1974-12-17CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS DECEMBER 17, 1974 7:30 P.M. MEETING OF THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REQUEST FOR VARIANCE BY MR. W. D. KELLEY, 603 N. SHADY LANE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Ground Storage Tanks' Repair - Gerald Lemons 2. Final Discussion of Updated Zoning Ordinance Draft Copy - Craig Eaton 3. Loose Livestock Control 4. Department Reports: A. Fire B. Police C. Water 5. City Administration: A. Logo B. Personnel Matters (closed) C. Solid Waste Disposal D. Fencing R-O-W on Carroll Extension E. Approval of Bills I hereby certify that the above Agenda was posted on the bulletin board in City Hall, 667 N. Carroll Avenue, on Friday, December 13, 1974, at 1:00 P.M. City Secretary 191 J CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 17, 1974 The City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, met in regular session in the Council Chamber of City Hall, at 667 North'Carroll Avenue in Southlake on Tuesday, December 17, 1974, with the fol- lowing members present: a Wade Booker, Mayor W. 0. Nunn, Mayor Pro Tem R. D. Drummond, Councilman Sam Davis, Councilman Absent: Billy Joe Knox, Councilman James Winfrey, Councilman Staff members present: William D. Campbell, City Attorney J. Craig Eaton, Planner, Carter & Burgess, Inc. Police Chief Douglas R. Hughes Fire Chief R. P. Steele Bill Bell, Engineer, Carter & Burgess, Inc. Mayor Booker called the meeting to order at 8:28 P.M. The invo- cation was given by Councilman Nunn. The Minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as read. The Mayor stated that Agenda items 2 and 3 be tabled to later Council meetings. WATER STORAGE TANK NO. 1 CONDITION was reported on by Gerald Lemons. His recommendation was that nothing be done at this time on the No. 1 ground storage tank but that the No. 2 ground storage tank would have to be repainted. (At this point the Mayor left the Council Chamber but returned immediately.) The City Secretary was instructed to place the matter on the Agenda after the tanks at Well Site No. 2 had been examined. FIRE DEPARTMENT REPORT was given by Chief Steele. Discussion was had on the actual cost:of Unit 3003. Mayor Booker informed the Council that Jack Weddle is in the hospital with cancer and that a "Money Tree" is being collected I A rJ N for him at the Village Grocery for those wishing to make a con- tribution. POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT was given by Chief Hughes, following which a discussion was had concerning an additional gas tank. Chief advised the Council that a storage tank underground with a 1,000 gallon capacity could be obtained for $425 with vavles at about $100, and a 500 gallon tank on skids for $265. Council- man Davis moved that the Mayor be authorized to work with Chief Hughes in purchasing a tank and pump and that the Budget not be exceeded; seconded by Councilman Nunn. Motion passed unanimously. FENCING ALONG THE RIGHT-OF-WAY ON THE CARROLL AVENUE EXTENSION was also tabled to a later date. Councilman Nunn moved that the bills presented be approved for payment; seconded by Councilman Drummond. Motion passed unani- mously. The Mayor read aloud a letter received from the Texas Highway Department from Mr. J. R. Stone, District Engineer, pertaining to flashing school zone signs on Highway 114 within Southlake. At this point the Council meeting was closed to the public for the purpose of discussion pertaining to personnel. On reopening the meeting to the public, the Mayor advised that the Council was in agreement to hire Kenneth Bell at a starting salary of $550 with an automatic $50 increase after 90 days. So moved Councilman Davis; seconded by Councilman Nunn. Motion passed unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Y_4~ Mayor ATTEST: Q City Secretary 19J l CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MEETING OF THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS DECEMBER 17, 1974 The Zoning Board of Adjustment of the City of Southlake, Texas met in called session in the Council Chamber of City Hall, at 667 North Carroll Avenue in Southlake on Tuesday, December 17, 1974 with the following