1974-01-15I CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA January 15, 1974 T.E. Youngblood - Request for Trailer. 2. Tri-County Electric Rate Increase Request - Bob Willis, District Manager. / 3. General Telephone Rate Increase Explanation - R.W. Doan, Division Manager. 4. Final Presentation of Updated Master Plan - J. Craig Eaton, Planner. i 5. Water Department Report - W.G. Cline, Supt. 6. Fire Department Report - R.P. Steele, Chief. F Police Department Report - D.R. Hughes, Chief. 8. Planning & Zoning: A. Commission recommendation for approval of ZA-73-11, Miles Pierce request for H District. B. Commission recommendation for denial of ZA-73-9, City's request for A-3 (Residential) District. C. Resolution No. 74-1: Appointment of David Moak to Commission. D. Resolution No:.74-2: Appointment of David Moak and Reappoint- ment of Elizabeth Stickley to JAZBO. 9. Delaney-Sanders Property Planning - Mr. Cross. 10. City Administration: A. Resolution No. 74-3: Final payment to Lloyd Brothers. B. Approval of Bills for Payment. C. Citizens' Goals Committee. J"R I hereby certify that true and exact copies of this Agenda were posted on the bulletin board at City Hall, 667 N. Carroll Avenue, in the City of Southlake, Texas, on Thursday, January 10, 1974, at 2 P.M. o'clock. Aliceanne Wallace, City Secretary z 02 'CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 15, 1974 The City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, met in regular session in the Council Chamber of City Hall at 667 North Carroll Avenue in Southlake on Tuesday, January 15, 1974, with the follow- ing members present: Wade Booker, Mayor Billy Joe Knox, Mayor Pro Tem W. O. Nunn, Councilman R. D. Drummond, Councilman Frank Tetrault, Councilman Sam Davis, Councilman Also present: William D. Campbell, City Attorney. Mayor Booker called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. The invoca- tion was given by Councilman Knox. The Minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as read. Due to the overflow crowd of citizens present because of Item 3 of the Agenda, the telephone rate increase, Mayor Booker announced said Item would be considered first. Whereupon, he introduced Mr. R. W. Doan of General Telephone who then explained the recent rate increase and advised that the City of Grapevine had worked out the schedule. Mayor Booker stated that it is customary for utility companies to ask to be placed on the City's agenda so the Council can consider a utility rate increase. Discussion followed regard- ing regulation of rates within the City and the City Attorney stated the City has the right to regulate local rates but pointed out that the metro service, which is an optional service, is not purely local. Mr. Doan took the position that the lack of response to General's June 13th letter as approval of the rate increase but he was willing to come to the Council. The Council all agreed that they would like to see General TOlephone's presentation. The Feb- ruary 5th Council meeting was set for a re-appearance by Mr. Doan to make his presentation of the rate increase. Following more dis- cussion, Mayor Booker thanked Mr. Doan for his time. Mr. Doan left a copy of the rates with the City Secretary. Mr. Youngblood appeared before the Council r6questing permission to live in a trailer on land leased by him west of the Horseshoe Institute on Southlake Boulevard. He told the Council the real estate agent said it was all right to do this and he did not realize he was violating any City laws until the police officer called it to his attention. The Mayor advised him of the City's position and the City Attorney gave further explana ordinance. Whereupon, Councilman Knox denied; seconded by Councilman Davis. Mr. Youngblood was advised he may have to move the trailer from the property. tion of the City's zoning moved that the request be motion passed unanimously. a reasonable amount of time Tri-County Electric Co-operative representative, Mr. Bob Willis, addressed the Council regarding their requested rate increase. He introduced Mr. Joe Holyfield who explained why an 8% increase is needed and what it would mean in cost to the consumer. He pointed out that the City's franchise tax would be increased by 1%. Questions and