1973 1 MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETINGS 1973 Southlake, Texas 00 RESOLUTIONS PASSED 1973 73-1: Acceptance of completed work on Well #2 and final payment authorized. 2/6/73 page 24 73-2: Cancellation of Certain personal property tax accounts. 2/6/73 page 27 73-3: Contract for Overhead Water Storage Tank. 2/2010;973 page 34 73-4: Dove Estates Community Facilities Agreement Amendment. 2/20/73 page 35 73-5: Election order and notice re Election of City Officers. 2/20/73 page 36 73-6: Development of Trail Creek-Phase I. 2/20/73 13Rge 32 73-7: Disposal of 1971 Plymo$th. 3/20/73 P6ge 56 73-8: Painting of Water Tank. 4/00/73 page 68 73-9: 1973 Election of a Mayor and three City Councilmen. 4/9/73 page 70 73-10: Canvassing returns and declaring results of election on the question of adoption of a one percent local sales and use tax. 4/9/73 page 72 73/11: Re-appointing Dave Austin as Municipal Court Judge. 4/4;IP 73 page 82 73/12: Calling for Appointment of new members to the Board of Adjustment. 4/17/73 page 83 (CON' T) &#-13: Appointing of a Mayor Pro Tempore. 5/17/73 page 85 73-14: Tri-County Electric Co-op request for a rate adjust- ment. 0SEE ORDi«NO. ] 23-A) 5/1/73 page 89 73-15: Allocation from the Federal Government under the Revenue Sharing Program. 6/19/73 page 111 73-16: Allocated $2,000 for use in the Municipal Library. 6/19/73 page 113 73-17: Personnel Rules and Regulations. 6/19/73 page 114 73-18: Annual meeting of the Board of Equalization. 7/3/73 page 119 k 73-19: Partial payment to Chicago Bridge and Iron Co. on an overhead water storage tank. I 8/7/73 page 129 73-20: Committee Report on Employee Rules and Regulations Revision. 8/7/73 page 130 73-21: Calling for Partial payment No. 2 to Chicago Bridge & Iron Co. on an overhead water storage tank. 8/21/73 pagevl38 73-22: Calling for awarding of contract to construct 12" water main. 8/21/73 page 139 73-23: Partial paymentf#3 Chicago Bridge & Iron Co. of an overhead water storage tank. 9/18/73 page 1539 73-24: Payment of Engineering Fee to Catter & Burgess re t Overhead tank and 12" main. 9/18/73 gage 154 73-25: Appointment of Tax Assessor for 1974 Tax Roll. 9/18/73 page 155 (CON'T) 73-26: Cancellation of Errors on Tax Ro&ls. 9/18/73 page 156 73-27: Calling for 4th partial payment to Chicago Bridge & Iron Co. 10/2/73 page 167 73-28: Calling for approval of Judgment in Cause No. 13-8839- 71, City of Southlake vs. City of Grapevine. 10/2/73 page 169 73-29: Calling for contracting janitorial service. 10/2/73 page 170 73-30: Calling for contracting 701 Comprehensive Planning. 10/2/73 page 171 73-31: Final payment to Chicago Bridge & Iron Co. 10/16/73 page 176 73-32: Payment to Lloyd Brothers. 11/20/75 page 193 73-33: Payment to Layne Texas for repair to Well #1. 12/4/73 page 197