667 N. Carroll Avenue
March 25, 1999 7:00 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Art Sorenson, Vice Chairperson; Dennis Minder, Ron Troy,
John Smart, Vernon Stansell, Alternate #1.
MEMBERS ABSENT: David Harris, Chairperson; George Dalton, Alternate # 2
STAFF PRESENT: Arthur Wright, Zoning Assistant; Jean Bryson, Secretary.
Agenda Item #2 Approval of the Minutes.
The minutes of the March 11, 1999 meeting were deemed approved by the Chair as presented.
Motion: Sorenson
Second: Troy
Hearing no objections the minutes were deemed approved by the Chair
Agenda Item #3 Administrative Comments.
Mr. Art Wright, Zoning Assistant, reported the next meeting dates are April 15, and April 29,
Agenda Item #4 ZBA Case # 310 Variance
ZBA Case #310 is a request for a Variance to Ordinance No. 480, Section 33.2 and Section 39.2(e),
requiring that fences shall not exceed eight feet (8') in height. The applicant is requesting to have
a fence of not more twelve feet (12') in height for a period of two years. The location is 598 Garden
Court, being legally described as Lot 9, Garden Addition, being approximately 1 acre, and being
situated in the Thomas Beedy Survey, Abstract No. 72. Current Zoning is "SF-lA" Single Family
Residential District. The owner/applicants are Michael L. and Victoria J. Dumont.
Mr. Wright, Zoning Assistant, reported as requested by the Board the applicant has agreed to
table ZBA Case No. 310 to the April 15, 1999 Regular Board of Adjustment meeting.
A motion to table and continue ZBA Case No. 310 to the April 15, 1999 meeting.
Motion: Sorenson
Second: Minder
Hearing no objections the motion was deemed approved by the Chair
Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting page 2
March 25, 1999
Agenda Item #5 ZBA Case # 313 Variance
ZBA Case No. 313 is a request for a Variance to Ordinance No. 480, Section 35.4, requiring that all
parking and vehicle use areas shall be of an all weather surface material and constructed in
accordance with applicable codes, Section 35.6.b (2), requiring for churches and places of worship
one (1) parking space for each three (3) seats in the main sanctuary or auditorium, and Section
39.4.b, requiring that where a non-residential use abuts a residential lot or dwelling, a screening
device shall be erected along the side and rear property lines abutting said residential lot or dwelling
to a height of eight (8) feet. The applicant is requesting that the requirement for an all weather
surface be waived to allow the ten (10) existing parallel parking spaces on the gravel drive to remain
in their present condition, that a reduction of not more than fourteen (14) spaces in the required
number of parking spaces be granted, and that the requirement for a screening device be waived. The
location is 2380 Lonesome Dove Avenue, being legally described as Lot 1, Block 1, Lonesome Dove
Baptist Church Addition, being approximately 11.271, and being situated in the N.E. Thompson
Survey, Abstract No. 1563. The current zoning is "CS" Community Service District. The applicant
is Ty Holcomb and the owner is Lonesome Dove Baptist Church.
Art Wright, Zoning Assistant, reported a letter was received from the applicant requesting that
Case No. ZBA 313 be tabled to the April 15, 1999 Regular Meeting.
A motion to table ZBA Case No. 313 to the April 15, 1999 meeting.
Motion: Minder
Second: Troy
Hearing no objections the motion was deemed approved by the Chair
Agenda Item #6 ZBA Case # 314 Special Exception Use Permit
ZBA Case No. 314, a request for a Special Exception Use permit per Ordinance No. 480, Section
44.12 (1) for family quarters. The applicant is requesting a family quarters of approximately six
hundred and sixty (660) square feet to be located above a residential garage. The location is 1005
Turnberry Lane, being legally described as Lot 37, Block 3, Coventry Manor, Phase II, being
approximately 1.003 acres, and being situated in the T.M. Hood Survey, Abstract No. 706. The
current zoning is "R-PUD" Residential Planned Unit Development District. Owner and Applicant:
Best Tex Custom Homes.
Art Wright, Zoning Assistant, reported that fifteen (15) notices were sent to property owners
within 200 feet and there were two (2) responses in favor to the request.
Public Hearing.
Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting page 3
March 25, 1999
Agenda Item # 6 continued
The applicant was not present.
There was no person wishing to speak either in favor of or in opposition to the request.
Public Hearing Closed.
The findings were stated by Mr. Sorenson.
