667 N. Carroll Avenue
Southlake, Texas
February 1, 1977
7:30 P.M.
I. Resolution No. 77-3: Application for Step III
Sewer Project - Continuance or Discontinuance.
II. Resolution No. 77-5: Authorizing Mayor to sign
amendments to Step II Contract per Compliance with TWQB.
III. Resolution No. 77-6: Calling for General Municipal
IV. Citizen Sue Hood re Abandoned Refrigerators.
V. Revised Sub-Division Ordinance.
VI. Mayor's Recommendation re Zoning Changes.
VII. City Administration:
A. Renewal of Alcoholic Beverage License #2.
B. Approval of Bills.
C. TP&L Rate Study.
D. NCTCOG Workshop/Luncheon.
E. Trail Creek Plat.
F. Sale of Office Machinery.
VIII. Police Department Discussion re Manpower.
I hereby certify that the above Agenda was posted on the bulletin board
and front door in City Hall, 667 N. Carroll Avenue on Friday, January 28,
1977, at 3:30 P.M.
City Secretary
ro ro
0 V-3
Z d
MINUTES OF: Regular Council Meeting
G) 0
DATE OF MEETING:1 February 1977
r z TIME OF MEETING: 7:30 P.M.
NAME PLACE OF MEETING: City Chamber, City Hall
OF 667 N. Carroll.Avenue
Index No.
Page 1 of 4 Pages Caption
Mayor Pro Tem Pat Hawk, Councilmen W. 0. Nunn,
Ben Berry, Bob Goode and Colon Sweet.
STAFF PRESENT: City Attorney W. D. Campbell,
Police Chief D. R. Hughes, Fire Chief R.Steele
INVOCATION: Councilman Nunn.
MINUTES of the last Regular Meeting were ap-
proved as presented. Minutes of the Special
Called Meeting held 26 January 1977 were ap-
proved as presented.
Council concerned itself with various issues
of costs of a sewer system. Mayor Pro Tem
Hawk X i d aw ) Hawk moved that "we submit a bond issue to the
Nunn X (with ra n) people for $300,000 for the completion of that
segment of Step III Sewer System and we work
out the details in such a way that we can
place-it on the general election ballot, and
that we work out the details such as assess-
ments and tie-in charges, that we defin6 the
mandatory tie-in requirements, and that we
establish the way in which it will be paid for
that is, whether it will.be by users' rates
or by taxes" and added that Step III will not
e applied for. Councilman Nunn withdrew his
"second". Much discussion followed and com-
ents were received from several citizens
resent. Mayor Pro Tem Hawk withdrew his
Nunn X X notion following more discussion. Mayor Booke RES.NO.77-3
Berry X X read Resolution No. 77-3 aloud which calls for APPLICATION
Hawk X he preparation of the application for Step II FOR STEP III
Goode X and authorizes the mayor to sign such applica-
Sweet X ion. (Said Resolution attached hereto and
made a part hereof.)
Hawk X X erald Lemons of Carter & Burgess, Inc., in- RES.NO.77-5
Nunn X X formed the Council this matter was of a "house AMENDING STEP
Berry X keeping" nature to correct omissions in the II CONTRACT
Goode X riginal contract for Step II. (Res. No..77-5
Sweet X attached hereto and made a part hereof.)
U) En
"J ro 0 0
e~ z ~ ~ d d
d v MINUTES OF: Regular Council Meeting
d ~'y DATE OF MEETING: 1 February 1977
NAME Un PLACE OF MEETING:Council Chamber, City Hall
OF 667 North Carroll Avenue
MEMBER Index No.
Page 2 of 4 Pages caption
Mayor Booker ordered a general election to be RES.NO.77-6
held 2 April 1977 for the purpose of electing CALLING FOR
Nunn X X officers of the city and Council approved of ELECTION
Goode X X the designation of judges, number of clerks,
Hawk X rate of pay, time and place for holding the
Berry X election, and other pertinent details. (Res.
Sweet X No.77-6 attached hereto and made a part hereof)
Council was informed that Ms. Sue Hood was un ABANDONED
able to appear and would ask to be on the REFRIGERATORS
agenda at a later date.
