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4U CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AptU 16, 1974 7:30 P.M. Swearing in ob Newty ECected Counc,itmen. 2. Appointment ob Mayon Pxo Tempone..Reaotuti.on No. 74-11. 3. Sh.imek/Roming/Jacobb/Finktea, Eng.inew, bon cona.idehation o j thew j.ihm bon eng.i neeni.ng 6 ewex pnol eats . 4. Reaotu ti on No. 74-12 appointing City Heat th Ob b.icex. 5. WateA Depa&&ent Report. 6. Pot ice Uep"&ent Reporrt. Fixe Depaxtment Report. A. PuAchaa e o j Fite Truck. ' 8. Hood Ptain In6unance Report Wm City AttoAney. 9. App%ovaZ ob B.c, tz Pneaented bon Payment. 10. L.ibnan y Fund6. (Th.iz Item au po6ted a6 an emeng ency item on Monday, Aptit 15, 1974, at 4:20 P.M.) I, At i.ceanne Wa.Ptace, hereby centib y that th i.e Agenda au posted on the bu teti.n. board in City Hatt, 667 North Caktott a Avenue, on Friday, Aptit 120 1974, at 2 P.M. Uty ecA y I 49 0 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL APRIL 16, 1974 The City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, met in regular session in the Council Chamber of City Hall at 667 North Carroll Avenue in Southlake on Tuesday, April 16, 1974, with the following members present: Wade Booker, Mayor Billy Joe Knox, Mayor Pro Tem W. 0. Nunn, Councilman R. D. Drummond, Councilman Sam Davis, Councilman 1 James H. Winfrey, Councilman Also present: William D. Campbell, City Attorney Sgt. C. D. Gaddy Fire Chief R. P. Steele Fire Marshal Jack Weddel Gerald Lemons, Consultant Engineer Mayor Booker called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. The invoca- tion was given by the City Secretary. The Minutes of the last Regular Meeting were approved as read. The Minutes of the last Special Meeting were approved as read. The Oath of Office was administered by the Mayor to the newly elected councilmen, Billy Joe Knox, Sam Davis and James Winfrey. Resolution No. 74-11, calling for appointment of Councilman Nunn as Mayor Pro Tempore to serve one year, was passed and approved on a motion by Councilman Winfrey; seconded by Councilman Knox. Council- men Knox, Drummond, Davis and Winfrey voted "For"; Councilman Nunn abstained. Motion carried. (Said Resolution is attached hereto and made a part hereof.) No one from the engineering firm of Shimek, Roming, Jacobs & Finklea appeared before the Council or were present at this meeting. Resolution No. 74-12, calling for the appointment of Dr. Michael D. Simmons as City Health Officer, was passed and approved on motion by Councilman Knox; seconded by Councilman Nunn. Motion passed unanim- ously. (Said Resolution is attached hereto and made a part hereof.) Water Department report was given by Councilman Davis in the absence o W. G. Cline. He informed the Council that work on Johnson Rdad, Bond Project No. 4, was in progress. 50 Police Department report was given by Sgt. C. D. Gaddy in the absence of the Police Chief. (Said report attached hereto.) Fire De artment report was given by Fire Chief R. P. Steele. The Mayor called or the bids received for the fire truck. Councilman Knox moved to accept Stovall Chevrolet's low bid of $3,533; seconded by Councilman Davis. Motion passed unanimously. Councilman Knox also moved fiat Arnold Welding Service be authorized to build the tank and that authorization be given to obtain the accessories for it; seconded by Councilman Davis. Motion passed unanimously. The Chief announced a Pancake Breakfast will be put on by the Volunteers April 27th at the Middle School cafeteria. ' Jack Weddel, Fire Marshall, announced-to the Council that he will begin making reports at regular council meetings regarding Property losses, inspections made, etc. Flood Plain Insurance was next discussed. The City Attorney said there is a ate- aw on this and he will make a full report after he has had an opportunity to