A motion subject to the findings was made to approve ZBA Case No. 314 as presented.
Motion: Minder
Second: Troy
Ayes: Stansell, Minder, Smart, Troy, Sorenson
Nays: None
Vote: 5 - 0 to approve
Agenda Item # 7 ZBA Case # 315 Special Exception Use Permit
ZBA Case No. 315, a request for a Special Exception Use permit per Ordinance No. 480, Section
44.12 (7) for eight (8) to twelve (12) single room portable buildings to be used as temporary facilities
for children attending the school. Also to be considered are requests for waivers of permanent
foundation, eighty percent (80%) masonry, and additional hard surfaced parking requirements. The
location is Carroll High School, 1501 West Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709), being legally
described as Lot 1, Block 1, Carroll High School Addition, and being approximately 52.8930 acres,
situated in the R.J. Paden Survey, Abstract No. 1255. Current Zoning is "S-P-1" Detailed Site Plan
District with "CS" Community Service District uses. The owner/applicant is Carroll Independent
School District.
Art Wright, Zoning Assistant, reported that thirty-eight (38) notices were sent to property owners
within 200 feet. There were four (4) responses one (1) in favor, one (1) undecided and two (2)
opposed to the request.
Public Hearing.
Brent Kline, Construction Facilities Program, Carroll Independent School District is requesting a
Special Exception Use permit for twelve portable buildings to be used as temporary classroom
John Craft, Assistant Superintendent, said the buildings are temporary and the need is a
maximum of two years.
Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting page 4
March 25, 1999
Agenda Item # 7 continued
David Williams, Southlake Church of Christ, spoke in favor of the request.
David Aurzada, 1204 Scenic Drive, opposed the request and requested a time limit.
There was no other person wishing to speak either in favor of or in opposition to the request.
Public Hearing Closed.
The findings were stated by Mr. Sorenson.
A motion subject to the findings was made to approve ZBA Case No. 315 as amended (portable
building to be removed by October 1, 2000).
Motion: Smart
Second: Minder
Ayes: Minder, Smart, Troy, Sorenson
Nays: None
Abstained: Stansell
Vote: 4 - 0 -1 to approve as amended
Agenda Item # 8 ZBA Case # 316 Special Exception Use Permit
ZBA Case No. 316, a request for a Special Exception Use permit per Ordinance No.480, Section
44.12 (7) for eight (8) to ten (10) single room portable buildings to be used as temporary facilities
for children attending the school. Also to be considered are requests for waivers of permanent
foundation, eighty percent (80%) masonry, and additional hard surfaced parking requirements. The
location Carroll Elementary School, 1705 West Continental Boulevard, being legally described as
Tract 3A of the Samuel H. Thompson Survey, Abstract No. 1504, and being approximately 24.075
acres. The current Zoning is "CS" Community Service District. The owner/applicant is Carroll
Independent School District.
Art Wright, Zoning Assistant, reported that twenty (20) notices were sent to property owners
within 200 feet. There were two responses one (1) undecided and one (1) opposed to the request.
Public Hearing.
Brent Kline, Carroll Independent School District, is requesting a Special Exception Use permit
ten (10) portable buildings to be used as temporary classroom space (a maximum of two school
Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting page 5
March 25, 1999
Agenda Item # 8 continued
John Craft, Carroll Independent School District, said he would initiate the split meetings to help
with the traffic and parking problems.
David Aurzada, 1204 Scenic Drive, spoke in opposition to the request and saw the need for
parking, screening and drainage be addressed.
There was no other person wishing to speak either in favor of or in opposition to the request.
Public Hearing Closed.
The findings were stated by Mr. Sorenson.
A motion subject to the findings was made to approve ZBA Case No. 316 as amended (portable
building to be removed by October 1, 2001).
Motion: Minder
Second: Troy
Ayes: Stansell, Minder, Smart, Troy, Sorenson
Nays: None
Vote: 5 - 0 to approve as amended
Agenda Item # 9 ZBA Case # 317 Special Exception Use Permit
ZBA Case No. 317, a request for a Special Exception Use permit per Ordinance No. 480, Section
44.12 (7) for five (5) to eight (8) single room portable buildings to be used as temporary facilities
for children attending the school. Also to be considered are requests for waivers of permanent
foundation, eighty percent (80%) masonry, and additional hard surfaced parking requirements. The
location is Rockenbaugh Elementary School, 301 Byron Nelson Parkway, being legally described
as Lot 1, Block 60, Timarron Addition, Phase 5, and being approximately 15.357 acres, situated in
the O.W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899. The current Zoning is "R-PUD" Residential Planned
Unit Development District. The owner/applicant is Carroll Independent School District.
