1973-02-06 20 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TEXAS r A G EN D A REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 6, 1972 1. WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT - Supt. W. G. Cline. A. Res. 73-1: Acceptance of completed work on We 2 and final payment authorized. B. Water main extensions and/or enlargements priorities - Mr. Gene Worrell, Engineer, Carter & Burgess, Inc. 2. TRAIL CREEK DEVELOPMENT - Preliminary Plat (I) Community Facilities Agreement - Mr. Gene Worrell, Engineer, Carter & Burgess, Inc. 3. FIRE DEPARTMENT REPORT - Chief R. P. Steele. 4. POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT - Chief D. R. Hughes. 5. DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING for Proposed Budgeting of Revenue Sharing Funds. 6. Res. 73-2: Cancellation of Certain Personal roph erty Tax Accounts. 7. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS: A. Approval of Payment of the Bills. B. Municipal Court - change of date for holding. C. Revision of Traffic Ordinance (if needed). D. Approval of Janitorial Service for February. E. Gasoline contract for City use. 21 • CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 6, 1973 J The City Council of the City of Southlake met in regular session in the Council Chamber of City Hall in Southlake, Texas, on Tues- day, February 6, 1973, with the following members present: Wade Booker, Mayor Billy Joe Knox, Mayor Pro Tem W. O. Nunn, Councilman R. D. Drummond, Councilman Frank Tetrault, Councilman J. A. Perez, Councilman Also present: William D. Campbell, City Attorney. Mayor Booker called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. The invoca- tion was given by Councilman Knox. The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as read. The minutes of the Special Meeting of January 23, 1973, were accepted as presented. The Council unanimously agreed to hear Mr. Bob Holder who was not on the Agenda. Mr. Holder asked that a building permit be issued for a house in what is called "Jellico Estates". The City Attorney advised that contemplated zoning on this particular piece of land would not permit a house of less than a certain size. Much dis- cussion followed whereupon Mayor Booker advised that alltCthose concerned should attend the Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting next week when the zoning request affecting this area is aired at a public hearing. Mr. Holder thanked the Mayor and Council for their attention. Water Department Report by Supt. W. G. Cline: He advised the Council that all the work had been done satisfactorily and he recommended that final payment be made to Layne Texas on Well #2. He informed the Council that the bid opening for the overhead tank will be February 8th at 2 P.M. here. Resolution No. 73- 1, calling for final payment to Layne Texas for work on Well now fulty completed be made in the amount of $25,880 and that such work be accepted, wag passed and approved on motion by Councilman Knox; seconded by Councilman Perez. Motion carried unanimously. (Attached hereto and made a part hereof.) Mr. Gene Worrell of Carter & Burgess presented the Council with ten projects to be considered for water expansion and/or ex- tension work to be done as follows: k- 22 1. Johnson Road extension: $ 9,100 2. Jellico Circle, 6" line: $ 6,650 3. S. White Chapel, 300' gap: $ 750 4. Shady Lane, 500' of 6" line: $"l-0780 5. E. Hove, 1,050' of 8" line: $ 4,200 6. Lake Drive, two connections: $ 300 7. S. Carroll to Continental, 8" line: $21,800 8. Continental to gas tanks, 8" ilin: $20,000 A 12" main from the overhead tank going north on White Chapel would be included in the overhead tank project, the cost estimate being $26,650 plus engineering fee of $1,600. There would be a $2,000 engineering fee for the 8" main down Carroll Avenue to Continental and Continental to the gas tanks, Items 1 thru 6 would be done by Mr. Cline with no engineering fees added. Discussion followed regarding the 8" supply line to Trail Creek. It was the general consensus of the Council that this line was included in the bond program because of existing poor pressure.in the present line serv- ing the families on Peytonville. With Trail Creek to be developed, the engineering fee should be paid by the Developer, and half the off- site line cost, leaving $7,000 as the City's part; and