1971-12-07 164 ' A G E N D A t REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 7, 1971 I. Fire Department Report - Chief Steele ' II. Police Department Report - Chief Hughes ' III. Bond Report - Mr. Tnomas Anderlitch IV. Resolution No. 71 -21 - Relinquishing ' extra-territorial jurisdiction to the ' City of Grapevine as per agreement. ' V. City Matters: A. Payment of Bills 165 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 7, 1971 The City Council of the City of Southlake met in regular session in the Council Chamber of the City Hall on Tuesday, December 7, 1971, with the following members present: Wade Booker, Mayor Ralph Polson, Mayor Pro Tem W. O. Nunn, Councilman R. D. Drummond, Councilman Billy Joe Knox, Councilman Absent: Thurman Hearn, Councilman Also present: W. D. Campbell, City Attorney Mayor Booker galled the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. The invocation was given by Rev. Mike Stovall. The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as read. Fire Department Report: Chief Bob Steele turned in the October ' and November Monthly Fire Reports. Discussion followed regarding ® equipment and the completion of the classroom upstairs in City Hall. $20 was donated by Councilman Knox toward this project. Councilman Polson moved to sell the chassis of the old tanker ' no longer in service and use the proceeds to purchase material for the classroom project; seconded by Councilman Knox. Motion carried unanimously. Police Department Report was given by Chief Hughes. He informed the Council that the '71 patrol car was in need of a tune-up to be done by Chaparral Plymouth Company. Councilman Knox so moved; ' seconded by Councilman Nunn. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Knox moved that the City pay for eighteen tickets ' at a cost of $3 each to the Annual Tarrant County Fireman's Banquet; seconded by Councilman Polson. Motion carried unanimously. Texas Securities Corporation President, Thomas Anderlitch, reported ' to the Council that the bond market was in a favorable position and recommended that all the bonds be sold. The interest rate would be between 6 and 6.25/.- Mayor Booker advised him to act ' in the best interests of the City and sell the bonds at his discretion. Resolution No. 71 -21 was tabled pending further study of the land in question. The bills presented were approved for payment on motion by Council- man Knox; 2nded by Councilman Drummond. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business, the meetin ad jour e ATTEST : ' /Mayor ' City Secretary Ci c a I - FAIRE DEJ AR:.T"1E2q s i i 239-2123 R. P. STEELE QTR C.t. LEF y~'/• rI.KF, DEPARTP. 21 1T SURMARY SOU`t'H..I,AKZ TIRE DEPAR'TKE21T ! 1"ICIIlua ov Oct. L;'~1 - 1. TOTAL CALLS ----------------_.w_-_--__----._--_--_--------- 2.=11c~a ':~~ftt'3 3. STRUCTURE FIRES 0 4. AUTO FIREa 0 5 5. AUTO ACCIDENT STAXD-By ' ' 2 ! bMUTUAL AID ALARMS iS FALSE ALA1110 0 I t,. BALLS Flood. Condition 9. ~f?iS`MLl2't'~sa.^Y.`i.W On d Call 75 hrs. 30 Min. 10. TOTAL NUIBER OF DL4N HOURS EXPL 11DED - j 11. TOTAL NU1J3ER OF I~L411 HOURS EXPENDED 014 CIVIC PKOZEC'TS nTM4P murh'► WIRE DEPAR I;E21T OPERATIONS None 12. APPROXIA.1TET,Y TOTAL 1W HOURS CHECKING, AND PfiAINTINWICE 1 hrs. OF FIRL rsPARTMdNT B UIPM.E13T.---------------- 5 NUMBER OF DRILLI DURING MONTH 2 NUMBER OF MAN' HOURS ON DRILLS 28 32 t NUMBER OF Mal A TTENDING MEETINGS FOR MONTH *DOES NOT INCLUDE; ANYTHING BUT ACTUAL FIRE DEPARTNXNT DRILLS. APECIAL REFOR.T: Men responding for month I J.Clifton--4 „ B.Steele--4 C.Chelf--5 J.Weddle--5 R.Polson--5 W.Stricker--2 J.Joyce--6 J.Strait--2 T.Hern--1 D.Cordes--2 N.Frank--1 D.Johnson--1 R.Bridgewater-=2 E.Kinchen--1 10 E.Seydler--3 W:Booker--4 D.Caddy--1 Pi-IONE - 209-2123 R. P. STEELE .t :.1't.u CHI ui• DEPARTMENT SUMI-IARY FIRE D..El`~f..l i November < P'tUld i Ii U.t > 71 1. TOTAL CALLS STRUCTURE FIR 85 3. AUTO FIRES 0 i AUTO ACCIDi'NT STAWD-BY 3 6. MUTUAL AID ALARICS- h 0 i 7. PALSE ALARMS 0 ljis:JlNi~ Jlid+ ,i lV: CALLS 0 I i 9. AY31JLAJCE, CALLS 0 10. TOTAL i'IUIyj3ER OF Xald HOURS EXPENDED On - Call '17 hrs. 11. TOTAL NU1, 3ER OF MAN HOURS EXPt~IdD.L:D ON CIVIC PROJECTS f1`'UWP mr.~r.TNT w,IR^~ DEPART11,6711T OPERATIONJ 0 12. A?PROXIM.LTELY TOTAL I-W HOURS CHECKIidG P10 IfiA111TINANCE OF FIRE I1SPARTNEIT E(tUIPXOT 15 hrs. NUMBER OF DRILLS DURING MONTH 0 NUMBER OF MAR HOURS ON DRILLS 0 NUMBER OF K& ATTENDING METINGS FOR MONTH-- 24 *DOES NOT INCLUDE ANYTHING BUT ACTUAL FIRE DEPART1Y.!4XT DRILLS. gPECIAL REPORT: Men responding for month R. Polson 5 J. Weddle 2 D. Cordes 1 B. Steele 2 J. Joyce 4 D. Hughes 1 W. Booker 2 W. Cline 1 J. Clifton 2 D. Gaddy 1 0. Che if 1 , R. Bridgewater 2 A C , TY OF SOUTHLAKE INCORPORATED1956 PHONE 289-2200 P. 0. BOX 86B SOUTHLAKE. TEXAS 76051 December 16, 1971 Honorable Moyor and City Council Police Department report for the month of November, 1971 Tickets issued in Oct. 163 Tickets issued. in Nov. G 141 Fines written in Nov. $3,053.00 Fines paid in Nov. $2,010.50 Fines paid. by Highway Patrol ! $57.50 Bonds refunded in Oct. 00.00 Bonds refunded in Nov. 22.00 Traffic accidents in Oct. 8 Traffic accidents in Nov. i! 10 Burglaries investigated in Oct. 2 Burglaries investigated. in Nov. 3 Approx. total value taken in burglaries in Nov. $1':,193.00 Approx. total value recovered. in burglaries in Nov. $00.00 Thefts investigated in Oct. 3 Thefts investigated. in Nov. 2 Approx. total value taken in thefts in Nov. 2,351.00 Approx. total value recovered in thefts in Nov. 2,351-00 ' Number of calls in Oct. 61 Number of calls in Nov. 59 Persons in jail in Oct. 15 Persons in jail in Nov. 8 Miles driven in Oct. 10,414 Miles driven in Nov. 7,510 Speedometer reading on Unit #1 (70 Ply.) 78,281 Speedometer reading on Unit #2 (71 Ply.) 49,459 Respectfully su itted., R, Dougl s R. Hughes i i