The original subdivision ordinance prepared PUBLIC HEARING
by Carter & Burgess has undergone certain re- RE PROPOSED
visions which were explained to the people SUBDIVISION
present by the City Attorney. Discussion fol- ORDINANCE
lowed. Council agreed that it should be the
body to appoint a "plan administrator". The
Mayor recommended, and Council concurred,that
the adoption of this ordinance be tabled to
the next regular council meeting to provide
an opportunity to review the complete documen .
The Mayor recommended to the Council that the ZONING CHANGE
City initiate re-zoning a tract of land in th RECOMMENDATIO1
S. Freeman Survey, formerly owned by Miles RE LAND NEAR
Pierce. Council agreed to initiate a zoning RAINTREE ACRES
application for single family dwellings at
the next regular council meeting.
Council discussed renewal of Corbett Emery's RENEWAL OF
city license to sell beer for off-premises ALCOHOLIC
consumption, asking the Police Chief if there BEVERAGE
had been any problems related to this matter. LICENSE #2
He replied there had been one. Mayor Pro Tem
Sweet X X Hawk stated he was against r newal o the
Hawk X X license and opposed to (itr`any~e in~heP
Nunn X city. Council agreed to place the matter on'
Goode X the Planning & Zoning 22 February 1977 agenda
Berry X for public hearing and to so notify Mr.Emery.
Nunn X X Having reviewed the list of bills submitted BILLS APPROVEI
Berry X X and questions concerning them answered, the FOR PAYMENT
Hawk X Council approved their payment.
Goode X
Sweet X
1.~2ir UL'' CJ 0%lTY1LT11{E '
Regular Council Meeting
r OF 1 February 1977
7:30 P. M.
PLACE OF N;E_'TINLG; City Hall, Council Chamber
OF 667 North Carroll Avenue
1 Index r a .
Page 3 of 4 Pages Caption
I '
+ Mayor Booker informed the Council that Texas TP&L RATE
! 'Municipal League has undertaken a rate study STUDY
jto be done by Touche Ross in which a number of
I ( (cities are E , participating, and recommended that
j i ~Southlake join with them as Texas Power & Light
is paying for the cost of the study. He fur-
I ther informed the Council he has not submitted
{ I i ! the city's rate study request to the Mayors'
I j I Council Rate Study Committee as yet.(Note: Seel
i I ! (Res. No. 77-2) Council decided to place the
Hawk I X matter on the agenda for the next regular
I {meeting.
Hawk X I I I XlCouncil was informed of the NCTCOG 16 February~NCTCOG 2/16/77
Goode, I Xj I I X 1977 meeting and the topics of the workshops. MEETING
Nunn j X It was agreed that the City will bear the $5
Berry , X per person expense for each councilman wishing
Sweet { I I X to attend, as well as the city secretary.
I Mayor Pro Tem Hawk informed the Council of thq TRAIL CREEK
I I I status of the Trail Creek plat, currently in a1PLAT
I I { I "holding pattern" awaiting a proper amended
~ { I I plat to be filed by the owners involved;
Hawk X j ; X Council authorized the city secretary to sell SALE OF BILLIN(
Nunn { I XI l I I X the electronic billing machine at no less than' MACHINE
Berry I I I X+$500.
Goode I + X
4 ~ I 1 I XI I
Nunn I X 4 j X;Council approved the purchase of three steno-
Berry X~ I j Xlgraphic chairs to be used in the Police Depart
Hawk { I Ximent. I
Goode { X
Sweet I X
{ i { Councilman Nunn informed the Council of grant GRANT FUNDS
I jfunds available to cities for over-time pay (AVAILABLE FOR
I ! I ;for police officers to ensure traffic safety „'TRAFFIC SAFETY
+ { (thereby reducing accidents. The Police Chief
I I I 1pointed out that the additional time spent
I 1 working traffic would generate increased rev- !
j f lenue for the city. Council was further in-
I 1
formed the Police Chief is in the process of
I i I I making application for the grant funds for sixl
( I {officers. Council agreed he should proceed.
