1977-11-01 o CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 1, 1977 7:30 P. M. A G E N D A I. Sewer Bond Discussion ....................Tom Anderlitch. IT. Discussion of Priorities of Prospective Grants. III. Sign Program - Grant, Ed Cheetam. (A. C. Urbanosky). IV. Trailer Ordinance #96 V. Mayor's Report. VI. Discussion of Workshop-Office Personnel and City Council. VII. Amendment of Ordinance W".-Appointment of Court Clerk Provision. VIII. Appointment of Court Clerk, Res # 38. IX. Bill for Approval. A. Certification Program of North Texas State University, For City Secretary. B. Planning, Zoning and Development for North Central Texas Communities Program, for P & Z Commissioners. X. (Closed Meeting) Personnel Discussion. I hereby certify that the above Agenda was posted on the bulletin board and front door of City Hall, 667 N. Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, October 28, 1977, at 9:30 A.M. Kar?n Black C y Secretary *There will be an emergencv item added to the Agenda of November 1,1977. ZA77-9 EMERAL ESTATES... Approval of Final Plat Bob Tavlor This item was added October 28, 1977, at 1:00 P. M. Item # VII was corrected to read Ord # 107,10/28/77. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 667 N. Carroll Avenue SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 1, 1977 7:30 P. M. A G E N D A I. Sewer Bond Discussion ..................Tom Anderlitch. II. Discussion of Priorities of Prospective Grants. III. Sign Program - Grant, Ed Cheetam. (A. C. Urbanosky). IV. Trailer Ordinance #96. V. Mayor's Report. VI. Discussion of Workshop-Office Personnel and City Council. VII. Amendment of Ordinance #107-Appointment of Court Clerk Provision. VIII. Appointment of Court Clerk, Res #38 IX. Bills for Approval A. Certification Program of North Texas State University For City Secretary. B. Planning, Zoning and Development for North Central Texas Communities Program, for P & Z Commissioners. X. (Closed Meeting) Personnel- Discussion. * There will be an emergency item added to the Agenda of November 1, 1977 ZA77-9... Emerald Estates..... Approval of Final Plat Bob Taylor. * Item # VII was corrected to read Ord# 107, 10/28/77, 4:00 P.M. I hereby certify that the above Agenda of was posted on the bulletin board and front door of City Hall, 667 N. Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, October 28, 1977 at 9:30 A. M. and that Item were added at 4:00 P.M. October 28, 1977. r CITY SECRETAR 1 to b p CITY OF SOUTHLAKE o O ' ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING d DATE : November 1, 1977 TIME : 7:30 P. M. t O 0 d PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL z 667 N. Carroll Avenue U) Southlake, Texas NAME OF MEMBER INDEX NO. CAP COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Pat Hawk, Mayor Pro Tem, Colon Sweet; Councilmen: Sam Sparger, Brad Popkin, A. C. Urbanosky, Bob Goode. STZFF PRESENT: City Attorney, Doug Campbell; ater Superintendent, W. G. Cline; Fire Chief Bob Steele; Chief of Police, Doug Hughes. ~ f I INVOCATION: Sam Sparger MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING were accepted as corrected. SPARGER MAYOR HAWK brought Mr. Anderlitch up to date SEWER BOND SWEET ! ( as to the Sewage System, stating that out of DISCUSSION POPKIN j i 130 homes, 40 appear to qualify under the TOM ANDERLITCH URBANOSKYj j grant. Mr. Anderlitch stated that when he GOODE 1X Mo 'o Died was told Southlake had 150 potential custo- Lac of { mers and $250.000 City Participation he had A S c dl advised at that time that it was not econom- ically feasible to issue a Bond in this amount of customers. Mr. Anderlitch stated that when going through the E. P. A. and actually accepting the Federal Funds the E. P. A. will in part try to tell the City how to run the sy f tem. Mr. Anderlitch advised that he would not Ipay $12,000 for a continued study. It was stated that the City has to make the study i I to show we qualify for the priorities. Also noted at this time was that this item j would remain open in case of any further new developments. It was moved by Councilman j Goode that the City dispense with any further j action on the proposed Sewer Systems; the motion died due to lack of a second. COUNCILMAN SAM SPARGER informed the Council DISCUSSION OF that the E. D. A. Grant only is used to the PRIORITIES OF improvement of the City. Among the items PROSPECTIVE I needed under a Grant is a Water Demineraliza- GRANTS I tion Plant that can be hooked onto the water line. It's purpose would be to remove the salt from the water. This grant would be a j 50-50 matching fund, meaning any monies that I i N 'Ln cn C CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Id b 0 n p O ~_3 MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING z t~i d d DATE : NOVEMBER 1, 19 O 77 y ~ O TIME : 7:30 P. M. d G) ~u PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL z 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas NAME OF INDEX NO. CAP MEMBER 9 are funded, the City will have to match. One plant machine wil cost 200,000, the output of this is 100,000 