2004-06-24 ~ j REGULAR ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT City of Southlake 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas Southlake, Texas 76092 MEETING DATE: June 24, 2004 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Lewis Miltenberger, Vice Chairman John Reynal, Darrell Faglie, John Smart, and Al Morin Alternate #1. MEMBERS ABSENT: Rick Stacy; David Lambert Alternate #2. STAFF PRESENT: Ben Bryner, Planner; Jennifer Gonzales, ZBA Secretary. Agenda Item #1 Call to Order: Chairman Lewis Miltenberger called the meeting to order at 6:25:58 p.m. Agenda Item #2 Approval of the Minutes: The minutes of the June 10, 2004 Regular Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting were deemed approved by Chairman Lewis Miltenberger as presented. Motion: Morin Second: Reynal Ayes: Reynal, Faglie, Smart, Morin, Mitenberger Nays: None Vote: 5-0 to Approve Agenda Item #3 Administrative Comments: Ben Bryner announced the meetings scheduled for July 15, 2004. Chairman Lewis Miltenberger read the meeting format outline. Agenda Item #4 ZBA Case # 432, Variance to the rear setback: Variance to Ordinance No. 480, Section 14.5 (d) requiring a minimum rear yard of not less than thirty-five (35) feet for lots fronting on a cul-de-sac. The applicant is requesting to have a rear setback of approximately fifteen (15) feet from the rear property line. The property is located at 1905 Amesbury Court, being legally described as Lot 32, Block 1, Country Walk Addition, and being approximately 0.62 acres. Ben Bryner, planner, reported that Thirteen (13) notices were sent to property owners within 200 feet. Six (6) responses were received in favor and One (1) response received in opposition. The applicant Patty Gleim, 1905 Amesburg Ct, Southlake, TX, presented this item to the Board. Chairman Lewis Miltenberger opened the public hearing at 6:38:56 p.m. Chairman Lewis Miltenberger closed the public hearing at 6:39:06 p.m. A motion was made to approve ZBA-432 as presented. Motion: Morin Second: Smart Ayes: Faglie, Reynal, Smart Morin, Mitenberger Nays: None Vote: 5-0 to Approve Agenda Item #4 ZBA Case # 433, Special Exception Use Permit for portable buildinp's: Special Exception Use Permit per Ordinance No. 480, Section 44.12 (7) for portable buildings. The applicant is requesting to place four (4) portable buildings on the property for education classrooms. The property is located at 185 S. White Chapel Boulevard, being legally described as Tracts 5F1, 5G, 5G1, & 5H, situated in the O.W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899, and Lot 1, Block A, White Chapel Methodist Church Addition, and being approximately 23.28 acres. Ben Bryner, planner, reported that Twenty-five (25) notices were sent to property owners within 200 feet. One (1) responses were received in favor and Two (2) response received in opposition. Chairman Lewis Miltenberger stated that he was on the Board of Trustees for the White Chapel Methodist Church and would preclude himself from ZBA-433. John Reynal took the chair as Vice Chairman and continued with proceedings. The applicant Greg Standerfer, 201 Sheffield Ct, Southlake, TX, presented this item to the Board. Also representing the applicant, Terry Wilkinson, 751 E. Southlake Blvd. Southlake, TX, presented this item to the Board. Vice Chairman Reynal opened the public hearing at 7:00:23 p.m. Jim Johnson, 807 Timbercrest Ct, Southlake, TX, come forward to speak in favor. Jeff Thomas, 503 San Juan Dr, Southlake, TX, come forward to speak in favor. Leanne Clift, 1804 Redwing Ct, Southlake, TX, come forward to speak in favor. Greg Standerfer, the applicant came forward for rebuttal. Vice Chairman Reynal closed the public hearing at 7:03:20 p.m. A motion was made to approve ZBA-433 Special Exception Use Permit for portable buildings; also that being the elimination of permanent foundation and waver of masonry requirements, these building shall be for a period of three years subject to renewal for additional one year period. Motion: Faglie Second: Morin Ayes: Morin, Smart, Faglie, Reynal Nays: None Vote: 4-0 to Approve Agenda Item #5 Meeting Adjourned: A motion was made to adjourn the meeting. Motion: Smart Time: 7:11:40 p.m. i Lewis Miltenberger Chairman J 1 r G ales ZBA ecr tart' NACommunity Development\WP-FILES\ZBA\Minutes\2004\04-15-04.doc