members present: R. V. Trammell, Chairman Lloyd Wolf, Secretary Walter Garrett, Member L. A. Casey, Member Absent: Bill Long, Member. Also Present: William D. Campbell, City Attorney W. D. Kelley Roy Davis, Attorney for Mr. Kelley. Citizens present: Mr. & Mrs. Bill Enckhausen Mrs. Joe Willard Crass. Mrs. J. F. Williams Mrs. Nancy Nichols. The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. He in- structed those present that the purpose of this meeting was a request by W. D. Kelley for a variance from City Ordinance No. 161, in seeking a building permit to be allowed to have two Quonset-type greenhouses constructed on his property at 603 N. Shady Lane in excess of the 1500 square feet permitted under the City's Zoning Ordinance. Dr. Kelley addressed the Board giving his reasons for such request. Following this, Mr. Enckhausen asked for more information concerning the type of construction to be used; he also inquired about the location of the structures on the property and was advised that they would be between the Kelley's house and her house. Mrs. Johnny Williams wanted clarification on the sale of vegetables. She stated she objects to the building, also. -Mr. Roy Davis, the attorney, said he wanted an oral amendment and requested that the variance be for only 300 additional square feet total and ' the structures comply with all building lines. Lloyd Wolf then { moved that 1500 square feet total in outbuildings be permitted 194 that there be no commercial venture whatsoever; that all build- ing codes, be complied with, and that a plot plan be submitted. The Chairman then stated that 1500 square feet total, includ- ing existing structures, be given and there is to be no commer- cial use; that if these conditions are agreed to, then the City Secretary is instructed to issue a building permit. Mr. Davis requested that their answer as to agreeing to the conditions be deferred. The City Attorney advised the effect of the motion was a denial of-the request for a variance. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Chairman ATTEST: City Secretary c Regular Meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjust. 12/17/74-Pg 2 5 ® SOUTHLA.KE FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY COUNCIL REPORT for November, 1974 I. RESPONES: Signal 2 --------------------(wash down-minor injured) 1 Signal 1 --------------------(wash down) 1 Mutual Aid (Colleyville) 1 Structional Fire -------------(10-22)--------------------------------- 1 Recreational Vehicle fire--------------------------------------------- 1 Grass Fire 1 Street Washdown --------------(glass on pavement) 1 Smoke Investigation--------------------------------------------------- 1 . Total responses for month 9 2. Man/Hours: On Emergency calls 41.0 On Maintenance... 24.0 Weekly Department meetings and training 48.0 Cutting new unit in srevice 40.0 Total man hours for the month----153.0 3. Men Responding Durning the Month: Chief Steele 8 Thomas, Donald 3 Asst. Chief Joyce 2 Mc Million 1 Asst. Chief Clifton 3 Polson, J 1 Capt. Polson 1 Shelton, M 2 Resc. Off. Schneider 6 Steele, R 1 Manit. Off. Schirman 7 Miller, T 1 Andrews, Jack 1 Wilson, B 2 Armstrong, Don 1 Bell, Charles 1 Booker, Wade 1 Bradley, Harry Sr. 6 Clifton, Dale 4 Davis, Sam 1 Hanson, Harvey 1 Hughes, Doug 3 Shelton, John 5 Respectfully Submitted ` R. P. Steele, Fire Chief SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT RPS: tl PHONE 401-35G7 C "Where Country Living is At Its Best" WADE BOOKER, Mayor P.O. BOX 860 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76051 W. O. N U N N, Mayor Pro Tem Billy Joe Knox, Councilman Aliceanne Wallace, Ciry Secretary R. D. Drummond, Councilman James H. Winfrey, Councilman Sam Davis, Councilman ACTUAL COST SHEET FOR ATTACK TRUCK UNIT 3003 Cab & Chassis 3,530.00 Arnold Welding Service 4,241.29 1-Skid Mount Pump & Motor 1,280.00 300 Ft. 1z inch hose . 411.00 200 Ft. 3/4 inch booster hose 270.50 2 3/4 Pistol Grip Turb-Jet Nozzles 317.60 1 3/4 Relief Valve 45.00 Double Female Swivel Connector 44.10 Money From City Funds Sub-total ..