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1976-02-03 17 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 3, 1976 7:30 P.M. A G E N D A I. Liability Insurance. II. Approval of Bills. III. Workshop Session with Planning & Zoning Commission - Craig Eaton. EMERGENCY ITEM: "Petition" - Pat Hawk EMERGENCY ITEM: Resolution No. 76-3, authorizing Mayor to request additional flood plain mapping from U. S. Corps of Engineers. I hereby certify that the above Agenda was posted on the bulletin board in City Hall, 667 N. Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, January 30, 1976, at 3:15 P.M. Aliceanne Wallace, City Secretary 18 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 3, 1976 The City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, met in regu- lar session in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue in Southlake on Tuesday, February 3, 1976, with the following members present: Wade Booker, Mayor Billy Joe Knox, Councilman W. O. Nunn, Councilman James H. Winfrey, Councilman Ben H. Berry, Councilman Absent: Sam Davis, Mayor Pro Tem Staff Members Present: D. R. Hughes, Police Chief Also Present: Planning and Zoning Members; R. W. Mussina, CM, James Harrell, Secretary, G. W. Hargadine, Larry Smith, Bob Pasley, C. M. Gordon. Mayor Booker called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. The invo- cation was given by Councilman Nunn. The Minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as read. The emergency item concerning a petition was put before the Coun- cil by Citizen Pat Hawk. He stated the purpose of same was to inform the Council of its contents and to enter a copy into the record. The City Secretary accepted a copy of the petition from Mr. Hawk, marked it "Exhibit A", and entered it into the record. RESOLUTION NO. 76-3: requesting flood plain mapping of the Jones Branch tributary by the U. S. Army Engineering District was unan- imously passed and approved on motion by Councilman Winfrey; se- conded by Councilman Knox. (Said Resolution attached hereto and made a part hereof.) LIABILITY INSURANCE: for the city emergency vehicleswas next discussed. The Mayor advised that Park Insurance Agency was the only one of three (3) agencies contacted who responded stating 19 this type coverage is difficult to obtain. The premium for the coverage desired was $1,451. Councilman Knox moved to accept the quote; seconded by Councilman Nunn. Motion passed unani- mously. The attached list of bills presented were unanimously approved for payment on motion by Councilman Winfrey; seconded by Council- man Knox. Workshop session on the proposed zoning ordinance with P & Z members followed. After much discussion, the Council directed Craig Eaton to change the "Raintree" area to RE-40 and the area to the south of it to RS-20. Changing the area along Sunshine Lane fron RS-20 to RE-40 was considered. Craig Eaton suggested RS-10 in place of RS-7.5 between White Chapel and Shady Oaks would be more acceptable at this time. C. M. Gordon said 95/ of the proposed ordinance is good in his opinion but that zoning the entire city was bad. (At this point, Councilman Knox was called fron the meeting.) Mr. Eaton answered questions from the Council and P & Z members following more discussion. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. 1 J /'9-7_,.Vc- ayor PRo 7---A ATTEST: City Secretary BILLS FOR APPROVAL AT COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 3, 1976: Gulf Oil Products (Gas) #0926 $508.61 Grapevine Sun (Legal Notice-City) 1/30/76 5.45 Natl.Bldg.Ctr.(Supplies re N.Carroll Ext.) #257105 2.40 Pitney Bowes (Postage Mach.Rental) #961361 33.00 Thompson Print.Svc.(Printing-City) 1/27/76 16.00 Thompson Print.Svc.(Printing-Court)1/30/76 76.00 Lone Star Gas (City) Svc. to 1/23/76 56.93 Lone Star Gas (Fire Hall) Svc. to 1/23/76 76.94 Arnold Welding (Repair-F.D.) #1440 62.20 Gen.Tele.(P. D.) 2/1/76 30.67 Gen.Tele.(F.D.) 2/1/76 32.85 Colleyville Auto Clinic (Repair-P.D.) 2/2/76 13.00 No.Cen.Tx.Council of Govn.(Teletype-P.D.) 1/28/76 373.35 Burroughs (Repair - Water Dept.) 3386728 43.25 Rohan Co. (Supplies-Water) #00893 28.94 21 ZONING PETITION We the undersigned Southlake landowners hereby petition the Southlake City - Counsel to table the proposed Zoning Ordnance and in its place adopt Zoning Guidelines that accomplish the following: (a) Protects the rights of existing home and property owners rather than promotes urbanization. (b) Reflects the current status and use of property. (c) Allows for the orderly change of zoning when such zoning is necessary for the best interest of the majority of the property owners. (d) Discourages building of apartments and multiple family dwellings. (e) Provides guidance to Planning and Zoning Commission as to the preferences of the home and property owners. NAME ADDRESS PHONE 22 RESOLUTION NO. 76-3 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake enacted an ordinance designating flood plain areas; And, WHEREAS, the U. S. Army Engineering District is presently preparing related mapwork regarding such areas within the City of Southlake; And, WHEREAS, due to the City's present housing pattern and current sanitary sewer program/design, flood plain delineation is also needed for the Jones Branch tributary; Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: The Mayor be and is hereby authorized to request the technical services of the U. S. Army Engineering District to delineate the 100 year flood plain of the Jones Branch tributary. PASSED AND APPROVED this 3rd day of February, 1976. Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary