667 N. Carroll Avenue
June 10, 1999 7:00 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis Minder, Chairperson; Ralph Evans, Vice Chairperson;
John Smart, Vernon Stansell, Alternate #1.
MEMBERS ABSENT: David Harris, John Terrell
STAFF PRESENT: Karen Gandy, Interim Planning Director; Arthur Wright, Zoning
Assistant; Jean Bryson, Secretary.
Agenda Item #2 Approval of the Minutes.
The minutes of the May 13, 1999 meeting were deemed approved by the Chair as presented.
Motion: Smart
Second : Stansell
Ayes: Stansell, Smart, Evans, Minder
Nays: None
Vote: 4-0 to approve as presented
Agenda Item #3 Administrative Comments.
Ms. Gandy, Interim Planning Director, reported there are no new cases at this time.
Agenda Item #4 ZBA Case # 324 Variance
ZBA Case No. 324, Variance to Ordinance No. 480, Section 12. 1, requiring that the minimum
floor area of the main residence of lots in the "SF-1B Single Family Residential District shall be
one thousand five hundred (1,500) square feet. The applicant is requesting to maintain an existing
residence of one thousand ninety-eight (1,098) square feet on a lot being zoned to "SF-113" Single
Family Residential District. Location: 3210 Johnson Road, being legally described as Tract 4,
situated in the J. J. Freshour Survey, Abstract No. 521, being approximately 2.4 acres, and being
the proposed Lot 1 and the southern portion of the proposed Lot 2, J. J. Freshour No. 521
Addition. The current zoning is "AG" Agricultural District. The applicant is Jerry Small.
Mr. Wright, Zoning Assistant, reported twenty-one (21) notices were sent to property owners
within 200 feet and there were two (2) responses received in favor to the request. Mr. Small, the
applicant, was present requesting a variance. Mr. Small said the home was on the property when
purchased and his daughter and her family live in the home. Mr. Small further said he had
remodeled it and made it quite attractive.
Public Hearing.
Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting page 2
June 10, 1999
Agenda Item # 4 continued
Mr. Rich Osman, 3200 Johnson Road, was present stating he was the closest neighbor and was
speaking in favor of the request.
Alisha LeBrun, 3210 Johnson Road, was present speaking in favor of the request.
There was no other person wishing to speak either in favor of or in opposition to the request.
Public Hearing Closed.
The findings were stated by Mr. Minder.
A motion subject to the findings was made to approve ZBA Case No. 324 as presented.
Motion: Smart
Second: Evams
Ayes: Stansell, Smart, Evans, Minder
Nays: None
Vote: 4 - 0 to approve as presented
Agenda Item #5 ZBA Case # 325 Special Exception Use
ZBA Case No. 325, Special Exception Use permit per Ordinance 480 Section, 44.12 (3) for the
construction of accessory buildings or structures of a size or aggregate size greater than the one
thousand (1,000) square feet permitted in the "SFAB" Single Family Residential District. The
applicant is requesting to have accessory buildings with a total area of five thousand, five hundred
and seventy-eight (5,578) square feet. The location is 3204 Johnson Road, being legally described
as Tracts 4 and 4J, and being situated in the J. J. Freshour Survey, Abstract No. 521, being
approximately 3.11 acres, and being the proposed Lot 1 and the southern portion of the proposed
Lot 2, J. J. Freshour No. 521 Addition. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural District. The
applicant is Jerry Small.
Mr. Wright reported 22 notices were sent to property owners within 200 feet and there were two
(2) responses received in favor to the request.
Public Hearing.
Mr. Small, the applicant, was present requesting a Special Exception Use Permit for an accessory
building greater than 1000 square feet. Mr. Small said the 5,578 square foot accessory building
was built without a building permit and would be used for family storage.
Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting page 3
June 10, 1999
Agenda Item # 5 continued.
Mr. Rich Osman, 3200 Johnson Road, stated he was in support of the request.
There was no other person wishing to speak either in favor of or in opposition to the request.
Public Hearing Closed.
The findings were stated by Mr. Minder.
Motion subject to the findings was made to approve ZBA Case No. 325 as amended with the
conditions that all necessary inspections be carried out by the Building Department and the Fire
Marshal to insure that the structure meets the City Building and Fire Codes for safety.
Motion: Stansell
Second: Smart
Ayes: Stansell, Smart, Evans, Minder
Nays: None
Vote 4-0 to approve as amended
Agenda Item #6 Meeting Adjourned.
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting.
Motion: Evans
Second: Stansell
Ayes: Stansell, Smart, Evans, Minder
Nays: None
Vote 4 - 0 to adjourn
Meeting Adjourned 7:45 P. M.
Dennis Minder, Chairman
4 ein Bryson
ttended the meeting and prepared the minutes
Sandra L. LeGrand
City Secretary
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