May 4, 1976
The City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, met in regu-
lar session in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 667 North
Carroll Avenue in Southlake on Tuesday, May 4, 1976 with the
following members present:
Wade Booker, Mayor
Pat Hawk, Mayor Pro Tem
W. O. Nunn, Councilman
Bob Goode, Councilman
Colon A. Sweet, Councilman
Ben H. Berry, Councilman
Staff members present: William D. Campbell, City Attorney
Bob Steele, Fire Chief
D. R. Hughes, Police Chief
Also present: Members of the Planning & Zoning
Commission: James Harrell, Bob
Pasley, Ed Norman, A. C. Urbanosky,
Nelson Miller
Members of the Citizens Advisory
Committee: Virginia Clow, Louise
Morrison, Louise Burrows, Ed Nash,
Harold Knight, Ralph Polson
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Invocation was
given by Councilman Nunn. The Minutes of the last regular meeting
approved as corrected.
Mayor Booker introduced Mr. Mike Howard of the Texas Water Quality
Board who, in turn, introduced Mr. TYoy Lynn Lovell of the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers. A color slide was shown on flood plain
management, following which Mr. Lovell explained work done in
Southlake, at no cost to our city, and then answered questions. He
said Southlake will receive a flood insurance study at a later date
(in the next 2 or 3 years) from HUD incorporating the information
presented here tonight. The Mayor thanked the gentlemen for coming
out and for the information given.
The Mayor stated that Agenda Item No. 5, Tarrant County Mayor's
Council Utility Commission, be considered next, and introduced the
Honorable Johnny B. Lee, Mayor of Haltom City. He explained to
the Council the purpose of forming such a commission and why all
member cities should participate. The Mayor suggested our attorney
reword the one paragraph the attorney thought was not clearly worded
in its intent and the Council would then consider the resolution for
adoption at the next regular council meeting and let him know its
Radio Maintance Agreement was presented to the Council by Councilman
Goode. Following discussion, Councilman Berry moved the company
named, "Communication Manufacturing Laboratory," be approached
regarding a contract on a month to month basis for six months at
$150 per month and then review the company's performance to determine
whether the City agrees to a yearly contract; seconded by Councilman
Nunn. Motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Sweet brought the matter of liaison officers appointments
before the Council asking that he take the Fire Department and
Councilman Goode take the Water Department. Mayor Booker requested
the appointments remain as is for the six month or year period since
the Councilmen will change liaison positions from time to time.
Sewer Proiect discussion was brought up by the Mayor who asked the
Council for its support in continuing with the sewer project as the
Step II application was awaiting his signature. Discussion followed!"
with the citizens participating in the discussion, after which the
Mayor advised he will sign the papers for the Step II grant.
At 10:50 P.M., the Mayor, called for a short recess and reconvened
the meeting at 11 P.M.
Planning & Zoning recommendations from their last regular meeting
to proceed with the Developers Agreement to enable the developer of
"Seclusion Estates," David Moak, to move on with the plat of Lot 9;
and the Developers Agreement be approved by the Council at the next
regular meeting and the public hearing that is required on the A-3
zoning be set June lst; seconded by Councilman Nunn. Motion passed
RESOLUTION NO. 76-12: Revised Personnel Rules and Regulations
Councilman Hawk moved that the Revised personnel Rules and Regulations
presented at the last regular meeting be adopted, with the exception
that Page 1, Section 3, Sub-section 3.9-1, in reference to jury
Regular Council Meeting - 5/4/76 - Paqe 2 of 4
fees received by city employees be turned over to the City, be
excluded and that said Resolution be effective as of this date.
Mayor asked some questions. Councilman Hawk added to his motion
that on Page 1, requiring performance tests, if applicable, be added
to Section 2, Sub-section 2.1-6. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Berry and passed unanimously. (Said Resolution attached
hereto and made a part hereof.)
The Building Inspector being ill, his report was skipped.
Cash Flow Discussion was next put before the Council by Councilman
Hawk. He had a number of questions concerning same.