discussion followed. Mayor Booker instructed the Council that the matter should be acted on at the next regular Council meeting February 5th at which time the proper amendment to the ordinance will be prepared and ready for Council action. Final presentation of the Updated Future Land Use Plan was made by Craig Eaton, assisted by E Casti e, both o Carter & Burgess, Inc., the City's consultant planning and engineering firm. Discussion followed. Water Department report was given by Supt. W. G. Cline. He informed the Council that Well #1 has been repaired and is now running and that the fence around Well Site #2 is almost complete at this time. The Mayor thanked him for the report. Fire De artment report was made by Chief Bob Steele. Councilman Knox informed the Council that a large amount of the budgeted items for the Department have been purchased to circumvent price increases but that payment for them will be done on a monthly basis to prevent any financial strain. Written reports on the Department's activities for the year 1973 and the two previous months were presented and are attached her6to. In response to Councilman Davis' question, the Chief advised there are 18 to 20 active volunteers fmcltding the junior fire- men and that he would like to have 24. The Mayor thanked the Chief for the Department's good efforts. Police De artment report was given by Chief Doug Hughes who also turned in wr-itten reports on the Department's activities for the year 1973 and the months of November and December. Discussion fol- lowed regarding necessary repair work for the 1973 Ford, whereupon Councilman Knox moved that the work required be done; seconded by Councilman Nunn. Motion passed unanimously. Chief Hughes was also commended for the efforts put forth by the Department. ZA-73-11: Mayor Booker announced that this zoning request made by Miles Pierce for H District on a piece of land adjoining Emery Camper Manufacturers on the east side fronting SH 114 (Northwest Parkway) is set for public hearing February 5th, 1974, at 7:30 P.M. He informed the Council this request has been recommended for approval by the Planning & Zoning Commission. l IV ZA-73-9: The City's request for an area of land along Timberline Drive to be changed in zoning from Ag to A-3 District was set for public hearing February 19, 1974.E the Mayor who ddvised the Council that the Planning & Zoning Commission recommended denial. The City Attorney recommended that subh zoning be accomplished before issuance of building permits. Mayor Booker introduced Mr. Max Thomas, associated with Miles Pierce, and stated that he would be on the agenda for the February 5th meet- ing regarding/$ackage treatment plant. Resolution No. 74-1: accepting the resignation of Manuel Gonzalez an appointing David Moak to such vacancy on the Planning & Zoning Commission was passed and approved on motion by Councilman Knox; seconded by Councilman Nunn. Motion passed unanimously. (Said Resolution attached hereto and made a part hereof.) Resolution No. 74-2: appointing David Moak and reappointing Elizabeth Stic ey to the Joint Airport Zoning Board of the Dallas/ Fort Worth Regional Airport to represent the City of Southlake was passed and approved on motion by Councilman Knox; seconded by Council- man Nunn. Motion passed unanimously. (Said Resolution attached hereto and made a part hereof.) Mr. Charles Cross of Delaney-Sanders & Associates asked the Council ® if he could table his matter to the February 19th meeting. He again asked for ideas from the Council regarding planning of the property controlled by them; the Council again requested that he present a plan for Council consideration. He showed the Council aerial photos of the property and also introduced his associate, Mr. Rich Williams. Resolution No. 74-3: calling for final payment to be made to Lloyd Brothers Construction Company for the large main along White Chapel called for in the '72 Bond Program was passed and approved by Council- man Davis; seconded by Councilman Knox. Motion passed unanimously. (Said Rbsolttion attached hereto and made apart hereof.) The bills presented, including Fire Control Invoice No. 18097 for $222.50 and Fire Protection Company Invoice No. 1148 for $284.76, were approved for payment on motion by Councilman Knox; seconded by Councilman Davis. Motion passed unanimously. Councilman Davis moved that the City Secretary attend the seminar on new election laws in Denton at a cost of $25; seconded by Councilman Tetrault. Motion passed unanimously. Mayor Booker announced the appointment of Councilman Drummond as chairman of the Citizens Goals Committee. With some reluctance be- cause of a crowded work sc a ule, Councilman Drummond accepted. 