1976 MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETINGS 1976 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS a RESOLUTIONS PASSED 1976 76-1: Appointment of Building Inspector. 1/6/76 page 5. 76-2: Contract with 701 re Updated Subdivision Ordinance. 1/6/76 page 6. 76-3: Authorizing Mayor to request additional flood plain mapping from U. S. Corp of Engineers. 2/3/76 page 22. 76-4: Election Order. 2/1/76 page 27 76-5: Canvassing the votes of the election. 4/5/76 page 52. 76-6: Appointment of HeAlth Officer. 4/6/76 page 57. 76-7: Fire Contract with County. 4/6/76 page 58. 76-8: Continuance of Revenue Sharing. 4/6/76 page 59. 76-9: Appointment of Mayor Pro Tem. 4/20/76 page 70. 76-10: Appointment of Planning & Zoning Members. 4/20,76 page 71. 76-11: Authorizing NCTCOG to purchase technical equipment in behalf of the City of Southlake. 4/20/76 page 72. 76-12: Personnel Rules & Regulations. 5/4/76 Page 85. 76-13: Tarrant County Utility Rate Study Committee. 5/21/76 Page 98 76-14: Appointment of Sam Sparger to Zon. Bd. of Adj. 5/ 4/76 Page 86. 76-15: Cancellation of 75-22. And authorizes that no e4enses will be incurred noJR activity initiated or continued as related to a sanitary sewer system without City Council approval. 5/21/76 Page 99 76-16: Radio Maintenauee Contract. 6/15/76 Page 116 76-17: Appointmmnt of Board of Equalization and Date of Meeting. 6/15/76 Page 117 76-18: Participation in the State/Federal control sign program. 7/6/76 Page 129. 76-19: Amendment to PersonnQj Rules and Regulations. 7/6/76 Page 130. 76-20: Resolution re Cancellation or errors on Tax Roll. 7/20/76 Page 139. 76-21: Appointment of Brad Popkin to Planning & Zoning. 8/17/76 Page 161. 76-22: Appointment of Auditor. 10/5/76 Page 185. 76-23: Appointment of Tax Assessor. 11/2/76 Page 76-24: APPLICATION FOR PARK FUNDS. 11/16/76 Page 76-25: AWARDING CONTRACT TO PAINT ELEVATED WATER TANK. 12/7/76 Page 216