City of Southlake, Texas
Regular City Council Meeting
October 15, 1974
7:30 P. M.
I. Tarrant County Planning Dept. - Marvin SimPson,III,
Director: Community Development Act - Technical
Assistance Program.
II. Street Standards: Jerald Lemons
III. Tarrant County Manpower Program: Workmen's Compen-
sation Requirement.
® IV. Department Reports:
A. Water - Councilman Davis
B. Fire - Councilman Winfrey
C. Police - Councilman Nunn
V. City Administrative Matters:
A. Annual Cash Flow Summary.
B. City Hall Expansion.
C. COG General Assembly.
D. Logs.
E. TML Conference.
F. Requests for Expenditures per Budget.
1. Janitor Service.
2. Additional Telephone Line.
3..Office Machines.
I hereby certify that this Agenda was posted on the
bulletin board in City Hall, 667 North Carroll Ave..,
at 4:15 P.M. Friday, October 11, 1974.
Aliceanne Wallace, City Secretary
1 c~
OCTOBER 15, 1974 4
The City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, met in regular
session in the Council Chamber of City Hall, at 667 North Carroll
Avenue in Southlake on Tuesday, October 15, 1974, with the fol-
lowing members present:
Wade Booker, Mayor
W. 0. Nunn, Mayor Pro Tem
Billy Joe Knox, Councilman
R. D. Drummond, Councilman
Sam Davis, Councilman
Absent: James Winfrey, Councilman
Staff members present: William D. Campbell, City Attorney
J. Craig Eaton, Carter & Burgess, Planner
R. W. Mussina, P & Z Commission, Chairman
Eleanor Kasper, P & Z Commission Member
Police Chief Douglas R. Hughes
Fire Chief R. P. Steele.
Mayor Booker called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. The invo-
cation was given by Councilman Knox.
The Minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as read...
Mr. Marvin Simpson, III, Director of Tarrant County Planning Depart-
ment, was recognized by the Mayor. He addressed the Council re-
garding the Community Development Act and the technical assistance
available to small cities through the Tarrant County Planning Depart-
ment. Discussion followed regarding the advantages and disadvantages
to be had by the City of Southlake joining in with Tarrant County
for funding through the Community Development Act. The Mayor recom-
mended that the Council take the matter under consideration pend-
ing a decision at a later date. Mr. Simpson advised that Precinct
3 will hold a meeting at the Hurst City Hall, October 30th at 7:30
P. M. to discuss this matter with Commissioner Dick Lewis. Mayor
Booker urged that all members of the Council try to be present at
this important meeting. The Mayor thanked Mr. Simpson for coming
STREET STANDARDS were next discussed with the Council by J. Craig
Eaton. The Mayor stated that the Ordinance, once adopted, should
be strictly adhered to. Mr. Mussina, Planning & Zoning Commission
Chairman, stated that he felt something too rigid may too hard to
live with. Mr. Brad Popkin, a developer, suggested that this not
be too binding but that recommendations be made by Carter & Burgess
on an individual basis with the developer. Craig Eaton made the
suggestion that the variances be spelled out and that a recommen-
dation come from Carter & Burgess on requested variances with the
governing body granting or not granting the variance asked for.
Further discussion was had on the percentage to be charged for
engineering costs and the Council was in agreement that 4 per cent
of the total anticipated construction cost be used. The City
Attorney advised that the term "Developers Agreement" be used
rather than "Community Facilities Agreement". Craig Eaton then
said he would tighten up the form and get the revised copies to the
Council for their further consideration and the Mayor instructed
the City Secretary to place the matter on the November 5th agenda.
The Manpower program was presented to the Council by the Mayor.
It was the Council's feeling that the cost of carrying Workman's
Compensation, should this be a necessary requirement in order to
participate in this program, would prohibit the City from making
application. No action was taken at this time.
The WATER DEPARTMENT report was given by Councilman Davis. In
response to several complaints, Councilman Davis promised the
situation would be remedied as to the sand in the lines and the
The FIRE DEPARTMENT report was given by Chief R. P. Steele in
the absence of Councilman Winfrey. He reported that Unit No. 3003
was still not completed.
The POLICE DEPARTMENT report was given by Councilman Nunn. He
announced that the bids for the two patrol cars were being obtained.
Councilman Knox moved that the Chief of Police be authorized to
accept from $750 and above as a trade-in allowance; seconded by
Councilman Nunn. The motion passed unanimously.
The annual cash flow summaries were distributed to the Council
members. At this point the Mayor called for a short recess. Upon
reconvening, Mayor Booker asked for discussion regarding expansion
of the City Hall facilities. Following discussion on a separate
Regular Council Meeting 10/15/74 - Page 2 of 3.
15 9
® building, Councilman Knox moved that the City Secretary advertise
for bids stating that specifications be obtained from the city
office; seconded by Councilman Nunn. Motion passed unanimously.
It was announced that the COG General Assembly will be held
October 24th. Councilman Nunn advised that he would attend the
luncheon and possibly the Seminar along with the City Secretary.
Mayor Booker advised that he would attend the General Assembly also.
Larry D. Smith, addressed the Council regarding research he had
done on logos and presented some ideas. The City Secretary was
instructed to place this matter on the next Agenda for final action.
Councilman Knox moved that all Councilmen wishing to attend the
TML Convention in Fort Worth, October 27, 28, and 29, haveatheir
registration paid by the City; seconded by Councilman Nunn. Motion
passed uanaimously.
