1975-05-20 84 ~t 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 667 N. Carroll Avenue ' Southlake, Texas ' May 20, 1975 7:00 P.M. ' PUBLIC HEARING RE ASSESSMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF A SEWER SYSTEM AND ALTERNATIVES IN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7:30 P.M. A G E N D A ' I. Revenue Sharing Spending. II. Resolution Awarding Contract re Metal Building. ' III. Resolution Awarding Contract re Water'Tank No. 2. (Resolution No. 75-13). IV. Sign Regulations. ' V. City Administration: A. Resolution re Library Funds. B. Approval of Bills. C. Employee Rules and Regulations Discussion. I hereby certify that the above Agenda was posted on the bulletin board ' in City Hall, 667 N. Carroll Avenue on Friday, May 16, 1975, at 2:45 P.M. City Secretary t 85 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TEXAS REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL MAY 20, 1975 The City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, met in regu- lar session in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue in Southlake on Tuesday, May 20, 1975, with the following members present: Wade Booker, Mayor D Sam Davis, Mayor Pro T+em Billy Joe Knox, Councilman W. O. Nunn, Councilman James Winfrey, Councilman Ben H. Berry, Councilman Staff members present: William D. Campbell, City Attorney Fire Chief R. P. Steele. Mayor Booker called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. The invo- cation was given by Councilman Nunn. The Minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as read. REVENUE SHARING funds for the 6th Entitlement Period was brought before the Council by the Mayor. He suggested that two items be considered: $500.00 for financial administration and the balance of the funds for a park development program in the City. Council- man Nunn advised of funds available for parks and recreation un- der the Community Development Act. He said that the first step is to appoint a parks and recreation board by the next regular meeting. Mayor Booker requested that Councilman Berry together with Councilman Nunn, head up such a board. Citizen Ralph Polson suggested the funds be spent on the fire station. Councilman Winfrey voiced strong objection to organized sports for children and did not want to see the revenue sharing funds spent on park development but rather on providing ambulance service. Discus- sion followed. Councilman Knox moved that the revenue sharing funds received under the 6th Entitlement Period be used for the development of a city park together with a study on park plan- ning to achieve the best use of what is available; seconded by Councilman Davis. Councilmen Knox, Davis, Nunn, and Berry voted "For"; Councilman Winfrey abstained. The motion carried. now- 86 RESOLUTION NO. 75-16, awarding a contract to build a metal building to Metro Metal Buildings, Inc., was next on the Agenda. The Mayor recommended that the concrete apron be left off.at this time. Discussion followed, after which Councilman Winfrey moved that Resolution No. 75-16 be passed and approved awarding the contract for the construction of a betal building to Metro Metal Building, Inc., at a total cost of $10,270.00 plus $156.00 for a personnel door; seconded by Councilman Nunn. Motion passed unanimously. (Said Resolution attached hereto and made a part hereof.) RESOLUTION NO. 75-13, awarding a contract for refinishing the interior of Ground Storage Tank No. 2 to the Water Tank Service and Repair Company of Clear Lake, Iowa, was unanimously passed and approved on motion by Councilman Winfrey; seconded by Cpmncil- man Knox. (Said Resolution attabhed hereto and made a part hereof.) SIGN REGULATIONS were next discussed by the Council. The City Attorney clarified the City's position in the