1977-03-15 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 15, 1977 7:30 P.M. A G E N D A I. Paul Yates Request for Special Alcoholic Use.(Ord.173-A) II. Proposed Subdivision Ordinance. III. Discussion of Mini-Treatment Plant Requirements - Fred Joyce. IV. Texas Power & Light Rate Request. V. Departmental Reports: A. Building Inspections Report. B. Fire Department Report. 1. Resolution No. 77-9: Re Contract for Fire Service. C. Police Department Report. D. Water Department Report. 1. Water District. E. Municipal Court Report. VI. City Administration: A. Resolution No. 77-8: Procedures re Credit Card Usuage. B. Bills for Approval. C. Workman's Compensation Insurance. VII. Planning & Zoning re Hilltop Acres. VIII. Mrs. Pat Craig et al re Tri-County Electric Co-op Rate and Franchise. (Res. No. 77-1.0) I hereby certify that the above Agenda was posted on the bulletin board and front door of City Hall, 667 N. Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, March 11, 1977 at 4:00 P.M. Aliceanne Wallace, City Secy. 54 ro b y CITY OF SOUTHLAKE C n Ox O ~ t4 t'l O t~ d 6 MINUTES OF: Regular Council Meeting O 0 DATE OF MEETING:15 March 1977 H TIME OF MEETING:7:30 P. M. z PLACE OF MEETING:Council Chamber,City Hall NAME 667 N. Carroll Avenue OF Index No. MEMBER Caption Page 1 of 3 Pages COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Wade Booker, Mayor Pro Tem Pat Hawk, Councilmen Ben Berry, Bob Goode, W. 0. Nunn and Colon Sweet. STAFF PRESENT: City Attorney W. D. Campbell, Fire Chief R. P. Steele, Police Chief D. R. Hughes, Building Inspector L. S. Senn. INVOCATION: Councilman Nunn. MINUTES of the last regular meeting were approved as presented. The C.ity,A.ttorney advised the Council that SUBDIVISION the Department of Public Health has action ORDINANCE pending on detailed regulations of septic systems and suggested that this be considered prior to adoption of the proposed ordinance. The Mayor recommended a delay in the adoption of the ordinance at the present time in order to avoid any conflict with state regulations. Council concurred. Following the City Attorney's review of the YATES' CORNER Nunn X I X (facts, Council approved Ordinance No. 161-73A ALCOHOLIC USE Sweet X X granting an alcoholic beverages specific use (Ord.No.161-73e Berry X permit to Rickey E. McPherson on .54 acres of Goode X land out of the Throop Survey, Abstract No. Hawk Abstained - 1511 owned by Paul Yates at 219.0 East Dove and described by metes and bounds therein. i The Mayor informed the Council there would b MINI-TREATMENT a meeting with Freddie Joyce to go over the PLANTS (JOYCE) points he raised in a letter to the Council at a future date (to be announced later)after Council has had the opportunity to study the matter. The Mayor advised the Council the Texas Uti1fTEXAS POWER & ity Commission will make a final decision by LIGHT RATE MATTE April 26th regarding the rate increase re- quested by Texas Power & Light Company and j directed the City Secretary to place the I matter on the agenda for the April 19th meeting. I ~J C C CITY OF SOUTHLAKE cn b 0 c ~ o o z d MINUTES OF: Regular Council Meeting y p DATE OF MEETING:15 March 1977 d H TIME OF MEETING:7:30 P. M. z n PLACE OF MEETING council Chamber,City Hall NAME 667 N. Carroll Avenue Index No. OF MEMBER Caption Page 2 of 3 Pages IThe report on building permits for the month BUILDING PER- lof February was submitted to the Council by MIT REPORTS Larry Senn, Building Inspector. The monthly Fire Department report was given FIRE DEPARTMEN' by Fire Chief Bob Steele. Councilman Goode re- REPORT(AND BY- quested that the matter of the By-Laws be put LAWS) on the agenda for the next meeting to allow RES. NO. 77-9 the Council time for study. Resolution No. 77- COUNTY CONTRAC' Nunn X X 9, wherein the City is contracting with the FOR FIRE SERV. Berry X X County to furnish fire protection outside the Hawk X city limits during 1977 for the sum of $3000 Goode X was adopted by the Council. (Said Resolution Sweet X attached hereto and made a part hereof.) The Police Department report was given by POLICE DEPART- Councilman Nunn who called attention to the MENT REPORT number of calls received during February. He told the Council there is a vacant patrol pos- ition for which the Chief is reviewing appli- Nunn X X cations. Councilman Nunn recommended an in- Hawk X X crease in Officer Tom Lang's salary to $700 Goode X monthly since he is now certified whereupon Berry X Council approved the raise. The City Attorney Sweet X commended Officer Lang on the way he presents