10 In accordance with the OpeneMeetings Law, the City Attorney called 5 for a closed session following the regular meeting in order to discuss a legal matter. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary ~ \ L GENERAL TELEPEONE COMTANY OF THE SOUTI-HEST Fort Worth Pietro EMS Class of Service Business One Party Business Extension Residence One Party Residence Extension Effective Date: December 19, 1.973 Proposed Rate $42.95 2.50 17.45 1.75 ROTARY SWITCHING CHARGE PER TRUNK No. Rate No. Rate Trunks Each Trunk Trunks Each Trunk 1 $45.35 18 $101.80 2 47.90 19 102.75 3 52.50 20 103.75 4 57.60 21 103.75 5 65.55 22 104.75 6 71.05 23 105.75 7 76.40 24 105.75 8 80.70 25 106.75 9 85.25 26 108.80 10 87.65 27 109.85 11 94.45 28 110.90 12 94.45 "29 111.95 13 98.05 30 113.00 14 98.05 31-35 114.10 each 15 99.90 36-40 115.20 each 16 99.90 41-45 116.31 each 37 101.80 46-50 117.40 each All others 130.95 each $30-$40 SCC 25C Coin 0 GENERAL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF THE' SOUTINIEST Fort Worth Metro Tier #2 Class of Service ProDosed Rate Effective Date: December 19, 1973 Business One Party $22.86 Business Extension 2.25 Residence One Party 8.60 Residence nqo Party 6.25 Residence Extension 1.55 Semipublic 24.20 ROTARY SWITCHING CHARGE PER TRUNK No. Trunks Trunk Rotary Nontrunk 1 $24.20 each $24.20 each 2 25.45 each 25.45 each 3 26.75 each 26.75 each 4 29.10 each All others $28.58 5 32.80 each each 6 35.35 each 7 37.80 each 8 39.90 each All others $40.01 each w $30-$40 SCC 25G Coin DALLIES METRO EXCHANGES SERVICE CHARGES Alternative Service Connection Chgs. Requested PRE SENT . Res. Bus. Res. Bus. New Install Main Line 15.00 $ 22.50 „ $30.00 $40.00 Extension,PBX/ PABX..Station 10.00 12.50 20.00 22.50 Reconnect Main Line * 10.00 12.50 20.00 22.50 Moves/Changes First Instrument 10.00 12.50 20.00 22.50 Each Additional 7.50 7:50 15.00 15.00 PBX/PABX Station 7.50 7.50 15:00 15.00 Minimum Service Chg. 10.00 10.00 20.00 20.00 * Per service order - Line and equipment in place with no changes Will add extension on residen ce service only for san e charge. c 4) lts Ts a C a Z7 M ti \D \D r-1 N 00 t- fU N U"% r4 H OO O~ to i > C O O N M N D CL M U1 -:r -:3- r-1 ~ M M O O rz t, ~c a a~ cd N 00 M p r-1 ti O~ 6 U N N r-1 O M r-1 U NMMN NN H v v co va C bC r1 O~ M \p O U1 O1\ OC C OtiO-~ P-~~~ C d.) OC OC O O\ N l` oo r i to (y ? M ri r-1 N M 0.'1 x d W N 4-3 cd w xa M ~4 bC ti ti C 00 M \,o -4~ tT, N I\ f\! LrA F r-1 H bC N t--\D r-4 ~ M r-1 P D - O\ r-1 .O • > to N \D ~ r-I N N r-1 w ? OD m a O CO r'1 1C 6C. r-1 p-\ N M G \JD OaDO E-+ E' d x MONp OC \D M r.{ t d - L(4 \D 00 U 3 w w w w P j A O O lD 0 ' w w w ~r W.. N O MN w ~ t- 00 \D U1 \D H %D 0 ri p r-1 r-4 1 r-i tU ' U rl \p r♦ ti WA ? M ri N ONNN r{O tiO0 4; M U1 ri C~ U1 ~ Q\ U \p GC \D Oo U"~ ti %0 00 7i $y r1 am a N \D MOO N w 13 C7 N w U r N W N C O U N m \D C\ I - CO m $10 ON O 4 U V U1 H U*~ M m O CN ' ri (y M ri N M U^ EFFECT OF PROPOSED INCREASE Single Family Dwelling Residential Rate A-1 8% Monthly KWH - 250 Present Rate Proposed Increase Monthly Cost $8.48 $9.16 $0.68 Daily Cost (30 days) 0.022 Monthly KWH - 500 Monthly Cost 13.23 14.28 1.05 Daily Cost (30 days) 0.035 Monthly KWH - 833 Monthly Cost 18.86 20.35 1.49 Daily Cost (30 days) 0.049 Monthly KWH - 1000 Monthly Cost 2-1.57 23.27 1.70 Daily Cost (30 days) 0.056 Monthly KWH - 1166 Q Monthly Cost 24.27 26.17 1.90 Daily Cost (30 days) 0.063 Monthly KWH - 1333 Monthly Cost 26.99 29.10 2.11 Daily Cost (30 days) 0.070 Monthly KWH - 1500 Monthly Cost 29.52 31.82 2.30 Daily Cost (30 days) 0.076 All other rate schedules have been increased by 8%. The 8% is added to each step of the schedules. R. P. STEELE, FIRE CHIEF SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT P. 0. BOX 868 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76051 JANUARY Olt 1974 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCILMEN SUBJECT: FIRE DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR OF 1973 1. TOTAL RESPONSES ...........................111 29 GRASS FIRES 19 3. STRUCTURE FIRES 10 4. AUTOMOBILE FIRES 16 5. AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS 26 6. MUTUAL AID ALARMS... 