1971-07-06 A G E N D A REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JULY 6, 1971 1. Public Hearing - ZA-71-7 Request for F District (Light Industrial) in John Freeman Survey, Abst. 529, Tract 6, on Union Church Road. 2. Dove Estates- Mr. Bart Bradford re off-site water main. A. Citizens' petition for change' of street name. 3. Police Department Report 4. Fire Department Report 5. Planning & Zoning Recommendation re ZA-71-8 - Paul Crutsinger's request for L District (Light Commercial) on SH 114 6. City Matters A. Tax Board B. Approval of Bills C. ZA-69-21 and ZA-6922 YiY 91 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL JULY 6, 1971 The City Council of the City of Southlake met in regular session in the Council Chamber of City Hall on Tuesday, July 6, 1971, with the following members present: Wade Booker, Mayor Ralph Polson, Mayor Pro Tem Thurman Hearn, Councilman Billy Joe Knox, Councilman W. O. Nunn, Councilman R. D. Drummond, Councilman Also present: W. D. Campbell, City Attorney. Mayor Booker called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.m. The in- vocation was given by Councilman Polson. Minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as read. ZA-71-7: There was no one present for the public hearing, either opposed to or in favor of, the request of Harold Shuler, Trustee, for a change of zoning from Ag District to F District on thirty- nine acres of land, more or less, being designated on the City Tax Roll as Tract 6 in the John Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 529. The Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval as this request complies with the Master Plan (see Minutes of 6/1/71). Councilman Knox moved that the zoning on said land be changed as requested; seconded by Councilman ouncilman Hearn. Ordinance y No. 161- 26 being hereby passed and approved this date copy attached and made a part hereof.) ZA-71-8: The Planning & Zoning Commission recommendation for approval was read to the Council wherein Paul Crutsi nger re- quests a change in zoning from Ag District to L District on land described therein. The Mayor set the date of the public hearing for Agust 3, 1971, at 7:30 p.m. Police Report was given by Sgt. Gaddy who also submitted to the Council evaluations on each police officer. The Council com- mended his efforts in this regard as well as Capt.Cordes'. A motion was made by Councilman Knox, seconded by Councilman Polson to repair the brakes and have a tune up done on the 170 Plymouth. Motion carried unanimously. The Council unanimously approved, on motion by Councilman Knox, seconded by Councilman Nunn, to raise Patrolman Boehringer's monthly salary to $450 from $425• Fire Department Report was tabled until the next regular meeting. 92 Tax Equalization Board was set to meet on July 31st from 9 A.M. tit Noon. L. A. Casey and James Wr nfrey have agreed to serve. A meeting with Mr. Tom Anderlitch of the Texas Securities Cor- poration has been set for July 12th, 8 P.M. The bills-presented were approved for payment on motion by Councilman Knox; seconded by Councilman Polson. Motion carried unanimously. ($100 Petty Cash; Carter & Burgess, $162; White's Auto Store, $40; Grapevine Auto Supply, $50; Grapevine Sun, $16.55; Davis Office Supply, $16.54; Viking Supply, $176.80; Thompson Printing, $62.82; Sa-So, Inc., $37.40.) ZA-69-21 & -22: Mr. Campbell advised that the conditions now having been met as set forth in a motion made at the public hearing held December 2, 1969, Ordinances No. 161-27 and -28 can be prepared for signature and dated as of the date of the hearing. Discussion followed regarding the boundaries of Southlake in relation to Keller. Citizen Jimmy Strait requested the Council to excuse Billy D. Mitchell from Ordinance No. 160, pertaining to subdivisions. Mr. Strait was instructed to return to the Council with his request after the County has paved the road in question. Mr. Bart Bradford of Carter & Burgess appeared for Dove Estates. Pertaining to the cost of the off-site approach water main, it was generally agreed that the total cost of an 8" main is to be borne by the Developer. Then, on motion by Councilman Knox, seconded by Councilman Polson, the City will rebate to the Dev- eloper $150 out of each $250 water tap in the Dove Estates Sub- division over a six year period from this date of July 7, 1971. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary Council Mtg. 7/6/71-Pg. 2 93 ORDINANCE NO. 161-26 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 4 NO. 161 OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BY AMENDING THE ZONING CLASSIFI- CATION OF THIRTY-NINE ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS, OUT OF THE J. A. MUM MAN SIIR VRY„ ABSTRACT NO. 529, FROM AG (AGRICULTURE) DISTRICT TO F (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL) DISTRICT. WHEREAS, after receipt of request for change of zoning, notice given to applicable property owners of public hearing, # notice of public hearing published, and public hearing having been conducted, all in compliance with Ordinance No. 161 of i the City of Southlake, Texas, NOW, THEREFORE, r Be it Ordained by the City Coun i 1 of the City of I Southlake, Texas i SECTION 1. The certain Ordinance No. 161 passed by the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, Janua rY 7, 1969, and being the "Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance" is hereby amended insofar as the thirty-nine acres of land, more or less, owned by Harold Shuler, Trustee, out of the John A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 29, Tarrant County, Texas, more y, , particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at an iron rod standing 129.2 varas West and 237.6 feet South of the Southeast i corner of a 26 acre tract of land sold by J. ~'n w...v+ J. T lie TT! ....L _ a . A n by deed recorded in Book 363, Page 362, Deed f Reeordst, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE South 487.0 feet to an iron rod being the point of intersection of the South line of a 60.0 foot ingress-egress easement and the be- ginning of the West line of County Road 3099, and coast wing South with the West line of said - - - c•~ a sn ~vsrr~ii custance or 424101.3 x'eet to tte beginning of a curve to the right with a radius of .200.7+ feet; THENCE along said curve and Westerly line of said road in a Southerly direction 31 x..65 feet to the end of aurve; THENCE South 89 degrees 47 minutes 20 seconds West 493.98 feet along the North line of said .roadfor, the Southwest corner of the tract; THENCE North 0 degrees 20 minutes 40 seconds West 2430.7 feet to an iron rod for corner; THENCE North 89 degrees 00 minutes 44 seconds East 708.69 feet to Place of Beginning and con- taining 39.013 acres of land more or less is changed from its prior zoning classification of Ag (Agri- culture) District to a zoning classification of F (Light Industrial.) District. SECTION 2. The official Zoning Map created by said Ordinance No. 161 is hereby amended to reflect the change in zoning classification made by this Ordinance. SECTION 3. The said Ordinance No. 1610 except as amended by this Ordinance Now 161-26 and prior ordinance amendments, re- mains in effect in all other respects as originally passed. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. PASSED this 6th day of July, A. D. 1971. Mayor ATTEST City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorne 91 ' CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 4 INCORPORATED 1956 I ® r PHONE 289-2200 P. O. BOX 068 I` SOUTHLAKE.TEXAO 76051 July 6, 1971 Honorable Mayor and. City Council. Police Department report for the month of June, 1971. i. i Tickets issued. in May 171 (One Hundred. and. Seventy One) j Tickets issued. in June 166 (One Hundred and. Sixty Six) Tickets Unpaid 113 (One hund.red and Thirteen) Fines written in June 4.,996.50 Fines paid. in June 22870.50 Fines paid. by Highway Patrol 630.00 Bonds refunded. in May 00.00 Bonds refunded. in June 00.00 Traffic Accid.ents in May 10 (Ten) Traffic Accidents in June 6 (Six) Burglaries investigated. in May 5 (Five) Burglaries investigated. in June 2 (Two) Thefts investigated in May 3 (Three) Thefts investigated in June 5 (Five) Number of Calls in May 244 (Two Hundred. and. Forty Four) Number of Calls in June 176 (One Hundred and Seventy Six) { Persons in Jail in May 14. (Fourteen) Persons .in, Jail-'.in June 17 (Seventeen) Miles driven in May 7,702 miles Miles driven in June 8,271 miles Speed.ometer reading on Unit # 3050 8,022 (1971 Ply) Speed.ometer read.in on unit # 3051 139,834 (1967 Ford. Speedometer reading on Unit # 3052 71,354 (1970 Ply) Respectfully submitted., QIlj ~4~u+6(~4/ F. Cordes Acting Chief DFC:nb 3 0 U T H L A K E P O L'I C E D E P A R T M E N T i ' For the Month of June, 1971 1 CAPTAIN CORDES / l Charges Filed. DIC-DWI or DUID 18 Exceeding Speed Limit or Safe Speed 4 -.Improper Passing or Cutting In........ 2 ` Disregard. Stop Sign or Signal 2 Defective Brakes 1 Other Defective or Misused. Equipment ~10 TOTAL HAZARDOUS VIOLATIONS Drivers License Violations 23 Registration.