review it. Gerald Lemons showed the Council a map he had worked up showing flood prone areas in our City. Discussion followed. ' Councilman Knox moved that the bills presented be approved for pay- ment; seconded by Councilman Nunn. Motion passed unanimously. The Mayor advised that thecaty has received $2,000 for library use from Tarrant County. Councilman Knox moved that the money be ac- cepted and presented to Carroll School for library use. The motion died.for lack of a second. Discussion followed. Councilman Knox ' then moved that the money be presented to the school as in the past with a list of the books purchased with the money and the prices paid for them; seconded by Councilman Nunn. Motion passed unanimously. ' Mayor Booker announced that the TML Region 8 meeting was tomorrow night with Congressman Jim Wright as guest speaker. No one indi- cated they would attend. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned for the "inaugural party" with cake furnished by Mrs. Dorothy Mussina. ATTEST: Mayor City Secretary 10 RLIO R SERVICE 213 E. Front Street ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76012 _ #LEAKS Phones: 275-6111 - 275-0165 HEATS WRECKED . RadtaEo¢s aw ouz Business. - ::Aot a cSi~e~'Gze q ~P 7~e 4 f 6 It oa ~~~5 ~ l~ Ax1. Gd e - 430 /1(J" Ile J py~.cti 61~>~~ ~ ~ ~ SO d, _ ~ ~u~yr•,ps /ee 3 a id J w "0: s7# 'IrOL .c~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1• March 18, 1974 TOO TH CITY COUNCIL AIWA FIa D AR' UNT OF SOUTH141M FROM ARNOLD WELDING SERVICE SU CTt BID ON 400 GALLON TAMMR .$4,241.29 All material will be furnished by Arnold Ulding Service, except the pump, motorr hoses per cent valve, and sneak valve for draft- ing. The tank is to be built t4 ooustomers.. specifications with two coats of rust proof primer on the outside of tanks one coat on the inside of tare (special material)# The pump motor, hose re©ls, and controls are to be mawstod, to ooustomers specifi- catio ne. All workmawhip.guaranteed. ARNOLD WELDING SERVICS Arehis Arnold t i r PAYTON-WRIGHT FC ; ;ALES, INCORPORATE 506 East Northwest Highwa, 3531 Grapevine, Texas 76051 TaR o Ito, [q _ A 1ASER'S NAME ( <yr J rs A v r..Tr 2 ENTER MY ORDER FORD NEW ❑ U: MAKE & YEAR ~r (r"'J 1-') Z?77 TRADE-IN INFO. LIC. N BALANCE OWED TO USED CAR ALLOWA I PAYOFF (CK. It KEY N 1 - NET ALLOWANCE I # 2 - CASH WITH ORDEF it 3 - DEPOSIT (REC. 0 I DRAFT AMOUN ON ADD t~. CAR TO LoA r LJ~ ~/(J P tJ V -f ,a /l F I /1X c tee! Ili !r p .sir ~i• ('oQ 7o o 10 P k67 we 10V V_ - Uy le(C l 'r /,V rJ _f_1 .44 • - ~•..u na Uc Urwb IU MOTOR VEHICLE SALES AND CHATTEL MORTAGE CONTRACT AS FOLLOWS- PAYMENT OF j DUE AND MONTHLY PAYMENTS OF j TOTAL OF ABOVE ITEMS STARTING ON THE DAY OF Ig SALES TAX For outside insurance coverage give name and address of agent. LICENSE j INS. CO . e. LEGAL FEES & STATE INSPECTION NAME SUB-TOTAL $ ADDRESS REMARKS: TOTAL CREDITS (TRANSF. FROM LEFT COL.) f. III BALANCE TO BE FINANCED j e' 7 SYMBOL CLASS FTCAC TOWING < S DIED. COLL. MOS. COMP. A r CR_ LIFE j A & H $ j AMOUNT OF UNPAID BALANCE This order comprises the entire agreement affecting this purchase and FINANCE CHARGE j r no other agreement or understanding of any nature concerning same has been made or entered into, or will be recognized. I certify that I am of CONTRACT BALANCE j s 1 I age and this order is subject to correction of mathematical error 1 . ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE ' oIS ORDER NOT BINDING UNTIL ACCEPTED BY DEAL ER . 1 ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF A COPY OF THIS ORDER. LIABILITY INSURANCE COVERAGE FORBODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAM~GE CAUSED TO OTHERS IS NOT INCLUDED, PURCHASER P E WRIT M HER INVOICE NO. ACCEPTED BY,:. T...c..o rwe. co.....o-Al..c•.c:...,..oM s.: CREDIT APPROVAL & . ri 1 NO. 20509 DATE 3/4/74 1 • FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76101 . PH. 926-5313 AREA 817 SOLD SHIP TO • TO • City of Southlake P. 0. Box 868 • Southlake, Texas 76051 TERMSREFERENCE NO. F. O. 8. Net 30 Da s 7~0 lSouthlake ITEM QUANTITY ENO. DE S C R I PTION REP. Driveaway 182 UNIT AMOUNT 1. 