1976-03-16 41 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 16, 1976 7:30 P.M. A G E N D A I. Joe V. Smith re Zoning. II. Departmental Reports: A. Fire Department - Councilman Winfrey. 1. Claim by Thomas Sanquinet re Alleged Property Damages. B. Police Department - Councilman Nunn. C. Water Department - Councilman Davis. 1. Water Service Areas. 2. Water Quality. D. Building Inspections - L. Senn, Building Inspector. 1. Electrical Code Amendment. E. Municipal Court - Aliceanne Wallace, Court Clerk. IV. Approval of Bills. I hereby certify that the above Agenda was posted on the bulletin board in City Hall, 667 N. Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, March 12, 1976, at 3:00 P.M. Aliceanne Wallace, City Secretary 42 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL MARCH 16, 1976 The City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, met in regu- lar session in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue in Southlake on Tuesday, March 16, 1976, with the following members present: Wade Booker, Mayor Sam Davis, Mayor Pro Tem Billy Joe Knox, Councilman W. O. Nunn, Councilman James H. Winfrey, Councilman Ben H. Berry, Councilman Staff Members Present: William D. Campbell, City Attorney D. R. Hughes, Police Chief R. P. Steele, Fire Chief L. S. Senn, Building Inspector Mayor Booker called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. The in- vocation was given by Councilman Nunn. The Minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as corrected. Joe Smith, who owns the taxidermy shop, asked the Council if he could move his business to 803 W. Southlake Blvd., where Shady Oaks Drive dead-ends. Some discussion was had concerning non- conforming use. The Mayor advised Mr. Smith he should make his request before the Planning & Zoning Commission. FIRE DEPARTMENT report was given by Councilman Winfrey. He then advised the Council concerning a claim by Thomas Sanguinet alleging damages to his property by the Southlake Volunteer Fire Department in excess of $5,000. Councilman Winfrey further ad- vised he did not believe the City had any liability in the case of damage occurring during the course of fighting a fire. The Council decided no action was necessary at this time. The Fire Chief asked the Council for approval to purchase a 65 hp engine for the rescue boat at a cost of $1,374 and exchange of the old motor. So moved Councilman Knox; seconded by Councilman Nunn. Motion passed unanimously. 43 A fish fry at the Catfish Hut for Fire Department fund raising was next discussed. POLICE DEPARTMENT report was turned in by Councilman Nunn who announced the installation of new radio and technical equipment in the Department obtained through a federal grant under the Criminal Justice LEAA program. WATER DEPARTMENT report was made by Councilman Davis who sug- gested the Mayor meet with Harold Pipes, president of the Keller Rural Water Co-op, regarding overlapping service areas. He next brought up for discussion water quality. The City Secretary was requested to obtain figures on several methods of improvement. BUILDING INSPECTIONS was next reported on to the Council by Larry Senn. He asked the Council their feelings on amending Ordinance #211, adopting the 1975 National Electrical Code, re- stricting the use of aluminum wiring. He pointed out that a number of cities in the area have done this because of potential fire hazards resulting from its use. Councilman Winfrey stated he was not for making mandatory and added he would like tol` see the City require electricians to be licensed and bonded. Discussion followed. The Mayor requested that copies of such an ordinance from those cities restricting the use of aluminum conductors be obtained for the City Attorney to examine. The MUNICIPAL COURT report was noted by the Council. Councilman Knox moved that the bills presented be approved for payment; seconded by Councilman Winfrey. Motion passed unani- mously. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Mayor ATTEST.- City Secretary 44 SOUTHLI4<E FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FEBRUARY 1976 I. RESPONSES: Structure Fires 2 Grass Fires 30 Auto Fires 0 Auto Accident-Stand-By 5 Mutual Aid Calls 4 Rescue Unit ...(Heart Attack-2-Capsized Boat on Lake... 3 False Alarms 1 TOTAL EMERGENCY RESPONSES FOR MONTH 45 II. MAN/HOURS EXPENDED: Emergency Calls .......................................526 HRS Meetings (4).......... Average 12 men per meeting. 