$10,139.39 1-Radio 175.00 2-Beacon Light & Bar . • 44.00 1-10 Ft. Aluminum Extension Ladder 24.00 1-Rockwood-Foam Proportioner System 198.00 Money From Fund Raising Projects Sub-total 441.00 Donations 1-Federal Siren - Estimated Value 250.00 2-6 inch Pancake Emergency Lights - Estimated Value 50.00 Sub-total 300.00 Total .....$10,880.39 ~.G R. P. Steele Fire Chief or o' "Idhere Country Living Is At Its Best" PHONE 481-3967 WADE BOOKER, Mayor P.O. IBOX 868 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76051 W. O. NUNN, Mayor Pro Tem Billy Joe Knox, Councilman Alieeanne Wallace, City Secretary R. D. Drummond, Councilman James H. Winfrey, Councilman Sam Davis, Councilman ACTUAL COST SHEET FOR ATTACK TRUCK UNIT 3003 + Cab & Chassis 3,530.00 Arnold Welding Service 4,241.29 1-Skid Mount Pump & Motor 1,280.00 300 Ft. 115 inch hose • 411.00 200 Ft. 3/4 inch booster hose 270.50 2 3/4 Pistol Grip Turb-Jet Nozzles 317.60 1 3/4 Relief Valve 45.00 Double Female Swivel Connector 44.10 Money From City Funds Sub-total .....$10,139.39 1-Radio . 175.00 2-Beacon Light & Bar 44.00 1-10 Ft. Aluminum Extension Ladder . 24.00 1-Rockwood-Foam Proportioner System 198.00 Money From Fund Raising Projects Sub-total 441.00 Donations 1-Federal Siren - Estimated Value . 250.00 2-6 inch Pancake Emergency,Lights - Estimated Value 50.00 Sub-total 300.00 Total .....$10,880.39 R. P.-Steele Fire Chief I ® Honorable Mayor and City Council: ti Police Department Report for the month of November 1974 Tickets issued in October Tickets issued in November Persons in jail in October Persons in jail in November Traffic accidents in October Traffic accidents in November Burglaries investigated in October Burglaries investigated in November Approximate total value taken in burglaries in November Approximate total value recovered in burglaries in November Thefts investigated in October Thefts investigated in November Approximate total value taken in thefts in November Approximate total value recovered in thefts in November Number of calls in October Number of calls in November Miles driven in October Miles driven in November Speedometer reading on Unit #5(74 Ford) Speedometer reading on Unit #6(74 Ford) Respectfully submitted, f~)- 1 Ld Douglas R. Hughes Chief of Police SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT DRH:ss December 3, 1974 187 192 7 9 12 10 0 4 728.00 0 4 4 135.00 70.00 305 274 11,376 10,388 33,365 69,233 F d1i Q SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY COUNCIL REPORT 41 di for November., 1974 I. RESPONES: Signal 2 --------------------(wash down-minor injured) J 1 Signal 1 (wash down) 1 (Colleyville) 1 Mutual Aid Structional Fire (10-22) 1 1 Recreational Vehicle fire----------------"""""-""""" Grass Fire 1 Street Washdown (glass on pavement) 1 1 Smoke Investigation---------------- Total responses for month 9 2. Man/Hours: 41.0 On Emergency calls We 24.0 Maintenance.----- Weekly Department meetings and training 48.0 Rutting new unit in srevice 40.0 Total man hours for the month----153.0 3. Men Responding Durning the Month: MR 3 Chief Steele 8 Thomas, Donald Asst. Chief Joyce 2 Mc Million 1 Asst. Chief Clifton 3 Polson, J 1 Capt. Polson 1 Shelton, M 2 Resc. Off. Schneider 6 Steele, R 1 Manit. Off. Schirman 7 Miller, T 1 7 Andrews, Jack 1 Wilson, B 2 Armstrong, Don 1 Bell, Charles 1 Booker, Wade I Bradley, Harry Sr. 6 Clifton, Dale 4 Davis, Sam 1 Hanson, Harvey 1 Hughes, Doug 3 Shelton, John 5 Respectfully Submitted ~e - P It'LL, do 6,B R. P. Steele, Fire Chief SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT RPS:tl 193 C BILLS FOR APPROVAL AT DECEMBER 17, 1974 COUNCIL MEETING: Gulf Oil Products (Gas) National B1dg.Centers (City Hall Expense) Flowers Ins.Agcy.(Fidelity Bond-City) Thompson Printing Service (City) General Telephone Co. (City) Xerox (City) D & M Pump Svc. (Water -Repair) Law Enforcement Journal ( P. D.) No.Cen.Texas Council of Governments (P.D. - Teletype Network Svc.) Bell Comm. (P. D. & F.D.-Radio Maint. ) Motor Supply Co.(F.D. - Supplies) Gibson's (F.D. - Supplies) Stewart Oxygen Service (F.D.-Oxygen) Fire Control Engr.Co.(F.D.) #6910 $239.36 #53737 49.98 #176772 36.00 12/17/74 14.00 12/13/74 232.96 #026762731 23.82 #69864 97.60 11/18/74 12.00 Oct.1974 76.50 11/30/74 50.50 #42857 7.00 #716 & #718 16.17 #3498 48.00 #19854 74.10 f