gallons of water a day. This would mean $6.00 to $7.00 more per month per person on a water meter now. To receive two plants would not double the additional cost but would bring it to approximately $10.0 more per person. The City water now passes the I health requirements but does not pass the I I certified requirement. If a two machine plant was installed, it would range from $300,000 to $350,000 with the City matching $150,000 with approximately 20 to 30 years to pay off. I l SPARGER X This grant also applies to the Sewer Project, SWEET X X Ed McAllister stated that the more input the POPKIN I X I ; X City has for grants, the easier the grant are URBANOSKY ~ X to receive. This would benifit the city in GOODE X the future. It was moved that we keep our City's name active. SPARGER , X Under the Grant, there are six other cities SWEET i iX involved with TRA (Trinity River Authority) POPKIN ( X I X Euless, Bedford, Grapevine, Colleyville, Nort URBANOSKY i X1 X Richland Hills, Southlake. This Grant would GOODE IX make TRA water available. Estimated cost for i all cities is $6,500.00. It was moved that we keep the City's name active. i SPAR GER 1 IX A second grant was mentioned supporting SWEET ! ;X Keller, Southlake, and North Richland Hills. POPKIN X X A proposal to get water from Ft. Worth at an URBANOSKY i X i X estimated cost of $1,300.00. Councilman GOODE X Sparger personally felt that we should apply for both of these Grants and lean toward the i j one that best applies to our City's needs, noting that the Grants are not binding if undecided at a later date. At this point, it was suggested we pursue both Grants with- out commitment. i IT was discussed that the City possibly re- ceive a grant to exte'ld Kimball across F.M. i 1709. Councilman Sparger stated that the county planner did not think this would be an appropriate item. 1 ~ b b CITY OF SOUTHLAKE O 0 ' M MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING O d d DATE : NOVEMBER 1, 1977 4 tdL] O O TIME : 7:30 P. M. d PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL 667 N. Carroll Avenue H Southlake, Texas NAME OF MEMBER INDEX NO. CAP The final grant mentioned was to Community Development, to beifit low income sections to improve 500 of the housing which is below the City Building Code with Home owners averaging an income of not more than approxi- matly $11,600 of which the city can make the estimate. Doug Campbell will prepare a resolu- tion for the up coming Grant. COUNCILMAN SPARGER stated that approximatly SIGN PROGRAM GRN7 $3,200 is due to the City following the decisi n ED CHEETAP putting the signs up. After the City gets the signs up Mr. Cheetam will come out and inspect them. If this passes inspection the $3,200 will be funded to the city. Councilman Urbanosky will look into further information prior to a workshop, in re- II gards to the Bidding. ! DOUG CAMPBELL stated that the trailer request TRAILER ORD 96 i could not be treated as a variance to the Zoning Ordinance. If a change is to be mae the Ordinance would have to be changed. MAYOR's REPORT was covered in the above MAYOR'S REPORT minutes. I II MAYOR PRO TEM SWEET stated the City is in j 1 need of Plumbing Forms, Permit Forms, Electical Forms in order to comply with the i City Ordinance's. Mrs. Sandy LeGrand stated s that the City's Ordinance clarifies that j certain permits and forms are needed I immediately in order to comply with the City' Ordinance. These permits and forms have not been complied with in the past and Mrs. J LeGrand felt immediate attention is due. Councilman Popkin will arrange a workshop in the immediate future pertaining to this. SPARGER X ORDINANCE 107 was amended by Ordinance AMENDMENT OF SWEET X X 107-A. The original ordinance stated that ORD 107. CRT. CLK. POPKIN X the City Secretary will be ex-officio for the URBANOSKY X Court. Ordinance 107-A amends that a Court GOODE X X Clerk be appointed by the council, relieving i the City Secretary of this duty. i i O CITY OF SOUTHLAKE t:7 b % H tri DATETES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING z MINU b d d Pli NOVEMBER 1, 1977 t n p O TIME : 7:30 P. M. H W ~u PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL z 667 N. Carroll Avenue y Southlake, Texas NAME OF MEMBER INDEX NO. CAP SPARGER X -MAYOR HAWK APPOINTED Janet Daniel for the RES #38 SWEET X X position of Court Clerk. Mrs. Daniel was APPOINTMENT POPKIN X sworn in by the Mayor. OF COURT CLERK. URBANOSKY X GOODE X X SPARGER X COUNCIL APPROVED THE Certification Program APPROVAL OF SWEET X to N. T. S. University for the City Secretary BILLS POPKIN X to receive certification. CITY SECY. URBANOSKYJX X CERTIFICATION GOODE X X S PARGER i X ALSO APPROVED WAS THE SEMINAR P a , rogram for PLANNING & SWEET ! X P & Z Commissioners,James Harrell, Virginia ZONING SEMINAR POPKIN X IX Clow, Nelson Miller. URBANOSKY X X GOODE X SPARGER X ALL OTHER BILLS presented, as per attached SWEET X list, were approved by Council as presented. POPKIN X URBANOSKY X X GOODE i X X i ( BOB TAYLOR was not present to represent I f Emerald Estates, and this item was deferred until November 15, 1977, City Council Meeting. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. i Personnel Discussion was Closed. I i ATTEST: Mayor Ci Secretary RESOLUTION NO. 77-38 WHEREAS, the Office of Court Clerk has become vacant, AND, WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City of Southlake, Texas, that the office be filled; AND, WHEREAS, the Mayor of the City of Southlake, does hereby submit the name of Janet Daniel to perform the duties of the Office of COURT CLERK, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: THIS RESOLUTION SUPERCEDES AND REPLACES RESOLUTION 77-37, AND JANET DANIEL BE and is hereby appointed by the City Council as COURT CLERK. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS lst DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1977. Mayor P.TUTEE ST City Secretary c OATH Op OFFICE STATE OF TEXAS. COUNTY OF TARRANT: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, I' JANET DANIEL, do solemnl I faithfully will execute y sear that Office of Munici the duties of the of Southlake Municipal Court Clerk of the Cit fend Tarrant County, y the Texas Constitution and and de Laws and of this Laws S of the tate; and I United solemnly swear that I furthermore indirectly Paid have not directly nor tribute , offered, or promised any .money, or valuable to con- Promised any public office or thing, or as a reward to secure employment, my appointment. So Help Me God. Janet Daniel i r Mayor SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before of November, 1977. me this 1st day Ct Secretary BILLS TO BE APPROVED AND ` PAID BY CITY COUNCIL OF SOUTHLAKE, NOVEMBER 1, 1977 UTILITIES LONE STAR GAS ..................11/7/77,................$11.28 GENERAL TELEPHONE ..............10/19/77............. $615.61 TEXAS POWER & LIGHT 8/9/9/28/77.......... $1,029.49 (Water We11,,Stor) TEXAS PWER & LIGHT............ 8/29/9/28/77...........$410.25 (Fire Dept,City,Tennis) UTILITY TOTAL $2,066.63 CITY CARTER & BURGESS ...............10/21/77.................$270.95 CARTER & BURGESS ...............10/19/77..............,$5,643.00 PITNEY BOWES ...................050610................... $60.00 THOMPSOM PRINTING SERVICE 10/27/10/31/77........... $35.00 A-OK LOCKSMITH .................607...................... $22.50 M.M. ADMINISTRATORS, INC....... 11/1/77 ..................$480.69 TML WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION 10/1/77.................. $690.64 CITY TOTAL $7,202.68 POLICE DEPT CRABTREE & POWERS ..............4810.......................$57.17 TEXACO 10/28/10/17/77.............$13.00 GULF OIL PRODUCT A2091,A2012............... $911.55 LADD UNIFORM ...................12738..................... $62.85 INCOTERM .......................6683......................$259.00 POLICE TOTAL $1,303.57 FIRE DEPT STUART HOSE CO .................28069......................$18.93 FIRE DEPT TOTAL $18.93 PARKS & REC WICKES .........................4108689................... $18.01. PARKS TOTAL $18.01 TEXAS MUNICIPAL CLERKS AND SECRETARES CERTIFICATION PROGRAM $320.00 PLANNING & ZONING ................$30.00 per person $90.00 TOTAL $410.00 GRAND TOTAL $11,019.82 WILLIAM D. CAMPBELL ATTORNEY AT LAW C!~/~'C~'S l RIVERSIDE STATE BANK BLDG. P. O. BOX 7254 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76111 834-7422 / October 18, 1977 TO: City of Southlake City Council Points to consider on regulation of septic tanks by County I. Future Installations: a. Lots shall be minimum of 201,000 square feet (conflicts with City zoning ordinance in Districts AG, A-1, A-2, A-3 and probably A-10). b. Conflicts with our new subdivision ordinance in that it requires one acre lots for septic tanks. c. Conflicts with existing subdivision ordinance and zoning ordinance in that the County's requirements are stated to apply to undeveloped portions of existing subdivisions. II. Existing Septic Tanks: Section K. provides for licensing of all existing septic tanks. III. Subdivision Platting Requirements: A subdivision plat for a new subdivision involving private sewage facilities must be filed with and approved by the Commissioner's Court of Tarrant County as well as the undeveloped portions of existing subdivisions. IV. General Cents: a. The County's definition of subdivision includes the normal subdivision plus any 4 or more contiguous lots or tracts, each of which is less than two acres in size. b. Section L. puts completely new requirement on developers and builders concerning informing each prospective buyer of the County's law and status of a particular subdivision. I make these comments purely to aid you in evaluating the matter and not as an endorsement or lack of endorsement of the program which is a policy matter of the Council. If the Council should desire to go into the program I feel it would have to be done through public hearings through the zoning board and the Council as it in effect really amounts to a zoning ordinance type amendment. We also need to clarify which of the various laws (city ordinances and county rules) would control. William D. e City Attorney