Councilman Goode interjected a motion that the expenditure of $70
for the Tarrant County Firefighters Association Staff and Command
Seminar May 22nd be approved; seconded by Councilman Nunn. Motion
passed unanimously.
Councilman Hawk moved that the format of the cash flow be revised so
that it is consistent with the Budget and that the March 31 cash flow
be re-worked to that format in order to determine our fiscal position
as of March 31, 1976; seconded by Councilman Goode. Councilman Hawk
stated that he would like this done in 2 weeks. Councilman Hawk,
Goode, Sweet, and Nunn voted "For"; Councilman Berry voted "opposed."
Motion carried.
Mayor Booker appointed Sam Sparger to the Zoning Board of Adjustment
to fill the unexpired term of Lloyd Wolf who recently moved from
the city. All Councilmen approved of the appointment with the
exception of Councilman Hawk who abstained on the grounds he did
not know Mr. Sparger.
Councilman Nunn moved that the bills presented be approved for
payment; seconded by Councilman Berry. Motion passed unanimously.
(List attached.)
Councilman Berry moved that $265 be spent for the purchase of street
signs; seconded by Councilman Goode. Motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Nunn moved that the City participate in the Community
Calendar, a fund raising project for the Bond Boosters; seconded
by Councilman Hawk. Motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Goode moved that a new Paymaster checkwriter be purchased;
seconded by Councilman Nunn. Motion passed unanimously.
n 1__ 1 we...i 2.__ ff /A /rfe r_~_ _r n
The three newly appointed Planning & Zoning members, Nelson Miller,
Ed Norman, and A.C. Urbanosky were sworn into office.
The workshop on Ordinance No. 161 was tabled.
Councilman Hawk moved to table the workshop on tomite's Agenda, Item
No. 9, be set with the Planning & Zoning, Council, and Citizens
Advisory Committee at the next regular Planning & Zoning meeting
and place it on their agenda; seconded by Councilman Sweet. Motion
passed unanimously.
Mayor Booker set a public hearing June lst to determine the expend-
iture of Revenue Sharing Funds in the sum of $5,434.00.
The Council was in favor of permitting Boy Scouts to use the Council
Chambers for their meetings.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
City Secretary
l?onl nr l~~wr.~ l U__4-4__ G /A 1'7G T'%--.. A ,t A
` S 7 3 T ~~rrv
Fert !Forth, Tnynn 76118
817-498-2032 May -it 17?6
City of Southla-kea, Texas
c/o R. G. Goods
Dear sirs:
I propose to repair on an 'as required' basis tho coo unic:ations
equipment within the activm inventory of Southl.a~ks, Tcxai~. I
further propose to make rogUlar checks and at that time perform
schedul*d maintenance to ensure that aparation within the rules
of the FCC are maintained and unanticipated break-down is
minimized, nclosed is a copy of the Ra§intenanc;e agroament and
price SCh=r.G: { P * 141
on the complete inventory, howavrr, my estimate of the total
monthly fee in approximately 5 150.00 assuming that tha inventory
dated 2/25/76 is correct and that three of the listed receiver-
transmitters r!re inactive. Thank you for your canside-7-ation.
Sincerely yours,
Wayne Lc ons
TWO-WAY C~t~~t i1iJlf:. TiOt S 5-3-76
(Effective th.:cugh, January, 19-77)
a _ L J _ a.,..-sw.vf-..®- -o:a-~.v®d®rarsw
RECEIVER(30-175 MHZ) Now to 2 yewL-o $ 2.00
RECEIVER(400-460 MHZ) Now to 2 years $ 3.00
RECEIVER(30-175 MHZ) 3 to 5 years $ 3.00
RECEIVER(400-460 MHZ) 3 to 5 years $ 4.00
RECEIVER(30-175 MHZ) 6 or more years $ 4.00
RECEIVER(400-460 MHZ) 6 or more years $ 5.00
TR~:NSImI T Ti..11 i i G ofII / 1vviv I u i Y+m L y uu
TRANSMTTTER(400-450 MHZ)Npkp to 1 vemr $ 3.00
TRANSMITTER(30-175 MHZ) 2 to 4 years $ 3.00
TRANSMITTER(400-460 MHZ)2 to 4 years $ 4.00
TRANSMITTER(36-175 MHZ) 5 or more years $ 4.00
TRANSMITTER(400-A6n R'HZ)5 ^r f:°ni., 9, .0 0
WILKIE-TALKIES and REPEATERS 5hali bvY cr.n3id« - d u:s 3
receiver rind a transmitter. Enr,,.nd*rs, and
modems shall be consirlpred on rr.rcivc'z x(30-`t75 :rZ)
for feet sch--duling.
