1977-09-20 208 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 20, 1977 7:30 P.M. A G E N D A I. Resolution No. 77-32 - Acceptance of Resignation of City Secretary. II. Lone Star Gas Rate Ordinance No. 238. III. Adoption of 1978 Budget - Ordinance No. 239. IV. Setting of Tax Rate Ordinance No. 240. V. Traffic Speed on Lonesome Dove. VI. Resolution No. 77-33 - Appointment of Planning & Zoning Commission Member. VII. Planning & Zoning Commission Recommendations. VIII. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: A. Police Department Report. B. Fire Department Report. C. Water Department Report. D. Municipal Court Report. E. Building Inspection Report. IX. Bills for Approval. X. Mayor's Report. XI. Personnel Discussion (Closed). I hereby certify that the above Agenda was posted on the front door and bulletin board of City Hall, 667 N. Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, Friday, September 16, 1977 at 3:30 P.M. City Secretary u'd ~ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 0 C4 t~ z x d 0 MINUTES Ok' Regular Council Meeting R . G) DATE OF ME=TING: e e e 20 1977 d H TIME OF MEETING: . q. z czn PLACE OF MEETING: Council Chamber, City Hal y 667 N. Carroll Avenue NAME OF Index No. MEMBER Caption r COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Pat Hawk, Mayor Pro Tem C. A. Sweet, Councilmen: A. C. Urbanosky, Bob Goode, Brad Popkin, and Sam Sparger. STAFF PRESENT: W. G. Cline, Water Superinten- dent; R. P. Steele, Fire Chief; Doug Hughes, Police Chief. GUESTS PRESENT: Eddie Chentham, UTA Traffic Co-ordinator. Invocation: Sam Sparger. Minutes were approved as presented. I. Goode x x The Council passed and approved, Resolution RES#77-32 Sweet x x 77-32, resignation of Aliceanne Wallace as Resignation Urbanosky x City Secretary, relieving'her of all official of City Sec Popkin x duties. Sparger X II. Popkin x x LONE STAR GAS: Doug Campbell (City Attorney) ORD# 238 Goode x x has talked to the Lone Star Attorney and re- Sweet x ceived an agreement that, if we did agree to Urbanosky x the same rate that Grapevine has, the rate Sparger x would be effective only on future billings It is still open as to the date. It was doted that Westlake also has the same rate of $1.34688. Ordinance 238 was approved with no further discussion. 1 I Sparger x 'x I III. Goode x ±x ADOPTION OF 1978 BUDGET, ORDINANCE 239. Sweet jx Changes that were made regarding budget were ORD# 239 Urbanosky ,x requested by Mayor, i.e.. Police Department Popkin Ix maintenance should be under Personnel Service (instead of Contract Service. Mayor Hawk asked that notation be made that the Building Inspector receives $5.00 per inspection and that the Fire Chief is employed half-time . j ORDINANCE 239 was adopted for the period of October 1, 1977 to October 1, 1978. i ~ . r c C o o CITY OF SOUTHLAKE U) b ro 3 y o ~ e~ d MINUTES OF: Regular Council Meeting O DATE OF MEETING: d TIME OF MEETING: ~?]g&e.jqbeq.20 PLACE OF MEETING: Council Chamber, City Hal 667 N. Carroll Avenue NAME OF ! 2 Index No. MEMBER ii Caption e 9 1 IV. Goode x x SETTING OF TAX RATE ORDINANCE #240. Sweet x x I This item on agenda is a companion Urbanosky x ordinance to Ordinance 239, this sets the ORD#240 Popkin x tax levi which is the same as last year, Sparger x being 51~ for the General Fund and 14G for t le General Obligation Bond Entrance and Sinking Fund. Giving a total levi of 65~ on $100.00 based on 50% evaluation, which is the same as it has been, V. TRAFFIC SPEED ON LONESOME DOVE. Ed Cheathan presented a study of appropriate speed on Lonesome Dove. It was his opinion that it should be 40 mph, also it was Mr. Cheathan's opinion that an advisory speed should be set along with the speed limit. This item was tabled for a workshop with Mr. Cheathan date pending. It was noted that an advisory speed does not need an Ordinance. Mayor Hawk concluded this item by requesting a work- shop session on the traffic speed on Lonesome Dove and to let the study show that all needed changes willbe taken care of at the workshop. VI. Goode q x ` APPOINTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Sweet ix ! RECOMMENDATIONS: Urbanosky x Mayor Hawk appointed Mrs. Virginia Clow to Popkin x i x fill the vacancy of Larry Smith on the Sparger x x I Planning & Zoning Commission and to serve the { I unexpired term of Larry Smith ending May 1,19 78 { Mrs. Clow accepted the position. i VII. i Planning and Zoning Commission Recomendations Mr. Buchanan reviewed his plat with the council stating the only question Carter and Burgess has was