1976-07-06 4m CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 6, 1976 7:30 P.M. A G E N D A I. RESOLUTION 76-18: Participating in State/Federal Traffic Control Signs Program. II. Proposed Amendments to Ordinance 161 - Re Special Uses. III. Discussion of Sub-Division Ordinance Up Date: Councilman Sweet. IV. $iaildi:ng lnspeeter EepeEt-e T__ry SeAR A. R;Rddy Sher-P! Re pfeblems +n Bove ------S. V. Suggested Changes to Personnel Rules and Regulations - Councilman Hawk. VI. Ambulance Service - Mayor. VII. Discussion of Step II - Councilman Hawk. VIII. Approval of Bills. I hereby certify that the above Agenda was posted on the bulletin board in City Hall, 667 N. Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, July 2, 1976, at 2:50 P.M. Aliceanne Wallace, City Secretary G N cn ,d 0 0 V-3 o d CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS c O ~ d -3 MINUTES OF: Regular Meeting d VGG) t4 1P t4 DATE OF MEETING: July 6, 1976 H TIME OF MEETING: 7:30 P.M. NAME z W PLACE OF MEETING: City Hall OF cn to Index No. Caption COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Wade Booker, Councilmen Pat Hawk, W.O.Nunn, Ben Berry, Bob Goode and Colon Sweet. STAFF PRESENT: W. D. Campbell, City Attorney, Police Chief D. R. Hughes, Fire Chief R. P. Steele. INVOCATION: Councilman Nunn. HAWK X X MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JUNE 15,1976 MINUTES GOODE X X were approved as amended by changing NUNN X term "rescue wagon" to "emergency veh- BERRY X icle". MINUTES OF EMERGENCY MEETING SWEET X JUNE 29, 1976, were approved on dele- G tion of all words following "7:20 P.M.' to the words beginning "to consider". NUNN X X Resolved to participate in the State's RES. NO. GOODE X X traffic control sign program to meet 76-18 HAWK X federal regulations effective January re BERRY X 1, 1977. (Said Resolution attached TRAFFIC SWEET X hereto and made a part hereof.) SIGNS G Discussion on spot zoning and sub- ORD. NOS. SWEET X dividing without filing a plat with 161 and a limit as to number of lots and with- 160, out requiring street paving. Police Chief advised Council of build- STREETS er's request to barricade two streets IN DOVE in Dove Estates to help prevent thefts.ESTATES City Attorney requested to check on legal ramifications of such action, if any. City Secretary directed to place matter on Agenda for next regular meet ing. HAWK X X Clarification of Personnel Rules and RES. NO. BERRY X X Regulations adopted under Resolution 76-19 GOODE X No. 76-12 pertaining to hiring and di re NUNN X missal. (Said Resolution attached PERSONNEL SWEET X hereto and made a part hereof.) RULES AND REGULATIONS Mayor advised Council of the City of AMBULANCE Grapevine's willingness to serve the SERVICE 123 0 o CITY OF SOUTHLAKE z d d TEXAS d d MINUTES OF: Regular Meeting d ~'y DATE OF MEETING: 7/6/76 z TIME OF MEETING: NAME PLACE OF MEETING: OF Index No. MEMBER Page 2 Of two pages Caption GOODE X X City of Southlake with ambulance service on a AMBULANCE NUNN X X per call basis and asked for a motion to accept SERVICE HAWK X the offer, if Council agreed. (cont.) BERRY X SWEET X HAWK X X Presentation of a resolution calling for work STEP II GOODE X on the City's'Step II sewer grant program to be SEWER GRANT NUNN X discontinued until a bond issue is passed by BERRY X the taxpayers (sic) and incurring further ex- SWEET X penses to be the personal liability of the Mayor. City Attorney advised of violating the Open Meetings Law. Motion withdrawn. HAWK X X Consideration of holding a sewer improvement BOND SWEET X X bond election at the next regular council meet ELECTION NUNN X ing to be held July 20, 1976. RE SEWER BERRY X FOR NEXT GOODE X AGENDA i NUNN X ~X The bills presented were approved for payment. APPROVAL BERRY X X OF BILLS HAWK X GOODE X SWEET X THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, THE MEETING ADJOURN- ADJOURNED. MENT APPROVED: ATTEST: Mayor City Secretary ,t 129 RESOLUTION NO. 76-18 WHEREAS, a federal regulation