1977-04-05 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ?FETING APRIL 5, 1977 7:30 P.M. A G E N D A I. Nknicipal Court Report. II. Fire Department By-Laws. III. Bills for Approval. IV. Police Department Personnel - Filling Vacancy of Patrolman. V. Swearing in Ceremony. 70 ro ro 0 0 0 x V1 ~ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE e~ c n z t ~ d d d d :;4 MINUTES OF: Regular Council Meeting d ~'y p DATE OF MEETING: 5 April 1977 r+ z TIME OF MEETING: 7:30 P. M. NAME PLACE OF MEETING:Council Chamber,City Hall OF 667 N. Carroll Avenue MEMBER Index No. Page 1 of 2 Pages Caption COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Wade Booker, Mayor Pro Tem/Elect Fat Hawk, Councilmen W. 0. Nunn, Ben Berry, Bob Goode and C.A.Sweet. ALSO PRESENT: Councilmen-elect A.C.Urbanosky and Brad Popkin, STAFF PRESENT: W. D. Campbell, City Attorney, L. S. Senn, Building Inspector, W. G. Cline, Water Supterintendent, Police Chief D. R. Hughes and Fire Chief R. P. Steele. INVOCATION: Councilman Sweet. Nunn X X MINUTES of the last regular,meeting were Berry X X approved as presented. Minutes of the species Hawk X meeting held to canvass the votes were ap- Goode X proved as presented. Sweet X The March monthly activities of the Municipal MUNICIPAL Court was given to the Council. COURT REPORT Nunn X X The Fire Department By-Laws were approved by FIRE DEPART- Goode X X the Council as presented. (See Exhibit "A".) NT BY-LAWS Hawk X Berry X Sweet X Hawk X X The bills presented to the Council were ap- PAYMENT OF Nunn X X proved for payment as per the attached list. THE BILLS Berry X Goode X Sweet X The existing vacancy of patrolman in the Nunn X X Police Department was filled by Council with HIRING OF Berry X X the hiring of Charles Dodson at a starting PATROLMAN Hawk X salary of $650 a month during the probationar. Goode X period, then $700 monthly after his schooling! Sweet X is complete. Councilman Sweet introduced Mssrs. Lee Freese (Not on Agenda of-Freese and Nichols, Inc., and Peter Tart, attorney, who presented an ordinance to the Council for consideration regarding the City' I I 71 C C ro ro c, o ~ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE L z d d d ~ MINUTES OF: Regular Council Meeting d 0 ) p DATE OF :MEETING: 5 April 1977 r+ z TIME OF MEETING : 7:30 P. M. NAME N PLACE OF MEETING.Council Chamber,City Hall or. 13 a 667 N. Carroll Avenue MEMBER Index No. Page 2 of 2 Pages Caption participation with Keller, Westlake and the Trophy Club Estates in the formation of a water district, the "Northeast Tarrant County Water District". The matter is to be placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting. The newly elected officers, Pat Hawk-Mayor, A. C. Urbanosky-Councilman Place 1, Brad Popk' Councilman Place 2, were sworn in and assumed their places There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Mayor ATTEST: I City Secretary I I I 62 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MUNICIPAL COURT ACITVITIES MARCH 1977 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Municipal Court Report for the Month of March, 1977. Cases Set: 37 Cases Heard: 22 Cases Dismissed: 17 Cases Appealed: 8 Warrants Issued: 17 Citations Written: 210 Citations Paid: 151 Respectfully Submitted; Aliceanne Wallace Municipal Court Clerk SOUTHLAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT EXHIBIT ..A.. FRO'N ; - 4b1-558 - BUSINESS R.P. Steele F Chief CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF THE SOUTIiI AKE FIRE DEPARIXENT, SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ARTICLE 1 Name and Object This department shall be known as the Southlake Fire Dept. - object shall be the pre- servation of the lives and property of our fellow citizens. ARTICLE 11 Membership Senior and Junior yir€:fighters Section No person shall be eligible to becozie a Senior member in this department who is under 18 years of age. All members shall live: c,ii:h-1r: the immediate fire limits, shall have good character and habits, and shall be from sue iafirmities as may prevent him from performing the duties of an active firefighter. Section 2 Exempt members at large. Honorary members exc=pt from active duties shall be of the following classes, respectively: 1. Those who by accident or otherwise may be incapacitated while engaged in the services of the department. 2. All those who have served continuously as active members for a period of 25 years. 