1977-12-20 9 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 20, 1977 7:30 P.M. A G E N D A I. Tri-County Electric Rate Application - Consideration of Resolution to suspend affective date and consider setting date for Commencement of Public Rate Hearing. II. Amendment to Ordinance #231 - Changing Hi Castle Street to Hill Castle. III. Grapevine Ordinance #77-53 - Request to levy a paving assessment against the property of Avonell Wolf, in the City of Southlake. IV. General Discussion - Citizens Advisory Committee, new members. V. Bicentennial Park - Request to change park name. VI. Departmental Reports: A. Police Department. B. Fire Department. C. Water Department Report. D. Municipal Court Report. E. Building Inspection Report. F. Mayor's Report. VII. Bills For Approval. A. Renewal of Insurance for Fire Station,City Hall and Contents. B. Equipment Maintenance Agreement For Pitney Bowes. VIII. Personnel Action - ( Closed Session ) I hereby certify that the above Agenda was posted on the bulletin board and front door in City Hall, 667 N. Carroll Avenue on Friday, December 16, 1977, at 10:45 A.M. City Secretary ra U) U' o O CITY OF SOUTHLAKE b nOC O ild ~ `M MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING t~ d d DATE December 20, 1977 t~ O TIME 7:30 P. M. G) 0 H PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL 667 N. Carroll Avenue H Southlake, Texas NAME OF Paqe lof3 MEMBER y INDEX NO. CAP ( ! 4 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Pat Hawk, Mayor j Pro-Tem Colon Sweet, Councilmen Sam Sparger, Brad Popkin, A. C. Urbanosky, Bob Goode. I I STAFF PRESENT: W. D. Campbell, City Attorney; i i W. G. Cline, Water Superintendent; Police Chie , E Doug Hughes; Fire Chief, R.P. Steele. I ! INVOCATION: Mayor Pro-Tem Colon Sweet. ~ I GUEST PRESENT: Roy Lee, Citizens Advisory i I Committee Chairman. i MINUTES of the last regular meeting were ap- proved as corrected. SPARGER ! ! j I X After discussion,findings of reasons to sus- TRI-COUNTY SWEET i I I X pend affective date of Tri-County Electric ELECTRIC RATE POPKIN (X ! X Co-Op rate change request were approved and APPLICATION. URBANOSKY I 1 I X thereafter Resolution #77-43 was passed. No GOODE ! ! X ! I X date for the first public hearing was set 1 ~ { I THIS ITEM was deleted until Mr. McNutt has MENDMENT TO j furnished the Council with input from the RD #231,CHANGINc f ( i surrounding property owners who will be affec - HI CASTLE ST. I ed by the change in the street name. NAME TO HILL CASTLE. I SPARGER 1-4st in d After close consideration and lengthy discus- GRAPEVINE ORD# SWEET ; ' X sion from the Council and their discussion's 77-53.REQUEST TO POPKIN X X with the Grapevine Councilmen, the Council's LEVY A CURB & URBANOSKY X ! I decision was to deny Grapevine's Ordinance (GUTTER ASSESSMENT GOODE i iX I #77-53. Mr. Wolf was not present. AGAINST AVONELLE WOLF. J i I I i , I ! MAYOR HAWK suggested that this item be put on GENERAL DISCUSSIO 1 January 3rd,1977, City Council Agenda for CITIZENS ADVISORS ! the Council to review the Citizens Advisory COMMITTEE, NEW I Committee Charter. It was stated that the MEMBERS. ! i C.A.C. is in desperate need of a quorum. Southlake citizen, Jim Armstrong, volunteere I to serve on the C. A. C. I ~ i t b ro y CITY OF SOUTHLAKE n O O M MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING z d d DATE : December 20, 1977 t~i7 ~O O TIME : 7:30 P. M. d H ~d PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL z 667 N. Carroll Avenue y Southlake, Texas NAME OF MEMBER Page 20f~INDEX NO. CAP SPARGER ( wMAYOR PRO-TEM COLON SWEET brought to the BICEN^FNNIAL SWEET X ! Councils attention that Ben Berry should PARK. REQUEST T( POPKIN ' ivotion ie be acknowledged as the person responsible for CHANGE PAR'C URBANOSKY j ack OffA ec~nd Southlake having a City Park. Mayor Pro-Tem NAME. GOODE j Sweet requested that the Council re-name the City's Bicentennial Park to Ben Berry Park. 1 I { Police Department: The new police cars are at IDEPARTMENTAL j City Hall now, but it is still undecided as to (REPORTS. i j which old cars will be sold. Councilman A. C. j Urbanosky commended the Police Department for their outstanding persormance in the Street I i Sign Project. SPARGER ~X Fire Department: Approval of Purchase of the SWEET IX following items was requested by the Fire POPKIN X 1 ~X Department: URBANOSKY X ! X 1200ft of 22 inch Hose. GOODE j X 800ft of 12 inch Hose According to Specifica- tions. j 1 2 12 Inch Nozzles i I 1 1 12ft. Dero Roof Ladder (with Hooks) Above