1977-10-18 230 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING October ]8, 1977 7:30 P.M. A G E N D A I. Public Hearing ZA-77-13 J. Peters, Rezoning from AF to Light Industrial II. Public Hearing ZA-77-12.... B. H. Buchanan, Quail Creek Rezoning From AG to Residential A3. III. ZA-77-1 Fred Joyce, approval of Plat IV. Discussion of the Police Dept Vehicles. V. Appointment of the Planning & Zoning Commission Member, Resolution 77-36. Oath of office of Deputy Court Clerk. VI. Recognition to Miss Rhonda Stacy, Miss Flame of Tarrant County. VII. Departmental Reports: A. Police Dept Report B. Fire Dept Report C. Court Report D. Water Dept Report E. Building Insp. Report F. Mayor's Report IV117I. City Administration: A. Approval of Bills --IX. Volunteer Firemen's Pension Plan X. County Septic Tank Inspection. I hereby certify that the above Agenda was posted on the Bulletin Board and front door of City Hall, 667 N. Carroll Avenue at 6:00 P. M. Friday, the 14th day of October 1977 / ITY SECRE ARY A0a CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TEXAS 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southla,e Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 18, 1977 7;30 P. M. A N G E N D A I. Public Hearing : ZA-77-13.... J. Peters, Rezoning From AG to Light Industrial. II. Public Hearing : ZA-77-12.... B.H. Buchanan, Quail Creek Rezoning From AG to Residential A3. III. ZA-77-1 Fred Joyce, approval of Plat IV. Discussion of the Police Dept Vehicles. V. Appointment of the Planning & Zoning Commission Member,Resolution 77-36 VI. Resolution 77-37, appointment of Court Clerk. VII. Recognition to Miss Rhonda Stacy, Miss Flame of Tarrant County. VIII. Departmental Reports: A. Police Dept Report B. Fire Dept Report C. Court Report D. Water Dept Report E. Building Insp. Report F. Mayor's Report IX. City Administration: A. Approval of Bills X. Volunteer Firemen's Pension Plan XI. County Septic Tank Inspection. Item # VI. Corrected 10/17/77. This is a corrected Agenda. r,a City Secr tary` i 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE to 0 0 b O MINUTES OF : REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING d t~ y d DATE OF MEETING: October 18, 1977 v o Oy TIME OF MEETING: 7:30 P. M. H z PLACE OF MEETING: COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL y 667 N. Carroll Avenue H NAME OF Page 1 of 4 MEMBER INDEX NO.CAP. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Pat Hawk, Councilmen Bob Goode, A. C. Urbanosky and Sam Sparger. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Mayor Pro Tem. Colon Sweet and Councilman Brad Po_pkin. STAFF PRESENT: W. D. Campbell, City Attorne , E # D. R. Hughes, Police Chief and R. P. Steele, Fire Chief. r INVOCATION: Councilman Sam Sparger MINUTES of the last regular meeting were ap- proved as amended. GOODE yX X J. Peters Controller for Wolf's Nursery was ZA -77-13 SPARGER X X present to represent the request of rezoning WOLF'S URBANOSKY ? f $X from AG district to Light Industrial Distric . NURSERY The plan use of the property will be approxi' matly two dozen Poly Greenhouses. A.p- proximatly 10 to 15 persons will now be em- i ployed with furture employment of 30 to 35 f persons. This will be the General office fo } Wolf's which is being transferred from Fort s Worth, for Wholesale use only. Councilman Sam Sparger requested that Mr. Peters includ r a 30f_t Easement along the roadside in the Deed Restrictions. Mr. Foster and Mrs. j Aliceanne Wallace concerned residents, were t present to express thier view as being in favor for the Zoning Change. 8 s GOODE sX X ? Mike Buchanan was present to represent his ZA-77-12 SPARGER Xf 'X father, B.H. Buchanan in the request of re- QUAIL CREEK URBANOSKY sX zoning eight acres on Carroll School Road ESTATES. from AG to A3 Residential. There will be ? subdivisions of 29 Lots and 212 to 4 Acres in size. The majority of Lots are 4 Acres, s ~ j f t there will be 4 or 5 Lots that are 212 acres. Carter & Buraess said there would be a pro- blem. with drainage so in turn Mr. Buchanan 5 has made provisions in the Final Plat addin a culvert that will control the problem. i ~ y CITY OF SOUTHLAKE C cn ro ro ° ° C Ox x ~ MINUTES OF : REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING d t~ d DATE OF MEETING: OCTOBER 18,.,1977 Gv~ oy TIME OF MEETING: 7:30 P. M.