1977-08-16 18G CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 16, 1977 7:30 P.M. A G E N D A I. Leonard Hall, Jr. - Speed Limit on Lonesome Dove Discussion. * II. Sewer Discussion. III. Planning & Zoning Appointment/Membership Review. IV. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: A. Fire Department Report. 1. Equipment Purchase - A.C. B. Water Department Report. C. Police Department Report. D. Building Department Report. 1. Approval of Purchase of Sign Poles and Clamps. 2. Approval of Purchase of Office Equipment as Budgeted. E. Municipal Court. V. CITY ADMINISTRATION: A. Approval of Bills. 1. Hospital Expense Item. B. Mayor's Report. VI. Lone Star Gas Pending Litigation. (Closed) VII. General Personnel Discussion. (Closed) * Emergency Item - Speed Limit on State Highway 114 (Ordinance No. 237) I hereby certify that the above Agenda was posted on the bulletin board and front door of City Hall, 667 N. Carroll Avenue at 3:20 P.M., Friday, August 12, 1977. The emergency item was posted same placeq Monday, August ]5, 1977. / City Secretary 187 c cn ro b O 0 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE t~l V-3 C n b b z ftl MINUTES OF: Regular Council Meeting ~ DATE OF MEETING: 16 August 1977 d H TIME OF MEETING: 7:30 P. M. zn PLACF, OF MEETING: Council Chamber, City Hal 667 N. Carroll Avenue NAME OF Index No. MEMBER Page 1 of 3 Pages Caption COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Pat Hawk, Mayor Pro Tem C. A. Sweet, Councilmen Bob Goode, A. C. Urbanosky and Sam Sparger. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:Councilman Brad Popkin STAFF..PRESENT: W. D. Campbell, City Attorney; W. G. Cline, Water Superintendent; L.S. Senn, D. R. Hughes, Police Chief; R.P.Steele, Fire Chief. INVOCATION: Mayor Pro Tem Sweet. MINUTES of the last regular meeting were ap- proved as presented. Leonard Hall, Jr., co-owner of the Catfish Hu SPEED LIMIT and resident of Grapevine, informed the Coun- LONESOME DOVE cil that many of his customers and employees are unhappy over the speed limit on Lonesome Dove being lowered from 40 mph to 30 mph. Following discussion, the Mayor recommended that the matter be given further study with the possible assistance of Mr. Eddie Cheatham with UTA Institute of Urban Studies who pre- pared the City's Traffic Safety Action Plan. Following discussion, the Council indicated t P&Z APPOINT- the Mayor he is to submit an appointee for MENTS REVIEW their approval to replace Larry Smith whose work has caused his repeated absence and to also submit an appointee to replace Lloyd Latta should the Mayor ascertain that his job also causes continuing absences. The Fire Department report was given by Coun- DEPARTMENTAL cilman Urbanosky. Council approved the pur- REPORTS: Sparge X X chase of 3 airpacks, 4 extra bottles of oxyge , Good X X 6 push brooms, booster cables, 2 fans, 2 el- FIRE DEPT. Sweet X ectronic sirens, 2 extension cords, 6 shovels, Urbanosk X 2 water packs, and set of tools for a cost of approximately $2,925 to be spent out of the $3,000 contributed last week by the Trophy Club. x 8 00 O a CITY OF SOUTHLAKE U, b p o z d MINUTES OF Regular Council Meeting 0 O DATE OF MEETING: 16 August 1977 d H TIME OF MEETING: 7:30 P. M. z czn PLACE, OF MEETING: Council Chamber, City Hal 667 N. Carroll Avenue NAME OF Index No. MEMBER Page 2 of 3 Pages Caption Discussion was had concerning an area to be used for fire training purposes. Goode X X The Police Department report was made by POLICE DEPT. Sweet X X Councilman Urbanosky. Council approved hav- Sparger X ing various repairs made to the patrol cars Urbanosky X in need of same. Sparger X X Council passed and approved Ordinance No. 237 SPEED LIMIT Goode X X altering prima facie speed limits established ON SH 114 Sweet x for vehicles under the provisions of Section ORD. NO. 23' Urbanosky x 167 and 169 of Article XIX, R.C.S. 6701d, Un- iform Act Regulating Traffic on Highways upon the basis of an engineering and traffic in- vestigation upon certain streets and high- ways, or parts thereof, within the corporate limits of the City of Southlake as set out in the ordinance; and providing a penalty of a fine not to exceed $200 for violation of this