matter. The Mayor suggested that if the Texas Department of Community AI- fairs has not been heard from regarding the new zoning ordinance now in preparation by June 15th then the City Attorney is to prepare a sample ordinance regulating signs for the Council's consideration. RESOLUTION NO. 75-17, transfering funds to the Carroll School Library for use by all in the community was next considered. Councilman Xnox moved that said Resolution be passed and ap- proved; seconded by Councilman Davis. Councilman Winfrey moved that the money be returned to the Coutty. The Mayor stated a motion and second was already on the floor. Councilman Winfrey stated his motion superseded it. The mayor asked if he wished to withdraw it. Discussion followed. Councilman Knox's motion was then voted on as follows: Councilmen Knox, Davis, Nunn, and Berry voting "For". Councilman Winfrey voted "Against". Motion carried. Councilman Knox moved that the bills presented be approved for payment; seconded by Councilman Nunn. Motion passed unanimously. (List of bills attached hereto.) EMPLOYEES RULES AND REGULATIONS were next discussed by the Council. Councilman Davis stated he would like a committee set up to review same. The Mayor asked Councilman Winfrey to head such a committee and to pick several other Councilmen to assist him. Regular Council Meeting - 5/20/75 - Page 2 of 3. 87 POLICE DEPARTMENT AND FIRE DEPARTMENT reports were turned in to the Council. Detective Don Armstrong asked the Council if other officers might work in the Police Chief's place so that the Chief would ant suffer any loss of pay during his illness; he further asked if employee vacation time could be traded. The Mayor reopendd discussion on the Employees Rules and Regulations, following which the City Attorney was requested to examine the matter from a legal standpoint and the City Attorney stated he would get in toudh with the City office Thursday regarding an answer. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary Regular Council Meeting - 5/20/75 - Page 3 of 3. ' RESOLUTION NO. 75-13 WHEREAS, a bid opening was held in ' the City Hall of the City of South- lake, Texas, at 667 North Carroll Avenue, on April 25, 1975, at 3:00 ' P.M., having first been duly adver- tised, as prescribed by law, for the purpose of refinishing the inside of ' Ground Storage Tank No. 2; And, WHEREAS, four bids were received by ' the City as follows: McMenany Water- proofing Company, Inc., - $21,970 Water. Tank Service Company - $16,940; ' Nortex Construction Company - $11,373 Water Tower Paint & Repair Company $8,441; Now, ' THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: ' Watertower Paint & Repair Company, submitting a bid of $8,441.0,0 be and is hereby awarded the contract for refinishing Ground Storage Tank No. 2. PASSED AND APPROVED this 20th day of May, 1975. ' Mayor ATTEST: ' City Secretary 1 ~ _89 ~ l 1 , RESOLUTION NO. 75-16 ' WHEREAS, a bid opening was held in the City of Southlake, Texas, at 667 North Carroll Avenue, ' May 9, 1975, at 3:00 P.M., having-first been duly advertised as prescribed by law, for the purpose of constructing a metal garage-type ' building for fire trucks; And, WHEREAS, three bids were received as follows: ' Metro Metal.B*Iding: $10;270. Alternate No. 1 (Concrete Apron) _ $956. ' Alternate No. 2 (Personnel Door) _ $156. i J. R. Strait Company: $11,682. i ' Alternate No. 1 (Concrete Apron) _ $1,250. Alternate No. 2 (Personnel Door) _ $157. t Davis & Hawkins, Inc., ForthWorth: $12,415 less $270 Sales Tax. Alternate No. 1 (C6norete Apron) _ $1,125. ' Alternate No. 2 (Personnel Door) included in the building price. ' THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: 1. Metro Metal Building be and is hereby awarded the contract for the construction of said building at a cost of ' PASSED AND APPROVED this a0 day of May, 1975.. 