CJ i
Yr} T7
t~ 4 !
Regular Council Meeting I
DtiTE OF MEETING: 1 February 1977 +
11.iE OF MEETING: 7:30 P. M. I
NAME PLACE OF MEETING:Council Chamber, City Hall
of I , I
667 North Carroll Avenue
MEMBER ` ! index No.
t Page 4 of 4 Pages j Caption
{ i I Mayor Pro Tem Hawk stated that Bud Bierman wil
! ! be seeking a building permit, probably, for
remodeling purposes.
i ! # There being no further business, the meeting s
! I
i !
I +
! Mayor
f ( ~ I
i ! Ctiy Secretary {
! !
I +
! +
~~E s
r ~ lI i
~ I
! I ! r ~ I
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of
Southlake deems it to be to the best in-
terest for the health and welfare of its
citizens to pursue the construction of a
sewer system; And,
WHEREAS, the Mayor of the City of South-
lake, is in receipt of the application
forms for Step III of the Step Grant Pro-
gram for funding the construction of a
sewer system in the city; And,
WHEREAS, the deadline for filing the
application for Step III is 15 February
1977; And,
WHEREAS, the filing of the application for
Step III funds does not require the City
of Southlake to accept the funds if such
funds are made available; Now,
The Mayor be and is hereby authorized to have Carter &
Burgess, Inc., prepare the aforementioned application for
Stpp III funds.
That the Mayor be and is hereby auhhorized to sign said
application on behalf of the City of Southlake.
PASSED AND APPROVED this day of 1~e 1977.
1y~7k_-'yd'v A, -
City Secretary
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of
Southlake entered into an engineering
contract with Carter & Burgess, Inc.,
for Step II in regard to a sewer project;
WHEREAS, said contract must be revised as
stipulated in the grant conditions con-
tained in paragraph five of the Step II
grant offer; And,
WHEREAS, said amended contract must include
App.C-l.before payment is made for the
work of Step II; Now,
The Appendix C-l be and the-same is hereby-incorporated in-the
contract of the Step II grant offer.-
PASSED AND APPROVED this day of ,C-e b• 1977.
City Secretary
WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Title
28, Chapter 2, of the Revised Civil Statutes
of Texas, it is provided that there shall be
held in each municipality of the State of Texas
on the first Saturday of April of each year a
general election for the purpose of electing
officers of said municipality; Now,
1. The Mayor of the City of Southlake, Texas, at a regular
meeting held this date, does hereby order an election of
officers of the City of Southlake to be held on Saturday,
April 2, 1977, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and Council-
men, for a term of two years, from April 2, 1977, or until their
successors are duly elected and qualified. Candidates for the
offices of Mayor and Councilmen for Place 1 and 2 receiving
the highest number of votes for such office and such places shall
be elected for a term of two years.
2. For the purpose of said election, the entire City of Southlake
is hereby constituted one voting precinct and said election shall
be held at one polling place, to-wit: City Hall, 667 North Carroll
Avenue, between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. on the afore-
mentioned date, and the following persons are hereby appointed as
election officers:
C..-T. Long, - , Presiding Judge
Kathryn Tate, Alternate Presiding Judge
and the Presiding Judge at such election shall appoint no more
than three clerks, with the rate of pay for the Presiding Judge
at $2.00 an hour and a like amount for the Alternate Presiding
Judge, the rate of pay for the clerks fixed at $2.00 per hour;
and the Presiding Judge to receive $5.00 for delivery of the
3. No person shall be eligible for the office of Councilman un-
less he is a qualified elector of the City of Southlake and has
resided in the City for six months next preceding the election
at which he is elected.
4. Any eligible and qualified person may have his name printed
upon the official ballot as an independent candidate for the
offices herein provided for by filing his sworn application with
the Mayor not later than Midnight, March 2, 1977. The applica-
tion shall state the specific office being sought by the appli-
cant and that the applicant is eligible and qualified under the
Laws of the State of Texas, to become a candidate for and hold
the office being sought, if elected.
