1976-12-21 99? CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING A G E N D A December 21, 1976 7:30 P. M. 1. RESOLUTION NO. 76-26: Participating in the Tarrant County Consortium for Block Grant Funding under the Housing and Community Dev- elopment Act of 1974. 2. PROPOSED TRAFFIC ORDINANCE+,`.'No. 231. 3. LONE STAR GAS RATE INCREASE-Vernon Henderson, Distribution Mgr. 4. NEWSLETTER. 5. UPDATED SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE: Work Session on Planning & Zoning Commission Recommendations. 6. JOB DESCRIPTIONS: Coordination and Methodology. 7. LIABILITY INSURANCE. 8. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: A. Police Department B. Building Inspections C. Municipal Court Activities D. Fire Department E. Water Department. 9. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS: A. Approval of Bills B. Installation of Handrail. I hereby certify that the foregoing Agenda was posted on the front door of City Hall and on the bulletin board at 667 N. Carroll Avenue on Fri- day, December 17, 1976, at 3:15 P.M. 224 U, C p CITY OF SOUTHLAKE C D 0 i t7 d MINUTES OF: Regular Council Meeting 0 o DATE OF MEETING: 21 December 1976 TIME OF MEETINGS 7:30 P. M. z N PLACE OF MEETING: Council Chamber,City Hall y~ 0 NAME y 667 North Carroll Avenue OF Index No. MEMBER Caption Page 3 of 3 Pages Nunn X X a short time in February. Council also Goode X X approved of the purchase of patches in the Berry X amount of approximately $60 instead of rain- Hawk X coats as budgeted. 'Sweet X Hawk X X Larry Senn gave the Council his report on BUILDING Goode X X building permits for the month of November REPORT Berry x and secured Council approval for installing Nunn. X a handrail at.an approximate cost of $30. HANDRAIL Sweet X Council had no questions concerning the MUNICIPAL activities of the Municipal Court's December COURT report. 1 Councilman Goode submitted the monthly Fire FIRE Department report and advsied the Council on DEPARTMENT the status of Unit No. 3003. The City Attorn .Hawk X was requested to contact the manufacturer re- garding the problem which has arisen with the vehicle. This matter and-the matter of letter- ing and emblems for three of the units are to be placed on the next agenda. Councilman Sweet advised that the State High- WATER way Department will be widening the bridges DEPARTMENT Sweet X X on Southlake Boulevard (FM 1709) necessitat- Goode X X ing the City's water lines to be moved over. Nunn X Council approved of expending $6.,455 for the Hawk X work to be done by Supt. Cline and under his Berry X supervision.' Nunn X X Council approved the payment of the bills BILLS Hawk X X presented. (See attached list.) APPROVED Berry X Goode X Sweet X There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. ATTEST: Mayor City Secretary I I ~ i RESOLUTION NO. 76-26 WHEREAS, the 93rd Session of the Congress passed and the President of the United States signed into law, the Hous- ing and Community Development Act of 1974 for the specific purpose of developing viable communities; And, i WHEREAS, Tarrant County has been designated as an "Urban County" by the Department of Housing and Urban Development entitled to a formula share of program funds provided said county has a combined population of 200,000 persons in its unincorporated areas and its included units of general local governments with which it has entered into cooperative agreements; And further, THAT, Article III, Section 64 of the Texas Constitution authorizes Texas counties to enter into cooperative agree- ments with local governments for essential community development and housing assistance activities; Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT IT DOES HEREBY support the application of Tarrant County for funding of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. To this end: 1. The City of Southlake, Texas, asks that its population be included with that of Tarrant County, Texas. 2. Authorizes Tarrant County to cooperate with the City of Southlake in L undertaking essential community development and housing assistance activities, specifically urban renewal and publicly assisted housing if these activities are specified in the application, and all other activities listed as "Community Development Program Activities Eligible F for Assistance" under Public Law 93-383 The Housing and Community Devel- opment Act of 1974, Title 1, Section 105, and listed as "Eligible Acti- vities" under the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 24,Chapter V, Part 570 as amended, "Community Development Block Grants". 3. Authorizes the Mayor of Southlake, Texas, to sign such additional forms as requested by the Department of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the purposes of this resolution. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 21st DAY OF DECEMBER, 1976. Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary r CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MUNICIPAL COURT ACTIVITIES DECEMBER 1976 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Municipal Court Report for the Month of December, 1976. Cases Set: 28 Cases Heard: 15 Cases Dismissed: 3 Cases Appealed: 2 Warrants Issued: 18 Citations Written: 187 Citations Paid: 130 Respectfully Submitted: II Aliceanne Wallace Municipal Court Clerk 299 SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT NOVEMBER 1976 I. RESPONSES: Structure Fires ......................................................1 Grass Fires .1 Auto Fires .....................1 Auto Accident-Stand-by-(Rescue Unit & Fire Unit) .....................1 Mutual Aid-Other cities ..............................................1 False Alarms .........................................................0 Rescue Unit ..........................................................0 TOTAL EMERGENCY RESPONSES FOR MONTH ...........................5 II. MAN/HOURS EXPENDED: Emergency Calls .....................................................25 Meetings (4) Average: 12 men per meeting ...........................144 Maintenance Average Time 60 Training Sessions (2) man hours included in meetings TOTAL MAN/HOURS FOR MONTH ..........................................229 III. FIREFIGHTERS RESPONSE AND NUMBER OF TIMES RESPONDING: Chief Steele ...................4 M. Stevens 1 Asst. Chief Bradley 1 S. Fertitta ................2 Capt. Polson ...................2 B. Stevens.... 1 Capt. Davis ....................1 D. Dupree 1 Lt. Shuping ....................1 C. Bell 1 Lt. Roper ......................2 R. Martin 1 J. Joyce .......................1 J. Polson.................. 1 J. Andrews .....................3 T. Schneider 1 T. Boyer .......................2 T. Lang 1 Respectfully Submitted, R.P. Steele, Fire Chief Southlake Fire Department RPS/gls 230 BILLS FOR APPROVAL AT COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 21, 1976 The Center for Urban Programs Texas A&M Univ. (City) Reg. Fee. $ 75.00 Tex. Mun. Election Sem. (City) Reg. Fee $ 34.50 Rainbow Lighting & Dec. (City) #15008 $ 6.00 Univ. Cen. for Com. Sevc. (manual) 12/8/76 $ 7.50 Thompson Printing Sevc. (City) 12/10/761 $113.00 Xerox (City) #040394191 $ 31.44 ATC Office Mach., Inc. (City) #25754 $ 27.75 Carter & Burgess, Inc. (City) 12/17/76 $116.38 General Telephone (City) 12/19/76 $314.88 Flowers Insurance Agency (City) 12/17/76 $ 36.00 ATC Office Machines, Inc. (City) #25760 $ 72.65 Lancaster-Pittard Prof. Assoc. (P.D.) 111/25,176 $ 16.50 Southwestern Bell (P.D.) 12/1/116 $ 41.53 ETMF Freight System (P.D.) 1213/16 $ 19.56 Thompson Printing Service (P.D.) 12./14/76 $ 16.00 Gulf Oil Products (P.D.) #0192 $4~57.7(> Jordan Shamrock (P.D.) 12!3, 12/13 $ 11.50 Payton-Wri~'ht: Ford (P.D. ) #8035, 8120 $106.52 W. II. Lumpkin Assoc. (F.D. ) #4738 $ 36.93