667 N. Carroll Avenue
AUGUST 14, 1997 7:05 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Fred Joyce, Chairperson; Art Sorenson, Vice Chairperson; Karen
Cienki, John Smart, George Dalton, Alternate #2.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Ron Troy, William (Bill) Kemp, Alternate #1
STAFF PRESENT: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator; Jean Bryson, Secretary.
Agenda Item #2 Approval of the Minutes.
With no objections the minutes of the August 4, 1997 meeting were deemed approved by the
Chair as amended.
Agenda Item #3 Administrative Comments.
Ms. Gandy, Zoning Administrator, reported the next meeting would be September 11, 1997.
A discussion by the board on the board's meeting night with an agreement deemed by the
Chairman that two (2) meetings each month to be held at 7 pm on Thursday.
Agenda Item #4 ZBA Case # 275, Special Exception permit
ZBA Case # 175 a Special Exception Use Permit per ordinance No. 480 Section 44.12 (3) for
the construction of an accessory building of a size greater than the permitted 1,000 S. F., to
allow for an accessory building not to exceed approximately 1,458 S. F. The location is 219
Eastwood Drive, being legally described as Lot 16R, Block 1, in the Woodland Heights
Addition, being approximately 2.612 acres situated in the J. A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No.
529. The current zoning is "SF-lA" Single Family Residential District. The
owner/applicants are George G. and Corrine E. Tuttle.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, reported that ten (10) notices were sent to property
owners within 200 feet and there were five (5) written response four (4) in favor and one (1)
unmarked response. Ms. Gandy presented the board with pictures.
Public Hearing.
George Tuttle, Owner/applicant, was present and said his lot has a significant downward slope
(approximately 15 from the front to the back and as a result, the site required three small
retaining walls in the back of the house. Mr. Tuttle said because of the slope they had to build
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August 14, 1997
Agenda Item # 4 continued
on the other side of the retaining wall and the plan was to have an attached garage with a game
room above it to keep the roof line compatible between the existing house and the addition.
While under construction, a decision was made not to cover the walkway which connects the
garage to the house because of the appearance and because the walkway was going to a blank
wall. Due to this decision, the applicant must now request the Special Exception Use Permit.
Patty Minder, 223 Eastwood, spoke in favor and as Spin 8 Representative, also said the group
was in favor of the request.
There was no other person wishing to speak either in favor or in opposition of the request.
Public Hearing Closed.
The findings were stated by Mr. Sorenson.
Pursuant to the findings set forth in this case, a motion was made to Grant a Special Exception
ZBA Case # 275 as requested.
Motion: Sorenson
Second: Cienki
Ayes: Dalton, Smart, Cienki, Sorenson, Joyce
Nays: None
Vote: 5 - 0 to grant as requested
Agenda Item #5 ZBA Case # 276 Variance
ZBA Case # 276 a request for a Variance to Ordinance No. 480 Section 34.2 (e) for the
construction of an accessory building of a height greater than the permitted 14 feet, to allow
for an accessory building height not to exceed approximately twenty-two feet and nine inches
(22'9"). The location is 219 Eastwood Drive, being legally described as Lot 16R, Block 1, in
the Woodland Heights Addition, being approximately 2.612 acres situated in the J. A.
Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 529. The current zoning is "SF-lA" Single Family Residential
District. The owner/applicants are George G. and Corrine E. Tuttle.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, reported that ten (10) notices were sent to property
owners within 200 feet and there were five (5) written response five (5) in favor of the
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August 14, 1997
Agenda Item #4 continued,
Public Hearing.
George Tuttle, Owner/applicant, was present and said the request was required when the
decision was made to detach, rather than attach, the garage and game room to the house. Mr.
Tuttle said the building is below the retaining wall and gives a better appearance with the
second story and compliments the primary structure.
There was no other person wishing to speak either in favor or in opposition of the request.
Public Hearing Closed.
The findings were stated by Mr. Sorenson.
Pursuant to the findings set forth in this case, a motion was made to Grant ZBA Case # 276 a
variance to Ordinance No. 480 Section 34.2 (e) as requested.
Motion: Sorenson
Second: Dalton
Ayes: Dalton, Smart, Cienki, Sorenson, Joyce
Nays: None
Vote: 5 - 0 to grant as requested
Agenda Item #6 ZBA Case # 277 Variance
ZBA Case # 277 a request for a Variance to Ordinance No. 480 Section 14.5 (b) requiring lots
in the "SF-20A" Single Family Residential District to have front yards no less than thirty-five
(35) feet, to allow for a front yard of thirty (30) feet. The location is 901 Bristol Court, being
legally described as Lot 80, Block 8, Stone Lakes Addition, being approximately 0.48 acres
situated in the J Thornhill Survey, Abstract No. 1505. The current zoning is "SF20A" Single
Family Residential District. The owner/applicant is Don Thayer.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, reported that four (4) notices were sent to property
owners within 200 feet and there was no response.
Public Hearing.
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August 14, 1997
Agenda Item # 6 continued.
Steve Richards, representing David Weekly Homes, was present and said that after permitting
the detached garage found there was additional space needed between the two (2) garages for
safety factors in backing out of the garage so as not to collide with the detached garage.
Don Thayer, owner/applicant was present asking that he have the standard setbacks as his
neighbors have (35' on the front of the lot and 30' on the side yard adjacent to Dartsmouth
Drive). His lot is a corner lot. Mr. Thayer further said the use for the detached garage was
for his boat and storage.
There was no other person wishing to speak either in favor or in opposition of the request.
Public Hearing Closed.
The findings were stated by Mr. Smart and Mr. Sorenson.
Pursuant to the findings set forth in this case, a motion was made to Grant ZBA Case # 277 a
variance to Ordinance No. 480 Section 14.5(b) as requested.
Motion: Sorenson
Second: Smart
Ayes: Smart, Cienki, Sorenson, Joyce
Nays: Dalton
Vote: 4 - 1 to grant as requested.
Agenda Item #7 Meeting Adjourned,
With no objections the Chair deemed the meeting adjourned.
Meeting Adjourned 8:45 P. M.
red Jo~yc , hai erson
Jean Bryson Attended the meeting and prepared the minutes
Sandra L. LeGrand >
City Secretary V
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