1976-07-20 136 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 20, 1976 7:30 P.M. IN THE SCHOOL CAFETORIUM A G E N D A I. Bicentennial Park Development/Community Funds - Lynn Sale, Co-ordinator, Tarrant County, Department of Planning and Management. II. Budget Presentation: Mayor Booker. III. Barricading two Streets in Dove Estates. ::IV. Proposed Revisions to Sub-division Ordinance - Councilman Hawk. T 4_ f 9 7 r A. Resolution: Cancelling errors on the 1975 Tax Roll. VI. Consideration of Holding Sewer Improvements Bond Election - Councilman Hawk. VII. Departmental Reports: A. Police Department - Councilman Nunn. B. Fire Department - Councilman Goode. C. Water Department - Councilman Sweet. D. Building Inspections - L. Senn. E. Municipal Court - Aliceanne Wallace. VIII. Approval of Bills. I hereby certify that the above Agenda was posted on the bulletin board in City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, July 16, 1976 at 3.00 P.M. Aliceanne Wallace, City Secretary 13 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE cn , 0 TEXAS p A to 0 Lt t4 MINUTES OF: Regular Meeting z DATE OF MEETING: July 20, 1976 d dj o G~ TIME OF MEETING: 7:30 P.M. NAME d ~r+ z PLACE OF MEETING: School Cafetorium Index No. N cn 1100 N. Carroll Avenue Caption MEMBER ,0 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Wade Booker, Councilmen Pat Hawk, W. 0. Nunn, Ben Berry, Bob Goode and Colon Sweet. STAFF PRESENT: Police Chief D. R. Hughes, Fir Chief R. P. Steele, Water Supt. W. G. Cline, Building Inspector Larry Senn, Bill Bell, Con- sultant Engineer with Carter & Burgess, Inc. INVOCATION: Councilman Sweet. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING JULY 6, 1976, MINUTES were approved as-read. Mr..Lynn Sales of the Tarrant County Planning & Management Division was introduced. He ex- plained to the Council the process to be fol- TENNIS lowed in the development of the Bi-Centennial COURTS Park's tennis courts which are being funded through the Community Development Act. Mayor Booker presented his proposed Budget for 1977 to the Council. His Budget message calls for no increase in city taxes with an expendi- 1977 BUDGET ture of $338,234 with no contingency reserve, and an anticipated income of $341,000. Due to the absence of the City Attorney, the mayor recommended this matter be tabled to the next regular council meeting. No objections t STREETS IN barripading two streets temporarily have been DOVE ESTATES received to date. The matter of proposed revisions of the city' SUBDIVISION subdivision ordinance was tabled to the next ORDINANCE regular council meeting. Nunn X X Tax Item No. 1234 on the 1972 Tax Roll and Tax RES.NO.76-20 Berry X X Item No. 1545 and No. 456 on the 1975 Tax Roll CANCELLING Hawk X were cancelled. (Resolution No. 76-20 being ERRORS ON Goode X attached hereto and made a part hereof.) TAX ROLLS Sweet ' X X Councilman Hawk introduced Bill Bell, the con- sultant engineer with Carter & Burgess, Inc., SEWER BOND requesting him to give the audience some infor ELECTION mation on the Step II program. Citizen Glyn 138 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE cn cn 4 0 Go TEXAS In -3 `3 o o d MINUTES OF: Regular Meeting o 1 DATE OF MEETING: July 20, 1976 d d TIME OF MEETING: 7:30 P.M. NAME d H PLACE OF MEETING: School Cafetorium OF Z z Index No. 1100 N.Carroll Ave. MEMBER 3 Caption Page 2 of 2 Pa eZ Morrison presented the Mayor with a petition SEWER BOND bearing 29p signatures of citizens urging the ELECTION continuance of work on Step II. The Mayor re- (con't.) commended that a bond election for sewer im- provements not beheld until Step II, which provides facts and figures concerning a sewer 'system; is completed. Berry X X Councilman Nunn reported everything in the POLICE DEPT, Nunn X X Police Department was operating normally. He Hawk X asked for Council approval for spending $150 UNIFORMS Goode X on new uniforms, which was granted by motion. Sweet X Councilman Goode reported on the activities of the'Fire Department for the month of June. Fir