15 MISCELLANEOUS RESPONSES 24 INCLUDES: 1 DROWNING, 4 RESUSITATOR CALLS, 1 BOMB THREAT 8. FALSE ALARMS 4 9. TOTAL MAN HOURS EXPENDED ON CALL 1717 10. TOTAL MAN HOURS EXPENDED ON CIVIC PROJECTS 539 11. TOTAL MAN HOURS ON MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS 394 12. TOTAL MAN HOURS ON DRILLS/TRAINING 563 13. TOTAL NUMBER OF DRILLS/CLASSES FOR YEAR 19 14. TOTAL NUMBER OF MEN ATTENDING MEETINGS FOR YEAR.......... 507 15. TOTAL NUMBER OF MAN HOURS ON ALL DEPARTMENT PROJECTS FOR YEAR OF 1973 4171 16. FIREMEN RESPONDING FOR YEAR ( SEE PAGE TWO ) lic fl 10 FIRE CHIEF BOB STEELE ...................................74 ASSISTANT CHIEF JUDD JOYCE .............................o40 FIRE MARSHAL JACK WEDDLE ................................56 CAPTAIN JIM CLIFTON .....................................60 CAPTAIN COKE DODSON .....................................36 LIEUTENANT JUNIOR CHELF .................................22 SECY-TRES JOHNNY SHELTON ................................29 MAINTENANCE OFFICER TOM SCHIRMAN ........................78 RESCUE OFFICER TOM SCHNEIDER ............................80 SGT AT ARMS DON ARMSTRONG ...............................43 WADE BOOKER .............................................21 JOHNNY CHILF ............................................19 DAYMOND GADDY ...........................................22 WALTER GARRETT 9 DOUG HUGHES .............................................13 ED KINCHEN ..............................................10 TALBERT LEE 9 J. L. MC MILLION 3 RALPH POLSON 48 EVERETT RECORD 3 JIM SWINNEY ..............................................19 LIUETENANT DALE CLIFTON .................................54 JACK ANDREWS ............................................61 JOHNNY POLSON ...........................................22 . ® RANDY STEELE . • . . . . . . . . . . 29 BART STEVENS ............................................17 OTHERS 7 RESPECTLY UBMITT D, R. P. STEELE, FIRE CHIEF P. 6TELLE, FIRE CHIEF SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT P. 0. Box 868 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76051 6. TOTAL MAN HOURS EXPENDED ON CALL .......................34, TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCILMEN SUB J: FIRE DEPARTMENT REP ORT FOR NOVEMBER 1973 1. TOTAL RESPONSES 0' 2. GRASS FIRES. 01 . STRUCTURE FIRES (RESIDENTIAL) . 01 . 4. AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS 02 5. MISCELLANEOUS RESPONSES..iIGH 'MATER STANDBY ANIMAL RESCUE LOST CHILD...•..... 03 1 ~o 10 TOTAL MAN HOURS EXPENDED ON CIVIC PROJECTS.. eIRE PREVENTION :FILMS POOTBA:.L GAMES BASKETBALL GAMES FIRST AiD SERV'ICES`(AT STATION) 34 DECEMBER 01, 6. TOTAL,MAN HOURS EXPENDED ON MAINTENANCE OF &.,UIPMENT AND STATION ............................................40 y. TOTAL MAN HOURS ON DRILLS/TRAINING 544 10. NUiv,BER OF DRILLS/ CLASSES DURING MONTH .................0` ' I . NUMBER OF MEN ATTENDING MEETINGS P OR MONTH 60 12. APPROXIMATE TOTAL MAN HOURS EXPENDED BY DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL PARTICIPATING IN DEPARTMENT ACTIVITIES 288 w rig' R" aPONDING FOR MONTH: S1 "LEL . . . . . . • . 4 AS3T CHIE? JOYCE 2 FIRE MARSiiAL WEDDLE...3 CAPTAIN `.w'L--'TON......94 a..a • Clal.J+y~. • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 AiiMSTRONG, D..........1 BOOR, ~i .............1 HUGHLa,D .............1 LEE, T ...............1 POLaON, R............3 SCHIRMAN, T..........6 SCHNEIDER, T.........3 SHELTON, J...........1 SWINNEY, J...99..9...1 CLINE, Iv MC MILi.101v , , , . ANDREWS, . CLIFTON., POLSON, J........; STEELEs R..... STEVE S, 13....... Respect 'ull sub 'tted, ~ ~Tv S t:. P. Jtee~e _ r~i ra ~^.h, of E. P. STEELE, FIRE CHIEF SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT P. 0. BOX 868 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76051 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCILMEN SUBJ: FIRE DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR DECEMBER 1973 JANUARY 01 , 1974 1. TOTAL RESPONSES ............................................11} 2. GRASS FIRES ................................................03 3. STRUCTURE FIRES ( RESIDENTIAL ) ............................02 1+. AUTOMOBILE FIRES ...........................................02 5. AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS .......................................01 6. MUTUAL AID ALARMS ..........................................05 MISCELLANEOUS RESPONSES..WASHDOWN DEISEL FUEL SPILL........ 