3. (Note: Exempt members are those exempt from attendance of duties and meetings.) Section 3 The honorary members may be elected by unanimous vote of those present at the regular meeting. An honorary member shall be entitled to the floor at all occasions, but will not be entitled to vote. Section 4 A Junior Firefighter shall be between the age of 16 and 18 years and be under the same obligations as Section 1, this Article (with noterized consent of parent or guardian) ARTICLE III Officers All officers shall be appointed, as required, to insure proper operation of the depart- ment for non-specific terms of office by the Fire Chief. Officers appointed by the City Coun- cil shall not be effected by this amendment. Section 1 Duties of the Chief It will be his duty to preside at all the n.cetings of the department, to sign all min- utes, resolutions, orders and summons of the department., also the By-laws and amendments. Be shall appoint all committees and officers, not otherwise provided for. He shall have the power and authority to expel or discharge from service any member guilty of ibordination, riotous conduct, or any other infraction of the By-lads or rules governing this department, or anything which might bring shame, distrust, suspicion or dishonor to any member on the department. He shall have charge of fires, disasters, p«araae.'=.caa r'•""'ra' drills, or whatever activity may come up in this department. He may call drills or in.^r^ctio s at his discretion, and shall inspect the equipment, trucks and stations of t%in eepa-tacnt at his discretion. He will re- commend to the City Council any additions, .hnn-es Ern,: wxprovements that he deems necessary and the Council will adhere to. He will have the power and authority as the city ordinances 'M ither constitutions of this department provide for. He shall have the authority to fine any mnm7~cr in the ^mount of and not to exceed on dollar for misbehavior or misconduct during any nct:ivil:y of th-w a department. No member shall be appointed Chief who has not served at least (42) tw•ao yA^rs as an active member, at the dis- crction of the City Council. Section 2 The Assistant Fire Chief It will be his duties to assume the duties of Chief in the absence of the Fire Chief, also to assist the Fire Chief in the running of the department. No member shall be appointed Assistant Fire Chief who has not served at least (1) one year as an active member. Chief and Assistant Fire Chief will be appointed by City Council. Section 3 Captains and Lieutenants It will be their duty to assist in the running of the department as designated by the Fire Chief. Section 4 Secretary It shall be the duty of the Secretary to attend all meetings of the department, keep accurate minutes of all transactions therein. He shall preserve the minutes book, so that the same may be available when called for or needed. He tib.nll keep on file all communications addressed to or laid before the department and shah keep the roll book in good order. Section 5 Treasurer It shall be the duty of Treasurer to receive and keep in charge the Firefighter°s Fund of the department and to make a monthly report. He ^hnll upon assuming his office deposit what- ever funds received by him from his predecc.^or, .'ell as funds received by him for the department from time to time during his to~^^a of of y^.. in a local bank. He shall keep his bnek, books or deposit slips always available to the c.-nd Vn' 7.t a clear and concise statement can be hrd upon request of the Executive Committee,, or ~^nv m-._nbcrs in good standing at a regular meet- ing. He shall keep the books and vouch^ cf "n in or':7i <!nd bills paid or unpaid and shill Wien in funds honor all bills approved by vonr of r nr lrtment. He shall upon leaving his office, transfer all books, vouchers, r:; cu ccescor in office within 10 days from the date of retirement. ARTICLE IV Committees Section 1 The Executive Committee shell be stend4M_- cv7~1-rtt cn- nn6 shall be composed of the Chief, Assistant Fire Chief, Secretary and Tree?surcr. I't- Pha? l be tae duty of the Executive Committee to audit. the books twice as year and report to t1a^ Section 2 The Fire Marshall is an appointed official by t-he City Council. He shall keep correct record of all fire losses, estimated as r.ca rly nccurite as nocsible, daring the year vnd the omnunt of time spent at each fire and s!aa1l report izms to the department at the end of his y 's service. A copy of the report shn11 'ae sent to t1rc City Secretary for forwarein- to "ae State Fire Commissioner in Austin. A^'fiICLE I Wording of Constitution Section I Immediately after the specified time of meeting, the Chief shall call the meeting to c 2r. In the absence of both the Chief € nd A£3^',_stant Chief, the First Captain shall take ctsarge. Section 2 The following order of business shah be observed during the proceedings of the meeting on the first Monday of each month. 