amounting to $3,385.00. j I l SPARGER X IX It was authorized that the Fire Dept repair SWEET I' I X the Emergency Light Generator Motor for Unit POPKIN ' X 3008. URBANOSKY X j !X GOODE j X ~ ~ ! II I I Water Department: This item was requested to to be put on the January 3rd City Council Agenda to pass a Resolution to replace under- sized water mains. Municipal Court Report: Doug Campbell stated i j he would be in contact with City Judge Dave Austin to propose a few changes in procedure of warrants. i Building Dept: Mr. Robert Vass has been ap- pointed to proceed with the Building Inspec- tions at a fee of $5.00 per inspection. Mayor's Report: Mayor Hawk stated that ZA77-1 , MAYOR'S REPORT I David C. Hardy, Rezoning and Betty Martin I j i I I j i k O MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4OF a CITY OF SOUTHLAKE d d DATE : o O TIME : cember 20, 1977 730 P. M. PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas NAPage 3 of 3 MEINDEX NO. CAP J' w Rezoning, will be on the upcoming City Council Agenda for the P&Z recommendations. Also r { announced was the City Audit will be com- I ! pleted January 15, 1977. i SPARGER k X The bills presented to the Council were ap- BILLS FOR SWEET ! I X proved for payment as per the attached list. APPROVAL. POPKIN i ; X URBANOSKY ix ; X GOODE X X 1 i SPARGER X The renewal of Insurance for the Fire Station, NEWAL OF IN- SWEET X , ~X City Hall and the Contents was approved along SURANCE FOR THE POPKIN ! X1 IX with the Equipment Agreement for Pitney Bowes. CITY HALL, FIRE URBANOSKY ; IX DEPT. A14D CONTED GOODE I X 1 i SPARGER ! j X Councilman Urbanosky requested Council approve STREET SIGNS. SWEET i j X { X the purchase of 5 Stop Signs, 5 30mph Signs, POPKIN ! j X and 5 40mph Signs. URBANOSKY X ! X i X GOODE f 1 I Personnel Action was closed session. j j i There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. j Mayor i ATTEST:. i / City Secretary i i j j FINDINGS OF CITY COUNCIL OF CITY OF SOUM-79M, TEXAS CONCERNING REASONS FOR FURTHER SUSPENSION OF ANY RATE CHANGE IN RATE SCHEDULE OF TRI-COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. The reasons of the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas for the consideration of and the passing of Resolution No. 77- 43 , which reasons were adopted by the said City Council prior to the actual passage of such resolution, are as follows; I. The application for rate adjustment of said Utility was first received by the said City shortly prior to its regular Council meeting of December 6, 1977, and the Council believes that at least 120 days or more will be needed for adequate review of the said 150 page application by the Council itself, its Attorney, and/or rate experts. IT. It will be necessary and proper for the citizens of the City of Southlake Texas to engage in public hearings and hear discussion by both the regulatory body and the utility and rate hearings for both the months of January and February, 1978 are definitely contemplated by the Council. III. The City needs the reply of the utility as to whether or not and to what extent such utility will pay for rate consultants, accountants, auditors, attorneys, engineers or any combination thereof in assisting the City Council and advising the City Council concerning the proposed rate change request. The City Council, by this instrument, hereby requests reply from the utility concerning its position on the assistance described in this paragraph III. IV. The status of Docket No. 680 on file with the Public Utility Commission of Texas which is an appeal by the utility and which is still pending by order of said Commission issued September 21, 1977 V. The said utility has failed to furnish the City with the information requested of said utility by the City through Resolution No. 77- 43 passed August 2, 1977 and by this written instrument said City again requests the utility to furnish such information and the City feels such information is necessary to properly consider 9C) VI. Based on the preliminary review of the information on hand by the said City Council, the City Council is of the present opinion that there is insufficient information to pass on a rate change and at least 120 days will be necessary to obtain such information. The above findings made by the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas this 20th day of December, 1977. r Mayor ATTEST: City S-kcretary RESOLUTION NO. 77- 43 CITY OF SOUT11LAKE, TEXAS WHEREAS, approximately December 6, 1977, Tri-County Electric