FIRE DEPT. Chief Steele asked for Council's permission to purchase a truck as discussed at an earlier RUCK council meeting. (See Minutes of 6/15/76.) Councilman Nunn read aloud, as requested, a letter addressed to the City Secretary signed by Martin Hawk,Mayor Pro Tem. Councilman Sweet reported that the Water Depart- ment had no problems. The City Secretary and WATER DEPT. Bill Bell informed the Council of the public hearing in Austin before the Utility Commission this date at which they testified, the City be- ing represented by its attorney, Mr. Campbell. Municipal Court activities during the month of MUNICIPAL July were reported by the City Secretary. COURT Nunn X X The normal, or routine, bills were approved for BILLS Hawk X X payment. Berry X Goode X Sweet X THERE BEING NO FURTHER B'U'SINESS, THE MEETI G ADJOURNED. Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary 139 RESOLUTION NO. 76-GO WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, through its duly appointed Tax Assessor, M. E. White- side, has been informed of errors on the Tax Rolls of the years 1972 and 1975; And, WHEREAS, such errors have occurred through inaccurate information and/ or clerical errors; Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: 1. Cancellation Item No. 10, issued February 6, 1976, cancelling Tax Item No. 1243 in the sum of $3.15, for the reason indicated theron, is hereby ac- cepted, removing said item from the 1972 Tax Roll. 2. Cancellation Item No. 1, issued June 3, 1976, cancelling Tax Item No. 1545 in the sum of $6.82, for the reason indicated thereon, is hereby ac- cepted, removing said item from the 1975 Tax Roll. 3. Cancellation Item No. 2, issued July 17, 1976, cancelling Tax Item No. 456 in the sum of $39.30, for the reason indicated thereon, is hereby ac- cepted, removing said item from the 1975 Tax Roll. PASSED AND APPROVED this zl?o day of- 1976. Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary 140 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT JUNE 1976 Honorable Mayor and City Council: Police Department Report for the month of June, 1976 Tickets issued in May 185 Tickets issued in June 182 Persons in jail in May 12 Persons in jail in June 17 Traffic accidents in May 17 Traffic accidents in June 9 Burglaries investigated in May 2 Burglaries investigated in June 3 Approximate total value taken in burglaries in June $628.00 Approximate total value recovered in burglaries in June 0 Thefts investigated in May 3 Thefts investigated in June 3 Approximate total value taken in thefts in June $730.00 "-proximate total value recovered in thefts in June $19.00 Number of calls in May 345 Number of calls in June 330 Speedometer reading on Unit #5 ( 74 Ford ) 62,549 Speedometer reading on Unit #8 ( 75 Ford ) 76,245 Speedometer reading on Unit #9 ( 76 Ford ) 39,351 Miles driven in May 12,058 Miles driven in June 13,386 Respectfully submitted, L',J 1 Douglhs R. Hughes Chief of Police SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT DRH/mrb 141 SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT JUNE 1976 I. RESPONSES: Structure Fires ...............................................................1 Grass Fires ...................................................................1 Auto Fires ....................................................................1 Auto Accident-Stand-By-(Rescue Unit & Fire Unit) 3 Mutual Aid-Other Cities .......................................................2 Rescue Unit ...................................................................5 A. Possible drowning Marshall Creek-non confirmed B. Actual drowning N. side of lake W. of Twin Coves C. Possible back injury Meadowmere Park-Sking accident D. Swimming accident-subject almost drowned-revived-sent to Grape- vine Memorial Hospital E. Trophy Club Estates cave-in-man trapped-rescue successful Misc. Alarms ..................................................................3 A. Fuel washdown (accident spill) Trophy Club B. Gas leak (natural gas line broke by tractor) C. Boat fire-Midway Camp area TOTAL EMERGENCY RESPONSES FOR MONTH ..............................16 II. MAN/HOURS EXPENDED: Emergency Calls 371 Meeting (4) Average: 12 men per meeting ......................................96 Maintenance time in addition to work sessions-Apx. 35 hours spent on new unit now being finished in the Dept. To be put in service in about 2 weeks........ 