48 HRS Maintenance 20 HRS Training 3-sessions...Man HRS included in meetings. TOTAL MAN/HOURS FOR MONTH ..........................594 HRS III. FIREFIGHTERS RESPONSE: Chief Steele......... 29 J. Poison.......... 8 Asst. Chief Bradley.. 27 D. Dupree.......... 21 Capt. Polson......... 22 T. Boyer........... 28 J. Joyce 25 H. Bradley......... 8 J. Andrews........... 5 R. Martin.......... 9 L. Shuping........... 7 T. Schneider....... 22 W. Booker............ 4 S. Davis........... 6 D. Wolf 8 W. Morris.......... 12 B. Stevens........... 17 C. Bell............ 17 D. Pollard........... 20 R. Steele............ 17 B. Roper 15 D. Hughes............ 12 D. Armstrong......... 12 Respectfully Submitted, R. P. teele, Fire Chief ant? ^'rs~ i r~ T~~~arfirnc~^~- 45 CITY OF SOUTHL%KE POLICE DEPARTMENT FEBRUARY 1976 l.ozlorable Mayor and City Council: Po-ice Department Report for the month of February, 1976 Tickets issued in January 134 Tickets issued in February 153 Persons in jail in January '3 Persons in jail in February 15 Traffic accidents in January T Traffic accidents in February 9 B" gla:ies investigated in January Burgiaries investigated in February 3 Approximate total value taken in burglaries in February $1E~3,b0 Approximate total value recovered in burglaries in February Thefts 3i VCStig. ted in .;azwary Tiiets investigated in February Approximate otal value taken in thefts in February '4150.G3 Approximate Lotai value recovered in thefts in February $125.00 Number of calls in January 11-105 Number of calls in February 227 SpeedoIaeter reading on Unit 45 ( 74 Ford } ~9 0vU Speedometer reading on Unit 1'r~8 ( 74 Ford } 63,66i Speedometer reading on Unit #9 ( 76 Ford Miles driven ii. Ja.auary n,0-)5 Miles driven in February 11,435 Respectfully submitted, DouglAs' R. Hughes Chien of Police SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT DRR/mrb 46 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE lwiui 4 I 1 IL. ' i t,.,t'ORT Monthly Report To Administrative Manager Month of February 157; Department of Building Inspection 1. Number of Inspections This Last Same Month This Fiscal Last Fiscal Calendar Month Month Last Year Year To Date Year To Date Year To Date Building 10 12 Electrical 8 5 Plumbing 11 10 Miscellaneous 11 9 Total 40 36 Daily Average 2. Permits Issued Building Number 4 8 3 Value $112,640 $124,725 $62,600 Permit Fees $276 $ 318 $146 j Electrical Number I Permit Fees Plumbing Number Permit Fees Sewer I Number Permit Fees Total All Fees 276 318 146 3. Nature of Building Permits Number Of Types Dwelling Plan Check Permit Fees Total Fees Valuation Permits Units Fees 3 Single Family 3 $267 $267 $109,640 2 Family i Multi-Family Commercial Buildings i Industrial Buildings i Relocation and Demolish Swimming Pools Signs 1 Other 1 9 9 3,000 Alterations and Additions To Dwellings To Commercial Buildings To Industrial Buildings Total $276 $ 267 $112,640 4. Building Valuation This Fiscal Year To Date This Calendar Year To Date i j Last Fiscal Year To Data Las alender Year To Date ^ / 47 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MUNICIPAL COURT ACTIVITIES March, 1976 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL. Municipal Court Report for the Month of March, 1976. Cases Set: 25 Cases Heard: 17 Cases Dismissed: 9 Cases Appealed: 6 Warrants Issued: 18 Respectfully Submitted, Betty Rhodes Deputy Court Clerk BILLS FOR APPROVAL AT COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 16, 1976: Gulf Oil Prod. (Gas) #1133 $478.49 Xerox (Copy Machine) #035115803 25.79 Gen. Tele (City) 3/13/76 250.07 Ross. Intl. (Supplies-City) #24494 71.25 Ray Bailey (Repair Adding Mach.) 3/9/76 39.00 City of Grapevine (Amb.Svc.) March, 1976 185.00 Tex.Pwr & Light (Water) Svc. to 2/26/76 569.31 Tex.Pwr & Light (City & F.D.) Svc. to 2/26/76 91.58 Burroughs Corp.(Peper-Water) #1089683 28.96 Hay Oil Co. (Oil-Well #1-Water) #9126 7.10 Tarrant Co.(Supplies -City-P.D.) 3/1/76 50.60 Bell Comm. (Radio Maint.P.D.-F.D.) Feb. 1976 50.50 NCTCOG (Teletype-P.D.) 3/3/76 54.03 Jones Svc.Sta.(Repair-P.D.) #618276 4.50 Whites (Cable - P.D.) #119042 3.00 Wickes Lumber (B1dg.Mat.-P.D.) #1097524,#1097406,#1097427, #1097408 55.43 NBC (Knife -P.D.) #258061 2.50 Stevens Locksmith (Lock-P.D.) 3/3 & 3/4/76 27.37 Colleyville Auto Clinic (F.D.-P.D.) (Repair) 25.55 Tex.Fire & Safety (Oxy.Recharge-F.D.) #49952 57.20 Crabtree & Powers (Supplies-F.D. & P.D.) #3782, #3966,#3825 105.32 Wilson-Walther Co.(Battery Charger-F.D.) #26841 125.65 Roney Auto Supply (F.D.-Supplies) #03795 17.25