The terms and provisions of Exhibit "A"' attached hereto, incorporated
herein and made a part hereof, be and are hereby approved and adopted
as the Personnel Rules and Regulations for the employees of the City of
Southlake. The provisions of said Exhibit "A" shall be binding upon all
employees of the C3ty_; of Southlake.
This Exhibit "A"=supersedes all previous Rules and Regulations and par-
ticularly those contained in Resolution No. 72-23, Resolut-jon,No. 73,17
and Resolution No. 73-20.
These Rules and Regulations shall be effective immediately upon passage
of this Resolution.
PASSED AND APPROVED this 9th day of A. D. 1976.
City Secretary
Exhibit A to
Resolution 76-12
Reference should be made to the City Organizational Chart
1.1 EFFECTIVE DATE: April 20, 1976.
1.2 SCOPE. These rules shall apply to and govern all employees of the
City of Southlake, Texas.
1.3 ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITY. With the exception of matters and
appointments reserved by the City Council by statutory provisions and
by liaison officer responsibilities, general authority and responsibility
for the conduct and administration of municipal affairs is delegated to
the Mayor. Final authority, in the form of review and approval, is
reserved by the City Council where not specifically delegated to the
Mayor. See Figure 1.3- 1
and/or DepartmentH:ead will be responsible for'the proper and-
effective administration of these rules and policies within their respec-
tive departments. Routine matters and duties in connection therewith
may be assigned to a subordinate employee, such as preparation and
handling of all required records, reports, etc. , within that department.
1.5 AMENDMENTS. The City Council may change or amend these rules
within statutory limitations when deemed necessary in order to more
effectively and efficiently promote the interest of the 'City of Southlake.
2.1 BASIS OF EMPLOYMENT. All initial employment with the City of
Southlake shall be based on merit, ability, and physical and moral fitness
as evidenced by:
2.1-1 Training and experience as reflected by the application form
plus documentary evidence as to certification, registration,
etc. , if required.
2.1-2 Investigation of previous employment and credit records.
2.1-3 Physical examination, if required.
2.1-4 Character investigation by head of the department.
2.1-5 There is no discrimination with regard to race, creed, color,
sex or age.
2.1-6 Performance test, where applicable.
Page 1 of 10
Exhibit A to
'Resolution 76-12
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I U ~ , ~ Q W
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Page 2 of 10
Exhibit A to
Resolution 76-12
2.2 RESIDENCE. Applicants are encouraged to reside within the corporate
limits of the City of Southlake.
2.3 NEPOTISM. No person related within the second degree of affinity or
within the third degree of consanguinity to the Mayor or to any member
of the City Council shall be appointed to any office, position, clerkship
or service to the City.
2.3-1 Persons'!who are relatives and members of an immediate family
shall not be appointed to service in the same department without
specific approval from the City Council.
2.4 APPLICATIONS. All persons seeking initial employment or reemployment
after an absence of more than six months will be required to complete,
sign and submit a standard application form provided by the Town of
2.5 OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT. Upon the approval of the department head, an
employee may accept outside employment provided that such activity does
not interfere with his efficiency in regular City employment and that such
job is limited to other than regular duty hours. In no event shall an
employee hold an outside job that has any conflict of interest with City
2.6 STANDARDS OF CONDUCT. The attitude and deportment of a City
employee, whether in public or private, should at all times be such
as to promote the goodwill and favorable attitude of the public toward the
City Administration and its programs and policies. Employees will at
no time criticize other departments or employees other than as required
by job function.
