1977-09-06 0? CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 667 N.Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6 September 1977 7:30 P. M. A G E N D A I. Lone Star Gas Rate Ordinance II. Appointment of Auditor - Resolution No. 77-30. III. Park Playground Equipment: A. Tarrant County Bid. B. Teeter-Totter Purchase IV. Planning & Zoning Commission Matters: A. Appointment re Vacancy - Resolution No. 77-31. B. Ratification of Approved Plat, Southlake Park Addition, Lots 4-F., 4-R-1, 5-R and 5-R-1. V. Fire Department Personnel Discussion (Closed). VI. Review of Comments from Budget Public Hearing. VII. General Personnel Discussion (Closed). VIII. Approval of Bills. I hereby certify that the foregoing Agenda was affixed to the front door and bulletin board of City Hall, 667 N. Carroll, at 2:30 P. M. Friday, 2 September 1977. City ecretary 4un C-1 3 % b b a a CITY OF SOUTHLAKE G n O d z d MINUTES OF: Regular Council Meeting it o DATE OF MEETING: 6 September 1977 d H TIME OF MEETING: 7:30 P. M. of PLACE, OF MEETING: Council Chamber, City Hal 667 N. Carroll Avenue NAME OF Index No. MEMBER Page 1 of 2 Pages Caption COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Pat Hawk,Mayo Pro Tem C. A. Sweet, Councilmen Bob Goode, A. C. Urbanosky, Brad Popkin and Sam Sparger. STAFF PRESENT: W. D. Campbell, City Attorney W. G. Cline, Water Superintendent; R.P.Steele Fire Chief. GUESTS PRESENT: Bob Holder, Assistant to Com- missioner Lyn Gregory, and Jim Baddaker, Tar- rant County Planning & Management Department. Ben Berry, Park Commissioner. INVOCATION: Mayor Pro Tem. Sweet. MINUTES of the last regular meeting were ap- proved as presented. The Minutes of the Pub- lic Hearing on the 1978 Budget were approved as presented. The Mayor announced Item No. 1 of the Agenda would be taken up later in the meeting. Sweet X X The Council passed and approved Resolution No.RES.NO.77-30 Sparge X X 77-30, appointing J. D. Baines,C.P.A., to AUDITOR APPT Popkin X audit the City's books for the fiscal year Urbanosk X ending 30 September 1977. (Said Resolution Goode X attached hereto and made a part hereof.) Park Commissioner Ben Berry addressed the PARK PLAY- Council regarding bids on playground equip- GROUND EQUIP ment for the City's park as accepted by the MENT Tarrant County Commissioners Court. Jim Baddaker explained about Community Development Funds and he and Bob Holder urged the Council to attend the next Mayors Council Meeting. Popkin X X Council approved of the action by the Com- Sparge X X missioners Court regarding the playground Sweet x equipment bid acceptance. The Mayor thanked Goode X the men for attending and asked that they Urbanosk X let Commissioner Gregory know our appreeiatio of his efforts in our behalf. The Mayor took time to thank Gordon Nettleton b 0 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE o o t4 0 o tt4 t~ C n b d l Meeting Counci z MINUTES OF: Regular 'A DATE OF MEETING: 6 September 1977 d H TIME OF MEETING: 7:30 P. M. Z co PLACE OF MEETING: Council Chamber, City Hal a 667 N. Carroll Avenue NAME OF Index No. MEMBER Page 2 of 2 Pages Caption for donating an oak desk and two chairs for city use. The Mayor explained that Resolution No. 77-31 RES. NO.77-31 appointing a member to the Planning & Zoning P&Z APPT. Commission to fill the vacancy created by the (TABLED) resignation of Larry Smith, will be placed on the agenda for the next regular Council meet- ing. Sparge X X The Revised Plat of Block 5, Lots 4-R, 4-R-1, SOUTHLAKE PARR Popkin X X 5-R and 5-R-1, of Southlake Park Addition, REVISED PLAT Sweet X approved by the Planning & Zoning Commission BLOCK 5 Goode X 23 August 1977 was ratified by the Council,as Urbanosky X recommended by the City Attorney. Sweet