1974-09-17 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 17, 1974 7:30 PM A G E N D A 1. Adoption of 1975 Budget. 2. Tax Levy Ordinance. 3. Resolutions re Sewer Grant Application. 4. Adoption of Housing Code. 5. Ambulance Service Report - Ben Waddel. 6. Fire Department Report - Councilman Winfrey. 7. Police Department Report - Councilman Nunn. 8. Water Department Report - Councilman Davis. A. Landscaping grounds at Well Site #2. 9. City Administration: A. City Logo. B. Approval of Bills. C. Street Lights in Dove Estates. D. Floor Covering. I hereby certify that this Agenda was posted on the bulletin board in City Hall at 667 North Carroll Avenue at 3 P.M. on Friday, September 13, 1974. 4 e- i anne Wallace, City Secretary 1 90 LW CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 17, 1974 The City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, met in regular session in the Council Chamber of City Hall, at 667 North Carroll Avenue in Southlake on Tuesday, September 17, 1974, with the fol- lowing members present: Wade Booker, Mayor W. 0. Nunn, Mayor Pro Tem Billy Joe Knox, Councilman R. D. Drummond, Councilman (arriving late) Sam Davis, Councilman James Winfrey, Councilman Also present: William D. Campbell, City Attorney J. Craig Eaton, Carter & Burgess, Planner Gerald Lemons, Carter & Burgess, Engineer Police Chief Douglas R. Hughes Fire Chief R. P. Steele Assistant Fire Chief Jud Joyce Water Supterintendent W. G. Cline. Mayor Booker called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. The invoca- tion was given by Councilman Nunn. The Minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as read. ORDINANCE NO. 212 - adopting a Budget for 1975 was unanimously passed and approved on motion by Councilman Nunn; seconded by Councilman Winfrey, same being attached hereto and made a part hereof. ORDINANCE NO. 213 - levying the tax rate at 50~ per $100 value on 50% of fair market value was passed and approved unanimously on motion by Councilman Knox; seconded by Councilman Nunn, same being attached hereto and made a part hereof. RESOLUTION NO. 74-25, authorizing the Mayor to apply for a grant for sewer facilities under Public Law 92-500; and RESOLUTION NO. 74-26, setting a time-table of project schedule items under Step 1 of the aforementioned grant request, were both passed and ap- proved unanimously on motion of Councilman Knox; seconded by Councilman Winfrey. (Said Resolutions attached hereto and made a part hereof.) RESOLUTION NO. 74-27, requesting an in-depth study be made by the Corps of Engineers pertaining to flooding in Southlake, was passed . 9 1 and approved unanimously on motion by Councilman Knox; seconded by Councilman Davis. (Said Resolution attached hereto and made a part hereof.) At this time, Gerald Lemons advised the Council that Southlake's share of the cost of Step 1 would be approximately $3,275. ORDINANCE NO. 214 - adopting the 1973 Edition of the Southern Standard Housing Code, was passed and approved unanimously on motion by Councilman Knox; seconded by Councilman Winfrey. (Said Ordinance being attached hereto and made a part hereof.) AMBULANCE SERVICE report was given to the Council by Ben Waddell who stated his base of operations was almost complete. Discussion followed. Councilman Winfrey then moved that a letter be sent to J. E. Foust advising him since he will not make police emergency calls he is not to make any operations under Code 3 within our city limits; seconded by Councilman Davis. Further discussion was had following which the motion passed unanimously. (The City Secretary was directed to prepare such a letter.) Councilman Davis moved that the City waive Ben Waddell's fee for the city license; seconded by Councilman Knox. Motion passed unanimously. (Councilman Drummond joined the meeting at this point.) Fire Department report was given by Councilman Winfrey who ad- vised the pump for the new tanker is not in yet. He announced the Miss Flame Contest to be held September 21st, a pancake supper at the school cafetorium at 7 P.M. on September 28th, and strongly urged all to attend the C.P.R. training course on September 30th. Police Department report was given by Councilman Nunn. He moved that Chief Hughes be authorized to place the order for the City's two new cars, trading in Unit #4; seconded by Councilman Davis. Motion passed unanimously. He further moved that an expenditure of approximately $100 for uniforms be permitted; seconded by Councilman Knox. Motion passed unanimously. And, finally, it was moved by Councihan Nunn that the new radar unit be purchased; seconded by Councilman