3.1 ACCOUNTING RESPONSIBILITIES. Department heads are responsible for
maintaining complete and accurate records relative to all forms of leave,
attendance and absence for their employees due to any cause and whether
with or without pay; proper indications as to the cause of absence will be
made on departmental payrolls. Department heads :rust certify by sign-
ing such payroll /attendance records to insure that salary and wage expen-
ditures stay within budgetary limits.
3.1-1 The Mayor is responsible to the City Council for certifying
as to the compliance of departments with the requirements and
policies as well as rules governing vacation, sick leave, etc.
Page 3 of 10
Exhibit A to
Resolution 76-12
3.2 WAGES AND HOURS. Wages, salaries and working schedules for various
classes and positions shall be in general accordance with the provi-
sions of the official pay plan currently in effect including amend-
ments thereto and within the limitations of the financial provisions
of each department as approved by the City Council for each fiscal
3.2-1 Annual wages and salaries shall be paid thru 24 pay periods,
beginning October 1, 1972.
3.2-2 Overtime work will be performed only on authorization of the
department head with regard to certain positions and depart-
ments and to the extent necessary to meet essential operating
requirements. Compensations for authorized overtime work
will be provided in the budget or as otherwise approved by the
City Council.
3.2-2-1 Department Heads: Employees who are regarded as
being on department, assistant or division head
levels shall not be eligible for overtime pay.
Employees in this class are to work whatever hours
may be necessary to properly perform the duties
assigned. The salaries for such personnel are de-
termined and established in accordance with this
3.2-2-2 Office Staff: Employees on the office staff (City,
Water, etc.) shall not be eligible for overtime pay
but shall be given compensatory time off.
3.2-2-3 Police Department: Members of this department shall
be paid the same pay as shift pay as set forth in the
budget for each fiscal year.
3.2-2-4 Fire Department: This department is voluntary at
this time. (If paid, same as para. 3.2-2-3 above.)
.3 AUTHORITY FOR ABSENCE. No City employee shall be absent from his/her
regularly scheduled duties except by authority of his department head
of other responsible supervisor. Absences with the reason therefore
must be reported to the department head as soon as possible. All
absences for periods in excess of 3 days must be approved by the
Liason Officer.
Paae 4 of 10
Exhibit A to
Resolution 76-12
3.4 SICK LEAVE WITH PAY. Employees in permanent positions will be
eligible for sick leave with full pay on the basis of ten working days within
a fiscal year subject to the following conditions:
3.4-1 Sick leave may not be taken until three months of service have
been completed.
3.4-2 Sick leave may accumulate to a maximum=of 30 :clays.. This will be
retroactive to 1 October 1973.
3.4-3 No pay will be authorized for unused sick leave.
3.4-4 Department heads are hereby authorized to make any investigation
of benefits claimed under this rule which they deem necessary and
to disapprove any claim not properly substantiated. Any sick
period in excess of three consecutive days will require authori-
zation by a physician.
3.4-5 Sick leave of 1/2 and less of a regular work shift need not be
reported as sick leave nor be reported on payrolls.
3.4-6 Frequent claiming of benefits under this rule will constitute
grounds for the assumption by the department head that the
physical condition of the employee is below the standard necessary
for the proper performance of his/her duties. Malingering or
abuse of this benefit will constitute grounds for prompt dismissal
or disciplinary action by the department head with the approval of
the City Council, or by the City Council.
3.5 VACATION. An employee in a permanent position will be eligible for
vacation benefits either as time off with pay or as terminal pay in
case of separation from City employment in good standing.
