1976-09-21 Lk A CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7:30 P.M. A G E N D A 21 SEPTEMBER 1976 I. Fee Schedule Revision: A. Zoning Applications. B. Sign Permits. C. Liquor Permits. II. Mesquito Fogging. III. Night Light at Southlake Boulevard and Jellico Circle. IV. Departmental Reports. A. Building Inspections - Larry Senn. B. Municipal Court Activities - Aliceanne Wallace. C. Water Department - Councilman Sweet. a. Rates. b. Agreement with Keller Rural Water System. D. Police Department - Councilman Nunn. a. Revision of Speed Limits. b. Purchase of Lockers and Misc. Budgeted Items. E. Fire Department - Councilman Sweet. a. Overhaul Engine in Fire Chief's car. V. Planning & Zoning Recommendations: A. ZA-7$-4: Recommendation for Approval of O. Collins' request for H District. B. Traffic Hazards at SH 114 and Kimball Avenue. C. Replacement of P & Z Secretary. D. Tarrant County Minimum Health Standards. VI. Approval of Bills. A. Paying Standard Bills Prior to Close of Fiscal Year. B.' Personal Liability Insurance for City Officials. I hereby certify that the above Agenda was posted on the bullentin board in City Hall, 667 N. Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, September 17, 1976 at 3:00 P.M. Aliceanne Wallace, City Secretary 170 l• m b C CO CITY OF SOUTHLAKE t', ro °y H Oj d t7 MINUTES OF: Regular Council Meeting G dj p DATE OF MEETING: 21 September 1976 d y 7d H TIME OF MEETING: 7:30 P. M. z m PLACE OF MEETING: Council Chamber, City NAME Hall, 667 N.Carroll Ave. Index No. OF Southlake, Texas MEMBER Caption COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Wade Booker, Mayor Pro Tem Pat Hawk, Councilmen W.O. Nunn, Ben Berry, Bob Goode and Colon Sweet. STAFF PRESENT: W. D. Campbell, City Attorney, W. G. Cline, Water Superintendant, Police Chie D. R. Hughes, Assistant Fire Chief Harry Bradley. INVOCATION: Councilman Nunn. MINUTES of the last regular meeting were MINUTES approved as presented. To help defray the expenses incurred by the i City, Council gave consideration to increas- ing the zoning application fee from $75 to REVISION OF $100, correcting the fee for an alcoholic bev CERTAIN FEES erage license to comply.with State law, and revising the fee for a sign permit from $10 annually to the same schedule as a building permit. Councilman Hawk suggested a public hearing on the matter be set for October 19th Hawk X X to which Council agreed. Corbett Emery and Goode X X Joe Wolf are to be refunded the amounts of Nunn X money due them on their alcoholic beverage Berry X licenses, an improper amount having been col- Sweet X lected in each case. Having fully investigated the matter from a health standpoint, Councilman Goode recom- MOSQUITO mended that the matter of mosquito fogging FOGGING be tabled at this time. A street light on Southlake Boulevard at STREET LIGHT Jellico Circle was discussed. The City Sec- AT JELLICO CR. retary was directed to get a cost figure from AND SOUTHLAKE Tri-County Electric. Councilman Goode called BOULEVARD. for the matter to be tabled. The August report on building inspections was BUILDING given to the Council by the City Secretary. INSPECTIONS 17~ m N ro C CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 'd o G 0 d 0 MINUTES OF: Regular Council Meeting dj O DATE OF MEETING: 21 September 1976 t7 y H TIME OF MEETING: 7:30 P. M. z W PLACE OF MEETING: Council Chamber, City NAME Hall, 667 N.Carroll Ave. OF Southlake, Texas Index No. MEMBER Caption Page 2 of 3 Pages H Municipal Court September activities were re- MUNICIPAL ported to the Council. COURT REPORT i The agreement with the Keller Rural Water Sys- tem was discussed. Existing customers are no affected. The City Attorney showed the Coun- cil on a map where the division