5. The names of all those who have filed their sworn applica-
tion to have their names printed on the official ballot as can-
didates shall be posted by the City Secretary in a conspicuous
place at her office for the inspection of the public for at least
ten days before she orders the ballots to be printed. All objec-
tions shall be made within five days after such posting, all
written notices filed with the City Secretary setting forth the
grounds of objections. In case no such objection is filed within
the time prescribed, the regularity or validity of the applica-
tion of no person whose name is so posted, shall not thereafter
be contested. The City Secretary shall preserve in her office
for a period of two years all applications, notices of objections
and other related matters.
6. Any person eligible to the offices herein provided for who
has filed his sworn application in accordance with the provisions
of this resolution shall have his name printed on the official
ballots. Any such person may cause his name to be withdrawn at
any time before the official ballots are printed by filing in
writing with the City Secretary a request to that effect over his
signature, duly attested to by a Notary Public. No name so with-
drawn shall be printed on the ballots. Not later than ten days
before the City General Election, the City Secretary shall have
the official ballots printed.
7. The ballots to be used in said election shall be prepared in
the manner and form in the Election Code of the State of Texas.
8. All qualified voters within the meaning of the Constitution
and Laws of the State of Texas, shall be entitled to vote at such
9. Voting be absentee ballot in said election shall commence on
March 14, 1977, at the office of the City Secretary, 667 North
Carroll Avenue; voting by absentee ballot shall close at five
o'clock P.M., March 29, 1977.
10. The election officers above named shall make and deliver
the returns of said election in triplicate, one being retained
by the Presiding Judge, one delivered to the Mayor of the City
and one copy with ballot boxes and all election supplies shall
be delivered to the City Secretary of the City, the ballot box
containing the signature stubs from ballots used in said election
shall be delivered to the District Court of Tarrant County, Texas,
and other ballot boxes and election records and supplies shall be
preserved by the City Secretary in the proper office as by law
provided. The City Council will meet at 7:30 P.M. on April 4,
1977, for the purpose of canvassing said ballots.
11. The Mayor is hereby directed to give notice of said elec-
tion which shall be signed by the Mayor and City Secretary and
shall state the purpose of the election, and the Police Chief
shall post a properly executed copy of the election proclamation
at the polling place herein provided and two copies at two other
public places within the City. Such notices shall have attached
thereto a certified copy of this Resolution.
12. Said election shall be held and conducted in accordance
with the laws of the State of Texas for the holding of general
elections for state and county offices except as otherwise pro-
vided by Chapter 2, Title 28, of the Revised Civil Statutes of
By approving and signing this Resolution, I, Wade Booker, Mayor
of the City of Southlake, Texas, officially confirm as my action
all matters recited in this Resolution which by law come within
my jurisdiction.
PASSED AND APPROVED this 1st day of February, A.D. 1977.
City Secretary
MIENTRAS, de acuerdo con los provisiones
de Titulo 28, Capitulo 2, de las Estatuas
Revisadas Civiles de Tejas, ester proporcionado
que tomara a cabo en cada municipio del
Estado de Tejas en el primer Sabado de Abril
de cada ano una eleccion general para elejir
oficiales de dicho municipio; Ahora,
1. El Alcalde de la Ciudad de Southlake, Tejas, en una sesion
regular aqui ordena, una eleccion de oficiales de la Ciudad de
Southlake en el SAbado, el 2 de Abril, 1977, para la eleccion de
concejales, por un termino de dos anos, desde el tres de Abril,
1977, o hasta que sus sucesores son debidamente eleqidos y cal-
ificados. Candidatos para los oficios de Alcalde.y Concejales
para ellugar 1 y 2 recibiendo el mas alto numero de votos para
tal officio y tal lugares se elegiran por un termino de dos anos.