Knox. Motion passed unanimously. Water Department report was given by Councilman Davis who advised that the chlorinator has not as.,yet been delivered. He moved that approval be given to spend about $200 for a sign to be placed at Well Site #2 and the one at Well Site #1 be touched up; sec- onded by Councilman Knox. Motion passed unanimously. He also moved that approval be given to spend about $2,500 for landscap- ing at Well Site #2, including a driveway, curbing and filling in the old dug well; seconded by Councilman Knox. Motion passed un- animously. N A. The Council requested additional ideas for a city logo and tabled adoption of the one presented pending receipt of others. Councilman Knox moved to approve payment of the bills presented as per the attached list; seconded by Councilman Davis. Motion passed unanimously. Councilman Knox moved that the City request the street lights in Dove Estates be turned on but not to accept the subdivision as yet; seconded by Councilman Nunn. Motion passed unanimously. The Council was in agreement to have Councilman Knox obtain prices on floor covering for the City office. The Mayor read a letter to the Council from the Airport Cities Chamber of Commerce requesting the City to authorize Surtran to pick up taxi fares desiring to return to D/FW Airport. So moved Councilman Knox adding that this be renewed annually; seconded by Councilman Nunn. Councilmen Drummond, Nunn, Knox and Davis voted "For"; Councilman Winfrey voted "Against", stat- ing that his reason for so doing was he felt it was an infringe- ment of private enterprise. Discussion followed. Councilman Drummond advised that a certain area on SH 114 had become dangerously slick due to gravel being pushed into the asphalt. Chief Hughes informed him that the Department of Pub- lic Safety had already been notified concerning the situation. The Mayor read a letter to the Council from Lone Star Gas advis- ing of a public hearing on their request for an increased city gate charge. He asked that they read the notice between now and next Council meeting. The City Attorney announced a closed session with the Council following this meeting relating to the Messina's disannexation petition; and the Mayor announced this closed session would be following by another one to discuss internal personnel matters. There being no further business, the meeting adjo rned. Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary BILLS FOR APPROVAL AT SEPTEMBER 17, 1974 COUNCIL MEETING: Mary Yates 8/30/74 $ 10.00 Maurice Whiteside June & Aug. Filings 7.80 Hartgraphics #029609 & #028430 33.64 David Fry (Logo) 9/11/74 50.00 General Telephone 9/13/74 139.45 Whites Augo #241947 & #241920 7.04 IBM #3K05373 57.60 Xerox #025114699 32.27 Carter & Burgess 9/13/74 1,787.41 Southern Bldg. Code Pub. Co. Crct Inv. #9015 7.25 Payton Wright Ford #5484 80.90 Thompson Printing Sve. 9/10/74 44.50 Colleyville Auto Clinic #20831,#20848,#20866, #20884,#20874 134.26 Wickes Lumber Co. #3042921 5.16 Rex-Tex Equipment Co. #10815 7.95 Motor Supply #35164 9.90 Gulf Oil Corp #6468 & #6534 563.74 The Rohan Co. #62832 & #62833 438.52 Corona Plumbing Supply Co. #20522 19.56 Ft.Worth Area C of C (luncheon-Natl.Hwy.Week,Councilman Nunn) 7.00 93 ORDINANCE NO. 212 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGIN- NING OCTOBER 1, 1974, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1975, AND DECLARING AND EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS: THAT, the Mayor of said City has heretofore duly and timely filed, in accordance with the law, a budget for said City covering the fiscal year running from October 1, 1974, to September 30, 1975, that due and timely public notice that a public hearing on such budget would be held on August 20, 1974, was given and made in accordance with the law and within-the, time limits set forth by law; that such public hearing was held in accord- ance with the law on August 20, 1974; and that it was the opinion and judg- ment of the City Council that such budget which is attached hereto be, and same is hereby, in all things approved and that same is proper and correct. WHEREFORE, said budget is here and now, and hereby in all things, approved and adopted, and it shall be effective as of October 1, 1974. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure which shall have and take effect from and after its present reading for the rea- sons that the fiscal year commences October 1, 1974, and fixing the rate and levy of taxes for the year 1974 must be had prior to October 1, 1974, and after approval and adoption of this budget; it is for the immediate preservation of public property and business, and provides for the daily operation of all municipal departments and lays a predicate for the appro- priation of money to defray current and other expenses. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the affirmative vote of all members of said Council present this 17th day of September, A. D. 1974. I Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary PHONE 481-3567 S WADE BOOKER, Mayor P.O. BOX 868 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76051 W. O. NUN N, Mayor Pro Tem Billy Joe Knox, Councilman Alkeanne Wallace, City Secretary R. D. Drummond, Councilman James H. Winfrey, Councilman Sam Davis, Councilman September 17, 1974 To the Honorable City Council and Citizens of Southlake: In accordance with the prescribed laws regulating the expenditures of the people's funds, I submit the 1914-1975 Budget for adoption. As stated in my Budget Message of last year, operating costs have once again eliminated any addition of municipal services. While Anticipated Revenue show an increase of approximately $5,800, it would be perilous to add a service which further inflation might wipe out. However, this does not mean that our City is at a standstill. On the contrary, we are taking steps toward sewer funding, and we are strengthening our community development codes, as well. As we get closer to a public sewer system, we may call on your support of a bond issue. But, for now, it is our best judgment to remain "status quo" and not increase the tax rate from its present level of 504 per $100 valuation. We trust the citizens will agree with our course of action. Very truly yours, CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Wade Booker Mayor WB/bh CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 1974-75 BUDGET ANTICIPATED REVENUES: ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES: Taxes-Ad Valorem $79,637 Personal & Prof. Services $120,000 Sales 35,000 Franchises 10,000 Operating Costs 26,300 $ 124,637 Utility Sales-Taps 4,000 Contractual Services 49,535 Water 65,000 69,000 Debt Service 5,000 Fines & Forfeitures 40,000 Revenue Sharing 7,100 Capital Outlay 39,191 Tarrant County Contributions 5,000 Permits & Fees 2,250 Contingency Reserve 13,974 Fire Dept. Contributions 1,800 Miscellaneous sales 1,500 Sale of Patrol Cars 1,363 Interest Income 1,350 TOTAL: $ 254,000 $ 254,000 Program Summaries Police Department. . . . . $ 108,455 City Administration. . . . 64,460 Water Department.. . . . . 56,460 Fire Department. 10,651 3~D CITY ADMINISTRATION FY 1975 PERSONAL SERVICES: City Secretary $ 10,800 City Attorney 1,800 Municipal Court Judge 1,500 Building Inspector 1,000 Tax Assessor 2,400 Clerk/Typist 6,000 Part-time Maintenance 900 $ 24,400 OPERATING COSTS: Office Supplies & Printing 600 Legal Notices & Filing Fees 500 Election Expense 200 Postage 500 Workshops & Travel Expense 350 Gas 100 Dues & Subscriptions 300 Retirement Plan 2,500 5,050 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: Annual Audit 2,900 City Planning & Engineering 5,000 Telephone 1,850 Utilities 1,500 Copier 750 Maintenance 1,560 Repairs to City Hall (incl.machinery) 500 Extra Legal Expense 4,000 18,060 CAPITAL OUTLAY: Library 2,000 Office Equipment 2,950 City Hall Expansion & Improvement 12,000 16,950 TOTAL: $ 64,460 POLICE DEPARTMENT FY 1975 PERSONAL SERVICES: Chief of Police $ 11,400.00 Sergeant 9,480.00 Detective 8,760.00 Patrolmen (3 @ $8,040) 24,120.00 Chief Dispatcher 5,820.00 Dispatchers (3 @ $5,100) 15,300.00 Extra Dispatcher 2,040.00 Sick Leave 1,040.00 Officers Overtime Pay 720.00 78,680.00 OPERATING COSTS: Gas and Oil 6,770.00 Vehicle Repair and Maintenance 2,400.00 Office Supplies and Printing 1,800.00 Uniforms 600.00 Police Schools 350.00 Travel Pay 100.00 Liability Insurance 500.00 Postage, Dues, and Film 150.00 Medical Expense 100.00 Patrol Car Supplies 100.00 Drug Purchases 200.00 Misc. Supplies 350.00 Hospitalization 2,240.00 15,660.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: Radio Maintenance 500.00 Telephone 500.00 Radar 860.00 Teletype 965.00 2,825.