1973-06-19 ion A G E N D A REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUNE 19, 1973 I. Public Hearing on ZA-73-4 and ZA-73-5: Request for F District by Billie Farrar, Tr. II. Resolution No. 73-15: Budget for Revenue Sharing Funds received for the lst half of 1973 in the amount of $3,425.00 III. Water Department Report - Supt. W. G. Cline IV. Fire Department Report - Chief R. P. Steele V. Report on Grapevine Boundary Meeting - Mayor Wade Booker VI. Report on Texas Highway Department Meeting in Austin - Mayor Wade Booker VII. Planning and Zoning Recommendation re Extra-Territorial Subdivision fees VIII. City Administration: A. Resolution No. 73-16: Dispersal of Library Funds B. Approval of Revised Plat - Trail Creek - Phase I C. Payment of note due Exchange Bank & Trust D. Employees Vacation Rule Revision R,,gw. 73-J7, E. Approval of Bills: 1. Repair to building 2. Rohan invoices re Bond Program (use of bond money) • 103 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL JUNE 19, 1973 The City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, met in regular session in the Council Chamber of City Hall in Southlake on Tues- day, June 19, 1973, with the following members present: Wade Booker, Mayor Billy Joe Knox, Mayor Pro Tem W. 0. Nunn, Councilman Frank Tetrault, Councilman Sam Davis, Councilman Absent: R. D. Drummond, Councilman Also present: William D. Campbell, City Attorney. The meeting was called to order by the Mayor at 7:30 PM. The in- vocation was given by Councilman Knox. The Minutes of the last two regular meetings were approved as I corrected. ZA-73-4 and ZA-73-5: The recommendations for approval by the Planning & Zoning Commission to the Council for a change in zoning from Ag District to F District on 93 acres of land, more or less, described by metes and bounds in said applications were read aloud by Mayor Booker. No one was present at this public hearing to speak for or against these requests. Whereupon, Councilman Nunn moved that Ordinance 161-51 and Ordinance 161-52; changing the zoning of land described therein from Ag District to F-District (Light Indus- trial) be passed and approved; seconded by Councilman Knox. Motion carried unanimously. (Said ordinances attached hereto and made a part hereof.) Resolution 73-15: Calling for a budget of $3,425 of Revenue Sharing Funds received for the first half of 1973 was passed and approved on motion by Councilman Knox; seconded by Council'; Tetrault. Motion carried unanimously. (Said resolution attached hereto and made a part hereof.) I Citizen Don Kelly asked the Council to be heard, whereupon Council unanimously agreed. He requested permission to place a mobile home on his property for servants' quarters. Mayor Booker explained the City's ordinance regarding where trailers must be located and sug- gested he purchase a copy of the City's zoning ordinance, No. 161. 104 ~Water Department Report was given by Supt. W. G. Cline. He In- formed the Council that lightning had struck the line of Well #2 putting the pumps out of commission. He'§gesstimated" the loss to be about 7 to $8,000 which is covered by insurance. He also advised that Chicago Bridge and Iron said they could not begin construction on the overhead tank until June 30th. Also, that he had the open well located at Well Site #2 about half filled. The City Secretary was instructed by the Council to cash one of the large C.D.'s at ABC Bank to pay the current bills pertaining to the bond program and to purchase smaller C.D.'s for short periods. Fire Department Report was tabled to the next meeting. Mayor Booker advised the Council that misunderstandings in the Grapevine boundary agreement have occurred regarding the Catfish Hut and Midway Camp. Following discussion, the Council were in agreement to accept the boundary line as presented.originally. Mayor Booker reported to the Council on the meeting in Austin with the Texas Highway Department regarding highway priorities. He felt the trip was successful and would probably bear fruit for the City of Southlake. Planning & zonin recommendation to raise subdivision plat fees ® or developers in the City's extra-territorial jurisdiction was discussed. The Mayor suggested further study. Councilman Nunn moved that the matter be tabled; seconded by Councilman Davis. Motion carried unanimously. Resolution No. 73-16: calling for the Library Funds to be trans- mitted to the Carroll School Library for the use of all Southlake citizens.was passed and approved on motion by Councilman Davis; seconded by Councilman Nunn. Councilmen Davis, Nunn and Knox voted for; Councilman Tetrault voted against. Councilman Nunn moved that the Revised Plat of Trail Creek - Phase I be approved; seconded by Councilman Knox. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Nunn moved that the $20,000 note due Exchange Bank & Trust in July be paid in full; seconded by Councilman Knox. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Booker suggested a work session following the July 3rd Meeting. Councilman Davis moved that the Employes Rules & Regulations per- taining to vacations be changed to figuring the length of service from the anniversary date of employment rather than the calendar date of January 1, and giving two weeks paid vacation after oneffill ® year's service rather than ten working days and three weeks paid vacation after ten years' service; seconded by Councilman Nunn. Regular Council Mtg. 6/15,/73-Pg.2 105 Motion carried unanimously. (Resolution No. 73-17 attached hereto and made a part hereof.) The bills presented were approved for payment on motion by Councilman Davis; seconded by Councilman Nunn. Motion carried unanimously. lk Councilman Nunn moved to have the front of the City Hall building repaired at an approximate cost of $60; seconded by Councilman Davis. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Knox moved to have the City Secretary attend a sem- inar in Denton on Small City Administration and management; seconded by Councilman Nunn. Motion carried unanimously. The Mayor recommended to the Council that Carter & Burgess complete the work presently being done under the current 701 grant but to consider another consultant firm for the future. The City Attonsgy reported to the Council on his attendance at COG for legal discussion of the proposed aircraft noise ordinance, pertaining to the Regional Airport. It was his opinion that the City of Southlake should hold off adopting such an ordinance at this time. ® There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Mayor ATTEST: J City Secretary RAffillav C 73 P ias CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION May 10, 1973 TO THE HON. MAYOR & COUNCILMEN: Gentlemen: Re: ZA-73-4 and ZA-73-5 At the regular meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission held at City Hall,Tuesday, May 8, 1973, it was moved by Manuel Gonzalez, seconded by Lloyd Wolf and unanimously approved by the Commission that the request by Billie Farrar for F District zoning on 90.5 acres of land, more or less, described by metes and bounds in the above entitled zoning applications be recommended for approval. It was stated by Ms Farrar that right-of-way for future widening on Continental Blvd. would be dedicated. Present for the Commission: R. W. Mussina, Chairman Elizabeth Stickley, Secretary Lloyd Wolf G. W. Hargadine James Harrell Manuel Gonzalez 1 67 ORQINAM Hfl*, Ijkl-6 AN 'GR1}INANCE AM ING ORDINANCE NO. 161 OF THE CITY> OF SO~NWE BY AMEND THE ZON- ING' CLASSIFICA;TI OF TWENTY-Tl9REE` ACRES OF LAM, 14ORE 4R LESS., OUT OF THE JOHN A. FREE MAN Stt'R'VEY, ABSTRACT NO. 629,, FROM AG (AGRIt L- lURE) DISTRICT TO F' (LIMT INWS M?AL) VISTRICT WHEREAS, after receipt of request for change of zoning, notice given to applicibie property owners of public hearing', notice of public hearing public-bed, `and public' Hearing having been c6nducted, all in compliance with Ordinance Mo. 161, of the City of Southlake, Texas, NOW, THEREFORE , Be' it ordained by the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas SECT. The certain Ordinance No. 161 passed by the City Council of thj City of Southlake, Texas, January 7,. 196-9, and being the "Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance„ is hereby amended insofar as -the twenty.-three acres of~`1and, more or less, out of. the John A. Freeman Surveys, Abstract No. 629, Tarrant County, Texas, more particularly described by me M s boo s as follows, BEGINNING at a nail in the center,of County Road No, 3M the Southwest corner of said' J. A. Freeman Survey,. Abstract $29, Tarrant :County, Texas THENCE East,• along said center line of County Road 3099, 7.78.78 feet to ar nail for center; THENCE North 00 13' 241# East, at 18.0 Feet: passing a steel rod in the North, R. 0. it. line of said, County Road and contioui0q, a total distance of 1283.63 feet to an 112" pipe at fence corner; THENCE North 090.56' 31' West. with f t+ce line, 772.86 feet to an axle at fence corner; THENCE Sough Da 29' 41" hest with fence limey at 1266.5 feet passing a steel rod; its said Morth R. 0. V, line of said County Road and carttinuing atotal distance of, 1284.35 feet to the PLACE £ B-GINNING and containing 22.8894 acres of land, more or less, of which 0.3218 acres lie within said-County Road, leaving a net acreage of 22.5472, i is changed from its prior zoning olassificatian of A6 (Agriculture) District to a zoning classification of .F (Light Industrial) District SECS' €N.bZ. The official Zoning Rap created by said Ordinance No. 161 is iYW Mme.. hereby amended to reflect the change in zoning classification made by this Ordinance SE~C7 `Q t Tire said Ordinance No. 161, except as amended by phis' ordinance No. 161-52 and prior ordinance amendments, r ins In effect in all other respects as originally passed. This ordinance shall take effect upon its .passage. PASSED this 19th day of dune, A D 1973. yon"` ATl EM. City Secretary APP VED A 'TO Fez City Attorney ORDINANCE NO, 161µ51 AN ORDINANCE At4E ING ORDINANCE 140. 161, OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BY AMEN[1IA THE ZON- ING CLASSIFICAT16N OF SIXTY-MINE ACMES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS, OUT., OF THE JOHN. ,A. ' FREE- MAN SUMMY, ABSTRACT 80. 