to stand- ardize traffic control signs becomes effective January 1, 1977; And, WHEREAS, the State of Texas has instituted a Sign Replacement Program to assist cities to comply with said regulation; And, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, deems it to be to the best interest of the welfare of its cit- izens to participate in said Program; Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: CITY OF 1. The City participate in the State of Texas Sign Replacement Program in order to comply with federal regulations effective January 1, 1977, standardizing traffic control devices, sghals, and signs. PASSED AND APPROVED this 6th day of July, 1976. r Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary RESOLUTION NO. 76-19 130 WHEREAS, there has been some confusion as to the hiring and dismissal authority provided under the "Personnel Rules and Regulations" (Resolution 76-12); And, WHEREAS, the City Council seeks to resolve that confusion and provide a clear delineation of authority for hiring and dismissal; Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: The Personnel Rules and Regulations, Exhibit "A" of Resolution 76-12, is amended as follows: 1. Revise paragraph 1.3 as follows: 1.3 ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITY. With the exception of matters and appointments reserved by the City Council by statutory provisions and by liaison officer responsibilities, the Mayor will be delegated as Department Head of Administration and Finance, and in that capacity will conduct municipal affairs related to those functions, and in his absence, the Mayor delegate his administrative responsibilities to the City Secretary with the exception of hiring and dismissal of employees. Final authority in all municipal affairs, in the form of review and approval, is reserved by the City Council. 2. Add paragraph 4.8 as shown below: 4.8 Hiring and dismissal is a function of the Department Head; to be approved by the appropriate liaison officer, and reviewed by the council. The Department Heads are: Mayor ;(Administration and Finance) Police Chief Public Works Supt (Water) Fire Chief Building Inspector *Department Heads are hired and dismissed by the Council. 3. Add paragraph 7.3 as shown below: 7.3 AUTHORITY. The Liaison officer will have the authority to approve all absences for periods in excess of 3 days, and for hiring and dismissal within the activities or department of his appointment. See Figure 1.3-1. In addition the liaison officer will approve the budget for his activity or department prior to integration into annual budget. This approval authority extends to changes to budget during fiscal year prior to submission to Council for approval. This amendment shall be effective immediately upon passage of this resolution. PASSED ANDAPPROVED this 6th day of July, A.D. 1976. ATTEST: Mayor City Secretary BILLS FOR APPROVAL AT COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 6, 1976: Regional Office Supply (Supplies-City) #1782 $ 9.18 Marry Yates (June filings-city) 6/30/76 10.00 The Grapevine Sun (legal notices-city) 26.70 Pitney Bowes (City) #897693 33.00 Lone Star Gas (City) Svc. to 6/23/76 6.38 AWS Office Equip. Co. #4413 18.05 Thompson Printing Service (P.D. & City) 6/18 and 6/24/76 35.00 Thomp. Printing Svc. (Stationery-City) 6/16/76 160.05 E. R. Parker-Auto Rebuilder (P.D.) #9299 130.00 - r Grapevne Hosp. (P.D. #000611 10.00 Gen. Tele.(City and P.D.) 7/1/76 67.33 Carter&Burgess, Inc. (City) 6/29/76 256.20 SO.Bldg. Code Int.,Inc.(City) #4788 40.00 M.M. Adminis., Inc.(group insurance) 479.70 Universal Marine Svc.(F.D.) #7731 175.00 Southwest Marine(prop-F.D.) #1917 44.95 Int. Assc. Fire Chiefs,Inc. (dues-F.D.) #8249 43.00 White's Auto Store(F.D.) 7/1/76 54.94 Arnold Welding Svc. (F.D.) #1616 65.00 Gulf Oil (City) #A 1624 525.49 Stafford-Lowdon Comp. (Supplies-City) #43225 9.65 Stafford-Lowdon Comp. (Court Docket-City) #43714 133.62 Thompson-Hayward Chem. Comp. (Water) #016 023524 120.00