2. Al efecto de dicha eleccion, la entera Ciudad de Southlake
es por~esto constituida un distrito electoral de votos y dicha
eleccion tomara acabo en un lugar de votos, es as!: Casa
Consistorial, Avenida Carroll 667 del Norte, entre las horas de
7:00 A.M. y 7:00 P.M. en la fecha ya mencionada, y las personas
siguientes son por esto designados como oficios de eleccion:
C-~.W Lang,.= Juez Presidiendo
Kathryn Tate, Juez Presidiendo Alternado
y el Juez Presidiendo a tal eleccion designara no mas que tres
archiveros, con el pago para el Juez Presidiendo a $2.00 una hora
y una cantidad igual para el Juez Presidiendo Alternado, el pago
para los archiveros fijado a $2.00 por hora, y el Juez Presidiendo
reciva $5.00 para los returnos.
3. Ninguna persona sera elegible para el oficio de Concejale
a menos que el es un elector calificado de la Ciudad de Southlake
y ha residido en la Ciudad por seis meses inmediato precediendo
la eleccion a to cual e1 ester elegido.
4. Cualquier persona elegible y calificado tendra su nombre impri-
mido en la balota oficial como un candidato independiente para los
oficios aqui dentro proveido por poniendo enfila su aplicacion
jurado con el Alcalde no mas- tarde que a Medlanoehe, el 2 de Marzo,
1977. La aplicacion declarara el oficio especifico siendo
busacado por el aspirante y que el aspirante es eligible y
calificado debajo los Leyes del Estado de Tejas, hacerse un
candidato por y tener el oficio buscado, si es elegido.
5. Los nombres de todos los que han puesto en fila sus ap-
licaciones jurados tendran sus nombres imprimidos en la balota
oficial como candidatos fijados pro el Secretario dg la Ciudad
en un lugar evidente de su Oficina para la inspeccion del pu-
blico por to menos diez dias antes de ordenar imprimir las,
balotas. Todas objeciones se haran dentro de cinco dias despues
de que tal fijando, todas noticias escritas puestos en fila con
el Secretario de la Ciudad poniendo adelante las causal de ob-
jeciones. En caso de que no tal objecion ester en fila dentro
del tiempo prescribido, la regularidad o validez de la aplicacion
de ninguna persona cuyo nombre no ester fijado,,no sera disputado
despues. E1 Secretario de la Ciudad preservara en su oficina por
un periodo de dos anos todas aplicaciones, notificaciones de ob-
jeciones y otros asuntos relacionados.
6. Cualquier persona eligible a lo$ oficios aqui dentro proveido
a que ha puesto en fila su aplicacion de acuerdo con las pro-
visiones de esta resolucion tendra su nombre imprimido en las
balotas oficiales. Cualquier persona puede causar que su nombre
sea retirado a cualquier tiempo antes de que las balotas oficiales
estan impremidos por poniendo en fila en escritura con el Secre-
tario de la Ciudad una peticion a ese efecto encima de su signa-
tura debidamente dado fe de por un Notario Publico. NinVuna
nombre asi retirado sera imprimido en las balotas. No mas tard.e
que diez dias antes de la Eleccion General de la Ciudad, el
Secretario de la Ciudad tendra balotas oficiales imprimidos.
7. Las balotas usadas en dicha eleccion seran preparadas en la
manera y forma del Codigo de Eleccion del Estado de Tejas.
8. Todos los votantes calificados dentro del significado de la
Constitucion y Leyys del Estado de Tejas seran dado derecho de
votar a tal eleccion.
9. Votando por balota en ausencia en dicha eleccion comengora
en el 14 de Marzo, 1977, en la oficina de el Secretario de la
Ciudad, 667 Carroll Avenida del norte; votando por balota en
ausencia concluira a las cinco de la tarde, el 29 de Marzo, 1977.
10. Los oficiales de eleccion nombrados arriba haran y entre-
garan los resultados de dicha elecci~ en triplicado, uno retenido
por el Jtiez Presidiendo, uno entregado al Alcalde de la Ciudad y
una copia con las cajas electoriales y todas las provisiones de
eleccion seran entregados a el Secretario de la Ciudad, la caja
electorial conteniendo los fravmentos de las signaturas de las
balotas usadas en dicha eleccion seran entregadas al tribunal
del Distrito de Tarrant County, Tejas, y, otras~cajas electoriales
y anotaciones y provisiones de la eleccion seran conservados por
el Secretario de la Ciudad en la propia oficina como ester pro-
veido por ley. El ayuntamiento se reunira a las siete y media de
la tarde el 4 de Abril, 1977, por la intencion de inspeccion
dicha balotas.
