2007-05-24 REGULAR ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT City of Southlake 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas Southlake, Texas 76092 MEETING DATE: May 24, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Lewis Miltenberger; Michael Waldman; John Smart; Brook Bram ey, Alternate #3 Anita McSweeney, Alternate #4. MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice-Chairman Greg Standerfer; Kristin Jain, Alternate #1; Frank Cornish, Alternate # STAFF PRESENT: Ben Bryner, Planner II; Jennifer Crosby, Acting ZBA Secretary. Agenda Item # 1 Call to Order: Chairman Miltenberger called the meeting to order at 6:29:43 p.m. Agenda Item # 2 Approval of the Minutes: The minutes of the April 26, 2007 Regular Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting were deemed approved at 6:30:46 p.m. by Chairman Miltenberger as presented. Motion: Bramley Second: McSweeney Ayes: Bramley, Smart, Waldman, McSweeney, Miltenberger Nays: None Abstain: McSweeney Vote: 5-0-1 to Approve Agenda Item # 3 Administrative Comments: Mr. Bryner, Planner 11, announced the next scheduled meeting will be June 28, 2007. Agenda Item #4 ZBA Case #518, Special Exception Use Permits for an accessory building of a size greater than permitted and a family quarter and a Variance to the permitted height. Case ZBA #518, Special Exception Use Permit per Ordinance No. 480, Section 44.12 (3) permitting the construction of accessory buildings of structures of a size or aggregate size greater than that permitted under the accessory building requirements of the zoning district in which the property lies, a Variance to Ordinance No. 480, Section 34.2 (e) requiring an accessory building no greater than one story or fourteen (14) feet in height, and a Special Exception Use Permit per Ordinance No. 480, Section 44.12 (1) for servant/family quarters. The applicant is requesting to construct detached garage with a family quarter totaling approximately one thousand eight hundred (1,800) square feet with the proposed accessory building being two (2) stories and having a height of approximately twenty-one (21) feet. The property is located at 1647 Creekside Drive, being legally described as Lot 3, Block 1, Twin Creeks Addition, and being approximately 1.40 acres. Mr. Bryner reported that twenty-five (25) notices were sent within 200 feet and within the subdivision with three (2) responses, Peter Eric Austin, 1658 Creekside Dr., Southlake, Texas undecided, Jesse W. & Lera Ann Berryman, 1701 Creekside Dr., Southlake, Texas opposed. The applicant John R. Beville, 1647 Creekside Dr., Southlake, Texas once sworn in, presented items to the Board and answered questions. Chairman Miltenberger opened and closed the public hearing at 7:01:39 p.m. Brook Bramley made a motion to table ZBA Case # 518 as requested by applicant until the June 28, 2007 meeting. Motion: Bramley Second: Waldman Ayes: Bramley, Waldman, Smart, McSweeney, Miltenberger Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 5-0-0 to Approve Agenda Item #5 Meeting to Adiourn A motion was made to adjourn the meeting. Motion: Miltenberger Time: 7:25:11 p.m. C . " Chairman Miltenberger Jennifer Crosb Acting-ZBA Secretary N:\Community Development\ZBA\Minutes\2007\04-26-07.doc ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTII~NT - SIGN IN SHEET Date: 7 pir ~~L_=. ~'Teleph~neCase '7e r v,sur '"a Ad1.l.L eSS,jE L-xr,w•y.-"h .r>'?` k.-.sR.~ _ ~o:.- o-a.~..z~+•?2n x