Cooperative,Inc. filed with the City of Southlake, Texas, a request for rate change; and, WHEREAS, the City Attorney and City Council have made a preliminary review of said application and will set the date of the first public hearing at a later time in this present regular City Council session; and, WHEREAS, pending hearings on said application and the future decision of the said City thereon and while such matter is pending, the said City, through its City Council, deems it in the best interest of the City and its citizen customers of said utility that the operation of any proposed rate change, in whole or in part, of the said utility be suspended until final action of the said City Council on said rate change requestor April 30, 1978, whichever event occurs first; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF SOIJPHIJAKE, TEXAS: That the effective date of any change in the rate schedule of Tri-County Electric Cooperative,Inc. within the City of Southlake, Texas existing prior to January 1, 1978, be and the same is hereby suspended until final action of said City Council on the said rate change request, or April 30, 1978, whichever event occurs first; That such suspension shall be effective upon delivery of a copy of this resolution to said Tri-County Electric Cooperative,Inc. after delivery of the written reasons for such suspension which are attached hereto for reference purposes; That during the period of suspension as above provided the rates in force prior to the filing of the present rate increase application by Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. shall continue in force; and, BE IT FURIUER RESOLVED: That the City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to deliver a copy of this resolution to said utility company after delivery of the written reasons therefor, such delivery to be by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by personal delivery. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this ~c -13day of December, 1977. ATTEST. r Cif Secretary BILLS FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL December 20,1977 CITY INVOICE NO. AMOUNT GULF OIL CORP. 11/30/77 7.62 TARRANT COUNTY 12/1/77 76.66 REGIONAL OFFICE SUPPLY 11/30/77 7.35 GRAPEVINE NEWS ADVERTISER 11/20/77 19.85 VOERTMAN'S 45108 15.10 ROHNE AND HOODENPYLE 12/12/77 345.46 PITNEY AND BOWES 117880 60.00 Total 532.04 POLICE DEPT. THOMPSON PRINTING 12/5/77 80.00 TEXACO 11/26 12/5/12/7/77 19.48 TARRANI' COUNTY 12/1/77 2.92 Total 102.40 FIRE DEPT. STUART HOSE 29167/29166 38.65 Total 38.65 WATER DEPT. CIRCLE R ELECTRIC 18098 35.44 AQUA UTILITY,INC. 6159/5899 57.00 Total 92.44 STREET/TRAFFIC SIGNS & MATERIAL NATIONAL BUILDING CENTERS 36.51 SA-SO 9.48 TARRANT COUNTY (Signs PO#850) 251.26 KELLER FENCE CO.& SuPPLIES (Job completed 12/14/77) 1,244.00 Total 1,541.25" UTILITIES TEXAS POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY 10/28/77-11/29/77 Fire Dept. 21.59 Tennis Court 52.30 City Hall 147.70 Water Well 154.77 Storage Tank 742.51 3 Guard Lights 20.13 Total for Utilities 1,139.00 GRAND TOTAL $3445.79 SOUTHLAKE FIR; DEPARTMENT 28 MONTHLY REPORT NOVEMBER L. RESPONSES: Structure Fires 0' Grass Fires 2 Auto Fires '0. Puto Accident-Stand-by-(Rescue Unit & r.--'re Unit) 2 Mutual Aid-Other cities 2 . r.....rrrrr... r...r False Alarms ...............r........r. r....rr 0 0 Rescue Unit............ ..Misc. ALAI'in$•.r•.••••.rr,•r.........•r..r•...r~. r...rrr•rrr••rr•.•.rr•.•• 0 TOTAL EMERGENCY RESPONSES FOR MONTH........ r.r'.,.......r 6 Y MAN/kiOURS EXPENDED: Emergency Calls r.r•.........r....... ....0...... 0..r...r...rr..r....rr. 67 hrs. Meetings (4) Average: 15 men per meeti7rg•••••••••••••'•••••••••••• 120 hrs. Maintenance Average Time ...............................................20 hrs. Training Sessions (2) man hours,jncludod,,:in meetings..' TOTAL MAN/HOURS FOR MONTH... 