667 N. Carroll Avenue
March 11, 1999 7:00 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: David Harris, Chairperson; Art Sorenson, Vice Chairperson;
Dennis Minder, John Smart, George Dalton, Alternate #2.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Ron Troy, Vernon Stansell, Alternate # 1
STAFF PRESENT: Arthur Wright, Zoning Assistant; Jean Bryson, Secretary.
Agenda Item #2 Approval of the Minutes.
The minutes of the February 11, 1999 and February 25, 1999 meetings were deemed approved
by the Chair as presented.
Motion: Sorenson
Second: Smart
Ayes: Dalton, Minder, Smart, Sorenson
Nays: None
Abstained: Harris
Vote: 4 - 0 - 1 to approve
Agenda Item #3 Administrative Comments.
Mr. Wright, Zoning Assistant, reported the next regular meeting would be March 25, 1999 (8
Mr. Wright reported that Ms. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, was working on revisions that
would include adding two (2) alternate members to the board.
Mr. Wright also reported on the fee refund being delayed until it can be included as a budget
Agenda Item #4 ZBA Case #310 Variance
ZBA Case # 310 is a request for a Variance to Ordinance No. 480, Section 33.2 and Section 39.2
(e), requiring that fences shall not exceed eight feet (8') in height. The applicant is requesting to
have a fence of not more than twelve feet (12') in height for a period of two years. The location
is 598 Garden Court, being legally described as Lot 9 of the Garden Addition, being
approximately one (1) acre and being situated in the Thomas Beedy Survey, Abstract No. 72.
The current zoning is "SF-lA" Single Family Residential District. The owner/applicants are
Michael L. and Victoria J. Dumont.
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March 11, 1999
Agenda Item # 4 continued.
Mr. Wright, Zoning Assistant, reported that the applicant asked that ZBA Case No. 310 be
continued to the next meeting, March 25, 1999.
A motion was made to table and continue ZBA Case No. 310 to the March 25, 1999 meeting.
Motion: Sorenson
Second: Minder
Ayes: Dalton, Minder, Smart, Sorenson, Harris
Nays: None
Vote: 5 - 0 to continue
Agenda Item #5 ZBA Case # 312 Variance - Special Exception Use
ZBA Case # 312 is a request for a Variance to Ordinance No. 480, Section 34.2 (e), requiring
that accessory building shall not exceed one story or fourteen feet (14') in height, a Special
Exception Use permit per Ordinance No. 480, Section 44.12 (3) for the construction of accessory
buildings or structures of a size or aggregate size greater than the one thousand (1,000) square
feet permitted in the "SF-lA" permit per Ordinance No. 480, Section 44.12 (4) for the
construction requesting to build an accessory building with two (2) stories, not to exceed twenty
one feet (21') in height with an area of not more than one thousand two hundred and sixty-eight
(1,268) square feet, and to be located forward of the principal building on the lot. The location is
3105 Briar Lane being legally described as Lot 1R, Block A, Kidwell Addition being
approximately 4.5475 acres and being situated in the R. D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1207. The
current zoning is "SF-IA" Single Family Residential District. The owner/applicant is Kathy
Art Wright, Zoning Assistant, reported that ten (10) notices were sent to property owners within
200 feet and there was one (1) verbal response in favor of the request and no written responses.
Public Hearing.
Kathy Christian, Owner/Applicant was present requesting a Variance to Ordinance No. 480,
Section 34.2 (e) to construct a horse barn not to exceed twenty-one feet (21') in height. The
height was needed for safety.
Jann Christian was present and said the second story is to be used for hay and storage.
There was no other person wishing to speak either in favor of or in opposition to the request.
Public Hearing Closed.
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March 11, 1999
Agenda Item # 5 continued
The findings were stated by Mr. Harris.
A motion subject to the findings was made to approve ZBA Case No. 312 to construct an
accessory building to exceed 14' in height as presented.
Motion: Sorenson
Second: Dalton
Ayes: Dalton, Minder, Smart, Sorenson, Harris
Nays: None
Vote: 5 - 0 to approve
Public Hearing.
Kathy Christian, Owner/Applicant was present requesting a Special Exception Use to Ordinance
No. 480, Section 44.12 (3) to construct a horse barn with an area of not more than one thousand,
two hundred and sixty-eight (1,268) square feet for two (2) stalls, storage area for a tractor, a
tack room and a bath.
Jann Christian spoke in favor of the request.
There was no other person wishing to speak either in favor of or in opposition to the request.
Public Hearing Closed.
The findings were stated by Mr. Sorenson.
A motion subject to the findings was made to approve ZBA Case No. 312, a Special Exception
Use Permit to construction and accessory building to exceed 1,000 square feet as presented.
Motion: Sorenson
Second: Minder
Ayes: Dalton, Minder, Smart, Sorenson, Harris
Nays: None
Vote: 5 - 0 to approve
Public Hearing.
Kathy Christian, Owner/Applicant was present requesting a Special Exception Use to Ordinance
No. 480, Section 34.2 (f) to construct a horse barn in front of the principal building. Ms.
Christian said by building at this location trees could be saved.
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March 11, 1999
Agenda Item # 5 continued.
Jann Christian said with the trees, pond and slops it was the only level area to build.
There was no other person wishing to speak either in favor of or in opposition to the request.
Public Hearing Closed.
The finding were stated by Mr. Sorenson.
A motion subject to the findings was made to approve ZBA Case No. 312 a Special Exception
Use to construct an accessory building in the front yard.
Motion: Sorenson
Second: Minder
Ayes: Dalton, Minder, Smart, Sorenson, Harris
Nays: None
Vote: 5 - 0 to approve
Kathy Christian, Owner/Applicant was present requesting a variance to Ordinance No. 480,
Section 34.2 (e) to construct a two (2) story horse barn.
Jann Christian was present and said the second story is to be used for hay and storage.
There was no other person wishing to speak either in favor of or in opposition to the request.
The findings were stated by Mr. Harris.
A motion subject to the findings was made to approve ZBA Case No. 312 to construct an
accessory building to exceed one (1) story.
Motion: Sorenson
Second: Dalton
Ayes: Dalton, Minder, Smart, Sorenson, Harris
Nays: None
Vote: 5 - 0 to approve
Agenda Item #6 Meeting Adjourned.
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting.
Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting page 5
March 11, 1999
Agenda Item # 5 continued.
Motion: Minder
Second: Second
Ayes: Dalton, Minder, Smart, Sorenson, Harris
Nays: None
Vote 5 - 0 to adjourn
Meeting Adjourned 8:05 P. M.
David arris, Chairman
Jean Bryson
Attended the meeting and prepared the minutes
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