1971-04-06 46 i A G E N D A COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 6, 1971 I. Oaths of Office Administered to New Mayor and Councilmen. II. Police Report III. Fire Department Report IV. Presentation of 1970 Audit Report V. Approval of Bills 47 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL APRIL ~.6, 1971 The City Council of the City of Southlake met in regular session in the Council Chamber of City Hall on Tuesday, April 6, 1971, with the following members present: J. L. Clow, Mayor Wade Booker, Mayor Pro Tem Thurman Hearn, Councilman Buddy Brown, Councilman Ralph Polson, Councilman Absent: Billy Joe Knox, Councilman , Also present: William D. Campbell, City Attorney Mayor Clow called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. The in- ' vocation was given by City Chaplain Gene Tyson. The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as read. ® The minutes of the special meeting were approved as read. Mayor Clow gave a vote of thanks to the Council for working ' with him and for the rich experience gained by him in serving this community. He then turned th+eeting over to the City Attorney, William D. Campbell, who swore in the new mayor, Wade Booker. Mayor Booker administered the oaths of office to the new Councilman, R. D. Drummond, Place 2, and W. 0. Nunn, Place 1. Mayor Booker expressed his appreciation on behalf of Southlake citizens for the efforts put forth by ' J. L. Clow and Buddy Brown during their tenure of office. Police Report was iven by Capt. Dan Cordes. Councilman ' Polson moved that '150 be spent for a good used radio for the 1971 patrol car; seconded by Councilman Hearn. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Polson also moved to promote ' Officer Gaddy to "Corporal"; seconded by Councilman Nunn. Motion carried unanimously. Fire Department Reports for February and March were given by Chief Steele. He informed the Council that one tanker has been retired from service and the remaining tanker is now Unit No. 3001. He also reported #3002 and #3008 are serviceable. The 1970 Annual Audit was presented (copy attached and made a part hereof). The Council had no questions at this time. 48 Councilman Polson moved that the bills presented be approved for payment; seconded by Councilman Drummond. Motion carried unanimously. (The following bills were presented: R. W. Mussina for audit-$700.00; Grapevine Sun for legal notices- $10-35; North Texas State University for workshop-$25-00; Stafford-Lowden Company for election printing- 24.63; National Bldg. Centers, Inc. for shelving in city hall-$31.88; Fleming Sign Company for patrol car decals-$15.00; Fred Oakley Motors for '70 patrol car repair-'$192.47; Fort Worth Generator & Starter Service for repair of 167 Ford patrol car-$22.50; Bell Communications Service for radar repair-$78.80; Thompson Printing Service for Police Department printing-$20.50; Uni- versal Fire Equipment Company for recharging fire extinguishers -$18.oo.) ' There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Mayor ATTEST : City Secretary Council _ Mtg.4/6/71-Page 2 49 OATH OF OFFICE t ■ STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF TARRANT ) CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ) I, Wade Booker, do solemnly swear that I will faith- fully execute the duties of the OFFICE OF MAYOR of the City of Southlake, Texas, and will to the best of my ability i preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of this State and of this City; and I furthermore do solemnly swear that I have not dir- ectly or indirectly paid, offered, or promised to pay, contributed, nor promised to contribute any money, or valuable thing, or promised any public office or employ- ment, as a reward for the giving or withholding a vote at the election at