1975-11-18 181 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 18, 1975 7:30 P.M. A G E N D A I. Joint Meeting with Planning and Zoning Commission Re Updated Zoning Ordinance: Craig Eaton. II. General Telephone Rate Increase:Ordinance No. 224. III. City Administration: A. Departmental Reports: 1. Water Department - Councilman Davis. a. Purchase of Pump. 2. Fire Department - Councilman Winfrey. a. Repairs on Unit 3001 and Unit 3003. 3. Police Department - Councilman Nunn. a. Sale of Patrol Car. B. Approval of Bills. C. Land Purchase (Closed). D. 701 Report. I hereby certify that the foregoing Agenda was posted on the bulletin board in City Hall, 667 N. Carroll Avenue at 3:45 P.M. Friday, November 14, 1975. r -j - City Secretary 1? CITY OF SOUTHLAKE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 18, 1975 The City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, met in reg- ular session in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, in Southlake, on Tuesday, November 18, 1975, with the following members present: Wade Booker, Mayor Sam Davis, Mayor Pro Tem W. O. Nunn, Councilman Billy Joe Knox, Councilman Ben H. Berry, Councilman Absent: James H. Winfrey, Councilman Staff members present: William D. Campbell, City Attorney R. P. Steele, Fire Chief D. R. Hughes, Police Chief Craig Eaton, Consultant Planner, Carter & Burges Also present: Planning & Zoning Commission Members: C. M. Gordon, Eleanor Kasper, Larry Smith Guests: Members of the Carroll High School Senior Class Others present: Virginia Clow, Ralph Polson, Mr. & Mrs. Glen Morrison. Mayor Booker called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. The invo- cation was given by Councilman Knox. The Minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as read. The Mayor opened the floor for discussion on the matter of the Proposed Updated Zoning Ordinance. C.M. Gordon said he criti- cized the type of approach and that he was opposed to a govern- ment of law and favored a government of people. Discussion fol- lowed. Eleanor Kasper asked what was wrong with the present zoning ordinance other than difficulties experienced due to ad- ministering same. Larry Smith commented that he thought it was too stringent. The Mayor made comments favoring it. Ralph Polson 183 stated views implying he was not in favor of it. The City Attorney stated the ordinance was not as restrictive as the persons speaking against it seemed to think. Ms. Virginia Clow made favorable comments about it. Craig Eaton cleared up some of the confusion that seemed to exist regarding the understanding of the proposed zoning ordinance. C. M. Gordon again spoke stating that planning ahead was not the same as passing a zoning ordinance and he felt that ordinances should be enacted as the problems arise. Larry Smith commented that there seemed to be discord between the Planning & Zoning Com- mission and City Council and he felt that there should be a type of round table discussion to resolve differences in that the two bodies should be in accord. The Mayor recommended that this be done and various dates were suggested. He then asked Councilman Nunn what his views were on the matter inasmuch as he had made no statements. Whereupon Councilman Nunn said, "Most of us do not like bureaucracy and like our freedom but everyone's freedom ends where my nose begins", and he further stated he would go on record as being for the proposed ordi- nance. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison expressed their views on the enforcing of ordinances already on the books. ORDINANCE NO. 24, granting General Telephone a rate increase, was unanimously passed and approved on motion by Councilman Knox; seconded by Counciman Nunn, in accordance with Council's previous action at a regular Council meeting held may 6, 1975, to accept whatever increasethe City of Grapevine accepted. (Said Ordinance attached hereto and made a part hereof.) WATER DEPARTMENT report was given by Councilman Davis who re- minded the Council of the need for an additional well pump, ad- vising the cost would be $1,856, and moved the purchase be made; seconded by Councilman Knox. Motion passed unanimously. FIRE DEPARTMENT report was given by the Mayor in the absence of Councilman Winfrey. He informed the Council of the need for a tire to be purchased for Unit 3001 and clutch repair made to Unit 3003, costing a total of about $250. He asked for Council approval to purchase the following equipment as budgeted: 10 helmets, 10 coats, boots, 12 helmet liners, 12 chin straps and spanner wrenches at a cost of approximately $1,125. So moved Councilman Nunn; seconded by Councilman Davis. Motion passed unanimously. The Mayor told the Council he sent the letter to Trophy Club Estates regarding the cost of a fire truck and was waiting to hear from them. Regular Council Meeting-11/18/75-Pg 2 of 3 184 POLICE DEPARTMENT report was read aloud in part by Councilman Nunn so the young people present would be aware of some of the statistics. He announced the sale of one of the 1975 patrol cars the highest bidder was Ricky Cliatt who bid $1,750. The bills presented were approved for payment on motion by Councilman Knox; seconded by Councilman Nunn. Motion passed unanimously. (See attached list.) 701 REPORT let the Council know that