1 FIRE BOSS Booster Truck W250/250PU per Specifi- cation FBS-879, attached-------------------------- $19,442.00 * DUE TO CONTINUOUS ESCALATION OF MATERIAL COSTS THIS PROPOSAL IS FIRM ONLY IF ACCEPTED PRIOR TO April 5, 1974 AND FOR DELIVERY TO SPECIFIED DESTINATION BY Dgcember 9, 1974 IF EXTENSIONS BEYOND DFiT,Fa6 SHOWN ARE NECESSARY, . PLEASE REQUEST A NEW QUOTATION. 1 Fok -1-15M #:L )LESS COA s S I S - - 'j)c 0uc.r' P 'DELIVERY * DAYS AFTER RECEIPT OF ORDER. TWS QUOTATION FIRM FOR * DAYS. SIGNA ~ S~3o- so~ C'~rs~S O QUOTATION Trucks No. IIIIIIII, - ! "m _1/4► l4 DATE pw P.O. BOX 1 • FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76101 • PH. 926-5313 AREA 817 SOLD SHIP TO • TO • City at sow-hldw r~lt / TERM5 CUSTOMERS REFERENCE NO. - F. 0. B. VIA no REP. ITEM NO. QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT AMOUNT low VIONA" ft'la *MOW MMII~I~ ' ~ 1 Y` Z, t r~,2 TlEl t 0, , lES4 C ss ~EQtJ~T _ . S~1J40 S cASSiS Cos7' l_ J DELIVERY DAYS AFTER RECEIPT OF ORDER. THIS QUOTATION FIRM FOR -DAYS. QUOTATION SIGNATU L ■ AdEw ~ CHEVROLET STOVALL CHEVROLET CO. ROUTE 1 BOX 190 BURLESON, TEXAS 76028 INVOICE No. PHONES: DALLAS - 477-2252 STOCK No. FT. WORTH 295-1102 C4EBURNE - 645-8001 PURCHASER'S NAME PURCHASER'S ADDRESS CITY 81 STATE 'PLEASE ENTER MY ORDER FOR (OUANTI SERIES C 51 VO 3 BODY TYPE I ,TO BE DELIVERED ON OR ABOUT RAJ BUS. 7V NEW _ (YR. MOD.) USED ►a ¢ ~1. 19 SALESMAN ES. I P CODE CAR TRUCK Y NOS. FILL OUT THIS SECTION IF USED CAR IS TO !E TRADED IN MAKE OF USED CAR Qy- 'YEAR BODY TYPE LICENSE Q ,r-a X ! ( _ SERIAL No. ,BALANCED OWED TO , ADDRESS Q~ ? Y , ,USED CAR ALLOWANCE $ BALANCE OWED ON CAR $ NET ALL. ON USED CAR $ TV $ .77yt SH WITH-ORDER $ I TRANSFER TO TOTAL CREDIT RIGHT COLUMN) $ ' OUTSIDE LIEN 1 CREDIT APPROVED BY FINANCE LIEN TO DATE ISSUED TAG NO. ' DOCUMENTARY FEES $ ADDRESS INSURANCE COVERAGE TOTAL SELLING PRICE $ 7 CO STATE SALES TAX ADDRESS T P LICENSE, LICENSE TRANSFER, TITLE, REGISTRATION FEE, INSP. FEE I s ELE HONE TOTAL OF ABOVE ITEMS $ ❑ FINA CED T R t N H U- ITIOIASFER T OTAL CREDIT N R OM $ LEFT COLUMN ) DRAFT AMT. DUE OLI IN N E R BALANCE $ E VE T OF CASH SALE IN MONTHLY PAYMENTS OF $ EACH INSURANCE ' AND MONTHLY PAYMENTS OF $ EACH SYM MOS CLASS DED s STARTING DAY OF COMPANY ' UNPAID BALANCE LIABILITY CO. $ TIME PAY CHARGE CREDIT LIFE A & H ime Pay Balance TOTAL INSURANCE THIS ORDER IS NOT BINDING UNTIL ACCEPTED BY DEALER PURCHASER'S SIG RE J. / CO. SIGNATURE ` BY~Z DATE ~T (NAME AND TITLE) DATE SERIAL No. "The Best Deal in Texas" a ~ c~a aas rip Mfum DAVID Mc DAVID 3700 W. CARPENTER FREEWAY IRVING, TEXAS 75061 214-252-8661 Dear Sir: Southlalm Fire Department We are pleased to submit our quotation, listing below the FOB Dallas delivered price of a 1974 GMC Year Make TC 31403 Cab & Chassis one ton Model- Type Tinted Bod_r Glass Sr. West Coast Mirrors Heavy Duty Front Springs / 4.10 Rear Axle Rat ili M i & A a n nx agy Springs Rear 350 CTD V g with 4 bbl Carh Hydraulic Power Steering f Dual Rear Wheel Conversion Heavy Duty Radiator Base Cab and Chassis- Full Foam Seat Gauges - Ammeter Oil Pressure,* Tem tore White Color Paint 4 Ton Electric Tulsa Winch with 1001IN of 11 cable wi+.k un„>r Four way roller on 7.50 16 Hwy Tire On/Off Road Tire l i m~ r~ h SUB TOTAL State Tax Title & Inspection License 4,406.53 4rl Total $ LESS: 'Dade-in NET DIFFERENCE $ 4,406.53 i Thank you for allowing us to make you this quotation, and hoping that we may secure your valuable business, we remain, Ve truly yours, Dennis Parsons OATH OF OFFICE STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF TARRANT ) CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ) I, Billy Joe Knox, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the duties of the OFFICE OF COUNCIL- MAN, PLACE 5 of the City of Southlake, Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of this City; and I furthermore do solemnly swear that I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered, or promised to pay, contributed, nor promised to contri- bute any money, or valuable thing, or promised any public office or employment, as a reward for the giving or withholding a vote at the election at which I was elected. So help me God. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, t hi April, 1974. the 16th day of Aliceanne Z. allace Notary Public in and for Tarrant County, Texas. .'l 51 52 E OATH OF OFFICE STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF TARRANT ) CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ) I, Sam Davis, do solemnly swear that I will faith- fully execute the duties of the OFFICE OF COUNCILMAN, PLACE 3 of the City of Southlake, Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of this City; and I furthermore do solemnly swear that I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered, or promised to pay, contributed, nor promised to contri- bute any money, or valuable thing, or promised any public office or employment, as a reward for the giving or withholding a vote at the election at which I was elected. So help me God. Sam Davi s SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, this the 16th day of April, 1974. Allceanne Z. allace Notary Public in and for Tarrant County, Texas. 53 OATH OF OFFICE STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF TARRANT ) CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ) I, James H. Winfrey, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the duties of the OFFICE OF COUNCILMAN, PLACE 4 of the City of Southlake, Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of this City; and I furthermore do solemnly swear that I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered, or promised to pay, contributed, nor promised to contribute any money, or valuable thing, or promised any public office or employment, as a reward for the giving or withholding a vote at the election at which I was elected. So help me God. SUB$CRI$ED AND SWORN to bef April, 1974. me, this the 16th day of Aliceanne Z. llace Notary Public in and for Tarrant County, Texas. 1o 1o Honorable Mayor and City Council: April 15, 1974 Police Department Report for the month of March, 1974 Tickets issued in February Tickets issued in March Fines written in March Fines paid in March Fines paid by Highway Patrol Persons in jail in February Persons in jail in March Traffic Accidents in February Traffic Accidnnts in March Burglaries investigated in February Burglaries investigated in March Approx. total value taken in burglaries in March Approx.-total value recovered in burglaries in Mar. Thefts investigated in February Thefts investigated in March Approx. total value taken in thefts in March Approx. total value recovered in thefts in Mar. Number of calls in February Number of calls in March Miles driven in February Miles driven in March ■ Speedometer reading on Unit #4 ( 73 Ford ) Speedometer reading on Unit ,#5 ( 74 Ford ) ■ Speedometer reading on Unit #6 ( 74 Ford ) Respectfully s bmit bd, Douglas R. Hughes, Chie5' of Police ■ by Daymond Gaddy, Sergeant Southlake Police Department DRWtbe 166 179 3, 912.50 4,105.00 $80.00 9 18 7 11 4 $268.00 NONE 2 6,930.50 M626.50 180 194 10,379 10,864 79,187 11,981 9,643 I r.. R. P. STEELE, FIRE CHIEF SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT P. O. BOX 868 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76051 E E 11 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCILMEN SUBJ: FIRE DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR MARCH 1974 1. TOTAL RESPONSES ..............................................10 2 . GRASS FIRES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03 3• STRUCTURE FIRES.... o.o.oo o...ooeo*eooooooooooooooo*oeoo*02 4. AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS ........................................01 5. MISCELLANEOUS ALARMS: BOMB THREAT, ELEC. SHORT, CAR FIRE..