related to the drainage. Mr. Buchanan stated that this is a'hundred ye 3.r flood plan, Mr. Buchanan said that he could raise his lot lines above the hundred year flood plan, that there was only one lot that f I .21 1 / ro b a o CITY OF SOUTHLAKE z MINUTES OF: Regular Council Meeting d 0 DATE OF MEETING. . e e e .20 d H TIME OF MEETING: z can PLACE OF MEETING: Council Chamber, City Hal 667 N. Carroll Avenue NAME OF Index No. MEMBER Caption s' this would require, The property of 82.9 acre tract of land out of the James L.Chiv rs Survey, Abstract #348,(North of Carroll High School, and adjacent to North Carroll Avenue). Mayor Hawk stated that the earli t would be the 18th of October, 1977. Popkin x x Item 2; Rezoning of ZA-77-11, from AG Goode x x District, to A3 District Residential., Urbanosky x Mayor Hawk explained that there needs Sparger x to be some residential zoning in a sub- Sweet x division, prior to issueing a Building Permit. Since the City initiated the actin of rezoning Southlake Park, it is in this case the council's decision to empower rezoning or deny it. Mr. Frank Cardinal, property owner of Southlake Park stated there are 20 written oppositions from the 23 land owners in Southlake Park, Mayor Hawk proposed the Council withdraw from trying to rezone.. VIII DEPARTMENT REPORTS: Urbanoskv x x Police Dept. A. C. Urbanosky reported Sweet x x that the police dept. needs a water fountain Goode x for the jail. Also a measuring tape for Sparger x accidents, Mayor Hawk stated that Popkins $350.00 that is needed for the water foun- tain and measuring tape should be bought at this time because the funds cannot be carried into the new fiscal year. Mayor Hawk authorized purchase. !!i FIRE DEPT REPORT: Fire Dept has the annual h Miss Flame coming up, It will be held Sept, 26, 1977. 7:30 P. M. Carroll School Cafeteria, She will be between 16 and 21 years of age, must live in this fire dis- trict, and single. Equipment from the Trophy Club donation is the Airfax, Electronic Sirens, Jumper Cable Miscellaneous Tools, Shovels and Brooms and Two new batteries. The amount spent $2,650.00. 212 ) cn b b o a a CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ~ MINUTES OF: Regular Council Meeting O~ DATE OF MEETING: September 201.1977 d H TIME OF MEETING: 7:30 P. M. PLACE OF MEETING:. Council Chamber, City Hal 667-N. Carroll Avenue NAME OF Index No. MEMBER 4 Caption s' • Water Dept. No Discussion Municipal Court Report. No Discussion Building Inspection No Discussion Bills were approved IX Goode X X Bills For Approval. Sweet X X All bills approved as presented' Urbanosky X Popkin X Sparger X X Mavors Report. Mavors report was aiven.~ reauested a meeting be set up with mr. Cullem for a future Council Meeting. XI. Personnel Discussion was Closed. MAYOR C CITY SECRETARY l ' ~ I 213 BILLS FOR APPROVAL AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING - SEPTEMBER 20, 1977: Fort Worth Star Telegram (City) 8/27-30 & 8/31-9/6 $ 43.84 The Dallas Morning News (City) 9/5-11 $ 34.30 Regional Office Supply (City) #4819 $ 42.90 $ 9.50 E. L. White Office Supply (City) #39995 Corona Plubming Supply Company (City) #49676 $ 8.44 $ 5.00 Mays, Flowers, Grady & Burruss Ins. (City) #38670 $ 854.88 Texas Power & Light Company (City,F.D.) 6/28 - 8/29/77 $3,571.37 Texas Power & Light Company (W.D.) 6/28 - 8/29/77 National Building Centers (W.D.) #132894 $ 15.20 Texaco (P.D.) 9/14/77 $ 7.50 $ 28.75 Ft. Worth Generator and Starter Service(PD) #1646A $ 7.50 White's Auto Stores (P.D.) #162808 Motor Supply Co. (P. D., F. D.) #112281, #111887 $ 5.17 $ 475.21 Gulf Oil Corporation (P.D.) #01735 Ragsdale Garage & Body Shop (P.D.) 9/13/77 $ 131.18 #A29667 $ 209.35 Incoterm (P.D.) TOTAL: $5,450.09 214 OATH OF OFFICE STATE OF TEXAS : COUNTY OF TARRANT : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE : I, Virginia Clow, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the duties as a member of the Planning & Zoning Commission, of the City of Southlake, Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of this City; and I furthermore do solemnly swear that I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered, or promised to pay, contributed, nor promised to contribute any money, or valuable thing, or promised any public office or employment, as a reward to secure my appointment. So help me God. Jot. SUBCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, this the 27th day of September,1977. RESOLUTION NO. 77-31 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, did pass and approve Ordinance No. 