which I was elected. So help me God. Wade Booker SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, this the 6th day of April, 1 971 . Aliceanne Z. W lace Notary Public n and for Tarrant County, Texas. OATH OF OFFICE r STATE OF TEXAS a COUNTY OF TARRANT ) ) CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ) I, W. 0. (Bill) Nunn, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the duties of the OFFICE OF COUNCILMAN PIACE 1 of the City of Southlake, Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Con- stitution and Laws of the United States and of this State and of this City;.and I furthermore do solemnly swear that I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered, or prom- iced to pay, contributed, nor promised to contribute any money, or valuable thing, or promised any public office or employment, as a reward for the giving or withholding a vote at the election at which I was elected. So help me God. W. 0. Bill Nunn SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, this the 6th day of April, 1 971 . Aliceanne Z. lace Notary Public -in and for Tarrant County, Texas. OATH OF OFFICE STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF TARRANT ) CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ) I, R. D. (Dick) Drummond, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the duties of the OFFICE OF COUNCIL- MAN PLACE 2 of the City of Southlake, Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of this State and,of this City; and I furthermore do solemnly swear that ® I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered, or prom- ised to pay, contributed, nor promised to contribute any money, or valuable thing, or promised any public office or employment, as.a reward for the giving or withholding a vote at the election at which I was elected. So help me God. R. D. Dick Drummond SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, this the 6th day of April, 1971. Aliceanne Z. lace Notary Public in and for Tarrant County, Texas. CITY of SOUTHLAKE INCORPORATED 1956 PHONE 289-2200 P. O. BOX 868 - SOUTHLAKE. TEXAS 76051 April 1, 1971 j Honorable Mayor and City Council. Police Department report for the month of March, 1971 i Tickets issued in February 105 (One Hundred and Five) Tickets issued in March 100 (One Hundred) Tickets unpaid 60 (Sixty) Fines Written in March 2,434.00 Fines Paid in March 1715.00 Fines paid by Highway Patrol 30.00 Bonds refunded in February 00.00 Bonds refunded in March 90.00 i Traffic Accidents in.February 9 (Nine) Traffic Accidents in March 10 (Ten) Number.of Calls in February 124 (One Hundred and Twenty Four) Number of Calls in March 191 (One Hundred and Ninety One) Persons in jail in February 9 (Nine) j Persons in jail in March 9 (Nine) Miles driven in February 5,784 miles Miles driven in March 7,034"miles Speedometer reading on Unit 3052 59,665 (1970 Ply) 5. Speedometer reading on Unit 3051 136,223 (1967 Ford) Respectf701'r y submitted, CGS! Dan. F. de 8, Captain I IDFC;nb k 1 FIRE DEPARTI~^.i NT j PHONS - 289-2123 I R. P. STEELS FILRE CHIEF > FIDE DEPAH'TYMT SU1 TARY SOU'THLAK-W FIM DNJ?AH'1'kitXT NlON7.'H OF February 9-11- TOTAL '1OTAL CALLS 1 L • RAS3 ..~I15 -~------------------------~-----r- 0 i 1 3. STRUCTURE FIRES 1 0 ' { t~.. • AUTO FIRES 5. AUTO ACCITr1r= STAND-BY 0 MUTUAL AID ALARMS r-------------------------------rrr----r 0 6. I _I FALSE ALARM --------r---------------r------------------- 8. Ftc:3CUSCI'l,~.t'tib CALLS 0 I 9. AMBULANCE CALLS 0 ON CALL 10. TOTAL HUAMR OF MAN HOURS r;1CPMTDED 11. TOTAL NUXUR OF MAN HOURS r?,X?jMD&D ON CIVIC PROJECTS i nTxwn rmAty FIRE DEPARTYIeNT OPERATIONS NONE ~ i 12. APPROXIMATELY 'TOTAL MAN HOURS CHECKING AND MAINTINANCE OF FIRE DEPARTMiMT F4UIPMWT--------- ----r-------- 18 hours ~ I NUMBER OF DRILLS DURING MONTH ---rw------------------------ 2 I' 28 ' NUMBER OF MAN HOURS ON DRILLS j NUMBER OF MEN ATTENDING MEETINGS FOR MONTH--------- 48 *DOES NOT INCLUDE ANYTHING BUT ACTUAL FIRE DEPARTMOT DRILLS. { SPECIAL REPORT: Men responding: Pinson - 1 R. Bridgewater - (1) Poison - (1) D. Gaddy - (1) Alexander (1) N. Frank - (1) Booker (1) D. Cordes - (1) Capps (1) i I _ j ....»1 a vV... i. i... PlRl+; 'DEPARTI-I&d'r 54,- PHONE - 289-2123 R. P. ST,EELE i ~ PIRL CFiI j FIRE DE;PAR KEN`P SUP2,1ARY SOUTHLAK.E F'ifW Dk;PARTF1P21T M01VTfi OF March I9 1 { 1. TOTAL CALLS - 10 r.Il~' ~ 6 { 3. STRUCTURd FIRES 1 4. AUTO FIRES 0 5;. AUTO ACOMI XT STAND-BY 0 6. MUTUAL AID ALARMS - 3 7. PALSS ALAP.4S 0 B. Kr;3CU~CI'i"~rUb CALLS 0 9. AMBULANCE CALLS 0 10. TOTAL klUY13ER OF MN HOURS r; CE&NDED ---01-GALL---------- 190.5 i r F 11. TOTAL NUF3SR OF PW HOURS EXPENDED ON CIVIC PROJEC',23 n PRAP rMIN FIRE DEPARTY10T OPERATIONS NM ' 12. APPROXIMATELY TOTAL )LAN HOURS CHECKING AND MAINTINANCE ~ OF FIRE DEPARTMOT 1kUIPMENT- . 22 Houvs NUMBER OF DRILLS DURING MONTH 2 NUMBER OF MAN HOURS ON DRILLS 30 NUMBER OF NIM ATTENDING MEETINGS FOR MONTH----------------- 48 *DOES NOT -INCLUDE ANYTHING BUT ACTUAL FIRE DEPARTN.aT DRILLS. SPECIAL REPORT: Men responding. I E. Kinchen (5) J. Joyce - (3) J. Weddle (3) W. Booker (3)` T. Sanguinet - (4) N. Frank - (2) ' B. Steele - (111 E. Sadler - (2) D. Steele --(t5) J. Alexander (5) R. Poison - ( ) J. Clifton B. Burris - (7) R. Shannon -3) J. Capps - (3) D. Johnson (1) J. Strait - (4) C. Pinner - (1) D. Cordes -'(1) W. Stricker - (3) G. Tyson - (1) R. Bridgewater - (1) D. Gaddy (2) f i - r , d { j AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKEs TEXAS CONTENTS { AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ACCOUNTANTS REPORT f coon ED STATEMENTS - ALL DEPARTMENTS BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT OF INCOME STATEMENT OF SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF FUNDS GENERAL FUNDS BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT OF INCOME STATEMENT OF SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF FONDS ` MATER SYSTEM BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT OF INCOME STATEMENT OF SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF FUNDS Ro=mnw W.2ffaeenr. . ODD9I7211D "MraG AOOOIIIIVA" TAZA9 i TOs Mayor J. L. Claw Mayor Pro Tea Wade Booker Councilman Thurman Hearn Councilman Billy Joe Knout Councilman W. B. Brown Councilman Ralph Polson City of Southlake, Texas I I` We have examined the balance sheet of the City of Scroth3ake as of December 310 19700 and the related t statements of income and surplus and cash flaw for the twelve month period then ended. Our examination f° was made in accordance with generally accepted audit- ing standards, with the exception that the accounts receivable, fines receivable, and property taxes re- ceivable, were not confirmed by direct communication with the debtors. Our examination included such tests of the accounting records and such other audit pro- cedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion the acoompaning balance sheet and statements of income and surplus and cash flow present fairly the financial position'of the City of Southlake as of December 31, 19709 and the results of its oper- ations for the twelve month period then ended, in ' conformity with generally accepted accounting prin ciples applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Certified Public Acoountaut. Rossswr W. Xu*=w. OD='1'ISIDD lIIDLiO ~OOOIIX'l~IM~ BOVTHLASN. TIDZA9' City of Southlake, Texas All Funds Combined 6 Balance Sheet December 311 1969 and 2970 I DECEMBER 31 011' MI: 11 1 31 1970 1969 Assets Current Assets Cash in Banks $ 93,057.53 8fis19fi.17 Combined Receivables 34,086.35 220827.69 Leas: Allowance for Uncollectible ( 4,050055) ( 