1971-06-01 74 3 1"z A G E N D A REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 1, 1971 1. Fire Department Report 2. Police Department Report 3. Planning & Zoning Commission g Recommendations. A. ZA-71-6: Mrs. Velma Jensen's request for L District. (Mr. Bill Tate, attorney, appearing for Mrs. Jensen.) B. ZA-71-7: Mr. Melvin Shuler's request m for F District C. Resignation of Commission Member Buddy Brown and appointment of new member. 4. Approval of Bills 5 OW 1 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL JUNE 1, 1971 The City Council of the City of Southlake met in regular session in the Council Chamber of City Hall on Tuesday, June 1, 1971, with the following members present: Wade Booker, Mayor Ralph Polson, Mayor Pro Tem Thurman Hearn, Councilman Bill Nunn, Councilman Absent: Billy Joe Knox, Councilman Dick Drummond, Councilman Also present: William D. Campbell, City Attorney Mayor Booker called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. The invocation was given by Councilman Polson. The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as read. ® Fire Department Report was given by Chief Bob Steele.(Copy attached. Mayor Booker thanked the Department for their efforts regarding the Fish Fry which was a success. The Council was informed that Assistant Fire Chief John Alexander resigned for personal reasons. Police De artment Report was given by Capt. Dan Cordes. (Copy attached. On recommendation by Capt. Cordes, Councilman Polson moved that Dispatcher Lisa Farmer be given increased duties and a raise in salary of $75 beginning June 1, 1971; seconded by Councilman Nunn. Motion carried unanimously. ZA-71 -6: Recommendation from the Planning & Zoning Commission was read aloud to the Council by the Mayor. Mr. Bill Tate, representing Mrs. Velma Jensen, asked that the application be tabled at this time until further noise studies are completed, at which time, when so notified, he would amend the application to conform with the change in city planning. Councilman Hearn moved that ZA-71-6 be tabled and returned to the Planning & Zoning Commission based on the change of request in zoning; seconded by Councilman Polson. Motion carried unanimously. ZA-71 -7: Recommendation from the Planning & Zoning Commission read to the Council. Mayor Booker set the public hearing on same for July 6, 1971, 7:30 P.M. Mr. Buddy Brown informed the Council by letter of his resigna- tion from the Planning & Zoning Commission because he is moving out of the City. Councilman Nunn moved that the resignation be accepted; seconded by Councilman Polson. Motion carried unanimously. 76 Councilman Hearn moved to appoint Lloyd Wolf as a member of the Planning & Zoning Commission; seconded by Councilman Polson. Motion carried unanimously. The bills presented were approved for payment ($8 dues to Ameri- can Federation of Police; Gierisch Bros. repair on the '70 Plymouth $2.75; Grapevine Sun for legal ads, $34.30; COG General Assembly ' meeting $7; and the regular monthly accounts) on motion by Councilman Polson; seconded by Councilman Nunn. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Polson moved that Sgt. Gaddy and Officer Boehringer be enrolled in the American Police & Fire Benevolent Association at a total cost of $10 for one year's dues; seconded by Councilman 1 Hearn. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Campbell briefly discussed the boundary map prepared by 1 him showing boundaries of Keller and Grapevine in relation to Southlake.' Councilman Hearn moved that the broken beacon on the '70 patrol ' car be replaced; seconded by Councilman Polson. Motion carried unanimously. Council was informed that Dove Estates developers had requested that Carter & Burgess do the engi neerin& on the on-site water lines. The Council generally agreed it had no objections. t A meeting with Mr. Tom Anderlitch of Texas Securities Corporation was set for June 9th at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall. Mr. Phil Parker requested the City relinquish an old right-of- way dedication on certain property in the Oak Knolls Addition. It was suggested that he be advised to have his attorney prepare the necessary papers. Mr. Campbell advised that.