11. E1 Alcalde es por,esto ordenado de dar por el noticia de
dicha eleccion que sera afirmado por el Alcalde y por el Secre-
tario de la Ciudad y declarara la intencion de la eleccion, y
el Jefe de~Policia fijara una copia justamente finalizado de la
proclamacion de eleccion al lugar de votar aqui dentro proveido
y dos copias a dos otros lugares publicas dentro de la Ciudad.
Tal noticias tengran aficionados al mismo una copia certificada
de esta Resolucion.
12. Dicha eleccion tendra lugar y conducido de acuerdo con los
leyes del Estado de Tejas para tener las elecciones generales
para los oficios de estado y "county" excepto por los propor-
cionado en Capitulo 2, Titulo 28, de los Estatutos Civiles Re-
visados de Tejas.
Aprobando y firmando esta Resolucion, Yo, Wade Booker, Alcalde
de la Ciudad de Southlake, Tejas, oficialmente confirmo que mi
accion en todos los asuntos recitadoq en esta Resolucion que por
la ley viene dentro de mi jurisdiccion.
PASADO Y APROBADO este dia de 1st de Febrero, A.D. 1977.
Secretario de la Ciudad
Tickets Issued 2146
Fines Paid 40,127.00
Traffic Accidents 127
Burglaries Investigated 42
(Residence 20)
Thefts Investigated 35
Number of Police Calls 3646
Persons in Jail 197
Miles Driven 155,123
Doug as R. Hughes
Chief of Police
Southlake Police Department
Certified Laboratories (City) #68476 $ 65.80
Stafford-Lowdon Company (City) #57742 & #58478 $ 211.14
IBM Corporation (City) #8651310 & #HM62866 $ 704.26
Thompson Printing Service (City) #1/24/77 $ 17.00
Flowers Insurance Agency (City) 1/25/77 - 1/25/78 $ 155.00
Meador-Winn Insurance Agency (City) 10/9/76 - 1/9/77 $1,269.00
Tri-County Electric Co-op. (City) #8140800 $ 100.05
General Telephone Company (City) Svc to 2/19/77 $ 350.21
Lone Star Gas (City & F.D.) Fire Hall & City Hall $ 167.88
Gifford-Hill & Co., Inc. (W.D.) #103762 $ 48.00
Circle R Electric Company (W.D.) #17350 $ 123.00
The Rohan Company (W.D.) #01048 $ 187.12
Gulf Oil Products (P.D.) #A0345 $ 428.83
Jordan Shamrock (P.D.) 1/18/77 & 1/25/77 $ 10.00
Jimmy R. Parker-Exxon (P.D.) 1/18/77 $ 4.00
Metro-Lex Supply (P.D.) #000711 $ 2.52
Miller Muffler, Inc. (P.D.) #10582 $ 22.46
Buddies Super Markets (P.D.) #59665 $ 10.03
Kircher Pontiac Inc. (P.D.) 1977 Pont. Lms. 05030 $4,574.11
Bell & Howell (.P.D.) #A-65187 $ 8.25
Smith Municipal Supplies, Inc. (P.D.) #17847 $ 43.38
Watco Air Conditioning (P.D.) #02803 $ 22.00
McClure's Monogram I Emblem Co. (P.D.) #1078 $ 90.00
Metroplex T.V. (P.D.) #1349 $ 13.02
Sargent-Sowell, Inc. (P.D.) #H48231 $ 51.75
White's Auto Store (P.D.) 1/27/77 $ 2.66
Motor Supply Company (F.D.) #95981 $ 4.74
N. Texas Firemen's and Fire Marshall's Assn. Annual Dues 1977-1978 $ 10.00
Motor Parts Center (F.D.) #A16919 $ 23.43
Southwest Marine (F.D.) 1/7/77 $ 12.50
Allstate Fire Equipment (F.D) #009675 $ 19.00
Evinrude Service (F.D.) #F 551845 $ 34.95