& License Violation 1 Equipment--Non-Hazard.ous T10 TOTAL NON-HAZARDOUS VIOLATIONS iii ® TOTAL TRAFFIC 40 TOTAL NON-TRAFFIC 34 TOTAL CHARGES FILED 7 FUGITIVES ARRESTED 1 Hours Directing Traffic • Accident Investigation Other Investigation Special Duty Report Writing Court Duty Auxiliary Functions Routine Patrol Overtime Hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOTAL HOURS j. No. Accident Investigations 1 Non-Inj. Accident Investigations Info. & Assistance 59 First Aid Rendered 1 Obstructions Removed. 2 Police Agenciea..Assisted. 1 No. Equipment Checks 23 No. Routine DL Checks 23 , Noo of DL Actions 23 , 11 I. No. Escorts and Funerals oo.oo TOTAL CALLS 99 ~ t i TOTAL MILES . . . . . . . 2 189 gg t 1. ,j 96 i { S O U T H L A K E P 0 L I C E D E P A R T M E N T r For the Month of June, 1971 1 SERGEANT GADDY Charges Filed. J .Exceeding Speed Limit or Safe Speed 2 Improper Passing or Cutting In 2 ' Other Driving Violations 2 Other Defective or Misused Equipment 1 TOTAL HAZARDOUS VIOLATIONS 7 Drivers License Violations TOTAL NON-HAZARDOUS VIOLATIONS i TOTAL TRAFFIC 7 TOTAL NON-TRAFFIC ~i TOTAL CHARGES FILED 11 I Hou s j Directing Traffic Other Investigation Special Duty Office Detail Auxiliary Functions Routine Patrol 1 Overtime Hours TOTAL HOURS ll 1 Info. & Assistance 17 , i~ No. Equipment-Checks 1 No. Routine DL Checks No. DL Actions 1t ! 4 j No. Escorts and. Funerals 6 TOTAL CALLS 14 TOTAL MILES..........................11}95 a, a i i } t 7. jj 1 S O U T H L A K E P O L I C E D E P A R T M E N T For the Month of June, 1971 j OFFICER BOEHRINGER r Charges Filed DIC-DWI or DUID 1} 1 Exceeding Speed. Limit or Safe Speed 1 Disregard. Stop Sign or Signal 2 ;.i Other Defective or Misused Equipments... 2 TOTAL HAZARDOUS VIOLATIONS 9 i i Drivers License Violations 15 r Equipment--Non-Hazardous 3 Other Non-Hazardous Violations TOTAL NON-HAZARDOUS VIOLATIONS _2j 1 . TOTAL TRAFFIC 9 TOTAL NON-TRAFFIC 25 ' TOTAL CHARGES FILED 31} FUGITIVES ARRESTED 4 ours Directing Traffic Accident Investigations Other Investigations Report Writing Office Detail Auxiliary Functions 1 Routine Patrol ' TOTAWHOURS 1 No. of Accident Investigations 2 Non-Inj. Accident Investigations 2 Info. & Assistance 23 Obstructions Removed 1 Police Agencies Assisted. 1 No. Equipment Checks 5 •a No. Routine DL Checks 15 No. DL Actions 15 Escorts and Funerals No. 7 w:. 1 TOTAL CALLS 27 ~ r TOTAL MILES ............................19b8 r a • yl 1.1 98 S 0 U T H L A K E P 0 L I C E D E P A R T M E N T For the Month of June, 1971 , OFFICER HALL Charges Filed. DIC-DWI or DUID 2 Exceeding Speed. Limit or•Safe Speed 2 Disregard. Stop Sign or Signal 2 Other Driving Violations 1 Other Defective or Misused. Equipment 1 , TOTAL HAZARDOUS VIOLATIONS S Drivers License Violations 13 Registration.,& License Violation 1 , Equipment--Non-Hazard.ous 3 TOTAL NON-HAZARDOUS VIOLATIONS 17 TOTAL TRAFFIC 8 ' TOTAL NON-TRAFFIC 17 TOTAL CHARGES FILED 25 FUGITIVES ARRESTED 1 I Hours Other Investigation ' Special Duty Auxiliary Functions Routine Patrol ' Overtime Hours TOTAL HOURS TOTAL CALLS 9 TOTAL MILES 423 i I~~ 99 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION TO : The City Council Southlake, Texas Gentlemen: RE: ZA-71 -8 Paul Crutsinger At a regular public meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission on Tuesday, June 22, 1971, at the Southlake City Hall, the Commission agreed by 4 to 2 to recommend approval of the request of Paul Crutsinger for a change in zoning from Ag District to L District (Light Commer- ci al) zoning on a two acre tract of land along SH 114 near its intersection with Pleasant Run Road. Present for the Commission: Mussina, Chairman Stickley, Secretary Manuel Gonzalez C. M. Gordon Earl Williams Nate Hight Lloyd Wolf