1. Roll call. 2. Reading of minutes of previous meeting. 3. Communications, bills, receipts., etc. 4. Report of committees, standing and special. 5. Report of officers. 6. Unfinished business. i. New business. 8. Adjournment. Section 3 Meetings shall be conducted in an orderly mnnner under parliamentary procedure. ARTICLE II Section I It is the duty of each member to obey the department officers in the faithful discharge o_. duties connected with the department. Ench r;crbe- shall promptly respond to the alarm of fire and upon reaching the fire shall report to the officer in charge, take the station assign- ed to him and there remain until relieved. Section 2 Any member guilty of insubordination <snnli. be subject to expulsion, and any member leav- ing has station at a fire without permiv^x.on O. his directinu officer shall be :subject to rep--- mnnd. Section 3 Any member guilty of using, vulgar or insulting lcna xiogca at a fire, meeting, or parade, or any other department assemblies shnil be :rub cc- ao a r-primnnd. Section 4 All members present shall vote yen or nny on n ll motions, applications, resolutions, or questions placed before the department or ntn!:c rcnson for, not doing so when call upon by the Chef. A quorum shall consist of eat fivc. Section 5 Any member found under the influence of i^`o> crating bevern-cs and/or drugs during fire fite parades, or any other duties of t'he e cy nrtment shall be ^uspanded from "he defiart- m indefineitely at the discretion of the ..dative Cc-Inittee*. Section 6 No person shall ride any Southlake Fire Dtnnnrtrncnt corer envy equipment who is not a member of the same department or Fescue Squne, L ^thori7ed by the officer in charge. A- -CLE III Duty of Committees Any member appointed to serve on a cc=ittee a'h^11 :attend to the duties of the appoint- ment and report the amount of progress attcince at t,hc next regular meeting or give reasons w ay such report could not be made at the taln.c.. ARTICLE IV Candidate for Membership Section 1 A person coming for membership must come to (3)), three meeting in succession or close together, be of good character, honest, truthful, end trustworthy, knowing what is expected of t'hc:on Dnd they accepting same. Their acceptance will be by the vote of membership present at such meeting. A one month probation shall exist, if at the and of the probation period, he has proven himself, he shall become a full fledged me-mber of this department and have all the rights and privileges pertaining thereto. Section 2 After becoming a full-fledged member of said department the member will be issued a b,ndge, mcn.bership card and windshield decal by the Chief of the department. Section 3 Members wishing to install lights (red) and siren on his personal car or pickup will be issued a permit signed by the Mayor of the City of Sout.hl,ake and authorized by the Fire Chief, s ;ect to state regulation. Section 4 A member hereby understands that thia e^!!'rgc^cy equipment is not to be used in any gray except operations performed by the City or Southlake Fire Department, authorized by the Fire Chief. At no time shall any equipennt or vehicle_- be rcmovcd from fire stations for personal u.^e, only upon approval by Chief or Anr:'^":nn!: Chief. ARTICLE V It shall be the duty of a member of t.t dcYnrt^*-.^nt aeon learning of the illness of an- other member, to report same to an officer of the dc-~rrtr^ent whose duty it will be to report to the Chief, the Chief shall ascertain h in r_c(,e^ ='y tai,.d to ;.idmini:7ter the same. LLLmitaions: On Funerals $15.00 for flowers to mmn'er-, '~•ife, children, mother end father. 111ness Expenditures: Up to $15.00 on mrn.o r, cz f:~, children, mother and father. A^'"ICLE VI Leave of Absence Any member in good standing desirin^ to l enve t!ie c tv temporarily and desiring to retain iris *membership, may secure a lenve of not c,.ccc*. in three months, by applying to the Chief. Upon returning, he must report ^.c ^,Y to the Chief. If ' member on leave of nb- c-2nt cc remains away for more than three mont't e~!