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY: 1975 Patrol Car (2) 8,200.00 Radio Equipment 1,500.00 Calculator (Pocket Size) 50.00 Heavy Duty IBM Typewriter (Rebuilt) 400.00 Gas Pump and Tank 600.00 Photo I.D. System 540.00 TOTAL $108,455.00 WATER DEPARTMENT BUDGET FY 1975 PERSONAL SERVICES: Water Superintendent $ 7200 Assistant Superintendent 1200 Clerk 7620 16020 OPERATING COSTS: Postage 600 Office Supplies & Printing 225 Hospitalization 215 Liability Insurance 300 1540 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: Electricity 5500 Repair & Maintenance 16000 New Service Installation 6000 Office Machine Repair 200 27700 CAPITAL OUTLAY: Extra Pump on Well #2 2500 Master Meter on Well 41 900 Distribution System (lines) 2800 6200 DEBT SERVICE: 5000 TOTAL $56460 123 FIRE DEPARTMENT BUDGET FY 1975 PERSONAL SERVICES: Chief Part Time $ 600 Asst. Chief Part Time 200 Fire Marshall Part Time 100 900 OPERATING COSTS: Gas and Oil 700 Equipment Repair & Maintenance 2,500 400 Supplies 200 Liability Insurance 250 Schools & Training 4,050 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: Radio Maintenance 500 Telephone 350 Oxygen 100 950 CAPITAL OUTLAY: (Replacement of Worn Equipment & Additional Equipment) 1,500 10 (ten) Home Receiver Sets 566 10 (ten) Bunker Coats (Full Length) 10 (ten) Fire Boots (3/4 Length) 300 10 (ten) Helmets with Face Shield 260 400 Foot 1 1/2 Inch Fire Hose 600 2 (two) Fresh Air Breathing Equipment (Air Packs) 800 7 (seven) Sets Crystals Changes For Mobile Units 175 2 (two) 1 1/2 Turbo Jet Nozzles 400 4 (four) Life Jackets For Rescue Boat 100 2 (two) (Trickle Charge) Battery Chargers 50 4,751 TOTAL $10,651 a JU ORDINANCE NO. 213 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES FOR THE USE AND SUPPORT OF THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY OF SOUTH- LAKE AND PROVIDING FOR THE INTEREST AND SINKING FUND FOR THE YEAR 1974 AND APPORTIONING EACH LEVY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. THAT there is hereby levied and there shall be collected for use and support of the municipal government of the city of Southlake, and to provide Interest and Sinking Fund for the year Nineteen Hundred and Seventy-four upon all property, real, personal and mixed, within the corp- orate limits of said City subject to taxation, a tax of Fifty Cents (504) on each One Hundred Dollar ($100) valuation of property, said tax being so levied and apportioned to the specific purposes here set forth: 1. For the maintenance and support of the general government (General Fund), thirty-two cents (324) on each One Hundred Dollar ($100) valuation of property; 2. For the interest and sinking fund of the 1972 General Obligation Bonds, eighteen cents (184) on each One Hundred Dollar ($100) valuation of property. Section 2. All monies collected under this ordinance for the specific items therein named, be and the same are hereby appropriated and set apart for the specific purpose indicated in each item and that the Assessor and Collector of Taxes, the City Treasurer and the City Secretary shall keep these accounts so as to readily and distinctly show the amount collected, the amounts ex- pended and the amount on hand at any time, belonging to such funds; it is here- by made the duty of the Tax Assessor and Collector of Taxes and every person collecting money for the City of Southlake to deliver to the City Treasurer and the City Secretary at the time of depositing any monies a statement show- ing to what fund such deposit should be made and from what source received. All receipts for the City not specifically apportioned by this ordinance are hereby made payable to the General Fund of the City. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 17th day of September, A. D. 1974. V L' V~ Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary 131 CG-15 NO. 74-25 (Rev. 9/27/73) RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS WHEREAS, City of Southlake, Texas Legal Name of Applicant; i.e., City, Village, etc.) deems it necessary and proper to apply for a federal grant under the . Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, Public Law 92-500, and the rules and regulations pursuant thereto. Now, therefore, be it resolved by the above named applicant that Wade Booker, Mayor (Name and title of designated representative of applicant) or his successor, is hereby authorized and directed to make application for a grant under Public Law 92-500 and the rules and regulations pursuant thereto, and to sign the acceptance of the grant, when made, and any other necessary documents required to complete the project on behalf of the above named applicant. P ssed, approved and adopted this ay of ' 19. (Signature and title of official of Governing Body) (Seal) Attest: (Signature of Secretary, City Clerk, etc.) NO. 74-26 1 3 9 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Whereas, the City of Southlake. Texas Legal Name of Applicant has made application to the Texas Water Quality Board and the Environmental Protection Agency for a federal grant pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, Public Law 