ordinance. Mayor Pro Tem Sweet turned in the Water De- WATER DEPT. partment report to the Council. He informed the Council that the work on FM 1709 (South- lake Boulevard) is now complete. Building Inspector Senn turned in his monthly BLDG. DEPT. Goode X X report on building permits. Council gave ap- Sweet X X proval for the purchase of additional poles SIGN MATERIAI Sparger X and clamps to complete the traffic sign pro- AND Urbanosky X gram at a cost of $1,070 plus shipping charge OFFICE EQUIF Urbanosky X X Council further approved the purchase of PURCHASES. Sparger X X office equipment as provided in the budget Sweet X but exceeding the cost by $85, totaling $785. Goode X Council was advised that court will be held MUNICIPAL later this month because of vacations. COURT Sweet X X Bills presented to the Council were approved BILLS Urbanosky X X for payment as per the attached list. Goode X Sparger X At the request of the Mayor, by way of follow- YOB'S REPOF up, Councilman Goode reported his findings 189 m to b p 0 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 0 t" 0 0 _3 ~J C17 z d l MINUTES OF: Regular Council Meeting 0 DATE OF MEETING: 16 August 1977 d H TIME OF MEETING: 7:30 P. M. z z PLACE OF MEETING: Council Chamber, City Hal 667 N. Carroll Avenue NAME OF Index No. MEMBER Page 3 of 3 Pages Caption regarding dog and cat control. Following dis- cussion, Council decided to give the matter further study. The Mayor then commented on the items in his report (see attached copy). The 1978 Budget was then filed with the City (BUDGET FILEI Secretary. Mayor Hawk called for a short recess. Upon re convening, he took up the matter of the Sewer (SEWER) Council determined to have another workshop i September. The meeting was closed at this point for the ONE STAR GA; purpose of discussing possible litigation. Upon reopening the meeting, the Mayor recommended that the City Attorney propose special consid- erations to Lone Star Gas which he thinks can be negotiated and submit them to the Council at the next regular meeting (September 6) in he form of an ordinance. Goode X X e Council approved payment of a certain hos- OSPITAL EX- Sparger X X ital and doctor bill upon obtaining first a PENSE ITEM Sweet X igned release from liability, if any. Urbanosky X The Staff was dismissed on closing the meeting for personnel discussion. There being no further business, the meet' adjourned. off Ma- Vf TTEST: City Secretary 194 IDNTIILY R SPORT JOLY - 1977 I . R i.S !'OZ'S ES STRUCTURE FIRES 4 CRA,',S FT RiSS . 1.7 AUTO CI R!,............... _ 3 AU'T'O ACCII I,NT-STANIVBY-(XXSCUE UNIT & FI K: UNIT) :3 ;MUTUAL AI l -O I'll I;R CITIES 9 PALSI!:ALARMS I RESCUE UNIT 2 A. Rescue boat and crow (drowing -Mutual Aid- Grapevine on 7-5) B. Rescue boat and crew (drowing-Mutual Aid- Grapevine on 7-10) Misc. ALARMS 3 A. Gas meter run over (by Step-In Crocery on Lonesome Dove Rd.) B. Gasloine spill (wash clown at S.H. 11.4 & Kimball Ave.) C. Unit. 3003 with crew(stand-by, power lines down S.N. 1 4 & Highland) TOTAL EMERGENCY RESPONSES FOR MONTH 42 II. MAN/HOURS EXPANDED: 1-3hIERGENCY CALLS ................................................570 hrs. MEETINGS (4) AVERAGE * 15 men per meeting 120 hrs. MAINTENANCE AVERAGE TIME *plus two special work mornings 42 tars. TRAINING SESSIONS (2) MAN HOURS INCLUDED IN MEETINGS TOTAL MAN/HOURS FOR MONTH ..................................***732 hrs. Iii. FIREFIGHTERS RESPONSES AND NUMBER OF TIMES RESPONDING: HIE': STET L;E ........32 J. ANDREWS...... 24 K. COSGROVE... 4 ASST. CHIEF BRADLEY..28 R. MARTIN....... n R. FOSTER..... 2 FIRE *IARSHAL JOYCE... 6 ld. MORRIS....... 5 11ODSUN..... 5 CAPT. R. POLSON...... 12 P. HOLDEN....... 4 CAPT. B. ROPER....... 15 W. WINCHESTER... 16 LT. C. BELL.......... 14 A.C. URBANSOKY.. o LT. L. SHUPING....... 1i D. DUPREE....... 11 1s. wu(-H .............11 id. EDDINGTON.... 10 R. SHELTON........... 9 R. STEELE....... 11 J. POLSON............ 18 J. EDDINGTON.... 13 T. BOYER .............23 J. BROWN......., 11 S. FIERTITTA.......... 15 R. RODGERS...... 4 T. SULLIVIAN......... 15 D. DRENNAN...... 10 C. h1GCINS........... 20 T. SCHNEIDER.... 