3.5-1 Employees in permanent positions shall be granted one week
(five working days) vacation after twelve months continuous
employment, two weeks (ten working days) after twenty-four
months continuous employment, and three weeks (fifteen working
days) after ten years of continuous employment. The time
that an employee is on vacation is considered continuous service
time. All vacation time periods shall be based on the date of
3.5-2 Vacations shall be taken at a time approved by the department
Page 5 of 10
Exhibit A to
Resolution 76-12
3.5-3 Vacation benefits are not cumulative from year to year and
must be used in the year earned.
3.5-4 If an employee declines to take his/her vacation, he shall not
be paid vacation pay.
3.5-5 No vacation benefits will be earned by temporary or part-time
3.6 EMERGENCY LEAVE WITH PAY. Department heads may grant emergency
leave with pay not to exceed three working days to employees who have
completed at least three months of continuous service in case of death of
an immediate member of the employee's family.
3.7 MILITARY LEAVE WITH PAY. A permanent employee who is a member
of the National Guard or any reserve component of the Armed Forces of
the United States, when so ordered by the proper authority, shall be
entitled to a leave of absence with pay during any period when he shall be
engaged in field training or encampment, or when ordered to duty with
troops for field exercises or instructions, and not to exceed ten working
days during any one calendar year.
3.8 HOLIDAYS. The following holidays are officially declared and designated
to be observed with pay by all City employees occupying permanent posi-
tions and subject to the revisions and limitations hereinafter set forth:
New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanks-
giving Day and Christmas Day.
3. 8- 1 When any designated holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday, the
preceding or following business day will be observed.
3.8-2 Department heads shall specifically authorize the observance of
any holiday above named and may revoke or restrict the
observance of same in order to provide necessary functions and
services by their departments.
3.8-3 No overtime pay or extra pay will be authorized for employees
who may be required to work on a designated holiday, but such
employees may be allowed corresponding time off with pay
added to vacation time allowed. Cerdtfor unused holidays
may not carry over into the following calendar year except
where the holidays have come after the employee's regular
Page 6 of 10
Exhibit A to
Resalu.tion 76- 12
3.9 OTHER FORMS OF LEAVE. Attendance of seminars, schools, etc., will
be with pay together with necessary travel and expense allowance when
previously approved by the City Council and where such attendance im-
proves the employee's efficiency, and is considered beneficial to the
interest of the City.
3.9-1 Jurv and court :service will be a paid: absence.
will be charged with the responsibility of enforcing and maintaining proper
standards of discipline in personal conduct among their employees and
their deportment toward citizens, and are vested with discretionary
authority to practice the following suggested forms and sequence of
remedial measures incident to the enforcement and observance of these
rules, or of any of the operating rules of their departments:
4.1-1 Seriously calling the attention of an employee to any unsatis-
factory conduct in performance of duty.
4.1-2 Personal reprimand of the employee.
4.1-3 Suspension of the employee without pay for an appropriate period
subject to review and approval by the City Council, if requested,
and as provided for under Sub-Section 4. 3.
4.1-4 Demotion of an employee to a position of lower classification,
as provided under Sub-Section 4. 4.
4.1-5 Dismissal of an employee, including disapproval of terminal
pay or unused vacation, as approved under Section 3. 5 of
these rules.
4.2 SPECIFIC GROUNDS FOR DISMISSAL. Any of the following acts of conduct
on the part of an employee will constitute special grounds for prompt dis-
missal by the City Council when recommended by the department head.
4.2-1 Conviction under a felony charge.
4.2-2 Repeated convictions during service on misdemeanor and/or
traffic charges.
4.2-3 Use of intoxicants or drugs while on duty, or repeated off-duty
intoxication or use of drugs, whether or not legally convicted
of s ame.
Page 7 of 10
Exhibit A to
Resolution 76-12
4.2-4 Flagrant or persistent insubordination.
4.2-5 Conduct subversive to the proper order, discipline
and morale of the municipal service.
4.2-6 Inciting or engaging in strikes or riots.
4.2-7 Misappropriation or unauthorized use of City tools,
equipment, machines, funds, etc.
4.2-8 Incompetence or repeated neglect of duty. This in----
d1udes failure to reprimand deserving employees.
