1971-10-19 149 A G E N D A i REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, OCTOBER 19, 1971 Billy D. Mitchell re Building Permit 2. Planning & Zoning Recommendations: A. ZA-71-12 - Acme Evection Company (Appearance of Gary Lee et al in re above.) B. ZA-71 -14 - A. W. Wolf request for H District at Southlake Premier IiD Tocation. 3• Mssrs. Bart Bradford and Gene Worrell for f Carter & Burgess, Inc., re Dove Estates 4._ City Matters: A. Bills t B. City of Keller request re Rufus Welch C. Bob Bell, Bell Communications, re payment plans for new radar. a 150 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS October 19 s 1971 i j The City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, met in regular session Tuesday, October 19, 1 971 , in the Council Chamber of City Hall with the follo*ing members present: Wade Booker, Mayor Ralph Polson, Mayor Pro Tem Billy Joe Knox, C ounci lman R. D.+1rummond, Councilman W. 0. Nunn, Councilman Absent: Thurman Hearn, Councilman William D. Campbell, City Attorney Mayor Booker called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. The invocation was given by Councilman Polson. The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as read. Carter & Burgess representatives, Bart Bradford and Gene Worrell appeared before the Council to discuss the boundary streets in Dove Estates. With the City not ready to do its half of the street work, Councilman Knox suggested that the money be put in escrow with the City drawing the interest to offset rising costs. Gene Worrell offered the alternative of putting in thirty feet of rural section, skipping ecurbs and gutters. (The Council ad- vised that its Water Superintendent will do the City's inspect- ing.) A further suggestion was that a percolation test be submitted with a preliminary plat for future developers. Bill D. Mitchell appeared before the Council regarding what was required to obtain a building permit. Discussion followed regarding the Subdivision Ordinance, and the unpaved portion of the dedicated right-of-way on the south end of Mr. Mitchell's property. ZA-71 -1 2 was recommended for approval for 'Y'District by the Planning & Zoning Commission (copy attached). Gary Lee appeared before the Council on behalf of the new owner asking that such development be delayed at the present time for the sake of those having to live there now. Mr. Erskine McAlpin also voiced his disapproval of the requested zoning. Mayor Booker set the date ® for the public hearing for November 16, 1 971 , 7:30 P.M. 151 ZA- 1-1 "H" District zoning was recommended for approval by the Planning & Zoning Commission. The public hearing was set ' for November 16, 1 971 , 7:30 P.M. Councilman Knox moved that the bills presented be approved for payment; seconded by Councilman Polson. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Bob Bell, of Bell Communications, could not appear. ~ Mayor Booker asked each of the Council to subscribe to a post office box to help increase the patronage of our post office and that.a letter be sent to the proper authority requesting a first class post office)" here in Southlake. Mayor Booker reported on the recent meeti ng.at COG concerning ' the developments on the Regional Airport. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. I O' Mayor r ATTEST: _ ~ moo City Secretary Council Mtg. 10/19/71 - Pg 2 FIRE DEPARTI-I&IT PHONE ~ - 289-2123 MHO ~ R. P. STEEL; FAR CHIEF J~ FIRE DEPAHTMER rT SUMMARY . SOU'1'SL,AKE t~ll~ D~;t'A&1'Mk~'1' . MONTIi OF .2. 19 1. TOTAL CALLS 10 5 , 3. STRUCTURE FIRES 1 4. AUTO FIRES None ' 5. AUTO ACCIDENT STAND-BY , None 6. MUTUAL AID ALARMS ----------__..__-----____»..------_---__.»l 2 1 7. FALSE ALARMS k DROWNING , 8. CALLS - 1 I' 9. AMBULANCE CALLS None 10. TOTAL NU1,1BER OF MAN HOURS EXPENDED Call-___---- T 1 rs . lOMin. i 11. TOTAL NUMBER OF MAN HOURS EXPENDED ON CIVIC PROJECTS nTwwP TTxnTT FIRE DEPARTMe-24T OPERATIONS None 12. AYYROXIMA''ELY TOTAL MAN HOURS CHECKING AND MAINTINANCE OF FIRE DEPARTMENT EUIPMENT------- 25 i i NUMBER OF DRILLS DURING MONTH 2 NUMBER OF MAN HOURS ON DRILLS 32 i NUMBER OF MEN ATTENDING MEETINGS FOR MONTH----------------- 42 *DOES NOT INCLUDE ANYTHING BUT ACTUAL FIRE DEPARTMENT DRILLS. APECIAL REPORT: Men Responding For Month B.Sbeele 9 J.Strait 3 J. Joyce 5 B.Burris 3 D.Gaddy 2 E.Kinchen 2 D.Cordis 5 V.Booker 3 D.Steele 5 R.Polson 6 R.Boehringer 2 i o! E.Sadler 2 i R.Beidgewater 5 W.Stricher 2 P.Pension 2 N.Frank J.Weddlu 7 1 k FIRE DEPARTMENT; - ' PHONE - 289-2123 R. P. STEELS F~R~ FII FIRE D.E;PAHTYMT SUMMARY u SOU1'.EiTaA1S.E FIRE DSPARTWT MONTH OF 9-.1~-- ' TOTAL 1. CALLS 2. i 14 ' CIRAZZ .?IRES 9 None . STRUCTURE FIRES 3 ' 4- AUTO FIRES - 1 5. AUTO ACCID T STAND-BY 1 b. MUTUAL AID ALARMS 2 i 7• FALSE ALARMS None ' Call _~Part~ found out of gas in boat 1 3. ~{•"+~.JIiUJV11s~L"Vii ~+~5 t F j AMBULANCE CALLS None 9. 10. TOTAL NUNABER OF MAN HOURS EXPENDED -On -call 49Hrs.lOMin,. 11. TOTAL NUMBER OF MAN HOURS EXPENDED ON CIVIC PROJECTS . None nTT;WP muenT FIRE DEPARTMEWT OPERATIONS i ' 12 APPROXIMATELY TOTAL MAN HOURS CHEiCKINGAND MAINTINANCE OF FIRE DEPARTMENT EkUIPMENT--------------------------- 15 NUMBER OF DRILLS DURING MONTH 2 NUMBER OF MAN HOURS ON DRILLS 30 NUMBER OF MEAT ATTENDING MEETINGS FOR MONTH----------------- 35 *DOES NOT INCLUDE ANYTHING BUT ACTUAL FIRE DEPARTMENT DRILLS. ' SPECIAL REPORT; Men Responding For Month h. J. Clifton 6 D.Cordes 7 W.Bcoker 2 E.Sadler 3 J.Wed.dle 7 J.Strait 4 R.Polson 10 D.Gad.dy 4 W.Stricker 3 R.Boehringer 1 E.Kinchin 3 D.Steele 2 P.Pinson 1 B.Steele 4 J.Joyce 1 B.Burris 5 D.Johnson 2 R.Bridgewater 7 B.Burris 1 . k Y, ,,t FIRS; DEPART=, T ~ PHONE - 289-2123 R. P. STEEL; y FIRE FIRES DEPARTY T SUMr1ARY ` • , 30U1S~LAKE FIRE DEPART :h9.Ol Mona OF „ ) ly 1. TOTAL CALLS j. 2 GRAas „ None ' 3. STRUCTURE FIRES None 4- AUTO FIRE~ 1 ' 5. AUTO ACCIDENT STAiZD-BY None 6. MUTUAL AID ALARMS 7. FALSE ALARMS None 8. RL3LUaCI'1'ri'1'0b CALLS None AMBULANCE CALLS None n_Call 4Hrs. 10. TOTAL NtfN18ER OF MAN HOURS EXPENDED 20Min. . i 11. TOTAL NUMBER OF MAN HOURS EXPENDED ON CIVIC PROJECTS nTT;RP MRAN FIRE DEPARTMENT OPERATIONS None j 