Art Wright, Zoning Assistant, reported that nine (9) notices were sent to property owners within
200 feet. There was one (1) response in favor to the request.
Public Hearing.
Brent Kline, Carroll Independent School District is requesting a Special Exception Use permit
for seven (7) portable buildings to be used as temporary classroom space (a maximum of two
school years).
Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting page 6
March 25, 1999
Agenda Item # 9 continued
David Williams, Southlake Church of Christ, spoke in favor of the request.
There was no other person wishing to speak either in favor of or in opposition to the request.
Public Hearing Closed.
The findings were stated by Mr. Sorenson.
A motion subject to the findings was made to approve ZBA Case No. 317 as amended (portable
building to be removed October 1, 2000).
Motion: Minder
Second: Stansell
Ayes: Stansell, Minder, Smart, Troy, Sorenson
Nays: None
Vote: 5 - 0 to approve as amended
Agenda Item # 10 ZBA Case # 318 Special Exception Use Permit
ZBA Case No. 318, a request for a Special Exception Use permit per Ordinance No. 480, Section
44.12 (7) for one (1) to two (2) double room portable buildings to be used as temporary facilities for
children attending the school. Also to be considered are requests for waivers of permanent
foundation, eighty percent (80%) masonry, and additional hard surfaced parking requirements. The
location is Johnson Elementary School, 1301 North Carroll Avenue, being legally described as Tract
5H of the F. Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1511, and being approximately 15.6 acres. The current
Zoning is "CS" Community Service District. The owner/ and applicant Carroll Independent School
Art Wright, Zoning Assistant, reported that twenty-two (22) notices were sent to property owners
within 200 feet. There were three (3) responses in favor to the request.
Public Hearing.
Brent Kline is requesting a Special Exception Use permit for two (2) double room portable
buildings to be used as temporary classroom space (a maximum of two school years).
There was no other person wishing to speak either in favor of or in opposition to the request.
Public Hearing Closed.
Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting page 7
March 25, 1999
Agenda Item # 10 continued
The findings were stated by Mr. Sorenson.
A motion subject to the findings was made to approve ZBA Case No. 318 as amended (portable
building to be removed October 1, 2000).
Motion: Troy
Second: Minder
Ayes: Stansell, Minder, Smart, Troy, Sorenson
Nays: None
Vote: 5 - 0 to approve as amended
Agenda Item # 11 ZBA Case # 319 Special Exception Use Permit
ZBA Case No.319, a request for a Special Exception Use permit per Ordinance No. 480, Section
44.12 (7) for one (1) double and two (2) single room portable buildings to be used as temporary
facilities for children attending the school. Also to be considered are requests for waivers of
permanent foundation, eighty percent (80%) masonry, and additional hard surfaced parking
requirements. The location is Durham Elementary/Intermediate School, 801 Shady Oaks Drive,
being legally described as Lot 1, Block 1, Carroll ISD No. 1 Addition, being approximately 30.475
acres, situated in the T.M. Hood Survey, Abstract No. 706. The current Zoning is "CS" Community
Service District. The owner/applicant is Carroll Independent School District.
Art Wright, Zoning Assistant, reported that thirteen (13) notices were sent to property owners
within 200 feet and there was no response to the request.
Public Hearing.
Brent Kline is requesting a Special Exception Use permit for one (1) double and one (1) single
two room portable buildings to be used as temporary classroom space (a maximum of two school
There was no other person wishing to speak either in favor of or in opposition to the request.
Public Hearing Closed.
The findings were stated by Mr. Sorenson.
A motion subject to the findings was made to approve ZBA Case No. 319 as amended (portable
building to be removed October 1, 2001.
Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting page 8
March 25, 1999
Agenda Item # 11 continued
Motion: Minder
Second: Smart
Ayes: Stansell, Minder, Smart, Troy, Sorenson
Nays: None
Vote: 5 - 0 to approve as amended
Agenda Item #12 Meeting Adjourned.
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting.
Motion: Minder
Second: Second
Hearing no objections the motion was deemed approved by the Chair
Meeting Adjourned 9:50 P. M.
Art Sore on, Chairman
J n Bryson
ttended the meeting and prepared the minutes
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