-he and Mr. Dave Austin would donate the postage for the first newsletter and Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon volun- teered their assistance in getting it out. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. ' or ATTEST. City Secretary Council Mtg. 6/1 /71 Pg 2 771, May 28, 1971 Hon. Wade Booker Mayor of Southlake P. 0. Box 868 Southlake, Texas 76051 Dear Mayor Booker: Please accept this as my letter of resignation from the Planning & Zoning Commission effective this date. I have recently sold my home and will no longer be a resident of the City. I am sorry I will not be able to serve on the Commission and hope this has not caused any great inconvenience. Sincerely, 4Bu4rrwvmn 7 8 3 0 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION TO: The City Council Southlake, Texas Gentlemen: RE: ZA-71 -6 Velma Jensen At a regular public meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission on Tuesday, May 25, 1971, at the Southlake City Hall, the Commnission agreed to recommend to the City Council--that the above application of Mrs. Velma Jensen for a change in zoning from Agricultural Dis- trict to L District (Light Commercial) be denied. Present for the Commission: Mussina, Chairman Stickley, Secretary Gordon Hargtk di ne Williams I I~ 30 (9 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION TO: The City Council Southlake, Texas Gentlemen: RE: ZA-71 -7 Melvin Sheller, Trustee At a regular public meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission on Tuesday, May 25, 1971, at the Southlake City Hall, the Commission agreed to recommend to the City Council that the above application of Melvin Shuler, Trustee, for a change in zoning from A ricul- tural District to F District (Light Industrial be approved. Present for the Commission: Mussina, Chairman Stickley, Secretary Gordon Hargadine Williams CITY of SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT PHONE 289-9408 P. O. BOX 868 * SOUTHLAKE. TEXAS 76051 DAVE AUSTIN MUNICIPAL COURT JUDGE i June 1, 1971 Police department report for the month of May, 1971 f Tickets issued in April 89 (Eighty nine) Tickets issued in May 171 (One hundred seventyone) Tickets unpaid. 64 (Sixty four) Fines written in May 3997.00 Fines paid in May f2267-00 Fines paid. by Highway Patrol 340.00 Bonds refunded. in April 00.00 Bonds refunded in May 00.00 Traffic accidents in April 15 (MIM) Traffic accidents in May 10 Ten) Burglaries investigated in April 5 (Five) Burglaries investigated in May 5 (Five) Thefts investigated in April 7 (Seven) Thefts investigated. in May 3 (Three) ® Number of calla in April 199 (One hundred ninety-nine):` Number of calls in May 244 (Two hundred forty-fou~) . Persons in jail in April 18 (Eighteen) Persons in jail in May 14 (Fourteen) Miles driven in April 8061 Miles driven in May 7,702 Speedometer reading on Unit 3050 5,649 , ( 1971 Plymouth) Speedometer reading on Unit 3051 138,316 ( 1967 Ford ~ Speedometer reading on Unit 3052 67,974 ( 1970 Plymouth} Respectfully submitted, o~ phi D F. CGordes, Captain j FIRS; DEPARTMENT PHONE - 289-2123 R. P. STEEL.E F~ L CF:I PYRE: DEPAH'TYJMT SUMMARY I _ SOU`d'}aLAKB SIRE DEPAti'1'rEI; T MONTH of May 19 71 1. TOTAL GALLS 11 3 3. STRUCTUM FIRES 0 4. AUTO'FIRaS 2 • 5 AUTO ACCIDrVT STA14D-BY 3 6. MUTUAL AID ALARM 7. FALSE ALARMS 0 i v. R.~c+CUaCii'~1Lt~ CXL'LS 1 9. AMBULANCE CALLS 10. TOTAL NUW32R OF 11-MN HOURS EXPrNDED on call------- 69 hr. 30 mi . 11. TOTAL NUDZER OF RAN HOURS EXPENDSD ON CIVIC PROJECTS (Annual Fish Fry) OTx,Pu MUM FIRE DEPARTI dITT OPERATIONS 220 hours 12. APPROXIMATELY TOTAL MAN HOURS C$ECKI11G AND NiAINTINANCE OF FIRE. DEPARTMENT &4UIPMajT------------------------- 25 9 NUMBER OF DRILLS DURING MONTH 1 ~ NUMBER OF MAN. HOURS ON DRILLS 15 j NUMBER OF M& ATTENDING MEETINGS FOR MONTE----------------- 48 I ;.DOES NOT INCLUDE ANYTHING BUT ACTUAL FIRE DEPARTMIIT DRILLS. &FECIAL WORT: Be Steele 8 J. Alexander 1 W. T. Sanguinet ...+:1 W. Stricker. 5 D. Steele 4 M Thrasher 1 James Capps 5 D. Cordes 9 N. Frank 2 i R. Polson 7 D. Gaddy 8 J. Strait 1 E. Kinchen 4 John Capps 8 R. Bridgewater 2 W. Booker 3 J. Joyce 4 Be Burris 1 Ii J. Weddle 5 R. Shannon 1 Co Pinner 5 R. Boehringer 4 P. Pinson 2 7