Mr. Worrell further recommended that the Council set the priorities and go as far as the money permits. The Police Department and Fire Department reports were turned in by • the chiefs of each department. (Attached hereto!) The date of March 6, 1973, was set for the public hearing on the Revenue Sharing Funds Budget. Resolution No. 73-2: calling for certain personal property taxes to be cancelled was passed and on motion by Councilman Nunn; seconded by Councilman Knox. Motion carried unanimously. (Attached,, hereto and made a part hereof.) Councilman Knox moved that the bills currently outstanding be paid; seconded by Councilman Drummond. Motion carried unanim- ously. It was suggested by Mayor Booker that the date for holding court, i.e., the second Satueday of each month, be left as is. So moved Councilman Perez; seconded by Councilman Knox. Motion carried unanimously. The City Attorney advised theO Couvitiltth4t an ameddment to the City's traffic ordinance is in order for updating purposes. Councilman Knox moved that janitorial services be acquired for sometime in March; seconded by Councilman Nunn. Motion carried unanimously. The Council was advised that the cheapest price on gasoline was e submitted by Gulf through the Tarrant County Purchasing Department. Whereupon Councilman Knox moved that the City purchase Gulf; seconded by Councilman Perez. Motion carried unanimously. Council Mtg. 2/6/73-Page 2 of 3 pages. 23 Councilman Nunn gave a report on the COG General Assembly he attended on January 24th. Councilman Tetrault reported on the Library meeting he attended. He advised no conclusions were reached at this meeting and that further study is underway. Mr. Gene Worrell of Carter & Burgess, Inc., engineer for the City of Southlake, addressed the Council regarding right-of-way study for the Outer Loop segment in the southeast corner., He-then read the roughtdraft for the Trail Creek Phase I Community Facil- ities Agreement. Mr. Brad Popkin,:of~Loveiilenrf & Associates, Inc., the developers of Trail Creek, then addressed the Council. Lengthy discussion followed regarding off-site water mains and type of construction for interior streets. Dove Estates' septic tank installation problem was brought to the Counci s attention by Mr. Worrell. Following discussion, Councilman Knox moved that the City Secretary prepare a resolu- tion amending the Dove Estates Community Facilities Agreement regarding Paragraph V entitled "Sewers"; seconded by Councilman Drummond. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting adjoud4ed.. 3 Mayor 3 ATTEST: City Secretary Council Mtg. 2/6/73 - Page 3. 2 4 i j RESOLUTION NO. 73-1 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of I Southlake, Texas, did authorize the Mayor to contract with Layne Texas Company to drill and construct a water well at Well j Site No. 2 and that such contract was en- tered into on the 26th day of January, 1972; And j WHEREAS, Layne Texas Company has now submitted its final invoice for payment, having completed its work under the terms of said contract; And I WHEREAS, J. K. Alewine of Carter & Burgess, Inc., engineering firm for the City of Southlake, and j W. G. Cline, Superintendent of the water system of the City of Southlake, have inspected the work and recommend that such work be appaepted and that final payment be made; Now I THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT ~ ) 1• The work performed by Layne Texas Company under the terms of the contract hereinabove mentioned be and is hereby accepted by the City of Southlake, Texas. 2. The Mayor of the City of Southlake, Texas, be and is hereby au- thorized to expend $25,880.00 in final payment to Layne Texas Company for said work. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF February, 1973. i Mayv-r j ATTEST I City Secretary j r I i j i 25 PHONE 481-3567 City o f Southlake P.O. BOX 868 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76051 Aliceanne Wallace, City Secretary WADE BOOKER, Mayor RALPH POLSON, Mayor Pro Tem BRlieJoeKnox, Councilman February 2, 1973 W. O. Nunn, Councilman R. D. Dnanmo W, Councilman Fr=k Tetmk Councilman Honorable Mayor and City Council: Police Department report for the month of January, 1973 Tickets issued in December 184 Tickets issued in January 105 Fines written in January $2,515 50 Fines paid in January 2,5745 Fines paid by Highway Patrol 22.50 Persons in jail in December 34 Persons in jail in January 5 Traffic accidents in December 5 Traffic accidents in January 4 Burglaries investigated in December 0 Burglaries investigated in January 0 Approx. total value taken in burglaries in January .00 Approx. total value recovered in burglaries in January .00 Thefts investigated in December 0 Thefts investigated in January 2 Approx. total value taken in thefts in January $151.00 Approx. total value recovered in thefts in January .00 Number of calls in December 130 Number of calls in January 108 Miles driven in December 9,887 Miles driven in January 10036 Speedometer reading on Unit #2 (71 Ply.) 88095 Speedometer reading on Unit #3 (72 Ford) 910922 R pec full s bmitted, Dou i s ® g Hu , Chief Southlake Police Department DH/jh PHONE 481-3567 k City of S thlake P.O. BOX 868 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76051 k Aliceom Wallace, City Secnaary WADE BOOKER, Maya ' RALPH POLSON, Maya Pro Tern , Blue Joe Knox, Councilman i W. O. Nunn, Councilman l R. D. Dnwnmon4 Councilman Funk Tebwlt, Councilman i I I~ ? POLICE DEPARTMENT SUMMARY FOR THE YEAR OF 1972 i i Tickets issued 29039 Fines written $47075.50 Fines paid $419288.25 Traffic accidents 90 Burglaries investigated 18 I Thefts investigated 30 Number of calls '1,350 Persons in jail 177 Miles driven 115007 Respectfully submitted, DouglbLs R. Aughe/s DRH/jh k 1 1 ~ C I` PHONi 4411-34 • City of S thlake P.O. BOX 868 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76051 AliceMW Wallace, Cite Secretary WADE BOOKER, Mayor RALPH POLSON, Mayor Pro Tam FIRE DEPARTMENT REPORT BN ie Joe Knox, Councilman R. P. STEELE W. O. Nunn, Councilman i R. D. Drommard, Councilman MONTH OF January 19_} FIRE CHIEF frank Tetrault, Councilman TO: HONORABLE MAYOR and•,CITY COUNCILMEN 1. TOTAL CALLS 4_ 2. GRASS FIRES 2 3, STRUCTURE FIRES 4- AUTO FIRES 2 5. AUTO ACCIDENT STAND-BY n 0 6. MUTUAL AID ALARMS ® 7. FALSE ALARMS 8. RESCUSCITATOR CALLS n 9. AMBULANCE CALLS 0 15]r 10. TOTAL NUMBER OF MAN HOURS EXPENDED 11. TOTAL NUMBER OF MAN HOURS EXPENDED ON~CI,V,IAC ZROJECTS OTHER THAN FIRE DEPARTMENT OPERATIONS gI~.uu77..-~+-X835--------- 12. APPROXIMATELY TOTAL MAN HOURS CHECKING AND MAINTINANCE OF .r~ FIRE DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT 15-- NUMBER OF DRILLS DURING MONTH NUMBER OF MAN HOURS ON DRILLS NUMBER OF MEN ATTENDING MEETINGS FOR MONTH *DOES NOT INCLUDE ANYTHING BUT ACTUAL FIRE DEPARTMENT DRILLS. SPECIAL REPORT: MEN RESPONDING FOR MONTH Steele 3 Schirman 4 Joyce 2 Shelton 1 Weddle 3 Booker 1 J. Clif ton4 Polson 3 Dodson 3 Kinchen 1 Frank 1 D. Clifton 2 Armstrong 2 Andrews 1 Schneider 4 Cline 1 Harding 1 27 RESOLUTION NO. 73-2 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, did authorize the Mayor ' to retain the services of Wayne Rohne, Attorney-at-Law, on the 15th day of Febru- ary, 1972, for the purpose of collecting ' delinquent tax accounts; And WHEREAS, said Wayne Rohne has been unsuc- cessful in attempts to locate certain ' delinquent taxpayers; And WHEREAS, said Wayne Rohne now recommends to ' the City Council that the following personal property delinquent tax accounts set forth below be cancelled; Now ' THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT 1: . Bailey Grocery & Feed for the years 1968, 1969 and 1970, ' D. Karadamac for the year 1968, John Lindsley for the year 19681 Dale Parr for the year 1968, ' Bud Patton for the year 19681 Charles Anderson for the year 1969, W. E. Fountain for the year 1969, Ray Graves for the year 1969, , R. H. Hendrix for the year 1969, George Lowery for the year 1969, Floyd Morrow for the year 1969, ' C. M. Neal for the year 1969, Jerald Stevenson, Jr., for the year 1969, D. W. Chapman for the years 1969 and 1970, ' Bill Confer for the year 1969 and 1970, G. D. Belcher for the year 1970, John Capps for the year 1970, Woody E. Fountain for the year 1970, ' W. J. Hurst for the year 1970, Donald Ray Johnson for the year 1970, Jim Martin for the year 1970, ' M. P. Palmer for the year 1970, Jimmy Peterson for the year 1970, and Mr. Sears for the year 1970 ' be and the same are hereby cancelled from the 1968, 1969 and 1970 Tax Rolls cif the City of Southlake, Texas. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS daxy of February, 1973. ' ATTEST : M yor City Secretary ' t a F