1972 RESOLUTIONS PASSED 1972 72-1: Final payment on pumlp house. 1-4-72 page 10 72-2: Calling for a Municipal Election. 2-1-72 page 20 72-3: Collection of delinquent taxes. 2-15-72 page 26 72-4: Trinity River Authority requesting Southlake's support of Wallisville And Trinity River Projects. 2-7-72 page 34 72-5: Naming of City stredts. ' 3-21-72 page 42 72-6: Results of Municipal Election. ' 4-3-72 page 45 72-7: Calling for prepakafiiepaoStgnnual Audit. 4-18-72 page 65 72-8: Calling for paykent for work on Well Site #2. 5-2-22 page 78 ' 72-9: Appointment of Three Members to the Board of Equalization. 6-20-72 page 102 ' 73210: Second payment on Well #2 to Layne-Texas. 7-18-72 page 113 ' 722113: 701 Funding Approval for City's 1/3 share. 7-18-72 page 114 72-12: 1 72-12: Payment of note due Exchange flank & Trust. 7-18-72 page 116 72-13: I & S Fund at Exchange Bank. ' 7-18-72 page 117 72-14: Property Re-evaluation. 8-1-72 page 122 1 OL (CON'T) 72-15: Appointing Joe A. Perez to fill the unexpired term of RUpb Bo&sothe Council vacated by Ralph Polson. ' 8-29-72 page 133 72-16: Appointment of Mayor Pro Tempore. ' 9-19-72 page 150 72-17: Participation in Federal Grant for Law Enforcement Radio Communicatiopeg 9-5-72 page 140 72-18: Calling for appointment of Tax Assessor for 1973, setting fee for same and effective date. 9-19-72 page 146 72-19: Accepting bidsfor 1973 Patrol car. 10-3-72 page 160 , 72-20: Approving of 1973 Budget. 10-3-72 page X62 , 72-21: Calling for cancellation of certain taxes to correct errors in the 1968, 1969, 1970, and 1971 Rolls. 11-7-72 page 174 72-22: Tri-County Law Enforcement Facilities. , 11-21-72 page 180 72-23t72Rules & Regulations governing City Employees. 12-19-72 page 191