1973-07-17 AGENDA REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JULY 17, 1973 1. Water Department Report - Supt. W. G. Cline 2. Fire Department Report - Chief R. P. Steele 3. Approval of Bills 4. P & Z Recommendation I 121 CITY cF Sams Aim, TEXAS REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL JULY 17, 1973 The City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, met in regular session in the Council Chamber of City Hall in Southlake on Tues- day, July 17, 1973, with the following members present: Wade Booker, Mayor Billy Joe Knox, Mayor Pro Tem W. O. Nunn, Councilman R. D. Drummond, Councilman Frank Tetrault, Councilman Sam Davis, Councilman Also present: William D. Campbell, City Attorney. The meeting was called to order by the Mayor at 7:30 P.M. The invocation was given by Councilman Knox. The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as read. The Water Department report was tabled to the next regular meeting. Fire De artment Report was given by Chief R. P. Steele. (Attached Fe-reto. In answer to Councilman Davis' question, the Chief ad- vised that the street sign project was under the direction of Assistant Chief Joyce and he had no information on it. He informed the Council that all firefighting equipment is currently operational. Councilman Knox moved that the bills presented be approved for pay- I ment; seconded by Councilman Nunn. Motion carried unanimously. Planning & Zonin recommendation concerning unrecorded plats was I rea aloud to t e Council by the Mayor. (Attached hereto.) The City Attorney said he would check into it. The mayor also requested the City Attorney to take steps to amend Zoning Ordinance No. 161 to regulate liquor sales now that Precinct 3 has voted "wet". Dis- cussion followed. Councilman Drummond requested further study be had on revision of I Employees Rules & Regulations. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. I 1 amkz4:L~ I ATTEST: Mayor City Secretary 122 r P.O. BOX 868 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76051 WADE BOOKER, Mayor Aliceanne Wallace, City Secretary 13IL-V JOE KNOX, Mayor Pro Tem FIRE DEPARTMENT REPORT W O Nunn, Councilman R.P. , Drummond, Councilman STEELE •ank'etrault,Councilman MONTH OF JUNE 1973 FIR CHE Jdrn Oavis,-Councilman :{JSORABLE MAYOR and CITY COUNCILMEN 1. TOTAL CALLS------------------------------------------- 17 2. GRASS FIRES------------------------------------------- 1 j. ".'RUCTURE FIRES--------------------------------------- 1 Cin pIR4S------------------------------------------- A770 ACCIDENT STAND-BY-------------------------------- 5 v'LTTUAL AID ALARMS-~-Includes_~_days-on_Drownin~; 7. z79.LS*-7~ ALARMS---- 1 XC BSA :F~ r TOTAL N."MEBER OF ::ATV :TOURS EXPENDED------------------- 6451o, ll. TOTAL NUMBER OF MAN HOURS EXPENDED OX CIVIC PROJECTS OTHER THAN FIRS; DEPARTIM1ENT OPERATIONS---------------- 24 (:)ign Pr:i ~ ;;t) +2. APPROXIMATELY TOTAL MAN :TOURS CHECKING AND MAINTINANCE OF FIRE DEPARTMENT E4UIPMEXT ` NUM.Bi~R OF DRILLS DURING MONTH---------------------------- Y1 NUY3ER OF MAN HOURS ON DRILLS------------------ 21, -NZJn3ER OF P1EN ATT21NTD:NG MEETINGS FOR MONTH--------------- 30 *DOES NOT INCLUDE ANYTHING BUT ACTUAL FIRE DEPARTMENT DRILLS. SPECIAL, REPORT: MEN RESPONDING FOR MONTV Steele, R.P. 9 Armstrongs D. 7 Polson, R. Joyce, J.J. 2 Schneider, T. 12 White, sz. 2 Weddle, J. 6 Schirrran, T. 7 Clifton, D. 12 nifton, J. 8 Booker, W. 2 Andrews, . Dodson, C. 12 Gaddy D. 2 kols n Chelf,C. 2 Garrett, w, 1 Stee~e, She ton, J. 5 Kinchen, E. 2 123 a CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TX. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION July 11, 1973 TO THE HON. MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: At the regular meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission.- held Tuesday, July 10 1973, it was unanimously agreed that the Commission'recommend to the City Council that the City .Attorney be instructed to advise what legal steps can be t taken by the City to correct unrecorded plats in order to permit the issuance of building permits. Present for the Commission: R. W. Mussina, Chairman Elizabeth Stickley, Secretary G. W. Hargadine Nate Hight C. M. Gordon 124 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS TAX EQUALIZATION BOARD MEETING July 21, 1973 The annual meeting of the City of Southlake Tax Equalization Board convened at 9 o'clock A.M. in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, with the following members present. L. A. Casey David Moak Roger Baird Also present: M. E. Whiteside, City Tax Assessor. The City Secretary swore in the Board Members upon their oath in accordance with Article 7215 of Vernon's Civil Statutes. The follow- ing citizens appeared before the Board: John Shivers - The Board unanimously ruled that the improvements on its and were so old as to have no current value and reduced his assessment from $101,000 to $98,000.00. (A-1620, Tract 1.) Elvie Carey - The Board unanimously ruled that the value of the land to be a at assessed by Mr. Whiteside, i.e., $1,000 per acre, and should not be reduced. (A-1505, Tract 2 and 2A.) James Bedoodd - The Board unanimously ruled that the assessment made by Mr. Whiteside is fair and equitable and that bad water pressure did not enter into the evaluation. (A-18, Tract 2G.) Jesse Turner - The Board unanimously ruled that the assessment made by Mr. Whiteside is fair and equitable. (A-18, Tract 2C16.) IU,..W. Creel - The Board unanimously ruled that the assessment made by Mr. iteside is fair and equitable. (A-899, Tract 2A.) M. W. Farmer - The Board unanimously ruled that the assessment made o the and by Mr. Whiteside is fair and equitable. Discussion fol- lowed regarding the improvements and Mr. Whiteside informed Mr. Farmer and his attorney, Lucien Parris, that he would recheck the improve- ments for accuracy and make whatever adjustment, up or down, which might be necessary. (A-18, Tract 2A2.) Mrs. L. L. South - The Board unanimously ruled that the assessment made by Mr. Whiteside is fair and equitable. (A-1511, Tract 3A115.) The Board recommended to the City Council that an ordinance be passed giving $3,000 exemptions to persons over 65 years of age who apply, and qualify. 125 ® There being no other citizens approach the Board, the meeting r adjourned and hereby ended for this year, 1973, sine die. City Secretary We, the undersigned, members of the Board of Equalization of the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, for the year A.D. 1973, do solemnly swear that in the performance of our duties as mem- bers of such Board for said year, we will not vote to allow any taxable property to stand assessed on the Tax Roll of said City for said year for any sum which we believe to be less than its true market value, or if it has no market value, then its real ~y value; that we will faithfully endeavor, as members of said Board, to have each item of taxable property which die believe to be assessed for said year at less than its true market value or real value, raised on the Tax Roll to which we believe is its true cash market value, if it has a market value, if not, then its real value; and that we will faithfully endeavor to have the assessed valuation of all property subject to tax within said City stand upon the Tax Roll of said City for said year at its true cash market value, or if it has no market value, then its real value. Wd further solemnly swear that die have read and understand the provisions contained in the Constitution and Laws of this State relative to the valuation of taxable property, and that we will faithfully perform such duties as required by us under the Constitution and Laws of this State. SO HELP US GOD. L. Casey Ito- gek,,'B&:Lr7d -7 David Moa I, M. E. Whiteside, Appraiser for the City of Southlake, Texas, do solemnly swear that the correct and full list of the real and personal property subject to taxation in the City of Southlake, so far as I have been able to ascertain, totals $13,751,840 valu- ation on the 1973 Tax Roll. M. E.1-Whiteside, Tax Apprai "111111~~" ATTEST: City Secretary Tax Equalization Board Mtg. 7/21/73.P