line is for future customers in the disputed service area. He stated that the Public Utility Commission Hawk X X ultimately decides the issue. The Council ACCEPTANCE OF Sweet X X accepted the agreement, which is on file with KELLER RURAL Nunn X the Public Utility Commission under Docket No WATER SYSTEM Berry X 34. (See copy attached.) AGREEMENT Goode X Councilman Sweet pointed out that additional funds will be needed to purchase certain lines 1 of Keller Rural's in the future and that op- INCREASED erating costs were rising. The Council con- WATER RATES sidered increasing the monthly minimum charge CONSIDERED for meters over 3/4" in size. Action on the matter was tabled to the October 19th meeting Goode X X Councilman Nunn informed the Council of the PURCHASE OF Nunn X X Police Department's need for lockers, uni- POLICE UNI- Berry X forms and printed forms, all budgeted items, FORMS,LOCKERS, Hawk X: costing approximately $362.50. Council auth- PRINTED FORMS Sweet X orized Chief Hughes to purchase same. The APPROVED Council was in agreement that all residential streets in the city are to be posted at 30 MP in conformance with state law with the follow ing exceptions: 40 MPH on Dove west of SH114 SPEED LIMITS Randal Mill, Peytonville, Continental, White Chapel, Brumlow, and Carroll south from SH114 Councilman Goode reported the engine in F.D. FIRE DEPART- Unit 3007 had to be overhauled. Assistant MENT MATTERS Fire Chief Bradley said the tires on the sam unit needed replacement. Council reviewed the procedure to follow regarding large ex- penditures of an emergency nature being at the discretion of the liaison officer. 1792 N C p CITY OF SOUTHLAKE O n p Ox t~ zj t~ d d MINUTES OF: Regular Council Meeting O DATE OF MEETING: 21 September 1976 7:30 P.M. G H TIME OF MEETING: z N PLACE OF MEETING: Council Chamber, City Hall! NAME 667 North Carroll Avenue OF Southlake, Texas Index No. MEMBER Caption Page 3 of 3 Pages The Planning & Zoning Commission recommended ZA 76-4 SET approval of the zoning request in ZA 76-4. FOR HEARING The public hearing was set for October 19, OCTOBER 19TH 1976, at 7:30 P. M. In discussing the traffic hazards on SH 114 TRAFFIC and Kimball, the City Attorney advised the HAZARDS ON Council that the equities in the matter fav- SH 114 AND ored Mr. Emery and not to seek injunctive re- KIMBALL AND lief at this time,in his opinion. Councilman POSSIBLE Hawk suggested the possibility of a frontage SOLUTIONS road as a solution or having the access drive way only for exiting off SH 114. Councilman Hawk informed the Council that KASPER the Commission appointed Eleanor Kasper P&Z NEW P&Z Secretary for the unexpired term with Nelson SECRETARY Miller to serve as alternate in her absence. Councilman Hawk also advised the Council STATE ADOPTS the State has adopted minimum health stand- HEALTH ards comparable to Tarrant County's. STANDARDS Hawk X X The bills presented were approved for paymen Nunn X X including the $197 bill for P. D. tires and APPROVAL TO Berry X permission was given to the City Secretary PAY BILLS Goode X to pay standard/routine bills coming in prior Sweet X to the close of the fiscal year. Personal liability insurance for city offi- LIABILITY cials was tabled to the October 5th meeting. INSURANCE The City Secretary was requested to attend MAYORS the Mayors Council Workshop tomorrow at 2 COUNCIL P.M. in Fort Worth. WORKSHOP There being no further busi ss, the meeting adjourned. r i r Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary I 173 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MUNICIPAL COURT ACTIVITIES SEPTEMBER 1976 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Municipal Court Report for the Month of September, 1976. Cases Set: 36 Cases