'unit of the Rescue Squad be used by firemen or
other people for'recreational purposes. This unit is to.be used only in
emergencies and fire department activity.
Dues ar $5.00 a year, payable January 15, of each year and will go into the
firemean's fund and will be completely separate frgm other City Fire Department
funds, and can only be,spent by a majority vote-of the membership.
Chief - OF: 6~
let Asst. Chief l