01 8. TOTAL MAN HOURS EXPENDED ON CALLS .........................211} 9. TOTAL MAN HOURS EXPENDED ON CIVIC PROJECTS..( APPX ).......20 10. TOTAL MAN HOURS EXPENDED ON MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT AND STATION....( APPX ) ................................9 - 40 11. TOTAL MAN HOURS ON DRILLS/TRAINING .........................42 12. NUMBER OF DRILLS/CLASSES DURING MONTH ......................01 13. NUMBER OF MEN ATTENDING MEETINGS DURING MONTH ..............46 14. APPROXIMATE TOTAL MAN HOURS EXPENDED BY DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL PARTICIPATING IN DEPARTMENT ACTIVITIES 412 MEN RESPONDING FOR MONTH: CHIEF STEELE......... 10 ASST CHIEF JOYCE..... 5 FIRE MARSHAL WEDDLE..10 CAPTAIN CLIFTON...... 7 CAPTAIN DODSON....... 3 LIEUTENANT CHELF..... 5 ARMSTRONG, D......... 5 BOOKER, W............ 2 2 CHELF,J......... 7 CADDY, D........ 6 GARRETT, W...... 1 HUGHES, D....... 2 LEE, T.......... 5 POLSON, R....... 6 SCHIRMAN, T..... 7 SCHNEIDER, T....11 RESPECTFU LY SUBMITTED j ST r;, FIRE CHIEF SHELTON, J.....5 SWINNEY, J.... 6 LT.CLIFTON, D. 4 ANDREWS, J....11 POLSON, J..... 6 ST.&ELE, R..... 3 STEVENS, B.... 9 11 ■ Honorable Mayor and City Councilmen: Police Department Summary for the Year of 1973 Tickets issued Fines written Fines paid Traffic Accidents Burglaries investigated Thefts investigated Number of Calls Persons in jail Miles driven Respectfully submitted, Dougl=. Hughes, ChJAf Police January 03, 1974 1803 $ 41,367.00 $ 43, 016.00 125 13 34 1,996 211 118,713 DRH/tbs ■ December 3, 1973 Honorable Mayor and City Council: Police Department report for the month of November, 1973 Tickets issued in October Tickets issued in November Fines written in November Fines paid in November Fines paid by Highway Patrol Persons in jail in October Persons in jail in November Traffic Accidents in October Traffic Accidents in November Burglaries investigated in October Burglaries investigated in November Approx. total value taken in burglaries in November Approx. total value recovered in burglaries in Nov. Thefts investigated in October Thefts investigated in November Approx. total value taken in thefts in November Approx. total value recovered in thefts in Nov. Number of calls in October Number of calls in November Miles driven in October Miles driven in November Speedometer reading on Unit #3(73 Ford) Speedometer reading on Unit 44(72 Ford) R pectfully submitted, Doug~Z"~ . H ughey, Chief Southlake Police Department DRH/jd 136 156 3,716.00 2,508.75 60.00 21 9 11 7 2 2 $ 350.00 350.00 6 $29,500.00 32,340.00 251 257 10#798 10,830 65,773 125,850 11 so t ~o January 020 1974 Honorable Mayor and City Council: Police Department report for the month of December, 1973 Tickets issued in November Tickets issued in December Fines written in December Fines paid in December Fines paid by Highway Patrol Persons in jail in November Persons in jail in December Traffic Accidents in November Traffic Accidents in December Burglaries investigated in November Burglaries investigated in December Approx. total value taken in burglaries in December Approx. total value recovered in burglaries i~ Dec. Thefts investigated in November Thefts investigated in December Approx. total value taken in thefts in December Approx. total value recovered in thefts in Dec. Number of calls in November Number of calls in December Miles driven in November Miles driven in December Speedometer reading on Unit #4 (73 Ford) Speedometer reading on Unit #3 (72 Ford) Respectfully submitted, Douglas R. Hugh s, Chief Southlake Police Department 156 172 $3,512.00 $4,631.50 $57.50 9 18 7 2 2 2 $312.71 $4p529.60 4 $140-53 NONE 257 210 10s,830 9,597 71..278 129,9942 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION January 15, 1974 TO THE HON. MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: ZA-73-11: Miles Pierce' request for "H" District (Heavy Commerical) zoning on property located along SH 114, west of Shady Lane, adjoining Emery Camper Mfg. was recommended for approval by majority vote with a stipulation that a six foot masonry screen wall or equivalent be placed along the north side in accordance with Ordinance 161 requiring such screen between H District use and residential property. ZA-73-9: City's request for A-3 (Residential) District on land fronting Tinlmrline Drive - an unplatted sub- division - was recommended for denial by majority vote unless there be convincing evidence the change in zoning is necessary and proper. RESOLUTION NO. 74,-1 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, passed ordinance No. 203 wherein the Planning & Zoning Commission is to consist of seven members; And, WHEREAS, one of the present members, Manuel Gonzalez, has resigned from said Commission; And, WHEREAS, the Mayor has accepted such resig- nation and appointed David Moak to fill the unexpired term; Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: 1. The appointment of David Moak to serve on the Planning & Zoning Commission until the expiration of the term on May 1, 1975, is hereby accepted and approved. PASSED AND APPROVED this 15th day of January, A. D. 1974. Ma ATTEST: ) City Secretary 8 RESOLUTION'NO'. 74-2 WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas, is a member city of the Joint Airport Zoning Board of the Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Airport; And, WHEREAS, two members were appointed to re- pepsent the City of Southlake under Ord- inance No. 182, Section 3; And, WHEREAS, it is expedient to appoint two members as the present terms are expir- ing; Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: 1. Elizabeth Stickley is hereby reappointed and David Moak is here- by appointed to serve as representatives of the City of Southlake, Texas, on the Joint Airport Zoning Board of the Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Airport . 2. Ordinance 182,.Section 3, is•heeby amended to reflect the names of the two members appointed herein. (See Ordinance No. 182-A.) PASSED AND APPROVED this 15th day of January, A. D. 1974. Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary 9 10 ORDINANCE.NO. 182-A AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 182, SECTION 3, APPOINTING TWO MEMBERS AS RE- PRESENTATIVES OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, TO THE DALLAS/FORT WORTH REGIONAL JOINT AIRPORT ZONING BOARD (JAZBO). WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 182, Section 3,names Manuel Gonzales and Elizabeth Stickley as members on the Dallas/ Fort Worth Regional Joint Airport Zoning Board from the City of Southlake, Texas, Now, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1, Ordinance No. 182, Section 3, is hereby amended to show the names of David Moak and Elizabeth Stickley as members on the Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Joint Airport Zoning Board from the City of Southlake, Texas. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED this /_!~Z_/'day of January A.D. 1974. Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary s o 10 ow W Eft RESOLUTION NO. 74-3 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, contracted for the con- struction of a distribution main from Well No. 2 with Lloyd Brothers Construction Com- pany on the 10th day of September, 1973, And; 17 WHEREAS, payment in the amount of $38,244.56 has been made for work done and $3,824.45 to be paid upon completion; And, WHEREAS, Gerald Lemons of Carter & Burgess, Inc., engineer for the City of Southlake, and W. G. Cline, Water Superintendent, have recommended that final payment in the sum of $3,824.45 be paid to said construction company; Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: 1. H The Mayor is hereby authorized to make payment in the amount of $3,824.45 to Lloyd Brothers Construction Company at this time. 2. The funds for such payment are to be taken from the Bond Funds set aside for this purpose. PASSED AND APPROVED this 15th day of January, A. D. 1974. ATTEST : City Secretary Mayor t or ib