Heard: 21 Cases Dismissed: 1 Cases Appealed: 11 Warrants Issued: 25 Respectfully Submitted: Aliceanne Wallace Municipal Court Clerk OACItET ND. 34 M RE: CITY Of SOUTM AKE. TEXAS IM TIM PUBLIC UTIL M ad Cihll MION Of TEXAS i'am RUM 1M►M SUPPLT CORPORATION Certificate Application t COMCEWUIiR OrERmPP to mmt 10 THE ilOi E PUBLIC UTILITY COhh USSM Of TEXAS. AND NEARl11i Q t 1. New coo THE CITY N MJ"RAKE. TERAR9 hereimotfter oallod mnum, and MLD MRAL iMTER SWPLY CORPMTIOhi, hereisoftor called INUM MML* and such parties jointly rrquest the Noorial Erxaaisor to "dub tab !is I in his report and the parties jointly regwst this weenort to M a part of the Certificates of Necessity and Convenience lsswd Ow sod parties. II. The ponies jointly agree and i m-Pum sad to the Conrissioa that the overlapping service area requested by both parties be appert4MM beloreon so parties in the following manger: A. SOUTiLAKE shall have 0n, area East and KELLER RURAL shill km the area Mast in the area through which the following apportle m at bowdery lure rum Commencing in the center line of Sae School Reed at its tateroottiM with do i Southwest right of way line of Northwest Parkway Meat (Stab hN~ 114) thence south doom the center line of sold Same School !load to a point direatV cost of a Aorthmt corner of the present city IMts boundary of Swtltialra shown in the James B. Partin Sarvey: I. SOUTH M steal i he" the area South and KELLER RURAL sha11 Move the arse North in the area thrsugh which the following apportionment boundary lies minas Commonclag at the center lies of said Soon School lied directly opposite to the Yost of the said Northwest corner of the City of Seutblab ciigr link line. thence extending westerly to the center line of the intersection of ArlertB Mood Dead No. 40261 C.30079LAKE shall have the area East and CUB ZAK shah have the Was Vest in the arse Owego which the follmdal apportionment borwwy It" VMS Commuting in the center line of said Roberts Vood Read opposite in the westerly direction a northwest corner of the City of Southlahe city I P '11lft, South down the center line of said Roberts Wood Road thence 4"m to the intersection of such a 11ne to the Coster live of Aludal 1"11 Avenue and proceeding on down thq center line of Raadol 0111 A s to ~ the center of its intersection, with Johnson React a. SWTHLAKE shall have the area South and KELLER RURAL shall hm the arm North in the arm throw which the following appot ionm t beww1 ry lino rmt Comm icing at the said center line of Johnson Read and its istersectiene with Rendol Mill Avenue. thence proceeding In a westerly dirwtion alaq the awtv of Johnson Road to the canter of the intersection of Johnson Road with Proses L MN E. SOUTR AKE shall thaw the area East and KFLL M ANAL shall hm tM wu Mast In the area through which the following apportionnot booWull Nino !"orate CoaMmoscing at the intersoction of Pearson Larne Bad Jokew Mw aid anetiavirig south dews the canter line of Pearns Law to the center of tM letersoatu e of Pearson Lace and Union Church Road also known as Matt Cestineastal 11v* F. SOUMAKE shat 1 have the area North and KBIER RURAL shat 1 intro ties area South in the area through which the following apportie want boundary hose raw: Commencing in the center of the intersection of Pearson Lane and Us%* Church Road. also known as Best Continental Blvd.. thence in a easterly diractios to the canter of the intersection of Union Church and %ithfieid Awamo' ale hews as Farm to Market Road 19381 S. SOUTHLAKf shell have the " East aid iCE'L D WAAL email beve, the area West in the area thresh which 0w following apportionment boundary line rose: Corwencing in the center line of the intersection of Union Church Road also knows as West Continental