12. APPROXIMATELY TOTAL MAN HOURS CHECKING AND MAINTINANCE 30 OF FIRE DEPARTMENT E(4UIPMENT------------------ 1 NUMBER OF DRILLS DURING MONTH NUMBER OF MAN HOURS ON DRILLS NUMBER OF DIEM ATTENDING MEETINGS FOR MONTH---------------- 20 *DOES NOT INCLUDE ANYTHING BUT ACTUAL FIRE DEPARTMENT DRILLS. SPECIAL REPORT: Men Responding for Month B.Steele 1 D.Steele 1 J. Clifton 2 J.Strait 1 D.Cordes 1 E.Kinchen 1 ° M.Thrasher 1 J.Jo7ce 1 R.Polson 1 FIM DEPARTMENT ~i f PHONE - 289-2123 110 I R. P. STEELS FIRE CHIEF FIRE DEPAR'.TYMT SU101ARY T SOU7.HI,AKE F 111E Dk~PAHT Mk.~71 MONTH OF L.lgz/- 1. TOTAL CALLS ------------------------------r_---r--------- 11 2. cr,nA33 JIRBS 3. STRUCTURE FIRES None ~i 4. AUTO FIRES 1 i j 5. AUTO ACCIDLWT STAND-BY 2 1 b. MUTUAL AID ALARMS ----rr__----r___rr_-_-_,.__---____r_-r-r 7. FALSE; ALARMS None T N `3. RcaLUoCIT.~lUh CULLS None 9• AMBULANCE CALLS None i ' 10. TOTAL NUN:BER OF MAN HOURS EXPENDED 22 r__ r Hrs . 30Min. 11. TOTAL NUMBER OF MAN HOURS &XPENDED ON CIVIC PROJECTS nmT;WP muAm FIRE DEPARTM-dMT OPERATIONS None 12 A?PROXIMATELY TOTAL MAtd HOURS CHECKING AND MAINTINANCE 20 OF FIRE DEPARTMENT EQ.UIPM.ENT-------_..___- NUMBER OF DRILLS DURING MONTH 2 NUMBER OF MAN HOURS ON DRILLS ---_-M.----------------------- 35 i25 =13ER OF MEN ATTENDING MEETINGS FOR MONTH---------------- ili-DOES NOT INCLUDE ANYTHDTO BUT ACTUAL FIRE, DEPARTYMT DRILLS. ! j a„PECIAL W310OR Men Responding for Month J. Clifton 6 N.Frank 1 D.Cordas L} M.Thrasher 1_, 2 { W.Booker J.Strait 4 B.Steele 3 J.Joyce 2 W.Stricker 3 E.Sadler 1 ,f{ R.Polson 7 E.Kinchen 1 D.Gadd.y 2 D.Hughes 1 J.Weddle 3 R.Boehringer 1 # 152 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION TO: The City Council Southlake, Texas Gentlemen: RE: ZA-71 -12 Acme Erection Company At a regular public meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission on Tuesday, October 12, 1971, the Commission agreed by a majority vote to recommend that the Council approve the request of change in zoning to F (Light Industrial) District on the property described in the above numbered case. Mr. Snider, speaking for Acme Erection Company, stated that he is willing to dedicate the necessary sixty feet which will be required for the proposed future outer loop along the west edge of the property. Present for the Commission: Mussina, Chairman Stickley, Secretary Gonzalez Gordon Hargadine Tetrault Wolf 153 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION TO: The City Council Southlake, Texas Gentlemen: RE: ZA-71 -14 A. W. Wolf At a regular public meeting of the Planning and Zoning 1 Commission on Tuesday, October 12, 1971, the Commission unanimously agreed to recommend that the Council approve the request of a change in zoning to H (Heavy Commercial) District on the property described in the above numbered case, provided the applicant conforms to the Ordinance. The applicant, Mr. Wolf, had stated that he had hopes of ® establishing a tennis club in the future. Present for the Commission: Mussina, Chairman Stickley, Secretary Gonzalez Gordon Hargadi ne Tetrault Wolf r