203, wherein provision is made for the appointment of members to the Planning & Zoning Commission; And, WHEREAS, a'vacancy has occurred due to the resignation of Larry Smith; And, WHEREAS, the Mayor of the City of Southlake does hereby submit the name of to serve the unexpired term of Larry Smith, said term ending May 1, 1978; Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: be and is hereby appointed by the City Council of the City of Southlake to the Planning & Zoning Commission to serve until May 1, 1978, the unexpired term of Larry Smith. PASSED AND APPROVED this 6th day of September, 1977. Mayor ATTEST: fl City Secre ary SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPA$TMENT 16- MONTHLY REPORT August - 1977 I. RESPONSES: Structure Fires .........................................................0 Grass Fires....... o see 0. 0 .0 .0. 0 0 .`3 Auto Fires.... ........................................................0 Auto Accident-Stand-by-(Rescue Unit & Fire (knit) Mutual Aid-Other cities ............................•....................o False Alarms ............................................................0 Rescue Unit A. Call.to boat dock ( Midway Camp) subject hit by boat prop. . 1 W ri .-Misc. Alaims......•..•.•..•..•.••.•.•.•••.• A. Hwy ]]4 and Highland (mattress, on fire on side of road.) B. Fuel overflow on truck tank, no fire (Oak Hills Mobil Home Park)6 TOTAL EMERGENCY RESPONSES FOR MONTH..., 7 M • " MAN/HOURS EXPENDED: Emergency Calls.....:' ................r...............................:27 hrs. Meetings (4) Average: 120 hrs. Maintenance Average Time .............*.................................45 hrs. Training Sessions (2) man hours.included,.:in meetings.................... TOTAL MAN/HOURS FOR MONTH .......p'.•..•............••...........f 92 hrs. III. FIREFIGHTERS RESPONSES AND NUMBER OF 'MMES RESPONDING: Chief Steele 6 J. Sullivan 2 Asst. Chief Bradley 3 R. Shelton ] Fire Marshal Joyce 2. K. Cosgrove.. 2 Capt. Polson ] T. Tryant 2 Capt. Roper ] C'.'Higgins .2 Lt. Shuping 0 J. Brown 2 Lt. Bell 0 S. Feritta 2 T. Boyer 2 D•. Johnson ] W. Winchester' 4 W. Morris 2 W. Eddington 2 D. Drennan ] R. Martin ] R. Steele ] Respectfully Submitted, 011 i"a-f A! teele, i e Shief Southlake Fire Department 217 WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT August Month of 8,358,200 Gallons Pumped previous month Gallons sold previous month 10,011,000 New Taps installed for month 1 Meters changed out 6 Line repairs: Materials 4 main es repaired Machine Rental $90.00 Other repairs 2 service ;,,P repaired Water Superintendent v CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MUNICIPAL COURT ACTIVITIES AUGUST 1977 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Municipal Court Report for the Month of August, 1977. Cases Set: 44 Cases Heard: 20 Cases Dismissed: 3 Cases Appealed: 2 Citations Written in July: 327 Citations Paid: 249 Warrants Issued: 55 Cases Reset: 5 Respectfully Submitted, Aliceanne Wallace Municipal Court Clerk AW/bs CITY OF SOUTHLAKE „ MQN'i f ;LY REPORT Monthly ;fie; or: To Adn,in;s:rat , Manager [[ww Month Of AUGUST L977~ Department of Building Inspection' Number of Inspections This Last Same Month Irhis Fiscal Last Fiscal Calendar Month Month Last Year Y,por To Date Year To Date Year To Date Building 3 14 Electrical 13 16 Plumbing 10 15 Miscellaneous 5 10 Total 31 55 Daily Average 2. Permits Issued Building Number 8 4 6 Value $254.,096 $145.250 Permit Fees $162.600 t $610 , $343 $403' Electrical Number Permit Fees 9r ~ Plumbing Number r Permit Fees Sewer ' Number Permit Fees Total All Fees 610 $343 $403 r 3. Nature of Building Permits Number Of Types Dwelling, Plan Check Permit Fes Total Fees Valuation Permits Units Foos Single Family $610 / $254.096 2 Family Multi-Famiiy Commercial Buildings Industrial Buildings Relocation and Demolish Swimming Pools Signs Other Alterations and Additions To Dwellings To Commercial Buildings To Industrial Buildings 8 Total $610 $254.096 4. Building Valuation his Fiscal Year o Data This Calendar Year To Date 1/77 8/77 $1,543,343 Last Fiscal Year T \D,19 Last Calendar Year To Data CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MUNICIPAL COURT ACTIVITIES SEPTEMBER 1977 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Municipal Court Report for the Month of September, 1977. Cases Set: 55 Cases Heard: 34 Cases Dismissed: 7 Cases Appealed: 5 Citations Written in August: 325 Citations Paid: 275 Warrants Issued: 28 Cases Reset: 12 Respectfully Submitted, Aliceanne Wallace Municipal Court Clerk AW/bs