4.2-9 Repeated failure or neglect to meet credit obligations,
particularly open accounts.
4.2-10 Unauthorized absence from duty without explanation.
4.2-11 Information found to be false on an application for
4.3 DISCIPLINARY SUSPENSIONS. Under justifiable circumstances,
the Department Heads, subject to review by the City Council,
if requested, may suspend an employee without pay for a per-
iod not to exceed thirty days. Such circumstances causing the
need for disciplinary supsension occurring within three years
will constitute grounds for dismissal. A law violation may be
grounds for suspension without pay until the charge is dismissed
or a decision settling the case is rendered. A verdict of
"not guilty" will make the suspended employee eligible for
reinstatement upon approval by the City Council.
4.4 DEMOTIONS. Subject to review and approval by the City Council,
Department Heads are vested with discretionary authority to
demote employees to lower job classifications for disciplinary
purposes or, further, abolishment of the job due to lack of work
or funds. (This latter reason shall be without prejudice and
such employee will be eligible for preferential consideration
upon reinstatement of the job.)
4.5 TERMINATION RULES AND REQUIREMENTS. To resign in good standing,
employees in permanent positions should give at least two weeks
notice of their intentions. Failure to do so will jeopardize
receiving terminal pay in the form of any unused vacation pay
due such employee. All terminating employees will be required
to surrender and return to their department all records and/or
property of the City of Southlake which may be in their posses-
sion or custody. Supplemental payrolls to issue paychecks for
terminating employees will not be permitted except in the case
of extenuating circumstances recommended by the Department Head
to the City Secretary.
Page 8 of 10
Exhibit A to
Resolution 76-12
4.6 PROMOTIONS. Promotions will be filled by qualified employees in
lower job classifications as may be consistent with the best interest
of the City.
4.7 COMPLAINTS AND GRIEVANCES. It shall be the general policy of the
City of Southlake to anticipate and avoid occurrence of valid complaints
or Rrievances and to deal promptly with any which may arise. All
matters of this nature will be handled and transmitted through superiors
as follows:
a. Immediate superior (Sgt. , Chief Dispatcher, etc. )
b. Department Read j
c. Liaison Officer i
d. City Council
Each of the above will attempt to adjust the matter on a satisfactory
basis. In every instance, the Department Head will submit a report
setting out all information to the City Council together with his recom-
5.1 Group hospitalization insurance for employees paid in full by the City
of Southlake.
5. 1-1 Members of employees families may have coverage if paid for
by the employee.
5.1-2 A new employee is eligible for coverage after thirty days
emplo yment.
5.1-3 Employees not wanting coverage must sign a standard waiver
5. 2 Social Security. (At a later date. )
5. 3 Texas Municipal Retirement System Plan. (At a later date if approved.)
6. 1 Permanent employee is one who is employed on a full-time basis at the
rate of forty hours per week, receiving remuneration from the City for
such work, except independent contractors.
Page 9 of 10
Exhibit A to
Resolution 76-12
6.2 A part-time employee is one who is employed by the City for less than
the above prescribed forty hours per week.
6.3 A temporary employee is one who is employed for a specific job whose
employment terminates upon completion of such specific job.
7.1 APPOINTMENTS. Liaison officers will be appointed for an activity
or department. Such appointments will be made by the Mayor, confirmed
by the Council, and be for a period of one (1) year. These appointments
may be shortened or extended at the discretion of the Council.
7.2 RESPONSIBILITIES. The Liaison Officer for a given function or depart-
ment will work with the department head if one exists. If not, he will
work with the employee, or employees, involved in that function. While
he should not be involved in daily operations, he will provide advice,
assistance in preparing budget and other essentials as he sees fit. He
will be informed of all grievances internally or by citizens that occur
within the area of his responsibility. See Figure 1. 3-1.