his cases in court. The Water Department report was given to the WATER DEPART- Council by Councilman Sweet. He.reported on a~MENT REPORT ANT meeting held at the Trophy Club Estates by I WATER DISTRICT Darrell Johnson,'Engineer with Rady & Associ- MATTER ates;regarding the forming of a water district which would include Southlake and recommended that this be pursued. The Mayor recommended I!no action be taken until the City Attorney ha Thad time to study the matter. Nunn X X ~esolution No. 77-8, attached hereto and made RES. NO. 77-8 Berry X X part hereof, amending Personnel Rules and RE CREDIT CARD Hawk X Regulations by setting forth regulations re- iUSAGE Goode X arding credit card usage by city personnel Sweet X as given Council approval. i I 56 7 ro o p CITY OF SOUTHLAKE G n O O t1-3 d d n d MINUTES OF: Regular Council Meeting dj O p DATE OF MEETING: 15 March 1977 0 TIME OF MEETING:7:30 P. M. z PLACE OF MEETING-.Council Chamber,City Hall NAME `-3 667 N. Carroll Avenue OF Index No. MEMBER Caption Page 3 of 3 Pages Berry X X Following review and questions, the Council APPROVAL OF Hawk X X approved payment of the bills presented as BILLS Nunn X per the attached list. Goode X Sweet X Discussion was had on the merits of having WORKMEN'S COM- orkmen's compensation insurance coverage PENSATION INS. under the Texas Municipal League plan. It was Hawk X X pointed out to the Council that the premium Nunn X X would be less than what is being paid now and Berry X it would be to the City's advantage to carry Goode X the insurance with the TML at renewal time, Sweet X April 19th. Council so approved. The Mayor directed the matter of the Develop- ILLTOP ACRES ers' Agreement to be placed on the agenda for the April 19th meeting, with Mayor Pro Tem Hawk working with the Messina Brothers to finalize same. Citizen Pat Craig, a resident of Trail Creek, ITRI-COUNTY ELEC addressed the Council concerning the high COOPERATIVE utility bills being received by Tri-County RATES AND FRAN- Electric Co-operative customers in the City, CHISE AGREEMENT and raised particular objection to the auto- (RES. N0.77-10) matic fuel adjustment pass-through added to each bill. Several citizens of the large group present voiced their objections, also. The City Attorney explained some of the legal ramifications concerning rates, franchises, Hawk X X service areas on record with the Texas Utilit Sweet X X Commission, etc. Following lengthy discuss- Nunn X ion, the Council acted to hold a rate hearing Berry X of the Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Goode X on June 21, 1977, with the City Attorney to so notify them by mail. Recognition was given to the City Secretary for having achieved the status of Certified Municipal Clerk with the International Insti- tute of Municipal Clerks. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. ATTEST: Mayor I ~g RESOLUTION 77-8 WHEREAS, the City Council f the City - of Southlake did pass and approve Res- olution No. 76-12, adopting olution Rules and Regulations; And, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake does hereby amend said Personnel Rules and Regulations by adding Subsection 4.8 under Section 4, Administrative Policies, setting forth procedures for the use of gasoline credit cards; Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: The following procedures are to be met by all personnel using gasoline credit cards. 1. Credit cards are to be used only for pursuing official city business outside the Metroplex area. 2. Credit cards are for the purpose of purchasing fuel, oil and lubricants only at an authorized dealer. is used 3. All copies of the nhumber, slicensenplateenumberrdand speed- must show the vehicle o-meter reading. 4. Charges made by an employee of the Police Department must be delivered to the Police Chief on return to the city. Charges made by an employee of other departments of the city must be delivered to that department head on his return to the city. 5. Charges for minor vehicle repairs or purchase of tires in case of an emergency may be made only after telephone appro- val has been given by department for 6. The responsibility for issuance of and accountability charges made in each department will rest on the Department Head and he will verify all bills and certify as to their propriety. 7. All charges made shall ultimately be given to the City Secretary for payment. 8. Each Department Head will report credit card expenditures and the necessity for each expenditure as part of the depart- ment's monthly report to the City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED this 15th day of March, 1977. Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary 57 RESOLUTION NO. 77-9 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Article 2351A-3, Revised Civil Statues of Texas, the Commissioners' Court of Tarrant County, Texas, has tendered to the City of Southlake, Texas, the sum of $3,000, in consideration of the Volunteer Fire Department of said city to fur- nish fire protection to real and personal pro- perty located outside of the boundaries of said city and within such distance as such volunteer Fire Department may reasonably be expected to reach and render service in case of fire, and has submitted for consideration its contract in connection therewith; Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: The offer of the Commissioners' Court of Tarrant County, Texas, be, and is hereby accepted and that the Mayor of Southlake, the City, under the attest of the Secretary and seal of the City, be, and is hereby authorized to deliver said contract to the Commissioners' Court of Tarrant County, Texas, for its approval. ADOPTED this 15th day of March, A.D. 1977. APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary 59 c:-ROR i i ;oilr' y Y`ti 1:JVi ♦ o ~uiliii Id IVe Manager Month Of F hru ry 1977 Department of Building Inspection 1. Number of inspections This Last ,Same Month This Fiscal Last Fiscal Calendar Month Month Las; Yacr ' Yoar To Date Year To Date Year To Date Building 13 j 12 10 Electrical 10 7 8 Plumbing 12 11 11 Miscellaneous Total Daily Average 45 38 40 2. Permits issued Building Number 6 2 4 Value $157,112 $44,000 $112,640 Permit Fees $395 $112 $276 Electrical Number j i Permit Fees Plumbing Number Permit Fees Sewer j Number Permit Fees Total All Fees 3. %a,ure of Building Permits Number Of Types Dwelling Plan Check ?ormit Fees Total Fees Valuation Permits Units Foos j 4 Single Family 4 $338 $138,912 2 Family j Multi-Family Commercial Buildings i Industrial Buildings Relocation and Demolish 2 Swimming Pools 57 18,200 Signs it Other Alterations and Additions i To Dweilings To Commercial Buildings To industrial Buildings i 6 Total 4 395 1 $1 C,7 119 4. Building Valuation is Fiscal Year To Date This Calendar Year To Date C- $201,112 La F' 5i Year To Dato Last Calendar Year To Date 01 60 SOU HLAKE FIRE DEPARTXENT MONTHLY REPORT FEBRUARY 1977 I. RESPONSES: Structure Fires 01 Grass Fires 20 Auto Fires 00 Puto Accident-Stand-by-(Rescue Z & Fire Unit) 00 Mutual Aid-Other cities 04 False Alarms 02 Rescue Unit 00 .,ziisc. Alarms 02 A. Gasoline Washdown (Gas purzip knocked over - Villiage Grocery) B. Gas Meter run over (Next to Couch's Grocery on FM Rd. 1938) TOTAL EMERGENCY RESPONSES FOR MONTH 29 KAN/HOURS EXPENDED: Emergency Calls.... * 232 Hrs Meetings (4) Average:15 Men Per Meeting 120 Hrs Maintenance Average Time... o * o-0.00000 09o 00 60 Hrs Training Sessions (2) man hours.included in meetings TOTAL MAN/HOURS FOR MONTH..... 412 Hrs III. FIREFIGHTERS RESPONSES AND NUMBER OF TIMES RESPONDING: Fire Chief Steele ...............27 M. La Favors.....................15 Asst. Chief Bradley .............16 T. Boyer.. ...................18 Fire Marshall Joyce, -11 Randy Steele 10 Capt. Polson ....................15 Bart Stevens 09 Capt. Davis S.'Fertitta................. ...ll Lt. Roper .......................i5 T. Schneider 03 Lt. Shuping .....................07 H. Bradley Jr.................. 03 D.. Dupree .......................11 J. Andrews 13 W. Winchester ...................22 W. Morris 04 J. Polson .......................11 Barney Stevens 09 R. Shelton ......................08 Randy Martin .....05 W. Couch ........................13 K. Wood 01 P. Nolden .......................12 J. French ...01 J. Eddington ....................09 M. Fevchiter............. 01 W. Eddington ....................11 NOTE: EQUIPMENT REPORT: Unit 3003: Pump engine has been fined at Lightbourn Equipment Company, Dallas, Texas; Bill for the repair rent to Fire Bons Equipment Company, Fort Worth; no charge to the City. Unit 3008: is about all equiped-cut in items listed to be purchased by the revenue sharing fund tFire Dept. part - $30+:00.00); Balance to be spent at this time: $89.00. Unit 3005: is in shop for repair on bzz ,cz; (Wheal Cyld.). Unit 3001: O.K. at this time. Unit 3002: O.K. at this time. DROWNING RECOVERY: The total man hours spent on the rcc;ovciy of dro,.:ing victims Gregg Sanders and Bob Bivens at Grapevine Lake was approxim.taly 660 Ears. The number of days until re- covery was complete - 77 days. CATFISH SUPPER: Monday, March 21st, from 5:30 P.M. to 10:30 P.M., the Fire Department will host a Catfish Supper sponsored by the Catfish Hut, Midway Camp, Lake Grapevine. We urge all Councilmen; their wives and children to attend. Proceeds to be used for Uniforms and Emergency Equipment. Resp c _Olly 19 bmi _ed, R. Steele, Fire Chief Southlake Fire Department 61 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT FEBRUARY 1977 Honorable Mayor and City Council: Police Department Report for the month of February, 1977 Tickets issued in January 104 Tickets issued in February 210 Persons in jail in January 16 Persons in jail in February 15 Traffic accidents in January 13 Traffic accidents in February 13 Burglaries investigated in January 3 Burglaries investigated in February 2 Approximate total value taken in burglaries ir. lebruary $74.50 Approximate total value recovered in bur6-laries in February $10.00 Thefts investigated in January 3 Thefts investigated in February 6 Approximate total value taken in thefts in February $1713.08 Approximate total value recovered in thefts in February 0 Number of calls in January 375 lumber of calls in February 608 Speedometer reading on Unit #5 ( 74 Ford ) 69,100 Speedometer reading on Unit #8 ( 75 Ford ) 112,202 Speedometer reading on Unit #9 ( 76 Ford ) 85,704 Speedometer reading on Unit #10 ( 77 Pontiac) 10,309 Miles driven in January 10,557 Miles driven in February 12,232 Respectfully submitted, ~LJ Douglis R. Hughes I Chief of Police SOUTHLAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT URH/mrb WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT Month of FEBRUARY - 1977 Gallons pumped previous month 3,950,100 Gallons sold previous month 4,492,000 New Taps installed for month 2 Meters changed out 5 Line repairs: Materials Two 6" Dresser Couplings Machine Rental $45.00 Other repairs One Main Break on Johnson Road Two Main Breaks in Continental Park Estates Water Superintendent s~ BILLS FOR APPROVAL AT COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 15, 1977: Conoco (oil) #N14632 $ 63.25 Sargent-Sowell, Inc. (City) #H52605 33.32 Xerox Corp. (City) #041899489 41.75 Thompson Printing (City) election ballots 45.00 T P & L Co. (City, Fire Dept.) 1/28/77 to 2/25/77 136.09 T P & L Co. (Water Dept.) 1/28/77 to 2/25/77 682.91 Whites Auto (Water Dept.) #2419 1.58 Aqua Utility, Inc. (Water Dept.) #01446 80.17 Rohan Co. (Water Dept.) #4992 29.60 Tarrant County (City - $ 6.85) (P.D. - $19.96) (Paper Towels - $21.00) 3(Steno Chairs - $45.90@) 185.51 Texas Municipal League (City) #4850 208.00 Whites Auto (City) #2614 parts for hallway 3.23 Whites Auto (P.D.) #2621 tire adjustment 44.50 Jordan Shamrock (P.D.) 3/1/77 8.40 Jordan Shamrock (P.D.) 3/11/77 7.50 Whites Auto (P.D.) #2445 3.50 American Business Machines (P.D.) repair for 2 typewriters 25.00 Gibson's (P.D.) 01292 21.78 Buddies super market (P.D.) #59743 6.16 Bell Communications (P.D. & F.D.) #19520/F.D. 11.00 February 2 35.50 Alstate Fire Equipment (F.D.) #009884 8.00 Crabtree & Powers Tire & Appliance (F.D.) #2039 44.97 64 RESOLUTION 77_ 10 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS WHEREAS, the City Council of Southlake, Texas has had numerous complaints concerning rates being charged by Tri-County Electric Cooperative and particularly the "fuel adjustment charge"; and, WHEREAS, additional complaints were received by the said Council at the regular March 15, 1977 City Council meeting; and, WHEREAS, the said City Council deems it in the best interest of the city and its citizens that a rate hearing be conducted in connection with such matters; I NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City of Southlake, Texas, that the City Attorney of the City of Southlake, Texas be authorized to make proper notice to Tri-County Electric Cooperative that the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas intends to commence a rate hearing at its regular City Council meeting June 21, 1977; that the said City Attorney notify the said utility I company to furnish such rate information as applicable for such a hearing both in connection with the basic rate and the "fuel adjustment charge"; it being the purpose of the City Council of Southlake, Texas to consider both what a fair and reasonable return would be in connection with the utility company's investment as well as continuation of the procedure of the automatic monthly "fuel adjustment charge". ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 15th day of March, 1977 Mayor ATTEST: I i i City Secretary