4 Respectfully Submitted, Rr~teele, Me Chief Southla'ke Fire Department _ 191 CITY OF SOUTHI.UJI" POLICE: DEPARTI-jENT :T ULY 1.977 Honorable Mayor and City Council: Police Department i:eport for the month of. July 1977 367 Tickets issued in June 327 Tickets issaaed in July 10 Persons in jail in June 13 Persons in jail in July Traffic accidents in June 22 Traffic accidents in July 9 Burglaries investigated in June 0 Burglaries investigated in July 1 Approximate total value taken in burglaries in July $550.00 Approximate total value recovered in burglaries in July 0 Thefts investigated in June 3 Thefts Investigated in July 3 $418.U3 Approximate total value taken in thefts in July 0 Approximate total value recovered in tlie4ts In July Number of calls in June 939 umber of calls in July 851 Speedometer reading on Unit #5 ( 74 Ford ) 73,486 116,647 Speedometer readic.g on Unit 48 ( 75 Ford ) Speedometer reading on Unit ;r9 ( 76 Ford ) 104,353 6U,U06 Speedometer reading on Unit 410 ( 77 Pontiac ) Miles driven in June 1.v,498 Miles driven in July 13,54u Re s1)ectful_ly sttbmit[:ed llou~alt. 1iur;laes ("laicl of Polict_r SOUTHLiaKi PPOLICi i1)LPAIKTI1i-;NT DRII /mrb f STEP SUMMARY JULY 1977 Total hours worked 326 Total tickets written 111 Total written warnings issued 105 Total fines paid $1,487.00 total fines to be paid $2,159.00 192 WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT Month of July, 1977 Gallons Pumped previous month 91116,600 Gallons sold previous month 11,403,000 New Taps _installed f:or month 1 Meters changed out 2 Four 2" dresser couplings and Line repairs: Materials one 6" full circle. Machine Rental $140.00 other repairs Two 2" main breaks, One 6" main break. 1 Water Superintendent 193 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE i SLY REPORT Monthly Repor, To Adrnir;istrative Manager Month Of July 1977 Department of Building Inspection 1. Number of Inspections This Last Same Month This Fiscal Last Fiscal Calendar Month Month Last Year Year To Date Year To Date Year To Date Building 14 12 12 Electrical 16 12 8 Plumbing 15 15 11 Miscellaneous 11 10 12 Total 56 49 43 Daily Average 2. Permits Issued Building Number 4 4 7 Value $145,250 $143,500 $159,158 Permit Fees $343 $343 $401 Electrical Number Permit Fees Plumbing Number Permit Fees Sewer Number Permit Fees total All Fees $343 $343 401 3. Nature of Building Permits Number Of Types Dwelling, Plan Check Permit Fees Total Fees Valuation Permits Units Fees 3 Single Family 3 $331 $141,350 2 Family Multi-Family Commercial Buildings Industrial Buildings Relocation and Demolish 1 Swimming Pools 12 3,900 Signs Other Alterations and Additions To Dwellings To Commercial Buildings To Industrial Buildings 4 Total 3 $343 $145,250 4. Building Valuation This Fiscal Ye Dat This Calendar Year To Date 4,zefr~ 1/77 - 7/77 u- t $1,289,247 ast iscal Year To a Last Calendar Year To Date f ~W~ 1 71- -'176, i 2 7 I 9/ 2 BILLS FOR APPROVAL AT COUNCIL MEETING - AUGUST 16, 1977: Gulf Oil Products (P.D.) #1640 $ 521.70 Thompson Printing Service (City) 8/8/77 & Printing Ord. $ 172.00 Xerox (City) #044418174 & #044578927 $ 294.07 Southern Building Code (City) #2879 $ 4.00 The Grapevine Sun (City) 7/14/77 $ 22.25 Gifford-Hill & Company, Inc. (W.D.) #183297 $ 50.10 Motor Supply Company (W.D.) #110096 $ 4.10 Keller Welding Service (W.D.) 8/5/77 $ 6.00 The Rohan Company (W.D.) #21244 $ 218.15 Aqua Utility, Inc. (W.D.) #4017 $ 57.00 Texaco (P.D.) 7/26/77 & 8/12/77 $ 9.00 Exxon Company (P.D.) 8/8/77 $ 19.35 Bell Communications (P.D.) 7/30/77 $ 235.50 Southwestern Bell (P.D.) #OGS - 0318 $ 83.06 Crabtree & Powers (P.D.) #04070 & #04075 $ 156.04 White's Auto Store (P.D.) #017887 & #017885 $ 82.12 City of Fort Worth (P.D.) #8-60 $ 15.00 General Telephone (P.D. & F.D.) Aug 1, 1977 to Sep 1,1977 $ 65.46 Alstate Fire Equipment (F.D.) #007050 $ 21.60 International Assoc. of Fire Chiefs(F.D.) #8249 $ 45.00 Fire Fox Corporation (F.D.) #13513 $ 270.76 TOTAL: $2,352.26 195 /w/ .mod /sue ,~G~~ G~•~B~E ~:GGL.Ec riot) - L~l~itJG/G ~iS~OCIG,~ Cmt>.srIG~~ ~ 4! F'94 le~/,S6 AC/o4ed!4OW7 eery y94e 1/4 -~e 1oV77Wa".o Yo4e A-Alee. o~4,u? ,ooof y lt~Dfc'~ S~ SS/ A~(S> !✓/L G =~i .eT ~T 0 Ei ~~iNi~~•vG► Tye /~vy~.~'~sr AJ,O •S•9 1eA!9 oae ox mvs '4.0 Z, ©©o OW 7411 f 6s (02 o9l.4&ur- $3c~ PEX 7Wocp),O