92-500, and the rules and regulations thereto. Now Therefore, Be It Resolved by the above named applicant that the application for which federal grant assistance has been requested pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, Public Law 92-500, will be constructed to completion in accordance with the laws, rules, and regulations and with the following project schedule. Project Schedule Item Date of Action General Availability of Financing Funds for applicants share of the project-costs Step 1 Oct. 15, 1975 • Step 2 - Step 3 - Availability of the Site(s) for the project facilities N/A Step 1 Infiltration/Inflow Analysis (no existing Initiated Not required system) Completed - Submitted to State (TWQB) Project Schedule Item Date of Action 133 Preliminary Infiltration/Inflow Evaluation Survey Study Plan (if needed) Initiated - Completed - Report Completed - Submitted to State (TWQB) - Infiltration/Inflow Evaluation Survey (if needed) Initiated - Completed - Report Completed - Submitted to State (TWQB) - Environmental Assessment Initiated (instructions on Form CG-178) Jan. 2, 1975 Completed (Sections 1-6) Jan. 30, 1975 Public Hearing Advertised Jan 31, 1975 Public Hearing Conducted (Section 7; 30 day minimum period of advertisement) March 4, 1975 Environmental Assessment Finalized (Section 7, minutes of public hearing completed) March 7,197/5 Submitted to State (TWQB) March 14, 1975 The Regional Planning Agency Comments and Approvals Completed March 7, 1975 Submitted to State (TWQB) March 21, 1975 Facility Plan (Including Final Engineering Report/Feasibility Report) Initiated Nov. 1, 1975 Completed Jan. 15, 1975 Report Completed Jan. 30, 1975 Public Hearing (30 day minimum period of Advertisement) March 4, 1975 Submitted to State (TWQB) March 7, 1975 Project Schedule Item Date of Action Step 2 Final Plans and Specifications Initiated Completed Submitted to State (TWQB) _ Step 3 Advertise for Construction Bids within the days indicated after authorization to advertise for bids has been issued ' days Submit Bid Opening Documents within the days indicated after the bid opening date days Award Construction Contract within the days indicated after authorization to award the contract has been issued ' days Initiation of Construction within the days indicated after the award of the contract ' days Complete Construction within the days indicated after initiation of construction ' days Be it further resolved, that the above named applicant under- stands that the above project schedule must be approved by the Texas Water Quality Board and the Environmental Protection"Agency, and that once a project schedule has been approved, no changes will be authorized without first receiving approval of the change --from-the Texas- Water -Quality Board and- the Environmental Protection Agency. X35 Passed, approved and adopted this day of 197. Wade Booker, Mayor (Seal) ATTEST: Mrs Aliceanne-Wallace' City Secretary 136 RESOLUTION NO. 74-27 WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas, has responsibilities for the safety of life and property of its citizens from fire, flood, and other-dis- asters; And, WHEREAS, it is the desire of the city to encourage optimum use of lands in and adjacent to the City of Southlake, Texas; And, AREAS, the Community needs a factual basis for reducing flood damages and hazards through carefully considered and well planned local regulations and use of the flood plain, so as to guide prospective land uses and preserving ade- quate floodway and channel rights-of-way and clearances; to provide publicly available information for the guidance of private citizens and interests on the use of flood plains; and to minimize future public expenditures and for alle- viation of flood problems which would follow improper flood plain development; And, WHEREAS, the areas of Dove Creek, Fossil Creek, Kirkwood & Higgins Branch and Jones Creek and their tributaries are within the planning area of the City and are areas of hazard by,inundation of water, and due to the continued resi- dential, commercial, industrial and recreational uses which necessitate flood damage prevention measures and plans and regulations thereof; Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TEXAS : ' Section 1. That the City of Southlake respectfully requests the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers to undertake a study of the prescribed area, pursuant to Section 206, Public Law 86-645, and to investigate the intensity of floods and establish flood elevations along said water course, and taking into ac- count future as well as existing