Page 10 of 10
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of
Southlake, Texas, did pass and approve
Ordinance No. 161 on the 7th day of Janu-
ary, 1969, wherein provision is made for
a Zoning Board of Adjustment; And,
WHEREAS, said provision calls for five
persons to serve on such Board with all
the powers and duties given them under -
said Ordinance; And,
WHEREAS, one of the duly appointed members,
namely Lloyd Wolf, having moved from the
City of Southlake, has vacated his posi-
tion on said Board; And,
WHEREAS, the City Council deems it to the
best interest and welfare of its citizens
that the vacancy be filled Now,
1. Sam Sparger be and is hereby appointed
to serve out the unexpired term of the vacancy on the Zoning
Board of Adjustment.
2. That the term of such appointment expires May 1, 1977.
PASSED AND APPROVED this _4th day of May, 1976.
City Secretary
I, Nelson Miller, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully
execute the duties of the office of Planning & Zoning Commission
member of the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, and will
to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Con-
stitution and Laws of the United States and of this State; and I
furthermore solemnly swear that I have not directly nor indirectly
paid, offered, or promised to contribute any money, or valuable
thing, or promised any public office or employment, as a reward
to secure my appointment.
So help me God.
elson Miller
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, this the 4±th day of May, 1976.
Alicean Z. Wallace
Notary Public, Tarrant County, Texas
My commission expires June 1, 1977.
I, Ed Norman, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully exe-
cute the duties of the office of Planning & Zoning Commission
member of the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, and will
to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Con-
stitution and Laws of the United States and of this State; and I
furthermore solemnly swear that I have not directly nor indirectly
paid, offered, or promised to contribute any money, or valuable
thing, or promised any public office or employment, as a reward
to secure my appointment.
So help me God.
Ed Norman
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, this the 4 th day of May, 1976.
Aliceanne Wallace
Notary Public, Tarrant County, Texas
My commission expires June 1, 1977.
I, A. C. Urbanosky, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully
execute the duties of the office of Planning & Zoning Commission
member of the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, and will
to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Con-
stitution and Laws of the United States and of this State; and I
furthermore solemnly swear that I have not directly nor indirectly
paid, offered, or promised to contribute any money, or valuable
thing, or promised any public office or employment, as a reward
to secure my appointment.
So help me God.
A. C. Urbano y
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, this the 4,.th day of May, 1976.
Aliceann ~Z. Wallace
Notary Public, Tarrant County, Texas
My commission expires June 1, 1977.
Gulf Oil Products (Gas) #1331 $419.87
AWS Office Equip. Co. (Tapes-City) #2402 13.31
Tri-County Elect.(Southlake Estates,
Dove Estates,Trail Creek) 5/1/76 102.30
Lone Star Gas Co. (City) Svc. to 4/26/76 11.11
Lone Star Gas Co. (F.D.) Svc. to 4/26/76 10.28
Tex.Pwr & Light Co. (City & F.D.) Svc. to 4/28/76 96.19
Mun.Court Forms (Printing) Misc.Forms 75.00
Carter & Burgess (City) Prof.Svc. March 1976 222.85
Carter & Burgess (Water) Water Dist.System Base Mapping 1055.98
Thompson Printing (P.D.-City Printing) Stmt. 4/25,4/27,4/27 65.10
Gen. Telephone(City ) 5/1/76 552.65
Gen.Telephone (F.D) 5/1/76 32.85
Gen.Telephone (P.D.) 5/1/76 30.58
Buddies (Supplies - P.D.) #304343 8.40
Whites Auto (P.D.Remodeling Supplies) #194841,#194845,#194849,#194851 25.94
Natl.Bldg.Ctr.(P.D.Supplies) #259029 2.59
Wickes Lumber(P.D.Remodeling) #0936031 13.63
Ace Sheet Metal (P.D.-Vents for office) #0349 5.20
Motor Supply (Water - Mower belt) #74846 #74946 4.30
Rohan Co. (Water - meters) #10186 315.95
Burroughs Corp.(Repair billing machine) #3386798 57.20
Tex.Pow & Light (Water) Svc. to 4/28/76 665.45