Avenue and Smithfield Avenue also know as Fare to Market (load 1938 and proceeding South dears said center line of Farm to Market !toad °1938 to its intersection with ,,r•llico Branch; N. SOUTRAKE shall have the area Northeast and MUER R MAL shell have the area SOUTHWEST in the area through which the following apportionment boundary line rues : Consmetecing whore the teeter line of said Fans to Market Mad 1938 creamm ovw Jollico kaacb and following the center line of Jeilico bvm* to Its is +ersecties with the origiaal requested sonic* area line of the Koller Rural in Docket 34 of ties Public Utility C=misslon of Texas. j III. Both parties agree that the tact that a main lino now exists in the other party's apportioned service area does not affect such party': MoAt to use said wain line as it is presently being used and both pertiss Jointly agree that a party's existing customers as of 5 p.m. July 289 1976 sMa11 remain customers of utility serving them on such date whether or not tWW are physically located in the apportioned servico arse. it it fvrtkw aV"W that the new Wool vw'=ar construction by the Keller InkpsMent School MstMtt, shah ner schoot touted on the South right of wqy of Johasow ft", 1s considered by both p rt i es as as existing customer of Keller ft"l as of 6 p.h». July 28, 1976. SIGNED AND RECOMENDED by the governing bodies of both parties Jointly through their res,-ectire officers, this 29th day of ,duty, 1976. CITY OF SOUTNiAKE by: Booker, MAY" KELLER RURAL WATER SUMLY CORPORATION by. n 175 VON i NLY REPORT Monthly Report To Administrative Manager Month of August '76 Department of Building Inspection 1. Number of Inspections This Last Same Month This Fiscal Last Fiscal Calendar Month Month Last Year Year To Date Year To Date Year To Date Building 15 12 Electrical 10 8 Plumbing 14 11 Miscellaneous 12 12 Total 51 43 Daily Average 2. Permits Issued Building Number 6 7 4 Value $162,600 $159,158 $41,600 Permit Fees $403 $401 $110 Electrical Number Permit Fees Plumbing Number Permit Fees I i Sewer Number Permit Fees Total All Fees $403 $401 $110 3. Nature of Building Permits Number Of Types Dwelling Plan Check Permit Fees Total Fees Valuation Permits Units Fees 4 Single Family 4 $352 $146,000 2 Family Multi-Family Commercial Buildings Industrial Buildings Relocation and Demolish Swimming Pools Signs 1 other 1 45 15,000 Alterations and Additions 1 To Dwellings 1 6 1,600 To Commercial Buildings To Industrial Buildings 6 Total 6 403 $162,600 4. Building Valuation This Fiscal Year To Date This Calend r ear To Date I~rJ► Last Fiscal Year To Date 173 BILLS FOR APPROVAL AT COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 21, 1976: Carter & Burgess, Inc. (City-Subdvsn Review) 09/04/76 $ 488.92 C. D. High (Locating Tracts from field notes) August 3.45 Mary Yates (City) 08/30/76 10.00 Xerox (City) #038703052 44.64 ne rT' r /rT /n o ~ _ i r_ r ~ General Telephone (City) 481-5581 305.45 S W Legal Foundation (Dues) 1976 50.00 Meador Winn Insurance (Workman's Comp) 4/9 to 7/9/76 1,117.00 Gulf Oil Corporation #00275 461.82 Conoco #N63962 63.25 Building Specialties (Water Dept) 09/20/76 100.00 National Building Centers (Water) #113156 4.19 Aqua Utility, Inc. (Water) #100 n/c Viking Supply Corp. (Water) 09/20/76 22.25 NCTCOG (P.D.) 09/07/76 70.61 Buddies Super Markets (P.D.) #304374 8.40 Southwestern Bell (P.D.) 09/01/76 41.53 Payton-Wright Ford (P.D.) #000642 391.94 Payton-Wright Ford '(P.D.) #5620 23.06 Gibson (P.D.) 13.16 Arnold Welding & Garage (F.D.) #000643-#1760 98.63 Jimmy R. Parker-Exxon (F.D.) #789650 4.50 Motor Parts Center (F.D.) #08542 & #08396 6.46 E. G. Boyd Trailer Co. (F.D.) #51025 39.57 #5552-- - - 6,25.40 State Firemen's & Fire Marshals' Assn (F.D.) 1976 Dues 25.00 P A'i