-04 6. TOTAL MAN HOURS EXPENDED ON CALL ...........................111 APPX. TOTAL MAN HOURS EXPENDED ON CIVIC PROJECTS...........135 8. APPX. TOTAL,MAN HOURS EXPENDED ON FIRE PREVENTION...........20 9• TOTAL MAN HOURS EXPENDED ON MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT AND STATION .................................................75 10. TOTAL MAN HOURS ON DRILLS / TRAINING.... osoe#*soe9o9oo99ooo2lO 12. TOTAL NUMBER OF MEN ATTENDING MEETINGS DURING MONTH... ......80 13. APPX. TOTAL MAN HOURS EXPENDED BY DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL PARTICIPATING IN DEPARTMENT ACTIVITIES 611 14. TOTAL NUMBER OF RESPONSES BY OTHER FIRE DEPARTMENTS ASSISTING SOUTHLAKE DURING MONTH ............................02 APRIL 01j, 1974 MEN RESPONDING FOR MONTH: CHIEF STEELE.....:'. .9 ASST.CHIEF JOYCE..,'...4 DEP.CHIEF CLIFTON..,.3 FIRE MARSHAL WEDDLE..4 CAPTAIN DODSON.......6 CAPTAIN POLSON....... 4 LIEUTENANT CHELF..... 4 RESCUE OFF. SCHNEIDER..8 MAINT. OFF. SCHIR4AN...6 ARMSTRONG 7 BELL..........2 BOOKER........1 BRADLEY.......2 CLIFTON, D....5 CHELF, J......2 GADDY......... 3 HUGHES 3 MC MILLION 1 RECORD.......1 SHELTON, J...2 CLINE, W.....2 LT. POL90N...2 ANDREWS 5 BRADLEY, H,JR..1 STEELE* R......4 STEVENS..6006092 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, R: P. STZELE, FIRE CHIEF 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 4 RESOLUTION NO. 74-11 WHEREAS, it is necessary for the best interest of the City of Southlake that there be a Mayor Pro Tem to serve in the absence of the Mayor; And, WHEREAS, the current term of Mayor Pro Tem expires this date; No*, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLARE, TEXAS, THAT: 1. be and serve as Ma or Pro Tem or a term this date to the third Tuesday of PASSED AND APPROVED this 16th day G he is hereby appointed to of one (1`) year from April, 1975. of April, 1974. Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary I N RESOLUTION NO. 74-12 WHEREAS,State statutes require the appoint- ment of a City Health Official to serve the City of Southlake; And, WHEREAS, Dr. M. D. Simmons of the City of Southlake is currently said City Health Official whose term of office expires this date; Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: 1. Dr. M. D. Simmons is and he is hereby reappointed to serve as City Health Official for a term of one (1) year from this date to the third Tuesday of April, 1975. PASSED AND APPROVED this 16th day of April, 1974. Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary 5,51 i 1 THE STATE OF TEXAS OATH OF OFFICE it MICHAEL D. SIMMONS , do solemnly swear (or affirm), that I will faithfully execute the duties of the office of CITY HEALTH OFFICER of the State of Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Consti- tution and laws of the United States and of this State; and I furthermore solemnly swear (or affirm), that I have not directly nor indirectly paid, offered, or promised to pay, contributed, nor promised to contribute any money, or valuable thing, or promised any public office or employ- ment, as a reward for the giving or withholding a vote at the election at which I was elected. So help me God. _ 4/ 1 -U1 ` NAME P. 0. Box 801, Southea.ke, TX 76051 MAILING ADDRESS SWORN TO and Subscribed before me this 16th day of AO Le 1974 . A?,i.ceanne Z. Watta Notary Public, Tatunt County, Texas. I I F]