1,243.46) iI Inventory of Supplies +..1.471=6h. 41 ~ 708.41 Total Current Assets 1 ,~24,,_:s89 Ss Faxed Assets: office Furniture and fixtures 1059o.89 10590.89 cCii= tyy Building 1,9 .55 18,977.55 410702.16 40582.45 r water System 368:404.52 3650739.33 Fire Department 15,005.00 40100.00 Y. j . Police Department 6;806.11 06.11 5j 202 04 Total Fixed Assets 452,480.23 400,192.26 Lesss Allowance for Depreciation 491022.46 6 a$ Net Fixed Assets 403,4„ 7.77 363,735.08 ~~3v Total Assets $ 528,022.51 473.224.89 Liabilities and Surplus " -Current Liabilities t Accrued Payroll Tares $ 419•30 Accounts Payable - Suppliers 525.70 6,145.40 2)515-75 Notes Payable - Banks '19435.10 _3,o00.OQ Accrued Interest Payable 50$23.88 50375.00 Bonds Payable - Due in One Year 50000.00 Total Current Liabilities $ ,36,923.68 "6A _ E31.85 .Fined Liabilitiess Bands Payable -Due After One Year 33470000,.00 _ 'pW.00 Total Liabilities 370=923.68 955,531.$5 t EMUS Balance Beginning of Period 1170693.04 920123.21 Surplus Adjustment for Prior Periods 6,go2.72 952.81) Net Isec~nse for the Period 32,,%3.07 2_6,522 Balances End of Period 157,498.83 117 693 04 Total Liabilities and Surplus 8 022.51 $473 2m24.89 ROSRRT W., XUNM rA . .siriaw svsra. Aco*uNrAxT ' . BODTR7AJM. TEXAS' . jl i • City of Southlaks.rrrrrrr Texas . ~.•~rr~r~IrLrl~r All Funds Combined Net Income For the Years Ended December 3~1, 1969 wW 970 DECEMBER 31 DECEMBER 31 1970 1969 Water Department Sales - Water and Taps $ 56,929.25 $ 56,120.28 Utility Franchises 6,199.5h ho713 h6 "..Building Permits 996.00 1s055.30 Traffic Fines 38,411.89 23:616.83 Property Taxes 29,02843 j 26 Interest !79.17 h,223.36 3,063.61 Planning and Zoning 19039.70 883.85 Contributions from Tarrant County h 200.00 h j,000.00 Fire Department 1,363.93 1;271.30 Police Department 16O.9h 380. Miscellaneous 200.00 11-75 ~ Total Revenues $ ihhs753.04 $ 1219625.69 E EXPENSE'S Water Department before Depreciation $ 32,266.8h $ 250918.ho • Carroll School Library 20000.00 20000.00 Police Department and Corporation Court h1,6h2.37 359586.26 City Office 8,636.51 h,75o.7h Fire Department 59302.42 7,108.20 City Hall Expense 923.91 1,0743 Tax Department 4715.50 1,310..00 Planning and Zoning 340.5 $18.12. City Attorney 21,178.00 1,0339.00 Election 104.25 _ City Hall Repairs and Improvements - 19175-56 Total Expenses before Hon-Cash Changes 95,110.3h 81,033.7,1. Net Income before Nan-Cash Charges "Tj 40 32.9U Non-Cash Charges to Income 17,13_9.63 13,609 Net Income for the Period $ 321503 07 $ 26,522.64 8ossar W. Musaw'L City of Southlake, Texas All F`vnds Statement of Source and Application of Fends . ; For the Years Ended December 31, 1969 and 1970 December 31 Decesber 31 1970 1969 SOURCE 7 FUNDS: Not Income for the Year $ 320503.07 $ 260522.64 , Non-Cash Barges Added to Net Income 171139.63 _23 :609.34 Funds Provided by Net Income 490642.70 40,131.98 Decrease in Working Capital 2,509.81 Total Funds Available $ 52,152.51 $ 409131.98 APPLICATION OF FUNDS: Increase in Fixed Assets $ 45,750.23 $ 159016.58 Increase in Working Capital - 19,148.73 Decrease in Long-Term Debt 52000-00 5 000.00 Surplus Adjustments 1,402.28 966.67 Total Funds Applied $ 52,152.51: $40431.98 Statement of Working Capital Current Assets $ 128,615.29 $ 110,733.27 Current Liabilities 36,923.E 16,531.85 Working Capital $ 91,691.61 $ 94,201.42 BOBART W. 3FUMMMWA ' .