` H z PLACE OF MEETING: COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL y 667 N. Carroll Avenue H ' NAME OF Page 2 of 4 MEMBER INDEX NO.CAP. GOODE X FRED JOYCE was present to present his pre- ZA-77-1 SPARGER X liminary plan on Woodland Grove for Final WOODLAND URBANOSKY X approval. Leon Levitt (Engineer) was also GROVE present and stated that Carter & Burgess requested that they update the original overall plat. Provisions were made by the Planning & Zoning Commission that the over- all development plan be revised to conform ith the present date. The final plat must b 8 signed & dated. The Lots consist of one acre now along with the Key Map with these provisions on it. GOODE X COUNCILMAN A. C. URBANOSKY proposed bids for POLICE DEPT SPARGER X X the Police Dept Vehicles. The Three Com- VEHICLES. URBANOSKY X X petitive Bids introduced were: Charley Hilliard $5,399.79 Per Vehicle Payton Wright $5,446.00 " Ken Grantham $5,711.24 " It was Councilman Urbanosky's recommendation that due to the Cooperation in maintenance from Payton Wright, the close locality and the wrecker service, although they exceed f Charley Hilliard by $46.21, the vehicles should be purchased from Payton Wright. It will take 8 to 10 weeks for delivery of the LTD's. GOODE X X MAYOR HAWK presented his appointment of RES# 77-36 SPARGER X Lloyd Martinson to fill the remaining term APPOINTMENT URBANOSK X #X ; of Karen Black as Planning & Zoning OF P & Z Commission member. MEMBER. MAYOR HAWK presented his appointment of RES# 77-37 Court Clerk, as being Janet Daniel. An APPOINTMENT I amended copy of this resolution, reading OF COURT } Deputy Court Clerk will be presented on the CLERK. following Agenda of November 1, 1977. MAYOR HAWK presented a letter of Appreciation MISS FLAME to Miss Rhonda Stacy for her outstanding f role as Miss Flame of Tarrant County. 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 'd O O 1-3 3l t4 MINUTES OF : REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING O t L d DATE OF MEETING: O ober 1$r 1977 0 y TIME OF MEETING: 7:5~ P. M. H PLACE OF MEETING: COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL y 667 N. Carroll Avenue H NAME OF MEMBER Page 3 of 4 INDEX NO.CAP. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: DEPT.REPORT; POLICE REPORT- Councilman Urbanosky stated the City should get the new Vehicles as soon as possible due to the high maintenance cost of the old vehicles. Officer Randy Martin is back with the Police Dept filling the vacancy of officer Tom Hulsey. FIRE DEPT- Councilman Urbanosky stated the fires are down and maintenance is good. COURT REPORT- Mr. Doug Campbell acknowledged that all went well with the Court Session. WATER DEPT- There were 2 main breaks. BUILDING INSP- No questions or discussion. MAYORS REPORT- Mr. Tom Anderlitch will be present at the City Council meeting of Nov 1, 1977 to discuss Bonds. A. C. Urbanosky is to form a work session with Mr. Cheetam on spped limits. Councilman Sam Sparger will represent the City at the Mayors Council. GOODE X X COUNCIL approved payment of the bills pre- APPROVAL OF SPARGER X sented per the attached list. BILLS URBANOSKY X X a t GOODE X ! X! COUNCILMAN URBANOSKY stated that he and Harr VOLUNTEER SPARGER X t Xk Bradley and Lt. Roper attended a meeting for FIREMANS URBANOSKY # X the Ft. Worth Fire Marshall's regarding PENSION the Pension Plan. It was noted that if the PLAN city had a better plan or set aside funds j for this particular plan they would not have to join the State Plan. Participation in the a fund is optional. If the city chooses not to go with the plan the city needs to pass # a City Offical Legislation within 60 days. Doug Campbell will draw up a resolution stating that it be resolved that the City 4 exempt themselves of the requirments of this act. K I J •w.ingowa.,M~ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE L11 p O C p 0 ~ ~ MINUTES OF : REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING d t~ y DATE OF MEETING: OCTOBER 18, 1977 TIME OF MEETING: 7:30 P. M.' z PLACE OF MEETING: COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL U) 667 N. Carroll Avenue H NAME OF Page 4 of 4 INDEX NO.CAP. MEMBER DALE MICHAUD representing Tarrant County COUNTY SEPTIC Health Dept. was present to answear question TANK INSP. GOODE X X regarding the County Septic Inspection. Some SPARGER X X of the Cities that are involved with this URBANOSKY X program are Grapevine, Keller, Kennedale, and Collvville. The Countv looks at the lot making sure the lateral lines go down- hill. The County has Private Registered Engineering Firms with fees ranging from $75.00 to $250.00, specificly for Perc Tests Which the new homeowner pays for. County Inspector has the obligation of checking the lateral field slope upon the outside inspection. The developer receives $25.00 for the application fee, also the septic 11 installer receives $25.00 application fee, again to be paid by the homeowner. Also in the requirements, a plan from the develo- per is given to the County of the proposed lateral lines before a plat is completed. It is the resolution of the County that a plat is approved by the Commissioner's Court before the county will issue a License Before any decisions are made the City will have to hold a Public Hearing. It was noted by the Council that a change needs to be made and perfected. Further studies are urged before final decisions are made. It was advised by the City Attorney that a zoning amendment is needed which would call for a public hearing at the Planning & Zoning Meeting and then council. The motion was made that we remain the same for now. THERE BEING no further business the me ing adjourned. 