' 667 N. Carroll Avenue
Southlake, Texas
July 15, 1975
' 7:30 P.M.
' I. Texas Power and Light Rate Increase - Charles Page.
II. ZA-75-4: Public Hearing on Request by Ruth Harris for
"F" District (Light Industrial) Zoning.
III. City Administration:
A. Cash Flows.
B. Repair of Fire Department Unit No. 3002.
' C. Approval of Bills,
D. Departmental Reports:
' 1. Fire Department Councilman. Winfrey.
2. Water Department - Councilman Davis.
3. Police Department - Councilman Nunn.
I hereby certify that the above Agenda was posted on the bulletin
board in City Hall, 667 N. Carroll Avenue on Friday, July 11, 1975,
' at 3:30 P.M.
City Secretary
JULY 15, 1975
The City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, met in regu-
lar session in the Council Chamber of City Hall, at 667 North
Carroll Avenue in Southlake on Tuesday, July 15, 1975, with
the following members present:
Wade Booker, Mayor
Sam Davis, Mayor Pro Tem
Billy Joe Knox, Councilman
W. O. Nunn, Councilman
Ben H. Berry, Councilman
Absent: James H. Winfrey, Councilman
Staff members present: William D. Campbell, City Attorney
Police Chief D. R. Hughes
Fire Chief R. P. Steele '
Mayor Booker called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. The in-
vocation was given by Councilman Knox. The Minutes of the last
regular meeting were approved as read.
The first item considered by the Council was Agenda Item No. 2, '
ZA 4: The Mayor recommended that the application be returned
to the Planning & Zoning Commission for another hearing to be set
due to the fact that proper notice was not received by at least one '
of the adjacent land owners. Mr. Martin Vale, present in the au-
dience and the adjacent property owner whose notice had the incor-
rect date, advised that he was displeasdd that he missed the meet- ,
ing held by the Planning & Zoning Commission as result of the er-
ror. Mr. Jack Evans, representing the property owner, seeking the
zoning change, stated it would be all right with himeto proceed '
with the public hearing. The City Attorney advised that unless it
is known that every adjacent land owner is willing to waive proper
notice, then-the application should be reset. Whereupon Councilman '
Knox moved that the Mayor's recommendation to reset the hearing be
accepted; seconded by Councilman Nunn. Motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Evans advised that it was all right with him to reset it. '
CASH FLOWS were next considered. Councilman Knox stated that
;12 4.-
until we enter into the new fiscal year and the tax money from
the 1975 Roll comes in, all purchases of $25 and up must be
approved by Council first. Discussion followed. Councilman
Knox then moved that the policy of purchases in the amount of
$25 and up must be approved by Council first is to be adhered
to by all Department Heads; seconded by Councilman Davis. Motion
passed unanimously.
13 FIRE DEPARTMENT REPORT: Fire Chief Steele advised that the low-
est bid for the repair of Unit No. 3002 was $400. Discussion
followed concerning fiberglass adhesion to the inside of the
tank. Councilman Knox moved that a maximum of $450 be approved
to spend for such repair; seconded by Councilman Davis. Motion
passed unanimously.
Councilman Knox moved that the bills presented be approved for
payment; seconded by Councilman Nunn. Motion passed unanimously.
No other Departmental reports were made at this meeting.
The Mayor called for a short recess.
Upon reconvening the meeting, the Mayor polled the Council on
their wishes to defer action on the rate request sought by TP&L
inasmuch as Charles Page still had not appeared. Discussion
followed. Councilman Knox moved that the matter be postponed
until the next regular meeting; seconded by Councilman Berry.
Motion passed unanimously.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
City Secretary
AL Regular Council Meeting - 7/15/75 - Page 2 of 2.
July 19, 1975
The annual meeting of the City of Southlake Tax Equalization
Board convened at 9 o'clock A.M. in the Council Chamber of k
City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, with
the following members present:
Roger Baird
L. A. Casey
Natalee Nunn
Brad Popkin, Alternate
Also present: M. E. Whiteside, Tax Assessor.
The City Secretary swore in the Board Members in accordance
with Article 7215 of Vernon's Civil Statutes. The following
citizens appeared before the Board:
Harold I. Knight, 1749 E. Highland Street, protested to the
Board that although his property value had not been raised
this year, it had been raised last year and it exceeded the
value of his neighbors' property. In checking adjoining
owners, the Board found this to be true. Whereupon, Mrs.
Nunn moved that Mr. Knight's property be valued at $1,500
per acre as his neighbors; seconded by Mr. Popkin The
motion passed unanimously. The Board then recommended that
all property in that area (in Abstracts 1511 and 1038) along
East Highland and Sunshine Lane be raised in value to $2,000
an acre for the 1976 Tax Roll.