~!'1'Ili~D lO~L=. A0000!'1'A7M! ®OVTHLAHM. T XA6' i City of Southlakel Texas Balance Sheet December 31, 1969 and 1970 I 1 Decetder 31 December 31 'Assets 1970 1969 . I CURRRt T ASSETS: Cash in Banks $ 19,151.23 $ 20,860.05 Fines Receivable 10,291.50 19815.00 Less: Allowance for Uncoliectibies- ( 2,080 ( 363~) Net Fines Receivable "-U2 "-'1 452-00' Due from Water System 1356.27 2,69h.11 Franchise Taxes Receivable 1,936.30 10802.59 Property Taxes Receivable 19,681.47 17,609.23 Least Allowance for Uncollectibles 1,968.15) 88046) Net Property Taxes Receivable 17, Inventory of Supplies 70.86 108.58 Total Current Assets $ 51,737.08 $ b3:61t6;10 FIXID AS'SETSt Office Furniture and Fixtures $ 948.89 $ 948.89 Fire Department Equipment 15,005.00 1,100.00 Pblice Department Equipment 6,800.11 59202.0~ Total Equipment 22,754.00 109250.93 Less: Allowance for Depreciation 11,828.36 2,,95o.95 Total Net Fixed Assets 17,925.64 7,299.98 Total Assets $ 692,662.72 9l,6 08 Liabilities and Surplus CUM MT LIABILITIESt Accrued Payroll Taxes $ 367.80 $ 91.90 Accounts Payable - Suppliers 1014.80 2A47.30 Notes Payable 2z5354101 31000-00 Total Liabilities _ lt2h7-7O 5,2.20 SURPLUS: Balance Beginning of Period 26,297.98 22,897.21 Adjustments for Prior Periods ( 502.28) ( 355.52) Assumption of Fire Department 7,105.00 ( 612..00) Net Income for the Period 13,108.12 4068.26 Transferred from Water System 219176.10 21,176.40 Transferred to Water System 2,_ 07) 2 070.rdp) Net Surplus 65,!x15.02 _15,403.88 Total Liabilities and Surplus $ 69 6662 72 $ 50,916.08 1 - . 3M*nmxr W. Mbeenr. OS='iIfIwD l IT.26 A000"TA1f! i City of Southlake, Texas General Fund Statement of Net Income For the Years Ended December 31, 1969 and 1970 December 31 December 31 1970 1969. 1110 E: Utility Franchises $ 6,199.54 $ ,M.46 .Building Permits 996.00 08530 Corporation Court 38,h22.8i 233616.83 Ad',Valorem Taxes 29,02843 26,479.17 wr Interest 803.25 509.88 Planning and Zoning 1,039.70 883.85 Contribution from Tarrant County-Library 2,000.00 20000.00 -Fire Dept. 2,200.00 1,000.00 Fire Department Income and Donations 1'363.93 1,271.30 Police and Police Reserve Donations 16o.94 380.1h Miscellaneous 2oO.o0 11.7 j Total Income $ 82,403.68 $ 62,951.68 ERP'ENSE: Carroll School Library Fund $ 20000.00 $ 29000.00 Police Dept. and Corporation Court 41,6h2.37 35,586.26 City Hall Repairs and Improvements 4175.56 City Office 8,636.51 4,750.74 Fire Department 5002.42 7,108.20 City Hall Expense 923.91 1,487.43 Tax Department 1,715.50 1010.00 Planning and Zoning 340.54 818.12 City Attorney 2,178.00 1039.00 Election 104.25 Net Cash Expenses 62t8h3.5055,575.31 Net Income Before Non-Cash Charges 19,560.18 7,376.37 NON-CASH CHA ES TO INCCMEt Allowance for Uncollectible Fines 4719.40 363.00 Depreciation Expense-Police Department l,ih9.28 1,251.76 -Fire Department 1,500.50 410.00 -City Office 94.89 102.89 Allowance for Uneollectible Taxes 1,087.69 880.46 Loss on Sale of Fire Truck 900.00 Total Non-Cash Charges 6,451.76 3,008.11 Net Income $ 13,108.h2 $ 4,368.26 Eounwr W. Mumnrs 0St=IFINf WVXZX0 AOOOVNWAI 801MMAMM. TAZA6 ~I City of Southlake, Texas Water System Source and Application of Funds For the Years Ended December 31, 1969 and 1970 December 31 December 51 ' 1970 1969 SMRM OF FUNDS: Net Income for the Year $ 19,391.65 $ 22,15h,38 Depreciation Charges(Not Involving Cash) 10,687.87 10,601.23 30,082.52 32,755.61 Decrease in Working Capital x,702.38 I Total Source of Funds $4h,,78490 $ 32,755.61 APPLICATION CF FUNDS: Increase in Fixed Assets $ 39,784.90 $ 7,671.65 Decrease in Long Term Debt 5s000.00 50000.00 Increase in Working Capital - 11,083.96 Transfer of Funds to the City of Southlake - 9,000.00 Total Application of Funds $ 44,784.90 $ 32,755.61 NOM This statement reflects among rather changes, the principal change effected by the purchase of land for a new storage tank and pump house..; This change decreased the cash in banks by $20,119.71 and added a Note Payable in the amount of $17,000.00. i Statement of Working Capital Net Current Assets $ 77,183.93 $ 680537.82 Net Current Liabilities 37:032.25 13,683.76 * Working Capital $ h0,151.68 $ 5408511.06 ■ ■ ROUMMM W. Mu"MMA O~=RZ.i~D iO~Lt. ~OOOV3~S~1fT ®OV 48M.