City of Southlake
1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas
Southlake, Texas 76092
MEETING DATE: April 26, 2007
MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice-Chairman Greg Standerfer; Michael Waldman; John Smart;
Frank Cornish, Alternate #2; Anita McSweeney, Alternate #4.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairman Lewis Miltenberger; Kristin Jain, Alternate #1; Brook
Bram ey, Alternate _#T_
STAFF PRESENT: Ben Bryner, Planner II; Dianna Brawner, ZBA Secretary.
Agenda Item # 1 Call to Order: Vice-Chairman Standerfer called the meeting to order
at 6:30:04 p.m.
Agenda Item # 2 Aaaroval of the Minutes:
The minutes of the March 29, 2007 Regular Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting were
deemed approved at 6:31:06 p.m. by Vice-Chairman Standerfer as presented.
Motion: Waldman
Second: Cornish
Ayes: Smart, Waldman, Cornish, Standerfer
Nays: None
Abstain: McSweeney
Vote: 4-0-1 to Approve
Agenda Item # 3 Administrative Comments:
Mr. Bryner, Planner II, announced the next scheduled meeting will be May 24, 2007.
Agenda Item #4 ZBA Case #517. Variance to minimum lot width
Case ZBA #517, Variance to Ordinance No. 480, Section 10.5 (g) requiring a minimum lot
width of three hundred (300) feet. The applicant is requesting to construct a new residence
on a lot that will have a lot width of approximately two hundred (200) feet.
The property is located at 921 S. White Chapel Boulevard, being legally described as Tracts
5C1 & 5D, situated in the H. Granberry Survey, Abstract No. 581, and being approximately
5.932 acres.
Mr. Bryner reported that twenty-five (25) notices were sent within 200 feet and within the
subdivision with three (3) responses, Randy & Kathy Colvin, 310 Silverwood Circle,
Southlake, Texas opposed, Gary Hargett, 4100 E. Loop 820 S. Fort Worth, Texas in favor,
Raymond S. McNamara, 110 Highland Oaks Ct., Southlake, Texas in favor.
The applicant's representative Scott Simmons, 3110 W. Southlake Blvd., Southlake, Texas
once sworn in, presented items to the Board and answered questions.
Vice-Chairman Standerfer opened and closed the public hearing at 6:42:21 p.m.
John Smart made a motion subject to the findings the Board approve ZBA case # 517 with
the following conditions: first, the aggregate total of accessory buildings is limited to six
thousand (6,000) square feet, second, relocating the existing accessory buildings so they
are not inside the twenty-five (25) foot side yard set backs.
Motion: Smart
Second: Waldman
Ayes: Cornish, Waldman, Smart, McSweeney, Standerfer
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Vote: 5-0-0 to Approve
Agenda Item #5 Meeting to Adiourn
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting.
Motion: Cornish
Time: 6:56:44 p.m.
Vice-Chairm Standerfer
Dianna J. Braw
ZBA Secretary
NACommunity Development\ZBA\Minutes\2007\04-26-07.doc
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