development, in accordance with the City's 37 Comprehensive Master Plan. DULY ADOPTED ON THIS THE 17th day of September, 1974. APPROVED: WADE BOOKER, Mayor ATTEST: 0 00171 A ICEANNE WALLACE, City Secretary I, ALICEANNE WALLACE, City Secretary of the City of SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, certify that the attached is a true and correct copy of a Resolution adopted by the Southlake City Council on the 17th day of September, 1974. Witness my hand and seal this the 17th day of September, A. D. 1974. ALICEANNE WALLACE, City Secretary Before me, the undersigned authority, on this da ALICEANNE WALLACE, City Secretary day of the City of SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpose and consid- eration therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. Nota Public, Tarrant County, Texas .y A8 ORDINANCE NO.-214 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING MINIMUM STANDARDS GOVERNING THE USE, OCCUPANCY AND MAINTENANCE OF DWELLINGS, DWELLING UNITS AND ACCESSORY STRUCTURES: ESTABLISHING MINIMUM STANDARDS GOVERNING SUPPLIED UTILITIES AND FACILITIES, AND OTHER PHYSICAL THINGS AND CONDITIONS ESSENTIAL TO MAKE DWELLINGS SAFE, SANITARY, AND FIT FOR HUMAN HABITATION; ESTABLISHING MINIMUM STANDARDS GOVERNING THE CONDITION AND MAINTENANCE OF DWELLINGS AND ACCESSORY STRUCTURES: FIXING CERTAIN RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES OF OWNERS AND OCCUPANTS OF DWELLINGS;,PROVIDING FOR APPEALS; AUTHORIZING THE INSPECTION OF DWELLINGS AND ACCESSORY STRUCTURES AND PROVIDING FOR THE CONDEMNATION OF ALL BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES DEEMED UNFIT FOR HUMAN HABITATION AND USE; AND FIXING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS. WHEREAS, for the general and public health, safety and welfare of all residents and property owners of the City of Southlake, Texas, it is deemed necessary to enact minimum housing standards governing the use, occupancy, and maintenance of dwellings, dwelling units and accessory structures within the area of jurisdiction of the City; and, WHEREAS, existing ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas are not deemed fully adequate to accomplish such purposes; and, WHEREAS, the Southern Building Code Congress has developed and made available a set of minimum housing standards which have been recommended as being acceptable as a model housing code; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1- 1973 EDITION OF THE SOUTHERN STANDARD HOUSING CODE ADOPTED. The 1973 edition of the "Southern Standard Housing Code as published by the "Southern Building Code Congress", except as specifically modified by this ordinance, is hereby adopted as the "Minimum Standard Housing Code of the City of Southlake, Texas". Three copies of said 1973 edition of the Southern Standard Housing Code are expressly incorporated herein by reference and are on file in the office of the City Secretary for permanent record and inspection. The provisions therein, including any amendments thereto shall be controlling in case of direct conflict with any other city ordinance, in the use, maintenance and occupancy of all dwellings, dwelling units and/or structures within the area of jurisdiction of the-City of Southlake, Texas. SECTION 2- GENERAL AMENDMENTS: The 77o-lowing sections o He said "Southern Standard Housing Code" are hereby declared to be deleted and void and the following shall become a part of the "Minimum Standard Housing Code of the City of Southlake, Texas": A. The use of the term "Housing Board of Adjustments and Appeals" as used in the Southern Standard Housing Code is changed to read "Board of Adjustment". B. The phrase "Chief Administrator" of the Southern Standard Housing Code is changed to read "Mayor of the City of Southlake, Texas". C. Sections 106 and 107 of the Southern Standard Housing Code are changed to read as follows: "Section 106 of the Southern Standard Housing Code shall not be applicable until such time as the City of Southlake,Texas shall enact an ordinance creating a Housing Board of Adjustments and Appeals and until such time, appeals from the Minimum Standard Housing Code of the City of Southlake, Texas shall be under the jurisdiction of the Board of Adjustment as created under Ordinance 161 of the City of Southlake, Texas. Section 107 of the Southern Standard Housing Code shall not be applicable and all appeals from the Minimum Standard Housing Code of the City of Southlake, Texas shall be handled under the procedures set forth in Ordinance No. 161 of the City of Southlake, Texas." SECTION 3- SEVERABILITY CLAUSE: "Section ~~9- Validity" o the Southern Standard Housing Code is declared to be deleted and void, and there shall be inserted in lieu thereof the following: "If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. Any or all of the remaining portions of this ordinance not held to be unconstitutional shall continue to be in full force and effect." SECTION 4- CUMULATIVE OF OTHER ORDINANCES: This ordinance shall be an is hereby declared to be cumulative of the provisions of other applicable ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, including all amendments thereto. It is provided however, that a higher standard provided by other lawfully adopted rule, regulation, ordinance, private deed restriction or private covenant, shall not be considered a conflict with the Minimum Standard Housing Code of the City of Southlake, Texas, and such higher standard shall govern. SECTION 5- PENALTY FOR VIOLATION: "Sectio- n TM$- Violations an ena ties" of the Southern Standard Housing Code is declared to be deleted and void, and there shall be inserted in lieu thereof the following: "Any person, firm, association of persons, company or corporation, or their agents, servants or employees who violate, disobey, omit, neglect or refuse to comply with any provision of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not less than Ten Dollars ($10.00) nor more than Two Hundred ($200.00) for that a decla " offense violation and t punishable by law. declared to be a distinct and separate SECTION 6- EFFECTIVE DATE: This rdinance s a ecome effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and so accordinaly ordained. PASSED this z_day of September, 1974. ayor ATTEST: A0 SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPTARTMENT I !port to the Mayor and Council Month of August,1974 I.Responses: Grass fire------------------------------------------------------------2 Structure-------------------------------------------------------------2 Signal I-------------(wash down) I Signal 2--------------------------------------------------------------2 Heart Attack----------------------------------------------------------1 Mutual Aid---~rColleyville 1--Keller 1 --Roanoke 1----------------------3 Total Responses for the Month------11 L.Man/hours: On Calls ----------------------------------------------------•-------63.5 On Maintenance------(by maint. dept.)-------------------------------- 75 Training-------------------------------------------------------------50 Average number of men at the Dept. meetings-----13-------hours------104 Total man/hours for the month---297.5 -II.Men responding for the month: Chief Steele-----------5 Bradley Sr----------- 4 Asst. Chief Joyce------2 Clifton D------------ 5 Asst. Chief Clifton----7 Dodson C------------- 2 Fire Marshall Weddle---5 Mr-Million 1 Capt. Polson----------- 4 Shelton J------------ 5 Rescue Off. Schnieder--5 Thomas D------------- 4 Maint. Off. Schirman---9 Woodall W------------ 4 Armstrong D------------ I Jr. Lieut. Polson---- 1 Andrews J-------------- 5 Bradley Jr----------- 1 Bell C----------------- 7 Miller T------------- 4 Booker W--------------- 2 Shelton M------------ 7 Steele R------------- 3 TV. We invite all the council members and their families to attend the Miss Flame Contest to be held at the Middle School Cafetorium on Sept.21, at 8:OOP.M. We also will be holding a special C.P.R. training class on Sept.30, at 7:OOP.M. at the Middle School Cafetorium. This class will be open to the public with special invitation to those who have family members with cronic heart problems. Respectfully subm'tted by tee e, Fire Chief S.L.F.D. t. s. Al September 16, 1974 Honorable Xayor and City Council: Police Department Report for the month of August 197+ `rickets issued in July 161 Tickets issued in August 189 Persons in jail in July 27 Persons in jail in August 15 Traffic accidents in July 8 Traffic accidents in August 15 Burglaries investigated in July 2 Burglaries investigated in August 3 Approx. total value taken in burglaries in August $667.00 Approx. total value -recovered in burglaries in August 0 Thefts investigated in July 4 Thefts investigated in August 5 Approx. total value taken in thefts in August $7,738.00 Approx. total value recovered in thefts in August 4,735.00 Number of calls in July 220 Number of calls in August 189 iiiles driven in July 11,778 Riles driven in August 10,111 speedometer reading on Unit AM Ford) 81,892 Speedometer reading on Unit X5(74 Ford) 23,269 Speedometer reading on Unit #6(71} Ford) 47,951 Respectfully submitted, Doug as R. hug' es Chief of Police SOUTHLAKE POLICE DFPARTNE11T DRH:ss