1973-03-06 } 44A G E N D A CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH-6, 1973 1. Public Hearing on Revenue Sharing Funds Budget. 2. Requests for Building Permits re Special Items: A. Living quarters in a garage - Wayne Howell. B. Living quarters in a barn - Jas. McGiboney. 3. Final Plat of Vista Trail..- Aubrey Breathers. 4. Lone Star Gas Meeting - R. W. Mussina. 5. Tri-County Electric Co-operative, Inc., request for Rate Increase. 6. Fire Department Report - Fire Chief R. P. Steele. 7. Police Department Report - Police Chief D. R. Hughes. 8. Administrative Matters: A. Proposed Ordinances: a. Amendment of Planning & Zoning Commission. b. Mass Gathering. B. Approval of Payment of Outstanding Bills. v 45 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL March 6, 1973 The City Council of the City of Southlake met in regular session in the Council Chamber of City Hall in Southlake, Texas, on Tues- day, March 6, 1973, with the following members present: Wade Booker, Mayor Billy Joe Knox, Mayor Pro Tem W. 0. Nunn, Councilman R. D. Drummond, Councilman J. A. Perez, Councilman Absent: Frank Tetrault, Councilman Also present: William D. Campbell, City Attorney. Mayor Booker called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. The invoca- tion was given by Councilman Knox. . The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as read. Mayor Booker announced that this public hearing was now open for discussion regarding a budget for spending the revenue sliaring funds in the amount of $5,818 received to date, and read aloud various proposals. Citizen Ben Berry suggested fire plugs. Citizen J. L. Clow suggested the money be used to make up the deficit in the cur- rent budget. Following discussion, Councilman Nunn moved to spend $1,800 for street signs (including installation costs), $600 for repair of the Fire Department rescue wagon, $656 for repair of the Fire Department pumper, $218 for miscellaneous maintenance items to be used for city owned vehicles, and the balance to be applied to the cost of the 1973 patrol car; seconded by Councilman Drummond. Motion carried unanimously. Citizen Wayne Howell asked the Council that he be permitted to obtain a building permit to construct living quarters in a garage for his sick mother-in-law. The City Attorney explained what was permissible under our ordinance. Following discussion, Councilman Perez moved that Mr. Howell be permitted to obtain a building permit for a garage with such use included, valid for six months at a time or until the house is sold, whichever occurs first; seconded by Councilman Nunn. Motion carried unanimously. Citizen James McGiboney failed to appear. Mr. Aubrey Brothers, developer of Vista Trail, presented his final plat. Mr. Gerald LEdON9, or Carter & Burgess, Inc., acting as the City's engineer, informed the Council the plat was basically all 46 right. He did request written dimensions of the street be placed on the plat. Councilman Knox moved that the final plat be approved; seconded by Councilman Nunn. Motion carried unanimously. Lone Star Gas Meeting report by R. W. Mussina was tabled at his request. Tri-Count Electric Cooperative, Inc., request for a rate ad- 3ustment was read aloud by the Mayor. This adjustment calls for a rate increase in some cases and a decrease in others. Mayor Booker informed the Council that the City of Keller turned it down. Councilman Perez moved that a decision be postponed until further study is possible; seconded by Councilman Knox. Motion carried unanimously. Fire Department report was given by Chief R. P. Steele. (Attached.) He ad mrmed the Council that Units 3001 and 3002 are okey. Police Department report was given by Sgt. Daymond Gaddy. (At- tached. He reported that Chief Hughes recommended a salary increase for Dispatcher Johnnie Massengale to $300 monthly fol- lowing completion of her training period which ended February 28th, 1973. Councilman Knox so moved; seconded by Councilman Perez. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Booker advised the Council that further study should be made regarding amending the present Planning & Zoning Commission ordinance, as well as the proposed mass gathering ordinance. Councilman Knox moved that the bills presented by approved for payment; seconded by Councilman Drummond. Motion carried un- animously. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. 011 Mayor ATTEST: _ City Secretary Council Mtg. 3/6/73 - Page 2 47 CITY OF S 0 U T H L A K E, T X. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION February 28, 1973 TO THE HON. MAYOR AND CITY COUNCILMEN: At a regularly held meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission on Tuesday, February 27, 1973, it was agreed unanimously by Wqx4e the final plat of Vista Trails, Aubrey those voting to Brothers, developer, subject to the recommendations made by Carter & Burgess as per the attached letter. Present for the Commission: R. W. Mussina, Chatman Elizabeth Stickley, Secretary Lloyd Wolf C. M. Gordon GG.Hargadine Charles Pennington James Harrell Manuel Gonzalez I I I ® CARTER & BURGESS, INC. ENGINEERS • PLANNERS 1100 MACON STREET/FORT WORTH, TEXAS 761021AREA CODE 817 335.2611 February 20, 1973 Mrs. Aliceanne Wallace City Secretary City of Southlake P. 0. Box 868 Southlake, Texas 76051 Re: Final - 71 Lots, Vista Trail Addition Dear Mrs. Wallace: We have reviewed the final plat on the Vista Trail Addition and would recommend to the City Council and Plan Commission approval contingent on the following suggestions or recommendations: 1. Prior to signing the plat, the City should require the developer to pay the standard filing fee established by ordinance for subdivision plats, 2. A statement shoulcT be placed on the plat prohibiting occupancy of any lot until sanitary sewer facilities, septic tank and subsurface drainage field, have been designed and constructed in accordance with methods and standards approved by the Tarrant County Health Department. 3. Since this subdivision will have Johnson Road (Co. Rd. 4091) as its only access and since Johnson Road is within the City of Southlake, we would suggest strongly that the developer be required to furnish the City with copies of the construction pIans for the two inter- sections proposed. In addition, the drainage analysis furnished with this plat indicates that Cimarron Trail will carry a large quantity of storm water runoff to Johnson Road, It is our recommendation that an enclosed drainage system be provided in Cimarron Trail to prevent flooding of the intersection of Cimarron Trail and Johnson Road. In keeping with the information furnished the City in January, 1973, by the Tarrant County Health Department, we are furnishing Mr, John Graham with a copy of this letter so that he is kept informed concerning residential development within the extra-territorial limits of our city. Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please feel free to contact this office. Very truly yours, CARTER $ BURGESS, INC. • 7 . 4 4114 MEWvlb Maurice E. Worrell, III cc: J. L. Graham City Engineer R. L. Borland 48 City of So U-thlake P.O. BOX 868 SOUTHLAKEr TEXAS 76051 Aikeaume Wallace. City Secretary WADE BOOKER, Mayor RALPH POLSON, Mayor Pro Tern FIRE DEPARTMENT REPORT Billie Joe Knox, Councilman R P STEELE W. O. Nunn, Councilman R. P. R. D. Drummond, Councilman MONTH OF February 19,x,3 FIRE Frank Tetrault, Councilman TO: HONORABLE MAYOR and. CITY COUNCILMEN 1. TOTAL CALLS 8 2. GRASS FIRES 2 3. STRUCTURE FIRES 2 4. AUTO FIRES 2 AUTO ACCIDENT STAND-BY MUTUAL AID ALARMS 0 ® 7. FALSE ALARMS 0 8. RESCUSCITATOR CALLS 1 9. AMBULANCE CALLS n 10. TOTAL NUMBER OF MAN HOURS EXPENDED ~A hre• 11. TOTAL NUMBER OF MAN HOURS EXPENDED ON CIVIC PROJECTS OTHER . THAN FIRE DEPARTMENT OPERATIONS nnna 12. APPROXIMATELY TOTAL MAN HOURS CHECKING AND MAINTINANCE OF FIRE DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT 2n 2 NUMBER OF DRILLS DURING MONTH k NUMBER OF MAN HOURS ON DRILLS 2~_ NUMBER OF MEN ATTENDING MEETINGS FOR MONTH A *DOES NOT INCLUDE ANYTHING BUT ACTUAL FIRE DEPARTMENT DRILLS. MEN RESPONDING FOR MONTH SPECIAL REPORT: B. Steele 7 T. Schneider 5 N. Franks C. Dodson 11 T. Sahirman 5 W. Booker 5 D. Clifton 4 E. Kinchen 1 J. Shelton 2 J. Clifton 5 J. Chelf 4 J. Weddle 6 Garrett 1 D. Armstrong 4 J. Andrews 1 J. Joyce 3 Chelf, Jr. 3 R. Polson 5 D. Gaddy 1 Venable T. Lee 1 49 March 6, 1973 Honorable Mayor and City Council: Police Department report for the month of February,, 1973 Tickets issued in January 105 Tickets issued in February 122 Fines written in February $3,245-00 Fines paid in February 2,739.25 Fines paid by Highway Patrol 30.00 Persons in jail in January 5 Persons in jail in February 12 Traffic accidents in January 4 Traffic accidents in February 10 Burglaries investigated in January 0 Burglaries investigated in February 0 ® Approx. total value taken in burglaries in February .00 Approx. total value recovered in burglaries in February .00 Thefts investigated in January 2 Thefts investigated in February 1 Approx. total value taken in thefts in February $2,500.3G Approx. total value recovered in thefts in February 2,500.00 Number of calls in January 108 Number of calls in February 87 Miles driven in January 10,336 Miles driven in February 9,556 Speedometer reading on Unit #2 (71 Ply) 88,586 Speedometer reading on Unit #3 (72 Ford) 99,977 Speedometer reading on Unit #4 (73 Ford) 1,265 spectfully submitted, Dougl s Hu e7 , Chief Southlake Police Department DH/jh