1 ' Mayor ATTEST: I I ' City Secretary 1 III 77 9 0 RESOLUTION NO. 75-17 WHEREAS, the Tarrant County Commissioners ' Court were requested and have seen fit to allocate $2,100 to the City of Southlake for use in its Municipal Library for the year 1975; Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF ' THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: That the sum of $2,100 be used for the purchase of ' books and equipment by the Carroll School Library for the use of all Southlake citizens. ' PASSED AND APPROVED this 20th day of May, 19750 ' Mayor ' ATTEST; ' City Secretary 1 91 FIRE REPORT SUMMARY SOUTHLM FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTH OF -March lg-.ZL 1. TOTAL CALLS 12 2. GRASS FIRES......... 3. STRUCTURE FIRES....................:.. 2 4. SIGNAL 1 , 2 'S. SIGNAL 2 0 6. RESCUE SQUAD.... . . . o . 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 7. FALSE ALARMS 1 8. MISCELLANEOUS ALARMS Xas .Leak/.huta .Ei re 2 Q 9. ALARMS IN ASSIGNED RURAL AREAS........_ 0 10. MUTUAL AID ALARMS TO OTHER DISTRICTS... 1 11. AMBULANCE CALLS.......................- 0 12. TOTAL NUMBER OF MAN-HOURS EXPENDED, ON CALLS .....102 Hrs. 13. TOTAL NUMBER OF MAN-HOURS EXPENDED ON i CIVIC PROJECTS OTHER THAN FIRE DEPT. OPERATIONS........................ None 14. NUMBER OF MEN ATTENDING MEETING FOR MONTH,;..,.. 38, j 15. NUMBER OF DRILLS DURING MO NiH 2 16. NUMBER OF MAN HOURS ON DRILLS...'.......... 30 17. NUMBER OF MAN HOURS ON.MAINTENANCE 60 Meeting Hrs. AND MEETINGS..........4....,...t.........40 Maint. Hrs. SPECIALPREPORT r MEN RESPONDING DURING M01M FOR ALL GALLS: S. Steele 8.: T. Schneider 6 W. Booker'. 2 J., Clifton 7 H.: Bradley S;R 6 R. Steele 5 ',T.' Schirman 9 R. Polson 5' S. Davie 2 C. Bell 6,; M..Shelton 6 " R. Martin 2 J. Andrews 8 D. Hughes 2' J. Polson .2 1 J. Shelton 4 D. Armstong 4 T. Miller 1 r $ Cauahagh 1 J. Joyce. 5 H: Bradley JR 1 FIRE CRup, 92 FIRE REPORT SUMMARY SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTH OF APRTi. 19.,E 1. TOTAL CALLS - 7 • t 2. GRASS FIRES........... 3. :STRUCTURE FIRES....................:.. 0 .49 SIGNAL 1 2 59 SIGNAL 2 0 6. RESCUE SQUAD.Heart.4ttaclt 1 7. FALSE ALARMS.......................... 0 Drowning Lake Grape- 8. MISCELLANEOUS ALARMS.viue1Tar.Pot.Fira 2 ;9. ALARMS IN ASSIGNED RURAL AREAS........ 0 10. MUTUAL AID ALARMS TO OTHER DISTRICTS.,. 2 119 AMBULANCE CALLS 0 129 TOTAL NUMBER OF MAN-HOURS EXPENDED ON CALLS..... 379 hrs 30 min. 13. TOTAL NUMBER.OF MAN-HOURS EXPENDED ON CIVIC PROJECTS OTHER THAN FIRE DEPT. OPERATIONS None i 14. NUMBER OF MEN ATTENDING MEETING FOR MONTHt..... 45 15. NUMBER OF DRILLS DURING MONTH l 16. NUMBER OF MAN HOURS.ON DRILLS......./.:..... 15 50 Meeting Hrs 17. NUMBER OF MAN HOURS ON MAINTENANCE 30 Maint. Hrs i AND'MEETINGS............................. SPE 7AL' REPORT MEN RES LADING DURING MONTH FOR ALL CALLS: B. Steele 7 C. Bell; 4 R. Steele; 4 J. Joyce 5 W. Booker. 4 H. Bradley,-Jr. 4 D. Clifton 6 H. Bradley 6 J. Polson 4 fit. Poison 6 9. Davis 4 `,T. Miller 3 T. Schneider.. 4 O. Gaddy 2 i'W. Garrett' 2 T. 'Schirman 6 D. Hughes 4 '..,Armstrong' 4 J. Shelton' 3 Andrews 5 W. Woodall 2 i ' FIRE CHIEF Estimated Total of Maintenance Cost of Eguipmbnt 12-1-74 to 4-30-75 ' Unit 3001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $112.99 ' Unit 3002 . . . . . . . . . 128.30 Unit 3003 . . . . . . . . 93.57 Unit 3007 . . . . . . . 146.53 , Unit 3008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35.99 Unit 3009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46.00 Total (fire units only) . $563.38 t Miscellaneous equipment* . . . . . $350.46 Total . . . . . . . . . . $913.84 ' * Miscellaneous does not include: gas & oil, raddA repair and maintenance, phone, insurancd, ' or personal services. ire Chief ' i BILLS FOR APPROVAL AT COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 20, 1975: i Gulf Oil Prod. (Gas) #007606 $256.96 General Telephone (City) 5/13/75 211.36 Rainbow Lighting (City) #8073 12.20 i Carter & Burgess (City Planning) 3/1 - 4/30/75 969.09 Tex. Pwr & Light (City) Svc. to 4/29/75 92.45 Tex. Pwr & Light (Water) Svc. to 4/29/75 436.14 NCTCOG (P.D. - Teletype) 5/15/75 72.85 i Grapevine Welding (P.D.) #05714 17.50 Colleyville Auto Clinic (P.D.Repair) #1672 & #1690 51.87 Bell Comm. (P. D. & F.D.) 4/30/75 75.40 ' Motor Supply (F.D.-Supplies) #51850 8.75 Circle R Electric Co. (Water) #15942 30.00 Stewart Oxygen Svc. (F.D.) #4705 58.00 1 1 I~ ID IFT_ 7777_7- r CITY OF SOUVRIAKE, TEXAS ~IW 667 North Carroll Avenue PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF SEWER PROJECT AND ALTERNATIVES TO IT MAY 20, 1975 A Public Hearing was held in the City of Southlake, Texas, in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue on Tuesday, May 20, 1975, with the following people present: Wade Booker, Mayor ' Sam Davis, Mayor Pro Tem Aliceanne Wallace, City Secretary W. 0. Nunn, Councilman Billy Joe Knox, Councilman James Winfrey, Councilman Ben H. Berry, Councilman Ralph Polson, Citizen R. P. Steele,FFire Chief Martha Mason, Citizen Virginia Clow, Citizen Mattin Vale, Citizen Mayor Pro Tem. Sam Davis opened this Public Hearing at 7:00 P.M. stating to those present that the purpose is to discuss the potential environmental impact of a sewer system in the City of t South&kke.and alternatives to it. He then introduced Mr. Gerald Lemons, Engineer with Carter & Burgess, Inc., the engineering firm for the City of Southlake. Mr Lemons explained in detail the impact as outlined in the Environmental Assessment. No one present offered any comments or any objections whatsoever to the proposed project. Mr. Lemons went on to explain Step 1 of a 3 step application for federal funds for a city sewer system. Questions were asked by the following persons: Ralph'Polson, 339 W. Highland, asked about the amount of the total estimated cost of Phase 1. Mr. Lemons answered it would be $992,230.00. Bob Steele, 959 N. Carroll Avenue, asked if everyone in the area of Phase l would be able to get on the sewer system. Mr. 'I? Lemons said, "Yes". Ralph Polson further asked what the citizens would have to pay. Mr. Lemons responded a citizen would pay the tie-on fee plus the assessment, with a maximum assessment set. Mr. Polson asked if this would raise taxes. Mr. Lemons explained that a general obligation bond would have to be passed and taxes would not be raised as a sufficient tax revenue would come from in- creased development in the City. Martha Mason, 3149 Lake Drive, asked about the time span involved in sewering the City and if everyone would be assessed in the first phase? The answer was no. Virginia Clow, 820 Shady Oaks Drive, asked on completion of Step 1 how long it would take to get an answer from Austin. Mr. Lemons replied he didn't think very long. Martha Mason again asked if the rest of the City would get sewer as density of population increases. Mr. Lemons explained this is basically correct. Martin Vale, 2149 E. Highland Drive, asked, in looking at the route of the red line on the wait map, if auxilliary lines, would be put in at this time or not. The answer was no. There being no further questions the Publin Hearing closed at 8:00 P.M. I, Aliceanne Wallace, City Secretary of the City of Southlake, Texas, hereby certify and attest that the above Hearing was held in conformance with the Public Hearing Notice, and that none of the persons present stated objections to the purpose of this Hearing, asking only the above questions. Aliceanne Wallace, City Secretary City of Southlake, Texas. 4