Councilman Nunn moved that Melvin McGrue of Grapevine be awarded the
Janitor Service contract, the terms being $125 per month for clean-
ing done twice weekly; seconded by Councilman Davis. Motion passed
Councilman Knox moved that additional telephone service be aguired;
seconded by Councilman Nunn. Discussion followed whereupon the
motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Davis moved that two used typewriters be purchased as
well as a Dictaphone in accordance with the newly adopted Budget
and that payment bb,-made of the bills per the attached list; seconded
by Councilman Knox. Motion passed unanimously.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
City Secretary
Regular Council Meeting 10/15/74 - Page 3 of 3.
Mary Yates (Filings - City) 9/27/74 $ 10.00
Xerox (City) #025650140 30.10
Professional Svcs. (Flood Ins.Guide -City) #1912 46.00
Washington Janitor Svc. (City Hall Exp.) 10-12-74 50.00
General Telephone (City) 10-13-74 136.02
General Telephone (Fire Dept.) 10-1-74 25.11
General Telephone (Police Dept.) 10-1-74 36.16
American Business Machines
(Typewriter - City ) #9329 249.00
(Typewriter - Police Dept.) #9329 314.00
Amer.Business Machines (Stenorette & Tapes -City) #9330 310.00
Gulf Oil Products (gas) #6614 330.21
Kustom Signals,Inc. (Radar-Police Dept.) 63.35
Crabtree & Powers (Tires & Bal.-Police Dept.) #129 71.98
Colleyville Auto Clinic (Repair-Police Dept.) #20961 23.97
Continental Oil Co.(Oil-Police Dept.) #N56405 70.40
Bell Communications (Radio Maint.P.D. & F.D.) 9-30-74 65.50
Jones Exxon Sta. (Maint. - Police Dept.) 10-10-74 7.20
No.Cen.Tx.Council of Govn. (P.D. Membership Dues) 9-10-74 250.00
Motor Supply Co. (Supplies - Fire Dept.) #39189 11.67
Gibson Products (Supplies - P.D. & F.D.) #4037, #4552, #4570 21.72
Grapevine Auto Supply (Supplies - Fire Dept.) #30078 2.70
Tex.Power & Light Co. (Water Dept.) 9-27-74 548.56
Tex.Power & Light Co. (City) 9-27-74 131.02
Western Utility Sales (Supplies - Water Dept.) #4693 70.08
The Rohan Co. #65039 & #65384 125.40
Monthly Council Report
For September,74
Mutual Aid---------------- to Colleyville)-------------------- --2
Signal 2------------------ with two fatalities)-----------------1
Total responses for the month---3
(Mutual Aid from Colleyville during the Sig.2 )
II Man hours:
On merg. Calls 78.5
On Public Service Calls----(football field stand-b )---------26.5
On Training-----------(4 special classes were held---------- 84.0
On Maintenance 44.5
Average No. of men at 3 weekly meetings--13 M/H--117.0
Total Man/hours for the month-350.5
III Men Responding During the Month:
C ie Steele cMillion J------------- 1
Asst. Chief Joyce-----3 Shelton J--------------- 2
Fire Marshal Weddle---3 Weddle B---------------- 1
Rescue Off. Schnieder-2
Maint. Off. Schirman--2 Jr. Lieut. Polson J.----1
Andrews J-------------- 2 Miller T----------------
Bell C---------------- 3 Shelton M--------------- 2
Bradley H. Sr--------- 1 Steele R---------------- 2
Clifton D.------------1
IV The new Miss Flame for the fire department is Carol Schirman. She
is a junior at Carrol High School.
The new Attack Pumper is nearly complete except for some minor
additions (such as brooms, shovels,etc.) and we are still waiting
for the pump&motor. The factory has informed us that they are having
problems obtaining the needed brass for the pumps.
Men from the department will be attending two special schools being
held by the Tarrant County Fire Fighters Assoc. this month. we
believe the training will benefit the.--department .
Respectfull submitted by
R.P.Steele, ire ie
October 3, 1974
40 Honorable Mayor and City Council:
Police Department Report for the month of September 1974
Tickets issued in August 189
Tickets issued in September 157
3 Persons in Jail in August r 15
Persons in Jail in September 9
3 Traffic accidents in August 15
Traffic accidents in September 9
Burglaries investigated in August 3
3 Burglaries investigated in September 0.
Approximate total value taken in burglaries in September 0
Approximate total value recovered in burglaries in September 0
Thefts investigated in August 5
Thefts investigated in September 0
3 Approximate total value taken in thefts in September 0
Approximate total value recovered in thefts in September 0
Number of calls in August 189
3 Number of calls in September 235
Miles driven in August 10,411
3 Miles driven in September 10,235
Speedometer reading on Unit #4(73 Ford) 82,150
Speedometer reading on Unit #5(74 Ford) 2)1.9 60
3 Speedometer reading on Unit #6(74 Ford) 59,934
Respectfully submitted,
3 Douglas R. Hughes
Chief of Police
3 DRH:ss
Z) U
NOVEMBER 1, 1974
1. Consideration of City Logo: Larry D. Smith.
2. Taxi Service and Surtran.
3. 8roposed Revision of Zoning Ordinance: J. Craig Eaton.
4. Street Standards - Final Form: J. Craig Eaton.
5. Manpower - Rseolution No. 74-30.
6. Southwestern Bell Telephone Rate Increase Request.
7. Planning & Zoning Recommendations:
A. ZA-74-9 - Industaial Park Subdivision: Melvin Shuler.
8. TML Conference Report - Councilman Winfrey.
9. Regulation of Sewage Disposal - Councilman Davis.
10. Approval of Bills.
I hereby certify that the above Agenda was posted on the
bullAtin board in City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, on
Friday, November 1, 1974, at 4 P. M. o'clock.
--LAG eli - -.4
City Secretary