217 hrs. III. FIREFIGHTERS RESPONSES AND* NUMBER OF TIMES-RESPONDING; Chief Steele - 6 J. Jones 1', Asst. Chief Bradley - 2 J. Sullivan - , Fire Marshal Joyce - 2 V. Winchester-'''2 . Capt. Polson - 2 D. Drehhen - 3 ' Capt.Roper - 2 T Boyer. '5 Lt. Shuping - 1 D.' Dupree. - Z. Lt. Bell - 2 C. Dodson,, - :2. S. Feritta - 1 G. Brown 1 K. Cosgrove - 1 R. Martin 1 J. Andrews - 2 'C. Higgins - 1 R. Foster- 3 T. Bryant 1 Respectfully Submitted, /J/ 14 RP Steele Fire Chief Southlake Fire Department CITY OF SOUTHLAKE (,v POLICE DEPARTMENT NOVEMBER 1977 Honorable Mayor and City Council: Police Department Report for the month of November 1977 Tickets issued in October 299 Tickets issued in November 302 Persons in jail in October 15 Persons in jail in November 10 Traffic accidents in October 17 Traffic accidents in November 5 Burglaries investigated in October 0 Burglaries investigated in November 3 Approximate total value taken in burglaries in November $500.50 Approximate total value recovered in burglaries in November $145.50 Thefts investigated in October 4 Thefts investigated in November 5 Approximate total value taken in thefts in November $9,063.00 Approximate total value recovered in thefts in November $8,930.00 aber of calls in October 538 Number of calls in November 630 Speedometer reading on Unit #5 ( 74 Ford ) 77,352 Speedometer reading on Unit #8 ( 75 Ford ) 125,679 Speedometer reading on Unit #9 ( 76 Ford ) 124,970 Speedometer reading on Unit #10 ( 77 Pontiac ) 81,070 Miles driven in October 14,174 Miles driven in November 14,207 Respectfully submitted, R. Douglab R. Hughes L) Chief of Police SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT DRH/mrb F7 STEP SUMMARY NOVEMBER 1977 Total hours worked 303 Total tickets written 87 Total written warnings issued 87 Total fines paid $1,778.50 Total fines to be paid $1,752.00 _otal fines paid for October $5,289.00 Total fines paid for November $4,464.50 Total DPS fines paid for November $30.00 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MUNICIPAL COURT ACTIVITIES DECEMBER 1977 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Municipal Court Report for the month of November 1977 Cases Set: 45 Cases Heard: 11 Cases Dismissed: 36 Cases Appealed: 11 Citations Written: 302 Citations Paid: 240 Warrants Issued: 27 Cases Reset: 3 Respectfully submitted, ANET DANIEL Court Clerk MUNICIPAL COURT ACTIVITIES REPORT DECEMBER 1977 Notation: The cases dismissed appears to be considerably more than in the past. The actual dismissals will be less than 10 per month (if current rate continues). However, when the Judge allows a person to plead guilty to a lesser charge, pay a fine, and keep the ticket off their record, a new ticket is issued with the new charge and the old ticket is dismissed. These new tickets are reported under "citations written"; therefore, I felt it best to report the old tickets under "Dismissed". Beginning with the January report, I will endeavor to list "Cases Reduced to a Lesser Charge" to give you a more accurate account of the tickets. Mr. Campbell has agreed to let us handle the citations reduced on one ticket in the future. (Other cities who practice this procedure handle the citations on one ticket and this will allow less room for error.) It is my understanding that when the Judge follows this procedure it is to keep down the number of appeals. By keeping down the appeals, it saves paperwork for myself and court time for the officers. Also, we have had a number of actual dismissals due to the loss of Officer Hulsey. When the officer is not present to prosecute his case in court, it is generally dismissed. Respectfully, ~xu, JANET DANIEL Court Clerk WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT Month of DFCP TER Gallons Pumped previous month 4,280,400 Gallons sold previous month 4,904,000 New Taps installed for month 1 Meters changed out 2 Line repairs: Materials 3 (Main break on Kimball),(Service line break). Machine Rental $90.00 Other repairs ?lone 'L Water Superintendent m: c~ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 1SOrV'i 1 SLY REPORT Mor~:+tiy RE~,orr i o Aur~;;.isaa:ivr~, Manager Month Of NOVEMBER 1977 ;apartment of Building Inspection' 1. Number of Inspections This Last Same Month. 1rhi, Fiscal Last Fiscal Coiondar Month Month Last Year Y,aar To Date Year To Data Year To Date Building 4 Electrical 3 3 Plumbing 4 5 Miscellaneous 12 5 1 __4 / Total C44f 23 13 2, Permits Issued Building 3 Number + t. r ` Value 33,'400.'00 72, 000.0 Permit Fees 87.00 134.0 Electrical Number Permit Fees ' Plumbing Number Permit Fees Sewer Number Permit Fees Total All Fees 87.00 134.00 r 3, Nature of Building Permits Number Dwelling. Plan Check Permit Fees Total Fees Valuation Of Types Units Foos Pormits 1 Single Family 7'5.00 ~f $30,000.00 2 Family Multi-Family i' Commercial Buildings r . Industrial Buildings Relocation and Demolish ! Swimming Poole Signs ' 1 Other Barn 9•.00 3,000.00 1 Aiterations'and Additions 3.00 400.00 To Dwellings To Commercial Buildings To industrial Buildings 3 0 87.00 33,400.00 Total 4. Building Valuation This Fiscal Year To data This Calendar Year To Date January 1977 through November 1977 $337;133.43