Southlake was awarded a $2,000 grant for updating its subdivision regulations, the City's share being $667. Mayor Booker announced this part of the meeting closed in order for the Council to discuss a possible land purchase. Upon reconvening, Councilman Nunn moved that the City give up plans for acquiring additional property at this time; seconded by Councilman Knox. Motion passed unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Mayor ATTEST: T City Secretary _ ~ - - /t n /mar r~•.... ...F ? ORDINANCE NO. 224 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO GENERAL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF THE SOUTHWEST THE RIGHT, PRIVILEGE AND PERMIT TO PLACE INTO EFFECT CERTAIN RATES TO BE CHARGED TO THE RESIDENTS OF SOUTHLAKE. WHEREAS, the General Telephone Company of the Southwest in cooperation with the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company has offered to furnish Extended Area Service between the South- lake exchange and the Fort Worth Metropolitan exchange or, on an optional basis, the combined Dallas-Fort Worth Metropolitan exchange; And, WHEREAS, Extended Area Service will permit customers in Southlake to call customers in the Fort Worth Metropolitan ex- change or, on an optional basis, the combined Dallas-Fort Worth Metropolitan exchange without a toll charge; And, WHEREAS, Extended Area Service will permit customers in the Fort Worth Metropolitan exchange or, on an optional basis, the combined Dallas-Fort Worth Metropolitan exchange to call cus- tomers in Southlake without a toll charge; And, WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes the advantages of such service to the residents of Southlake; And, WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes the right of the Gen- eral Telephone Company of the Southwest to earn a fair return on the fair value of its properties devoted to the rendition of both local exchange telephone service and Extended Area Service to the customers of the Southlake exchange; Now, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: Section l: The General Telephone Company of the Southwest is hereby authorized to place into effect, upon the establishment of Extended Area Service between Southlake and the Fort Worth Metropolitan exchange or, on an optional basis, the combined Dallas- Fort Worth Metropolitan exchange, the following schedule of telephone rates within the corporate limits of Southlake and such other charges and rates for services, as from time to time may be added to, deleted from, or in any manner changed, in its Texas General Exchange Tariff: FORT WORTH METROPOLITAN EXCHANGE Class of Service Monthly Rate BUSINESS: Individual Line Service $27.44 Extension 2.70 Key Line 30.15 PBX Trunks 37.38 Semi-Public 27.44 RESIDENCE: Individual Line Service 10.32 Two Party Line Service 7.50 Extension 1.86 OPTIONAL DALLAS-FORT WORTH METROPOLITAN EXCHANGE Class of Service Monthly Rate BUSINESS: Individual Line Service $46.18 Extension 2.69 Key Line 52.47 PBX Trunks 68.88 RESIDENCE: Individual Line Service 18.76 Extension 1.87 OTHER Record Charge $10.00 Reserved Number Charge 4.00 Returned Check Charge 3.00 Prewire (Residence or duplex 1 to 4 outlets) 15.00 Each Additional Outlet 2.50 Prewire (apartments 1 to 3 outlets) 7.50 Each Additional outlet 2.50 Concealed Wire (each outlet) 7.50 Expedited Installation Charge 20.00 Service Connection Charge-Business 44.50 Service Connection Charge-Residence 34.50 New Installation Extension-Business $25.50 New Installation Extension-Residence 23.00 Reconnect Charge-Business 25.50 Reconnect Charge-Residence 23.00 Touch Call Line Charge No Charge Section 2: After the establishment of Extended Area Ser- vice, no other type of local telephone service will be offered; And, Section 3: Nothing in this ordinance contained shall be construed as, in any manner, now or hereafter, limiting or modi- fying the right and power of the City Council, under the law, to regulate the rates charged by General Telephone Company of the Southwest, its successors or assigns, within the City of Southlake, Texas. PASSED AND APPROVED on this the 18th day of November, 1975. Ile , Mayor, City of Southlake ATTEST: City Secretary 187 SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT OCTOBER 1975 I. RESPONSES: Structure Fires 4 Auto Fire . 1 Grass Fires 3 Truck Fire ......(Wheel Fire) 1 Mutual Aid Calls - Colleyville-2.................. Keller-1 Rescue Unit..... . ' • • 5 Child fell from cabinet -1 Heart attack - 1 Auto accident - 2 Football injury - 1 TOTAL EMERGENCY RESPONSES FOR MONTH 17 II • MAN/HOURS EXPENDED : Emergency Calls........ " " •••••2.95 Hrs. Meetings ..•(4)•..Average 12 men per meetin Maintenance... g•..•-• 96 Hrs. Public Service 28 Hrs. 28 Hrs. 1 Football •field .stand-by and Parking Lot detail Training ................2 sessions. 54 Hrs. TOTAL MAN/HOURS FOR MONTH 501 Hrs. III. FIREFIGHTERS RESPONSE: R. P. Steele 14 C. Bell. 7 J. Joyce. 9 T. Schirman.. J. Clifton.. " " " 2 8 H. Bradley, Jr..... 3 H. Bradley, Sr....... 5 R. Steele.. R. Polson.... " " " " 5 6 T. Schneider.. 7 J. Polson............ 3 D. Hughes.. 2 L. Shuping........... 6 D. Armstrong..,,,,, 4 S. Davis 7 R. Martin..... J. Andrews 3 T., Boyer 3 B. Stevens 2 Respectfully Submitted, R. P. Steele, Fire Chief Southlake Fire Department