&I A, TUSA , I ( City of Southlake~Texass ~ Water J stem Batuice Meets December 69 and 1970 December 31 December .31 1 1970 1969 Assets Current Assets -'"ZaE- Banks $ 73, 606.30 $ 66, 337.12 Accounts Receivable-Water Users 782.65 675.15:, Interest Receivable-Time Deposits l..A .43 925.72 Inventory of Supplies. upplies 1 55 599.83 Total Current Assets 77,163-93 68s53 - Fixed Assets qty Sufiding 18,977.55 18,977.55 I~ Land 41,702.16 h 582.45- Well and Pump 41,804.00 41,8011.00 Distribution.System 326,600.52 323,935.33 Office Equipment 642.00 642.00 Total Fixed Assets Less: Allowance for Depreciation 1,!1,194.10 33,506.23 Net Fixed Assets 3059532-13 356L4 Total Assets j Liabilities and Equity Current Liabilities: Accounts Payable - Suppliers $ h,800.60 : $ 193.85 Bond Interest Payable- Accrued 5,296.88 5,375.00 Bank Interest Payable - Accrued 527.00 - Payroll Taxes Payable 51.50 420.80 Due to City of Southlake 4056.27 2,694.11 Note Payable - Bank 17,000.00 - Bonds Payable-tin. H. A.-Due in One Year 5000-00 5 000.00 Total Current Liabilities 37,032.25 ,13,_683.76 Fixed Liabilities -Bonds Payable - Fm. H. A. -Due After One Year 334 3399000.00 Total Liabilities 371,032.25 352,683.76 City of Southlake 25,627.68 25,612.97 Transfer from Natural Gas Fund - 14.71 Transfers from City of Southlake 2,070.50 20070.50 Retained Earnings 85 162.03 65,767-38 Total 112, .21 93A • Less: Transfers to'City of Southlake 21,176.40 21,176.h0 Net Equity 9 683-81 72,,28§. Total Liabilities and Equity $ L62,716.06 $ 424,972.92 Notes All Bonds Payable held by The Farmers Home Administration 8ONMRW W. MUMMWA oan:xsxas ]FUNWO ACCOV ANW BOIITBLA M. TMXAB,' . City of SouthlakeL Texas i Water System + i Statement of Net Income, For the Years Ended December 31, 1969 and 1970 December 31 December 31 1 1970 1969 i INCCOMs. Sale of Water $ 53089.25 $ 49,033,20 Sale of New Taps 5,540.00 7,087.08 ' Interact Income 3,420.11 2,553.73 Total Income $ 62,349.36 $ 58,6711.01 EXFENSEs Salaries $ 8,310.Q0 $ 6,075.00 Truck 97.50 Maintenance 50273.98 10014.49 Power 4,122.43 2,911.62 _ Postage 00 Interest 250. ' 130118.88 12,943.75 . Office 2s523.% ' Legal and Professional Fees 500.00 Miscellaneous 577.75 Insurance 36.00 200.00 ' Total Expenses before Depreciation $ 321266.84 $ 25,918.46 Net Income before Depreciation 30,082.52 32,755.61. Depreciation 10,687.87 10,601.23 Net Income $ 19,394.65 $ 22,1% .38 Notes Sale of New Taps" represents amunts collected from hater users for new connections. The cost of installing these new connections, $6,347.46 in 1969, and $3,095.61 in 1970, is added to the investment in the distribution system. 409 Taps as of December 34 1969 428 Taps as of December 31s 1970 ROHDRT W. Mawemr. eovasn.aa, a~ase City of Southlake, Texas Water System I Source and Application of Funds For the Years Ended December 31, 1969 and 1970 December 32 December 31 ' 1970 1969 SQIIaCE Or FUNDSs Net Income for the Year $ 19,394.65 $ 222154.38 Depreciation Charges(Not Involving Cash) 10,687.87 1023 300082.52 32,755.61 Decrease in Working Capital 1112702.38 i Total Source of Funds $ 4h1784.90 $ 32,7 1 i APPLICATION CF FUNDS: Increase in Fixed Assets $ 39,78h.90 $ 70671.65 Decrease in Long Term Debt 5,000.00 5,000000 Increase in Working Capital _ 14083.96 Transfer of Funds to the City of Southlake 99000.00 Total Application of Funds $ 4hL784.90. $ 32:755.61 NOM This statement reflects among other changes., the principal change effected by the purchase of land for a new storage tank and pump houses-. This change decreased the cash in banks by $202119.71 and added a Note Payable in the amount of $17,000.00. Statement of Working 921tal Net Current Assets $ 77,183.93 $ 68537.82 Net Current Liabilities 37 032,25 13: 3.76 Working Capital $ 1x0,151.68 "48%.06 • ao~~ w. a~~n.A oaRrZSxaa lIIaLI. AO.OVINTA T 601UT8LA", WAXAS