401 Mayor ATTEST: / C ty Secretary RESOLUTION NO. 77- 39 AREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas has considered the State law entitled "VOIUNTEER FIRE FI=RS' RELIEF AND IMIREMENT FUND", also known as Vernon's.Annotated Civil Statutes Article 6243e.3., Sections 1 to 25; and, VM]REAS, such consideration has been done in open and regular Council meting with opinions concerning such law being received by all present desiring to give the same, and, WHEREAS, there does not presently exist in the City of Southlake,Texas any Fire Fighters' Relief and Retirement Find; and, WHEMAS, the said City Council desires to take action on becoming subject to the Act or being exempted therefrom, NOW, IVMIEFORE,.BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas that: The City of Southlake, Texas, be and it is hereby declared to be exempt from and the said City Council does hereby elect to exempt itself from the requirements of the said Volunteer Fire Fighters' Relief and Retirement Fund. PASSED AND APPROVED this 18th day of October, 1977. Mayor ATTEST: Ci Secretary APPROVED: All Ci AtbonV~ ,23 RESOLUTION NO 77-36 WHEREAS, the city council of the City of Southlake, Texas, did pass and approve ordinance #203, wherein provision is made for the appointment of members to the Planning and Zoning Commission: AND, WHEREAS, one appointment must be made to fill a vancancy currently existing in the place of Karen Black, AND, WHEREAS, the Mayor of the City of Southlake does hereby submit the name of LLOYD MARTINSON to serve the unexpired term of Karen Black ending May 1, 1978, NOW, I THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: LLOYD MARTINSON BE AND IS HEREBY appointed by the City Council to the Planning and Zoning Commission to serve until May 1, 1978. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 18th day of OCTOBER , 1977. Mayor ATTEST : City Secretary C-)6C1 cl tj RESOLTUION NO 77-37 WHEREAS, THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Southlake, Texas, did declare the Office of Court Clerk vacant as of September 21, 1977, AND, WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Citv of Southlake. Texas, that the office be filled on a permanent basis; AND, WHEREAS, the Mayor of the City of Southlake, does hereby submit the name of Janet Daniel to perform the duties of the office of Court Clerk. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: JANET DANIEL BE and is hereby appointed by the City Council as COURT CLERK. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 18th DAY OF OCTOBER, 1977. -000 l4ewo-S. 1 4-~ Mayor ATTEST: City Secr tary .23.3 A OATH OF OFFICE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF TARRANT: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE: I, Lloyd Martinson, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the duties as a member of the PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION, of the City of Southlake, Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of this City; and I furthermore do solemnly swear that I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered, or promised to pay, contributed, nor promissed to contribute any money, or.valuable thing, or promissed any public office or employment, as a reward to secure my appointment. So Help Me God. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, this the 18th day of October, 1977 Mayor City Secretary CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MUNICIPAL COURT ACTIVITIES OCTOBER 1977 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Municipal Court Report for the Month of September 1977: Cases Set: 46 Cases Heard: 34 Cases Dismissed: 6 Cases Appealed: 1 Citations Written in September: 266 Citations Paid in September: 235 Warrants Issued: 20 Cases Reset: 5 Respectfully submitted, Janet Daniel Court Clerk id CITY OF SOUTHLAKE rr c3 POLICE DEPARTMENT ' J SEPTEMBER 1977 Honorable Mayor and City Council: Police Department Report for the month of September 1977 Tickets issued in August 325 Tickets issued in September 266 Persons in jail in August 11 Persons in jail in September 17 Traffic accidents in August 5 Traffic accidents in September 17 Burglaries investigated in August 3 Burglaries investigated in September 2 Approximate total value taken in burglaries in September $46.00 Approximate total value recovered in burglaries in September 0 Thefts investigated in August 8 Thefts investigated in September 2 Approximate total value taken in thefts in September $43.00 Approximate total value recovered in thefts in September $7,200.00 Number of calls in August 454 giber of calls in September 845 Speedometer reading on Unit #5 ( 74 Ford ) 75,346 Speedometer reading on Unit #8 ( 75 Ford ) 120,492 Speedometer reading on Unit #9 ( 76 Ford ) 114,049 Speedometer reading on Unit #10 ( 77 Pontiac ) 70,803 Miles driven in August 13,001 Miles driven in September 13,197 Respectfully submitted, AJL./) Dougla R. Hughes Chief of Police SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT DRH/mrb STEP SUMMARY SEPTEMBER 1977 Total hours worked 336k Total tickets written 90 Total written warnings issued 94 Total fines paid $1,350.50 Total fines to be paid $1,827.50 k) J tal fines paid for August $5,470.00 Total fines paid for September $6,437.50 Total DPS fines paid for September $152.50 Bills For Approval At City Council October 18, 1977 M. M. ADMISTRATORS, INC CITY Invoice90253... $569.27 CARTER & BURGESS Sept 16,1977.. $151.78 XEROX Inv#45834590.. $ 58.14 TOTAL $779.19 CITY OFFICE FORT WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM ................................SEPT 21_, 1977 $ 17.52 REGIONAL OFFICE SUPPLY ..................................SEPT 30, 1977 $ 25.28 TARRANT COUNTY OFFICE SUPPLY ............................SEPT 3, 1977 $ 48.79 THOMPSON PRINTING SERVICE ...............................SEPT 8, 1977 $ 38.50 TOTAL $130.09 POLICE DEPT SOUTHWESTERN BELL .......................................OCT 1, 1977 $ 83.06 TEXACO ..................................................OCT 14/ OCT 15/ $ 7.50 BELL & HOWELL ...........................................INV#2431346 $131.10 JOHNNY SWORD PEST CONTROL ...............................OCT 3, 1977 $ 42.50 SA-SO (Sargent-Sowell, Inc) .............................INV# J49319 35.54 KIRCHER PONTIAC INC .....................................SEPT 30, 1977 $ 2.60 KUSTOM SIGNALS ..........................................31438-00 $180.51 CONOCO ..................................................INV#N74892 $ 35.75 GULF OIL CORPORATION ....................................INV#20364626 $ 48.58 BILL JONES SALVAGE .....................................INV#5509 $ 100.00 FIRE DEPT TOTAL $ 667.14 TEXACO INC . ............................................OCT 5,1977/ Sept 21$6.00 ALSTATE FIRE EQUIPMENT ..................................10/12.1977 $ 38.50 WHITE'S AUTO STORE ......................................OCT 1, 1977 $ 2.64 CONOCO ..................................................INV#N74892 $ 35.75 GULF OIL CORP INV#20364626 $ 48.58 TOTAL $ 131.47 WATER DEPT WATCO INV#03670 $ 7.50 AQUA UTILITY, INC INV#5024 $ 134.25 TOTAL $ 141.75 GRAND TOTAL $1,849.64 CI CI 9 WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT Month of SEPTEMBER Gallons Pumped previous month 9,603,000 Gallons sold previous month 7,583.000 New Taps installed for month 1 Meters changed out 5 Line repairs: Materials 2 main breaks, two full circles Machine Rental $120.00 Other repairs Well No. 2 pump packing Cleaning chlorine regulator well No. 1 S p Water Superintendent CITY OF SOUTHEAKE iVio~~►hiy ~epor: Eo Adaniistru:iv~, Manager SEPTEMBER 19'77 ~;O,V i 1 SLY REPORT Month Gf , -apartment of Building inspection' 1. Number of Inspections Lass Fiscal Caiondar Last Samo Month This Fiscal This Last Yoar Y,par To Data Year To Date Year To Date Month Month Building 3 Electrical 13 Plumbing 1Q Miscellaneous To tai 16 for 2 w eks 31 Daily Average 2. Permits Issued Building , Number 8 l t Value Permit Fees 436.0'0 610.00 Electrical , Number r Permit Fees Plumbing , , Number Permit Fees Sewer Number Permit Fees LTo All Fees $436.00 $610.00 3, Nature of Building Permits Valuation Number Dwollinn , Plan Check Pormit Fees Total Fees Of Type Units Foos + Pormits $192., 700.00 4 Single Family 2 Family Multi-Family Commercial Buildings j Industrial Buildings Relocation and Demolish ' Swimming Pools Signs $ 1, 600.00 1 Other gas tank Alterations and Additions $ 22, 000.00 2 To Dwellings To Commercial Buildings To Industrial Buildings Total 7 4. Building Valuation This Calendar Year To Date This Fiscal Year To Date ~I Jan.1977 to SePt.1977$231,733.43 XLf,~ _ I~. 1 net Calendar Year To Data