529_, ANQ, THE J. W. HAZE SURVEY, !ABSTRACT NOi 803, Ft AG (AGRICULTURE) DISTRICT T`0 F (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL) DISTRICT. WHEREAS. after receipt of request for rbange of zoning, notice given to applicable, prepertY owners of public hearing, notice of public hearing published, and; public hearing having been; conducts,, all in compliance. with. Ordinance No. 161, of the City of Southla e, Texas, NOW, THEREFORE, Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas; SE~C&,YII. The certain Ordinance No. 161 passed by the City Council of the City of Seuthlake, Texas, January 7, 1959, and tieing the "Comprehensives Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended insofar as the sixty-nine acres of land, more or less, being 48.35 acres of land out of the John A. Freeman Survey, Abstract,No. 529, and 2007 acres of land out of the J.. fit. Bale Survey, Abstract No. 803, Tarrant County, Texas, more particularly described by meters and bounds as fol 1 ows s BEGINNING at a tree at the Northeast corner of said Hale Survey, sand,point also beirq a re-entrant corner of said Freeman Survey; THENCE east 1543.8`feuet to an iron pi:n. for corner; THENCE South 000 16' West along a fence 1397.2 feet to an iron pin for corner; THENCE test along a fencer, 1543.3 feet, to a gear for corner; THENCE North 000 14' West along a fence 387.8 feet to an iron pin for corner, said point being the Southwest corner of a 140 acre tract recorded in Volume 3707, Page 241, Dead Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE North 890 14° East along a fence 201.1 feet to an iron pin for corner at the Southeast corner of said 1.0 acre tract; THENCE North 000 46' West along a fence 216.7 feet to an iron pin at the Northeast corner of said 1.0 acre tract-, THENCE South 89o 14' hest 2(11.1 feet to. an iron pin at the Borth- west corner of said 1.8 acre tract; THENCE South 46' East 216 7 feet to an iron pier at the South- west corner of said 1.4 acre tract; THENCE West *.long a fence and, the South 1 i ne of a 34 foot road, 879.6 feet to an iron pin for. comer; T NCE North 11' East along a fence 993.0 feet.to an iron pin for corner; THENCE North 1*0 57' Cast along a fence 884.0 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNI # is changed from its prior Zorring classification of R8 (Agriculture) District to a zoning.classification of (Light' Industrial) District. AE-CUM . The official. Zoning Nap created by said Ordinaw-e No. 161 is hereby agreed to reflect the change its ;honing classification made by this Ordinance. SE6„~`IQN . The said Ordinance No. 161, except as amended by this Ordinance No. 161..51 and prior ordinance amendments, remains in effect in all other respects as originally passed. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. PASSED this 19th day of Jane, A. D. 1973. yor ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED AS TO Pty: City Attorney RESOLUTION NO. 73-15 WHEREAS, the Federal Government has allocated $3,425.00 to the City of Southlake for the first half of 1973 under the Revenue Sharing Program; And WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake has held public meetings to determine the expendi- ture of these funds; Now, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; That the following budget of $3,425.00 is hereby adopted: Financial Administration - $500.00 Two Fireproof Records Safes - $650.00 Police Department Equipment - $1,088.00 City Hall Expansion - $1275.00 PASSED AND APPROVED thislday of June, 1973. N&. - ATTEST: 4yor 00, LG w~~ City Secretary 112 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION May 31, 1973 TO THE HON. MAYOR & COUNCILMEN: Gentlemen: At the regular meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission held at City Hall, Tuesday, May 29, 1973, the following recommendations were made: I. Amend Ord. No. 160, pertaining to filing fees regarding plats within extra-territorial jurisdiction. The motion was made by C. M. Gordon, seconded by Nate Hight, that $100.00 be charged developers. Lloyd Wolf moved, and Manuel Gonzalez seconded, that all expenses incurred by the City be charged the Developer. II. An interested party be sent to Austin for a 3-day City Planning Seminar. (Lloyd Wolf expressed interest. Present for the Commission: R. W. Mussina, Chairman Elizabeth Stickley, Secretary Manuel Gonzalez Lloyd Wolf C. M. Gordon Nate Hight James Harwell 113 RESOLUTION NO. 73-16 WHEREAS, the Tarrant County Commissioners have allocated $2,000.00 to the City of Southlake for the year 1973 for use in its Municipal Library; Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; That the sum of $2,000.00 be used toward the purchase of books and equipment by the Carroll School Library for the use of all Southlake citizens PASSED AND APPROVED thisZday of June, 1973. ATTEST: Mayor City Secretary j i I I I I i 114 RESOLUTION NO. 73-17 WHEREAS, on December 19, 1972, the City Council of the City of South- lake passed and approved Personnel Rules and Regulations governing em- ployees of the City of Southlake; And WHEREAS, Section 3 of said Rules and Regulations sets forth eligibility of employees' vacations; And WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to extend such benefits under Section 3, Subsection 3.5-1; Now THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: 1. The length of service for vacation benefits eligibility will be calculated from the anniversary date of employment rather than the calendar date of January 1. 2. Employees regarded as full-time are entitled to two weeks paid vacation after one full year's service rather than ten working days, and employees regarded as full-time who have completed ten years' service are entitled to three weeks paid vacation rather than fifteen days. PASSED AND APPROVED this 19th day of June, 1973. - y6t, Mayor ATTEST: ~014 A /l City Secretary