35 Training Sessions (2) man hours included in meetings TOTAL MAN/HOURS FOR MONTH .......................................502 III. FIREFIGHTERS RESPONSE AND NUMBER OF TIMES RESPONDING: Chief Steele ................15 T. Boyer 6 Asst. Chief Bradley 11 J. Polson ........................4 Capt. Polson.................8 W. Eddington..................... 5 Fire Marshall Joyce 7 C. Bell., o 3 Lt. S. Davis .................7 W. Morris 6 Lt. L. Shuping ...............6 R. Martin.............. 4 T. Schneider ................10 D. Johnson 6 Randy Steele ................11 J. French 4 D. Dupree ....................5 B. Stevens 2 B. Roper , ...6 B. Petty................. I J. Andrews ...................9 Page 2 NOTE: The work on the new grass truck (will be Unit 3005) is progressing very good, The status at this time is all plumbing tank work and outfitting is 85% completed. The painting and lettering will be the next step. Hope to complete unit and be in service in about two weeks. Funds donated in the fund raising drive put on by the members fo the Fare Department will cover all the costs of the unit except the purchase of a mobil radio for unit. I have a mobil radio unit, my personal one I use in my car. I will put that radio in Unit 3005 and will donate radio to the Dept. All trucks are doing fine and all units in are in service. Membership stand at 27 members at this time. Respectfully Submitted, R.P. Steele, Fire Chief Southlake Fire Department Monthly 8epor ; o ; ~:rative Manager 1976 Month of June, ~~~artment of Building Inspection Number of inspections This Last Same Month This Fiscal Last Fiscal Calondar Month Month Last Year Year To Date Year To Data Year To Data i Building 14 11 Electrical 9 8 Plumbing 15 14 Miscellaneous 13 7 i Total Daily Average 51 40 2. Permits Issued Building I Number 4 8 4 Value $74, 180 $190,408 $126,300 Permit Fees $186 .$471 $296 ! Electrical Number Permit Fees + i Plumbing j Number Permit Fees i i Sewer Number Permit Fees Total All Fees $186 $471 $296 3. Nature of Building Permits Number Of Types Dwelling Plan Check Permit Fees Total Fees Valuation Permits Units Fees 2 Single Family 2 $174 $72,000 2 Family Multi-Family Commercial Buildings j Industrial Buildings Relocation and Demolish j Swimming Pools Signs 1 Other 1 6 1,080 I Alterations and Additions To Dwellings 1 To Commercial Buildings 1 6 1,100 To Industrial Buildings 4 $186 $74, 180 4 Total Building Valuation f- ~ This Fiscal Year To Date This Calendar Y r To ate Last Fiscal Year To Date Last Cale dar Year To D to CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MUNICIPAL COURT ACTIVITIES JULY 1976 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Municipal Court Report for the Month of July, 1976. Cases Set: 42 Cases Heard: 24 Cases Dismissed: 14 Cases Appealed: 10 Warrants Issued: 31 Respectfully Submitted: Aliceanne Wallace Municipal Court Clerk d. rA BILLS FOR APPROVAL AT COUNCIL MEETING OF July 20, 1976: Universal Marine Service (Fiberglas liner - Fire) #9007 $300.00 Ladd Uniform Co. (Uniform Shirts - P.D.) 6104 33.90 Thompson Printing Service (traffic ticket summary) 7/15/76 14.00 Southwestern Bell (teletype (Incc#erm) - P.D.) 7/1/76 41.53 Hurst-Euless Printing Co. (traffic tidkbti;) 3881 315.95 Thompson Printing Co. (envelopes-City) 7/15/76 17.00 Sa-So (street signs-City) 60354 171.63 Gulf Oil Corporation (Gas) 6/30/76 525.49 Motor Supply Co. (plug-P.D.) 85609 1.70 Gulf Oil Products (Gas) 7/10/76 233.50 The Grapevine Sun (subscription) 7/6/76 5.00 Payton-Wright Ford (repair-Fire) 3276 106.52 Stafford-Lowdon Company (Municipal Court) 6/25/76 143.27 Texas Fire & Safety Inc. (Fire) 6.29/76 85.35 General Telephone July 281.16