-e be* dropped from the r,^cal4n, unless he is granted an extension of time br t'ho CY ef. A"_ICLE VII Amendments The constitution end by-laws may be amended by n 2/3 vote at next regular or called A^LICLE VIII Excuses Section 1 Excuses for non attendance of duties, i'4re nln-ns, drills and meetings must be personal cness that would unfit him for duty, Ibsencc from the city or such sickness in his family ns would require his attendance and attention. Upon tt4:Zac°ment of a member that it was im- possible to leave his business to attend to :laid dut,c the officer in charge may excuse him. Section 2 Any member wishing to leeve the scene of a fire shn l 'get the consent of the Chief Off- icer in charge to do so providing his excurc es lc t:~^^te. A TICLE IX Volunteer Firefighters are those who according to the by-laws have met the requirements thereof and are duly elected or appointed by the ChieA accordance with this report. AR'TIC'LE X Three unexcused absences shall autorftatically drop a member from the rolls of this de- partment. Each member must attend at least two (2) meetings a month to keep in good standing, ond remain at said meeting until adjourned. ARTICLE XI The limit of volunteer membership shall be 33 Senior members and 10 Junior members. ARTICLE XII All Firefighters shall be expected to mcke 40/4 of n1l Fire Calls. Chief Assistant Chief ~~7` BILLS FOR APPROVAL AT COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 5, 1977: Circle R Electric Co. (W.D.) #17453 $ 52.00 White's Auto Store (W.D., F.D., P.D.) 3/15, 3123, 3/23, 4/1 $ 32.60 Texas Power & Light Co. (W.D.) 2/25/77 to 3/29/77 $ 803.95 Texas Power & Light Co. (City, F.D., P.D.) 2/25/77 to 3/29/77 $ 178.64 Thompson Printing Service (City, P.D.) 3/16/77 $ 41.00 Carter & Burgess, Inc. (City) 3/1.6/77 $ 261.32 Lone Star Gas (City) #174542269501, #174542269401 $ 35.81 Pitney Bowes (City) 5/1/77 thru 7/31/77 $ 33.00 Tarrant County Purchasing (City, P.D.) Office Supplies $ 18.92 The Grapevine Sun (City) 3/31/77 $ 21.84 Texas Fence Supply Co. (City) #46961 $ 325.42 Regional Office Supply (City) #3791 $ 12.40 Tri-County Electric Co-op, Inc. (City) #8140800 $ 105.30 General Telephone (City, P.D., F.D) $ 379.78 Fire Chief ~.bgazine (F.D.) Renew Subscription $ 12.00 Crabtree & Powers Tire & Appliance (P.D.) #2122 $ 271.26 The Muffin Shop Inc. (F.D.) #000743 $ 45.85 Payton-Wright Ford (F.D.) #10631,105.4,10729,11050 $ 106.96 Winn-Dixie Texas, Inc. (P.D.) 3/5/77 $ 6.16 AAA Pump Service (P.D.) #306 $ 37.88 Jordan Shamrock (P.D.) 3/18/77 and 3/24/77 $ 18.15 Gulf Oil Products (P.D.) #0663 $ 708.07 74 OATH OF OFFICE STATE OF TEXAS X COUNTY OF TARRANT X CITY OF SOUTHLAKE X I, Martin Hawk, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the duties of the OFFICE OF MAYOR of the City of Southlake, Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of this City; and I furthermore do solemnly swear that I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered, or promised to pay, contributed, nor promised to contribute any money, or valuable thing, or promised any public office or em- ployment, as a reward for the giving or withholding a vote at the election at which I was elected. So help me God. Q rtin Hawk SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me, this the 5th day of April, 1977. Aliceanne Z. Wallace, Notary Public in and for Tarrant County, Texas. 75 OATH OF OFFICE STATE OF TEXAS X COUNTY OF TARRANT X CITY OF SOUTHLAKE X I, Brad Popkin, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the duties of the OFFICE OF COUNCILMAN, PLACE 2 of the City of Southlake, Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of this City; and I furthermore do solemnly swear that I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered, or promised to pay, contributed, nor promised to contribute any money, or valuable thing, or promised any public office or em- ployment, as a reward for the giving or withholding a vote at the election at which I was elected. So help me God. Brad Popkin SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me, this the 5th day of April, 1977. z Mayor 76 OATH OF OFFICE STATE OF TEXAS X COUNTY OF TARRANT X CITY OF SOUTHLAKE X I, A. C. Urbanosky, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the duties of the OFFICE OF COUNCILMAN, PLACE 1 of the City of Southlake, Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of this City; and I furthermore do solemnly swear that I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered, or promised to pay, contributed, nor promised to contribute any money, or valuable thing, or promised any public office or em- ployment, as a reward for the giving or withholding a vote at the election at which I was elected. So help me God. A. C. Urbanosky SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me, this the 5th day of April, 1977. i Mayor