C. A. Parker, 2601 North Carroll Avenue, requested that his
tax be lowered inasmuch as he dedicated right-of-way to the
City for the extension of Carroll Avenue. The Board pointed
out that a reduction occurred in the amount of land taxed and
that he would receive the benefit of the Homestead Exemption
of $3,000 for those over 65. They did not feel that $1,000
per acre value on the balance was excessive and were unanimous
in leaving the value as currently assessed at $6,000. Mr.
Parker then asked that the Board review his son's property,
Larry Parker. After due consideration, the Board found the
value to be fair and left it the same.
There being no other citizens approach the Board and no further
matters before it, the Board all agreed to adjourn, whereby the
meeting did adjourn and the business at hand ended for this
year, 1975, sine die.
. Rog air , airman
City Secretary
3 126
We, the undersigned, members of the Board of Equalization of
the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, for the year A. D. 1975,
do solemnly swear that in the performance of our duties as members of
such Board for said year, we will not vote to allow any taxable property
to stand assessed on the Tax Roll of said City for said year for any sum
which we believe to be less than its true market value, or if it has no
market value, then its real value; that we will faithfully endeavor, as
r members of said Board, to have each item of taxable property which we
believe to be assessed for said year at less than its true market value
or real value, raised on the Tax Roll to which we believe is its true
cash market value, if it has a market value, if not, then its real value;
and that we will faithfully endeavor to'have the assessed valuation of
all property subject to tax within said City stand upon the Tax Roll of
said City for said year at its true cash market value, or if it has no
market value, then its real value. We further solemnly swear that we
have read and understand the provisions contained in the Constitution
and Laws of this State relative to the valuation of taxable property,
and that we will faithfully perform such duties as required by us under
the Constitution and Laws of this State.
• a
Casey. Roger Baird and Brad A. Popkin.
on this the 19th day of July, A.D. 1975.
A049~~ 4000"
iceanne a ace, y ecretary
I, M. E. Whiteside, Appraiser for the City of Southlake,
Texas, do solemnly swear that the correct and full list of
the real and personal property subject to taxation in the City
of Southlake, so far as I have been able to ascertain, totals
$16,635,605.00 valuation on the 1975 Tax Roll.
M. Whiteside, Tax Appraiser
SWORN TO before me this 1st day of August, 1975.
Aliceanne Z. WaJIace
Notary Public, Tarrant County,
The Board of Equalization having been called in session to
approve(,' the final tax roll as presented by the assessor, the
following summary was presented to them:
Real Property $15,663,938.00
Personal Property $ 1,098,640.00
Total $16,744#81K.00
The above and foregoing having been found correct, th6 final
roll as certified by the assessor was approved, along with the
Minutes of the Board of Equalization for the City of Southlake,
Texas, for the year 1975. !
Dated this 1st day of August, 1975.
- 128,
Gulf Oil Prod. (Gas) #A-0023 $496.31
Conoco (Oil) #N41024 68.75
Tri-County (Trail Creek, Southlake
Estates, and Dove Estates) 7/1/75 45.77
' General Telephone (P.D.) 7/1/75 35.48
General Telephone (F.D.) 7/1/75 25.11
General Telephone (City) 7/13/75 214.50
Thompson Printing (City-Printing) 7/15/75 185.00
White's Auto Store (City-Supplies) 7/1/75 1.96
Southern B1dg.Code(City-Plumb.Code) 6.75
Southern B1dg.Code (Dues - City) #3114 40.00
Xerox (City-Copy Machine) #030659637 18.53
Thomas Rubber Stamp (Munc.Ct.-Badge) #4896 10.50
Tex.Pwr.& Light (City) Svc. to 6/27/75 116.30
' Tex.Pwr.& Light (Water) Svc. to 6/27/75 494.51
Circle R Elect (Repair-Water) #16138 70.65
Miller Muffler (Repair-P.D.) #9794 & #9788 70.00
' White's Auto Store (P.D.-Rad.hose) #44934 4.19
Bell Comm. (F.D & P.D.-Radio) 6/30/75 50.50
Natl.Bldg.Ctr. (Concrete) #102777 10.50
Colleyville Auto (Repair-P.D.) #1783 & #1791 61.77
' Gibson (F.D. & P.D.-Supplies) #44768 & #03886 22.07
Grapevine Welding(Repair tank truck) #5721 572.00
Ward's Roofing (Repair tank truck) 7/10 & 7/14/75 76.85
A. G. Wise Trucking(Gravel-F.D.) #00196 127.91
Do-All Elect.(Contract Lighting-F.D.) #0414 511.40