X X After a brief study, the Council approved pay BILLS APPROVEI Goode X X ment of the bills per the attached list. Popkin X Urbanosky X Sparger X At this point, the Mayor closed the meeting ONE STAR GAS for the purpose of discussing possible lit'- (closed) gation with Lone Star Gas Company and for the 'Purpose of discussing Fire Department person IRE DEPARTME] Sparger X X el. On reopening the meeting, the Council (closed) Sweet X X authorized the City Attorney to further nego- Goode X tiate with Lone Star Gas as quickly as pos- Popkin X ible. Urbanoskyl ~ X e Mayor reviewed with the Council the com- ~ZIEVIEW OF COM tents from the Public Hearing on the Budget. ENTS FROM e Council designated the Revenue Sharing UDGET HEARIN Funds in the amount of $8,131 from the Eighth Pntitlement Period to be applied toward the Purchase of two new patrol cars for the Police pepartment. The meeting was closed at this time for the purpose of discussing personnel with the City GENERAL PER- Attorney, all others being dismissed. SONNEL DISCU SION (CLOSED I There being no further business, the mep-ting djourned. ATTEST: i Mayor 205 RESOLUTION NO. 77-30 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of South-lake, Texas, deems it to be to the best interest of the City to have an an- nual audit conducted; And, i WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, considers J. D. Baines, C.P.A., qualified to conduct such an audit for the City's fiscal year ending 30 September 1977; Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: 1. J. D. Baines, C.P.A., be and is hereby appointed to conduct an audit for the City of Southlake, Texas. 2. The aforementioned audit is to cover the City of Southlake's fiscal year commencing l October 1976 and ending 30 September 1977, and is to cover all the City of Southlake's various accounts. PASSED AND APPROVED this 6th day of September, 1977. i Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary 266 BILLS FOR APPROVAL AT COUNCIL MEETING - September 6, 1977: The Wickes Corporation (City) #1154822 $ 18.01 Grapevine News Advertiser (City, P.D.) #00589 & #00613 $ 4.80 Mayors' Council (City) Annual Dues $ 50.00 The Grapevine Sun (City) 8/30/77 $ 15.20 Petty Cash Request (City, P.D.) $ 50.00 Vulcan Signs & Stampings, Inc. (City) #3441 $ 359.74 Tri-County Electric (City) #8140800 $ 100.05 General Telephone (City) Aug 19 to Sep 19 $ 315.89 Lone Star Gas Co. (City, F.D.) #21745422 $ 7.05 Thompson Printing Service (City) 8/29/77 & 8/30/77 $ 25.00 Center for Comm. Services NTSU (City) 8/22/77 $ 10.00 Mays, Flowers, Grady & Burruss (City) #38670 $ 18.00 Stewart Oxygen Service (F.D.) #4582 $ 34.00 White's Auto Store (F.D., W.D.) #017984, #017993 $ 148.49 W. H. Lumpkin Assoc. (F.D.) #5252 $2,280.00 General Telephone (F.D., P.D.) Srvc. Sep 1 to Oct 1 $ 65.04 Gulf Oil Products (P.D.) #1735 and #1790 $ 803.51 Bell Communications, Inc. (P.D.) 8/18/77 and 8/31/77 $ 264.11 Texaco (P.D.) 8/29/77 and 8/30/77 $ 9.00 Payton-Wright Ford (P.D.) #15542, #15537, #15731 $ 88.78 Crabtree & Powers Tire (P.D.) #03974 $ 4.00 Motor Supply Company (P.D.) #112789, #111628 $ 24.39 Miller Muffler, Inc. (P.D.) #04003, #03999 $ 43.71 Watco Air Conditioning (P.D.) #03700, #03293 $ 87.50 West Publishing Company (P.D.) #4-600-258 $ 40.00 Ragsdale Garage & Body Shop (P.D.) 8/18/77, 8/19/77, 8/30/77 $ 828.58 Kircher Pontiac (P?.-D.) #9190 $ 135.77 Village Grocery (P.D.) 8/2/77, 8/17/77 $ 6.78 IBM (P.D.) #8907070 $ 52.90 Motor Supply Company (W.D., P.D.) #105184,#105506,#106087,#112789 $ 18.72 Trans-Tex Supply Co. (W.D.) #R-09620 $ 40.00 Goldthwaite's of Texas, Inc. (W.D.) #02204 $ 7.22 Aqua Utility, Inc. (W.D.) #4505, #4256 $ 411.00 The Rohan Company (W. D. ) #24294 $ 75.30 TOTAL: $6,442.54